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Flight of the Renshai fotr-1

Page 71

by Mickey Zucker Reichert

  Erik's mouth worked for several moments without a word emerging. "Fine, so be it.We issue another challenge, our champion against the Renshai in single combat with the same end point."

  Saviar smiled. "And we accept your challenge."

  Caught behind Georan, Ra-khir could barely reach a kick to his son's unsuspecting shin.

  Valr Magnus grinned. "You against Calistin, Erik? I'd pay money just to watch."

  The corners of Erik's mouth drooped. His nostrils flared. "But you're our champion, Valr. You're the best swordsman in the North. We need you."

  "As I understand it," Valr said coolly. "I was not a signatory and, so, never bound by the agreement."

  Betrayed by his own words, Erik growled something Northern before shoving aside his chair with great violence and storming from the room. It was all Verdondi could do to scramble out of the way and rush after his father.

  Silence reigned in the Nordmirians' wake. For now, Ra-khir realized, they had won the battle. But they could not afford to lose the war. The West still needed the North's ore, and its sword arms, against the threat of Kjempemagiska. Angering a man representing the high Northern kingdom seemed folly. Yet, for the moment, Ra-khir was ecstatic. As a Knight of Erythane, he had a dedication to justice and truth that transcended even such alliances.

  Calistin stretched and rose, seemingly unfazed by the actions of those around him. "General Magnus, I'll take that handshake now." He offered his palm.

  Valr Magnus took it and, not only shook, but pulled Calistin into an embrace.

  For the first time in many years, Calistin did not stiffen or pull away from the contact. He seemed almost to relish it.

  Surprised by a tiny pang of jealousy, Ra-khir still smiled. Something enormous, something he could not define, had gotten into Calistin. And maybe, just maybe, changed him for the better.

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