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His: MMF Bisexual Holiday Romance

Page 10

by Chloe Lynn Ellis

  “No, this way,” Luke says when I kneel down next to Aiden, directing me to turn and face Aiden’s hard, thick cock.

  His voice is husky with the promise of what’s to come, and my clit throbs in response, making me moan with anticipation. Luke takes my hand in his and wraps my fingers around Aiden’s hot length, and Aiden groans softly as I begin to stroke him, my hand sliding up and down his shaft.

  “Good girl,” Luke whispers, walking around the bed to stand behind me.

  I shiver at the praise, and then hear the soft rustle and clink of him unlocking one of Aiden’s wrists… the whisper of silk as Luke takes off Aiden’s blindfold.

  “You’ve been so well-behaved, Aiden,” Luke says from behind me. “I think you can be allowed to watch now.”

  A hot tingle of pleasure spikes in my core as I picture the view Aiden has of me from behind, and when he whispers my name—voice low and appreciative and drawn out into a hiss of pleasure as I unconsciously tighten my grip on his cock in response—I arch my back, preening a little for his pleasure.

  Luke laughs softly, and I feel the heat of his palm on the curve of my ass. “Our beautiful Virginia gave herself away before she was able to come,” he says. “Make it up to her, Aiden.”

  Luke’s hand strokes up from my ass, tracing my spine, and then I feel a gentle pressure between my shoulder blades. Luke pushes me down onto all fours, and with my face just inches from Aiden’s erection, Aiden starts thrusting into my hand as I stroke him.

  My breath starts coming in short, hard little gusts, and I’m almost shaking as I wait for Luke to tell me what to do next. Still, when I feel two short, gentle taps on the back of my thighs, it takes me a second to realize that he wants me to spread my legs.

  As soon as I do, I hurry to obey… and then moan when I’m rewarded with the sensation of fingertips slowly tracing over my pussy, teasing up and down my slit. Aiden. I tremble as his fingers dip inside me, gathering my own wetness as lube before moving to tease my clit.

  “Beautiful,” Luke says. His voice is husky with lust, and I look up as he steps around the bed and back into my field of vision.

  Luke’s cock is a hard, huge bulge in his pants, and my mouth almost waters. He puts a hand to his chin as he watches Aiden finger me, smiling as I moan. I’m panting, eager, my hot juices running down my thighs as Aiden fucks me with his hand.

  “But something’s missing,” Luke says after a few moments, almost to himself. “What could it be… oh, I know.” He snaps his fingers and gives me a wicked grin. Luke’s hand sinks gently into my hair, holding me fast as he draws my head down to Aiden’s groin. He takes Aiden’s cock in his other hand, tracing the fat head against my lips. “You know what to do, Virginia,” he says, and oh, God, I do.

  Aiden tastes amazing, the hot thickness of him filling my mouth the way his strong fingers are filling my pussy. I moan around him, the sound vibrating through him and making him suck in a breath.

  “That’s it, that’s my girl,” Luke groans as I begin to bob up and down on Aiden’s length. I look up to see Luke watching, standing over us as Aiden and I pleasure each other. “My beautiful, fucking sexy, perfect partners,” Luke says, his voice hoarse.

  Aiden groans, his fingers curling inside of me a way that makes my eyes go wide. With all of the excitement of watching them and my own almost-orgasm, it’s not going to take Aiden long to finish me off. And from the way I can feel him pushing into my mouth, it won’t take him very long either. I speed up and almost wail as Aiden’s hand does the same, the intensity of my pleasure almost too much to bear, too good to bear.

  But at the same time, I need more. I look up at Luke, hoping he can see the begging expression in my eyes.

  When Luke’s eyes meet mine, I know he understands. I watch as he takes off his pants, his eyes locked on Aiden and me. His amazing cock springs free, huge and hard, and I can’t help but push back on Aiden’s fingers in my excitement. “Is this what you want, Virginia?” Luke asks me as he strokes himself slowly.

  If my mouth wasn’t full of cock right now, I’d be shouting YES! As it is, I’m able to give him the tiniest nod.

  Luke smiles and walks to our side of the bed. I hear the sound of the nightstand drawer opening and closing. Aiden’s fingers stop, then withdraw, and I groan in frustration, earning a hiss from Aiden. I don’t need less, I need more—

  “Did you think we were stopping, Virginia?” Luke asks as he grips my ass with one big hand, pressing the head of his cock against my dripping pussy. “Aiden, put your hand here…” I feel Aiden’s touch return, this time his fingertips slowly teasing my clit as Luke pushes into me, his pace agonizingly slow and deep. “And now,” Luke says in my ear as my pussy stretches around him, his fingertips slipping into the cleft of my ass. “Let’s try something new.”

  I feel a cold, wet pressure against my asshole and my eyes go wide. OH. Luke’s thumb presses into me, circling in the same way Aiden’s fingers circle my clit, and I whimper. When Luke adds a second finger and begins to thrust in and out of my ass, I start to understand what “something new” he has in mind.

  Aiden’s staring at me and Luke, his gaze dark with desire, and I tighten my lips around him, making him push up against my mouth. His touch on my clit, his dick filling my mouth, Luke tracing the head of his hard cock against my waiting ass… it’s too much. I feel my legs start to tremble, my heart beating so hard I’m sure they can both hear it. Hot pleasure is racing through me, wild and unstoppable, and I give myself over to it.

  When Luke begins to slowly, slowly press his cock into my ass, I think I’m going to explode. I’m trapped by sensation, trapped between my two wonderful men; so full of them, so full of delicious feeling, that a dam inside me threatens to overflow.

  “Fucking come for me, Virginia,” Luke groans. “I want to watch you come with your mouth around his cock, with mine stuffed in your perfect ass.”

  Aiden shudders at Luke’s words, and I feel myself cresting, my ass clenching around Luke’s thickness with a series of little spasms that leave me gasping around Aiden’s dick.

  “Ginny, Gin,” Aiden pants, his fingers mercilessly rubbing my clit. “Ease up, I’m gonna—”

  But I don’t want to ease up: I want to taste him, I want to feel him explode in my mouth. I tighten my lips as my body begins to shudder, speeding up my movements so that I’m slamming back against Luke and plunging Aiden into my throat, as deep as I can take both of them. Aiden cries out in pleasure and bucks up into my mouth, his hand still working my clit as he floods my tongue with salty heat. It’s the last piece of the puzzle, the last thing I need—my mind goes blank, nothing left but the ecstasy roaring through me.

  “Perfect,” I hear Luke moan from somewhere far away. He drives into me once… twice… and then he shudders against my ass, going still.

  I don’t want to move. Don’t want him to move, but after leaning forward to kiss the nape of my neck, he pulls out, staggering a little as he sits down on the bed. Instead of resting, though, he immediately moves to release Aiden. He rubs at Aiden’s wrists and ankles—always taking care of us—and motions for me to get Aiden’s other leg and do the same.

  Wordlessly, the three of us curl up together, exhausted and sated, and warmth spreads through me, a lazy, languid peace totally at odds with my sore jaw and ass.

  I wouldn’t trade it for anything in the world.

  Curled up with my head on Aiden’s chest, Luke’s arm slung around us both, I have everything I could possibly want.

  Chapter 11


  Christmas morning I wake up with a smile on my face. Don’t think I’ve ever done that before, not even when I was a kid; maybe when I was real, real little, before I realized exactly how messed up my family was, but probably not.

  But now, though, I can’t seem to wipe this grin off my face. The sun is bright, making the snow on the windowsill sparkle like diamonds, and the sky is a perfect, cloudless winter blue. Boston looks like a paintin
g from up here.

  All that beauty is nothing compared to the two people I’ve got lying beside me in Luke’s huge bed. Ginny’s sprawled out in the middle, taking most of the space despite her tiny frame, and Luke and I border her on either side like a pair of bookends, our limbs crossing over her soft body, intertwined. Luke has one hand possessively on her breast, cupping it like she’s a teddy bear. Cute as hell, not to mention hot.

  I try to slip out of bed as carefully as possible. Don’t want to wake them, I just want to get a drink. Cup of cocoa to start off what is already the best Christmas morning of my entire life.

  It’s funny: I thought this year was going to be just like the last few: lonely, empty, with bad takeout pizza and the Peanuts Christmas special on my crappy laptop. Nobody to share it with, nobody to laugh with, to care about.

  And now… I shake my head, still smiling. I’ve just got this happiness welling up in me, this kind of buoyant hope for the future. That’s new, too. I never thought this kind of life was possible, a life full of love, with people who know me and who accept me completely. It’s like nothing I’ve ever felt, nothing I thought was even possible.

  But here they are, just like they have been for the past week, coming together with me to build what feels like home. I hear Ginny in the bathroom while I’m making the cocoa and so I put a pot of coffee on; if she’s up, that means Luke will be out in a second. As confident and as self-contained as Luke seems, we noticed real fast that he doesn’t like being the only one in bed. It makes me grin, thinking about how somebody so forceful and powerful can be such a snuggler. I flip the switch to light up the Christmas tree, the multicolored lights sparkling on the ornaments. It’s just a little tree, fresh and new like the three of us together. I think it fits.

  Just as I figured, the coffee pot is just beeping to announce it’s done when Luke steps out of the hallway, moving around the kitchen bar to give me a good morning kiss. “Merry Christmas,” he says softly.

  I look into those intense, blue eyes, the eyes that made it so easy to smile the first time I saw him, despite everything going wrong in my life, and I let myself smile back. “Merry Christmas, Luke.” Shit, how long has it been since I said that and actually meant it?

  “Awwwww!” Ginny says, and we both turn to see her perched on one of the stools at the kitchen bar counter, her head propped on her hands and looking at us dreamily.

  “Brat,” Luke smiles, and she bats her eyelashes at him comically even though I know the nickname hits home. After all, it hits me where I live, too. “Thank you for making coffee, Aiden,” Luke says, his hand sliding across my lower back as he passes me and gets down a mug for himself and Ginny. We take our drinks—two cocoas, one coffee—and settle down in the living room. Luke turns on the fireplace, and reaches for the first present under the tree.

  Presents are nice, but I’ve already got everything I could possibly want: I got these two, and, thanks to them, I have a home. No matter what happens, they’ve shown me that I deserve to be loved and treated well, and nobody can take that away from me.

  It’s the best gift anyone could have given me.

  “I think this one’s for you, Ginny,” Luke says, passing the box her way, and I recognize my own crummy wrapping paper job. I tried, I really did, but there’s a reason they won’t let me do it at work.

  She tears into the paper like a kid, and suddenly, the light on her face makes me feel a lot better about how much wrapping paper actually matters. She lifts up the t-shirt I got her and squeals with glee. “Aiden, I love it!” she says, coming over to give me a sweet thank you kiss. I pull her onto my lap and she giggles. These two make me so happy. We go back and forth like that for a while, trading until there are only two small boxes left.

  Luke hands me one, then gives the other to Ginny. I open mine to see a really nice, masculine bracelet, sleek and simple. It’s a bright silvery metal, white gold I think, and inside its shining loop is a plain metal key.

  Ginny sucks in a breath next to me and I look over to see she has a simple, pretty necklace, rosy gold like Luke and I talked about. There’s a tiny heart with a key suspended from the delicate chain. And another key, the twin to the one I have, nestles into the black velvet of the jewelry case. “Is this what I think this is?” Ginny asks Luke, gnawing on her lower lip.

  Luke takes a deep breath. “I know it’s very early,” he says. “But I want you both to have your own keys here. I want you to be able to come and go whenever you want to, to feel like this is your home, too. I won’t ask you to move in, not yet, I know it’s too soon. But…” He trails off, then spreads his hands wide, smiling at both of us, and shrugs. “I don’t care how long it’s been. I can’t imagine two people I’d rather have by my side, two people who I’d rather have belong to me. And I belong to you, too.”

  I have no words to thank Luke for this, to express how full my heart feels at his invitation to create a home with him.

  But I do have kisses, and those’ll have to speak for me.

  Chapter 12


  I did something today that I haven’t done in a long time: I took a risk with my heart. Frankly, after what had happened to me the last time I went there, it was terrifying. Baring my soul like that, giving Aiden and Ginny their keys, it was all terrifying... but was in the best possible way: the way that reminds you that you’re really, truly alive.

  After Corrina, everything inside me had felt gray. Locked up and lifeless and lonely as hell. I didn’t think I would find someone who was everything I needed, or be able to entrust my heart to someone again; there was too much uncertainty, too much danger involved in that.

  But now, I know better. I know that, with Ginny and Aiden in my life, I’m safe, and my heart is safe. And if I get to spend the rest of my life making both of them feel as happy and secure as they make me feel, I’ll consider it a life well lived.

  There’s a snowstorm outside, the white flakes stark against the deep black of the night, but in here, everything is light and warmth. We spent all day together; cuddling, watching movies, talking about our families. I can’t wait to introduce them to my family back in Arizona; my parents are going to love them, and I think that both Aiden and Ginny could use that in their lives. It makes me smile, the idea of being able to provide a true family. I realize, looking at them, that I already have one, right here. And I don’t want to ever lose them.

  “Stay,” I ask them, then roll my eyes at my own sudden awkwardness. Self-consciousness doesn’t happen to me, but I guess it just did. I clear my throat. “Please,” I say. “I want you both to stay with me tonight.”

  Ginny looks at me, her eyes sparkling. “I don’t know,” she says, her tone teasing. “We’ve been sleeping over a lot lately, and I was kind of thinking about sleeping in my own bed. Unless you have some kind of reason why I should stay?” She looks at me impishly.

  Fuck, she’s everything I could ask for in a woman, sweet and hot as hell, sassy despite that submissive streak she’s got that’s a mile wide. And she’s caring, and smart, and I’m so damn proud to have her as mine.

  “Oh, I’ll give you a reason,” I mock growl, lunging for her.

  She squeals as I scoop her into my arms, laughing delightedly as I spin us around.

  I grin at Aiden. “How about you stick around, too, and help me teach our girl here a lesson about back talking?”

  Aiden’s eyes light up, and he licks his lips. “How can I say no to that?” He steps close, bending down to kiss me as Ginny watches us raptly. I can practically feel her trembling with excitement as my tongue explores Aiden’s mouth. I love the way his lips feel against mine, the way he tastes, the way he bends into me. I love Ginny’s weight in my arms, I love the soft heat of her body pressed between me and Aiden. I love it all. I love… them.

  Both of them.

  My heart seems to stop as it hits me. It’s so obvious. I love them.

  “Bedroom,” I order, my voice hoarse with choked emotion. Aiden follows me
as I carry Ginny, my mind still whirling with my realization that I love them. My thoughts are filled with all the things I want to do to—and with—my partners.

  With the idea that this could be forever.

  Ginny laughs as I toss her onto the bed. Aiden crawls up next to her, pulling off his shirt as he goes. I never thought my bed, my life, would be full of this kind of joy. It’s never been this good, not with anyone I’ve ever been with. Definitely not with Corrina, even at our best. Aiden and Ginny look up at me, and I’m struck by the warmth and excitement I see in their eyes. They’re both mine, and I am utterly, completely theirs. I swallow the lump that’s forming in my throat. “What are you two waiting for? Strip,” I say.

  What follows is a flurry of activity, of laughter, as Aiden and Ginny get into what could only be described as a wrestling match, each trying to get the other’s clothes off in the shortest amount of time. They look at me expectantly, and Ginny reaches a hand to snag my belt loops, pulling me close to the bed. “Greedy girl,” I tease her, and Aiden tweaks one of her lovely, pink nipples. She yelps and retaliates by tugging his hair in a way that we both know he loves.

  I tease, but I’m not going to keep them waiting. I divest myself of my clothes, and pull open the nightstand drawer for the lube before joining them on the bed. I sit with my back against the pillows, pulling Ginny toward me until she’s straddling me. She moans deliciously, grinding the heat of her beautiful sex against my cock, and I can feel the slick heat of her on my skin.

  “So beautiful,” I tell her, kissing at her neck, her lovely breasts. She almost purrs, arching into my touch and closing her eyes. I beckon to Aiden, and he kneels behind her, between my legs. The beauty of threesomes is that it allows for many different combinations, and this is going to be Ginny’s first time in this particular situation. We’ll have to go slow, but the eagerness written all over Aiden’s gorgeous face hits home; after all, it’s exactly how I feel.


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