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“Whoa. What’s going on here?” She hurried toward them.
Wendy looked up, her cheeks stained with tears.
“Get in the truck.” The older lunewulf ignored her and pulled open the passenger door, shoving Wendy forward.
“Like hell she is.” Jaynie grabbed the guy’s shoulder, shoving him out of the way and then taking Wendy’s arm. “Let’s go.”
“I’ve about had enough of you, bitch.” The lunewulf had some foul-smelling breath.
“That makes it mutual. You have no right to her, and you damn well know it.” Anger rushed through her, her bones popping while her muscles started growing.
No way could any of them allow the change while outside the human bus terminal. But a little strength wouldn’t hurt anything in dealing with these lowlifes.
“You don’t have your Cariboo here to protect you this time,” the lunewulf sneered, glancing over her shoulder.
The little hairs on the back of her neck prickled. Anger smelling so spicy she almost sneezed filled the air around them. “I’ll give the unruly one here a lesson on how much I do have a right to Wendy,” someone said from behind her.
Strong hands clamped down on her shoulders. The lunewulf behind her reeked with so much outrage she drowned from the stench of it.
“She’s my dead brother’s mate. And now she’s mine,” he whispered in her ear. “Get both of them in the truck.”
* * * * *
Perry glared at Johann.
“Head home, Roth,” the pack leader said, a bit too calmly. “I’ll call you if I need you.”
“They’re at the Amyx den. They’ve got to be. Won’t take too much if you simply head over there and explain to them that our den doesn’t approve of them having the bitches.” Frederick Rousseau, a silver-haired lunewulf, hugged his mate reassuringly while addressing the pack leader.
“We’ve scoured the entire city. I’ve got pack members with the police force keeping an eye out for them. I’ll head over to their den. If they’re there, we’ll bring them to you.” Johann nodded to the older Rousseau couple.
No way would Perry simply go home, being dismissed as if his services were no longer needed.
“I’ll meet you over there.” He’d keep this simple.
Johann headed toward his truck, giving Perry a sideways glance. “You’ve known her a day, Roth. You’re running on too many emotions right now. That’s not what I need in a tracker.”
Perry wouldn’t honor the comment with a response. Storming over to his Expedition, he climbed in and stuffed the key in the ignition. Responding to Rousseau’s comment would have brought a lie from him. He’d deny such emotions. And he wouldn’t insult his pack leader like that. His emotions were running strong. A little lunewulf bitch had gotten under his skin. He needed to find her, know where she was. Never had his protector’s instinct coursed through his blood with such vengeance.
Gripping his steering wheel, he hated Rousseau for being right. The emotions that tore at him must smell worse than yesterday’s trash. In as little as twenty-four hours, he’d fallen hard for a bitch who shouldn’t appeal to him at all. Headstrong and disobedient, she’d run from him and then managed to disappear. He’d combed the neighborhood looking for her after she left her den. No werewolf got away from him. Yet she’d managed it. Within blocks of her house he’d lost her scent. He’d combed the area, covering well over twenty blocks of neighborhood and hadn’t found her. After a couple of hours he knew that she’d obviously gone in an opposite direction from him, and had hightailed back to where he’d initially lost her scent.
His common practice when losing the scent of a werewolf he tracked would be to start questioning nearby dens, see who’d seen them last. But Johann had called him, bringing him in. He’d been forced to give up looking for her.
After watching her kick ass while taking on the Amyx den, he almost pitied the fools if they had managed to take her to their den. She’d tear the place apart.
Maybe time to clear his head would do him some good. He knew her scent still lingered on him. It had driven him nuts most of the day. Johann would have smelled her on him, would have known he’d fucked her. Not that he’d deny that. Hell, he couldn’t wait to have her again.
By the time he reached his cabin, he’d convinced himself a nap was in order. Being up all night and then not enjoying his usual respite the first half of the day had to be affecting his line of thinking. No female got under his skin this fast, or this hard. And hard was an understatement. His cock had throbbed throughout the day thinking about where Jaynie might have disappeared to and what he’d do once he found her.
After a quick shower, he collapsed on his bed, her smell wrapping around him as he closed his eyes. No way would he fall asleep any time soon.
It took a few minutes for him to register that his phone was ringing. Grumbling, he rolled onto his back, the pressure in his groin immediately bringing him fully awake.
“What?” his voice cracked, sleep leaving him groggy.
“I need your help.” There was worry in Johann’s tone.
Perry sat up, grabbing his hard cock, willing all the blood that had rushed there back into his body. His breath came out with a hiss. “What’s wrong?”
“The two bitches, Jaynie and Wendy, have disappeared.”
Perry leapt out of bed, almost sending the top drawer of his dresser flying when he pulled it open looking for underwear. He should have fought the pack leader, insisted on tracking Jaynie until he had her.
“Where are you right now?”
“Just left the Amyx den. I sent two werewolves after their scent. But I want you on this.”
Perry wouldn’t tell the pack leader he’d finally come to his senses. One glance toward his only window in the cabin and he realized he’d slept a hell of a lot longer than he’d thought. Darkness had settled.
“If that Amyx den hurt them…” He would personally hold Johann Rousseau responsible. He let his threat go unspoken.
Johann’s relaxed nature grated on Perry’s nerves more times than not. Now was no exception.
“That den was in an uproar over those two bitches. Sounds like Jaynie tore into a few of them, destroyed more than a few pieces of furniture and then escaped with her cousin.”
“The entire Amyx den deserves their throats clawed out.”
Johann ignored his comment.
“I’m more concerned for Wendy at this point. Sounds like Jaynie is more than a bit wild. I believe wicked was the term the Amyx den used for her.” He chuckled at that. “Not sure what I’m going to do with her.”
Perry knew exactly what he was going to do with her. “I’ll let you know when I have them.”
He hung up the phone, tying his clothes around his waist instead of dressing. He grabbed a small blanket and folded it before sliding it under his clothes. In his fur, it would look like he’d secured a saddle to his back, but he didn’t give a rat’s ass. Once he found the little bitch, he would take all the time needed to talk sense into her. Running away from him instead of to him wasn’t her smartest move.
There were at least three males in the Amyx den that he’d had the displeasure of meeting. Jaynie had been dragged into their den, forced to protect her cousin and take all of them on as well. Damn impressive that she’d escaped.
But where had she gone? There were werewolves tracking her. Probably meant they’d chased her even farther into the wilderness. She wouldn’t plan on leaving the pack.
Wherever she went, he’d find her. That hot little bitch defied every rule in the book. Running on her own, taking her cousin with her…
Fire burned through his veins. Muscles quivered, contorting and changing. A howl escaped him as the change ripped through his body. Jaynie had no fear of running into any situation, taking on anyone. That’s how she’d entered his life.
If another werewolf got his hands on her, or God forbid, if it were a Cariboo…
His spine hardened, blood rushing through his veins while h
is heart pumped harder than his human body could handle. Thoughts of another male touching her, fucking her, taking what was his…
Perry screamed, bolting out the door that he’d yet to fix before the change had completely taken over his body.
Fur spread through his hardening flesh, the prickling sensation devouring him while his face changed, his mouth and nose growing. The color of night changed, shadows fading as his vision grew more acute. He took in the night air, many scents invading him while he dug through the earth with long, extended claws.
Taking a wide curve around town, he reached the backside of the Amyx den, moving quietly through the predominantly werewolf neighborhood until he picked up the scent of where werewolves had recently taken off running. Years of tracking made it easier to pull out scents in the air. The only ones he focused on were those of the trackers, and the marks in the ground where they’d stampeded into the night.
He hadn’t bothered to ask Johann who he’d sent off to hunt down the females. Other males stalking her, trying to bring her in, didn’t sit well with him at all. Assuming Johann had called right after sending the trackers after Jaynie and Wendy, he’d give them no more than a fifteen-minute lead on him. Reaching high speed in minutes, he didn’t slow until well beyond the city limits of Prince George. Then keeping his nose close to the ground, all senses on red alert, he picked up their scent, stronger than it had been at the den.
Crouching over the ground, he watched the fools Johann had sent out. Obviously he had little to worry about with these pups chasing Jaynie. She’d run them around in circles before they realized what she’d done. The noise they made was enough to send all wildlife in the area running.
Circling around them unnoticed, he focused his attention on Jaynie’s scent, letting his instincts take over. Possessive instincts, raw and unleashed, tracking a female whose fire ran through her veins as hot and wild as it did through his. Before he’d met her, he would have denied a bitch like that would be a good mate. But now, he clearly saw how she could be the only mate for him. No one else would be able to handle her.
No one else would ever touch her.
Chapter Six
Sleep sounded better than anything else at the moment. It had been a good fifty-mile run to the next town where there was a bus station. After seeing Wendy off safely, knowing she’d be in Banff later that day with relatives who were excited to see her, took a load of worry off her mind. The Amyx den wouldn’t mess with her cousin anymore.
The sun rested on the horizon, glaring at her. No way would she be able to run back to Prince George in broad daylight. Wendy had promised to call her parents as soon as she reached Banff and then they would know she was all right. For now, the only way she’d be fine was if she slept.
Sitting in her fur, muscles growing heavier the longer she didn’t move, she stared at the undeveloped wilderness that spread out below her and stretched for miles beyond her vision. Her eyes burned.
Maybe a small cave. There were rocky cliffs scattered along the river. Just anywhere to lay her head for a few hours. Exhaustion hit so hard that nothing else mattered.
There were no caves, but after an hour’s search a back wall of hard rock, with two boulders protecting her on either side, looked as good a cozy bed as anything she’d ever seen. Curling up in her fur, she crashed into a deep slumber.
Hours had to have passed. Waking up so stiff she’d swear she’d slept on pure rock, she blinked several times. Oh yeah…she had slept on rock. She stretched, stiff muscles crying out. Yawning, she inhaled a hell of a lot more than the smells of the great outdoors.
Werewolf. And very, very close.
She jumped to her feet. Cold, fast-moving water, filled with fish that pranced without a care, tumbled over rocks several yards from her. A chilly white sky brought crisp air. A damn near perfect day, kick-ass surroundings, enough food and shelter to make the place close to paradise.
Except she wasn’t alone. Whoever it was better damned well show their face, and soon. She growled, just in case the ass thought they dealt with some helpless female. Maybe she’d been an exhausted one but right now she was more than ready to take on anyone with nerve enough to come on to her while she slept.
Sniffing the air, she looked above her. The largest Cariboo she’d ever laid eyes on sat on the rocks above her. Tall and proud, his chest broad with muscles rippling visibly under a thick white coat. He gazed over the land, surveying it like a king. Long, thick, daggerlike canines pressed against his lower lip. The dangerous predator, confident and alert.
Jaynie’s heart beat too hard to catch her breath. Slowly he lowered his head, meeting her gaze with piercing silver eyes. He returned her growl, the cocky low rumble sending hot tingles rushing through her.
Unable to move, her mouth went dry watching him stand, stretch slowly and begin descending the rocky terrain.
Run! Fucking run like your life depended on it!
She sat wide-eyed, heat rushing through her while roped muscles flexed under his thick, coarse hair. Never had she laid eyes on a more beautiful creature. So magnificent, with raw strength emanating from him. God. She swore his power had a scent all its own.
Perry moved over the rocks with little effort. Not even nature inhibited him. And he’d sat up there, keeping watch over her while she napped. The protector, a dominant in the purest sense. She should have known he’d be able to find her.
Finally able to regain control of her body and her senses, she jumped to her feet when he reached the flat slab of ground where she’d napped. His scent overwhelmed her, soaking through her, demanding her submission.
She let out a low growl. That isn’t going to happen. Don’t think for a second I’m going belly-up for you.
His growl vibrated the rock underneath her. Standing over her, he was fucking tall enough that she could have darted underneath his chest, raced through his legs and jumped to her freedom. Except for the long thick cock that hung between his hind legs, hard and aimed right at her. She swallowed the thickness in her throat and lifted her gaze to his face.
He leaned down, his thick tongue tracing a damp path over her head, down her cheek, those long thick teeth scraping through her fur. Slow and meticulous, he bathed her face, wiping the sleep from her eyes, taking care of her. She closed her eyes, lifting her face to allow the warmth of his tongue to brush over her fur. When he nudged her with the side of his head she almost stumbled to the side. His cheekbone was as large as the side of her head, and harder than the rock she stood on.
The reality of the amount of power he possessed excited and terrified her at the same time. With him standing over her, there was no way she could escape him. Anything he wanted right now, he’d take. His scent dominated with satisfaction, complete control. Any time now, he’d make her his. And in their fur, he wouldn’t ask first. The tension turned to fear.
Werewolves were so damned traditional. It sucked. Cariboos were more aggressive with their ways than other purebreds. And Perry was all Cariboo. He’d stood watch over her, like she belonged to him and he’d made sure no one disturbed her nap. No one had ever taken care of her like that before. And the security he offered her was more appealing than even the thought of that hard cock.
He nudged her again and she tripped over her paws, falling to her side. His long tongue swept over her side.
Damn it. She’d become his possession. Fucking in their fur would mate them harder and faster than any demand a pack leader could ever place on her. And the clarity that this was exactly what she’d dodged ever since her parents’ death hit her harder than anything she’d taken on in her life.
No! She barked furiously, jumping to her feet. But there was nowhere to move where she could escape him. Her perfect haven of nestled boulders now served as a small prison.
You won’t trap me. I won’t be owned.
She lunged at him, baring her teeth, all the while knowing in the back of her head that attacking him would be futile. She did it anyway
. Perry sent her rolling backwards with a swift swipe of his paw.
Crumpled against a large rock, she blinked at the beautiful silver eyes that gazed down at her. Such a perfect creature. Powerful and strong, well built in either werewolf or human form. And more fucking deadly than anyone she’d ever met in her life.
His chest broadened, flattening, hair receding, while his scent quickly changed. His hindquarters grew, becoming rounder, extending, until his front paws no longer touched the ground. Hair receded on his body while he slowly straightened.
“Change,” he told her in a thick rumble, speaking before his tongue had reshaped to human form.
So many smells from his emotions plunged through her while she embraced the metamorphosis, allowed her body to grow with his. The sweet pain plunged through her, muscles and bones altering shape while her heart slowed, altering the speed that blood pumped through her veins.
There were too many emotions. Not only the mixture of confidence and domination that she smelled from him, but her own emotions too. Changing from werewolf to human, suddenly mixing deeper thought with the more carnal raw sensations that still lingered deeply in her, the sudden sensation to cry ripped at her soul.
Everything was too intense. The urge to escape him, run hard and fast, make a break for freedom while it was still within her grasp, had her mind spinning.
“You pushed me away.” He stood naked before her now, magnificent, glistening skin covering corded muscle throughout his body.
“I don’t like being trapped.” Looking at him took too much from her, so many feelings hitting her at once, the once-closed book of a man now standing before her like a raw exposed nerve. It was damned unsettling.
Instead she searched where she’d napped, trying to remember where she’d put her clothes. Not that she was cold. It couldn’t be a more perfect day.
Perry turned away from her, jumping up the rocks as easily in his human form as he had in his werewolf form. Quickly reaching the perch where he’d watched over her, muscles bulged in his legs, over his ass and up his back when he picked something up off the ground.