Unprepared Daddy: A Second Chance Romance

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Unprepared Daddy: A Second Chance Romance Page 40

by Bella Winters

  I relaxed my head onto the pillows. Alessio pulled my top over my head and tossed it to the side. He pulled me up off the mattress, then snaked a hand behind my body and unclasped my bra. As my breasts tingled in the cool air of the room, Alessio lowered his face to my erect nipples and began to bite and suck until I was moaning with passionate lust. Hot, liquid pleasure spread through my body and I screamed and cried as Alessio rolled my nipples between his fingers. The sensation was so intense that I could feel it in my clit, and I arched my back and desperately rubbed my crotch against his muscular torso until hot little darts of pleasure were pricking my skin.

  I tangled my hands in Alessio’s rick, dark hair and tugged at his scalp until he groaned. His cock was rock hard – I could feel it pressing into my thigh – and I gently pushed him away and onto his back. Alessio looked at me with surprise. For a moment, clad only in panties, I felt sexy. I wanted to please him, to give him the same pleasure that he sent soaring through my body like wildfire.

  As Alessio stared at me, I pouted and licked my lips. I closed my eyes and ran my hands over my breasts, strumming my hard nipples until I was moaning at my own touch. Alessio groaned and reached for me but I swatted his hand away and crawled sensually between his legs, making sure to keep my ass pointed high in the air. The bulge at the crotch of Alessio’s pants made my mouth water.

  “I want to please you,” I said coyly, running a hand over Alessio’s erection. He gaped and grunted, throwing his head back and shoving his crotch against my hands. My fingers were shaking as I fumbled with his belt, then the snap of his fly. As I eased his pants down his muscular body, I realized that he was trembling, too.

  Inside of Alessio’s slacks were silk boxers. I lowered my face to his crotch, inhaling his musky scent and rubbing my face on his erect cock through the thin layer of material. Alessio went wild. He moaned and grunted and tangled his hands in my hair, yanking at my scalp until my face was pressed into his cock. I pulled his boxers down and his cock snapped free, standing straight in the air. He was so beautiful. His cock was just a shade lighter than the rest of his gorgeous body, and I could see big blue veins pulsing on his column of lust.

  I licked my lips. “I’m going to taste you, Alessio,” I purred. I wrapped my hand around the base of his cock and began to pump my hand up and down. I leaned down and licked my lips again, then opened my mouth and took the first few inches of his beautiful manhood into my mouth. He tasted both salty and sweet and I bobbed my head up and down, swirling my tongue around the base.

  Alessio yanked away, pulling his cock out of my mouth. I grunted with surprise as he grabbed my hips, turning me around on the bed until I was facing his feet. Alessio grabbed my panties and ripped them apart, tossing the sodden material to the side. I gasped as he grabbed one of my knees and pulled my legs apart. He moved me back over his body, until my legs were spread on either side of his face.

  My cheeks were burning bright red with shame – Alessio was looking right at my pussy and asshole! I twitched and moaned as I felt his tongue plunge inside of me and swirl around. An amazing feeling of lust swelled in my lower belly and I eagerly resumed my work, sucking on Alessio’s cock and pumping it up and down with one hand.

  It was harder than I’d thought to concentrate. Every time I pause to moan and cry, Alessio stopped licking me. When he wrapped his lips around my clit and started sucking, I thought I’d died and gone to heaven. Pinpricks of pleasure were studding me all over my body and I wriggled and moaned and shoved my pussy in Alessio’s face as I cried out. I could feel that the skin on my face was burning bright red with desire and I started sucking Alessio’s cock harder than ever before.

  Alessio grunted. The sensation against my clit sent a new wave of orgasmic pleasure rushing through my body and I felt juices dripping out of my pussy, all over Alessio’s face and chest. With my free hand, I cupped his balls and continued bobbing my head up and down over his silky smooth skin.

  Just as I was about to come, Alessio stopped. I moaned in frustration and he pushed me to the side. I rolled over until I was lying on my back and Alessio eagerly crawled on top of me. He slid a hand between my legs and slapped my thighs open. I squeaked and whimpered – it hurt, but somehow the pain mingled with my intense arousal, making it stronger than ever.

  Alessio’s wet cock was poking me between the thighs. I spread my legs and Alessio reached down to grab my ankles. He hoisted my legs over his shoulders and dug his fingers into the flesh of my ass, pulling me close until our bodies were touching. As his cock slid inside of my waiting pussy, Alessio bent down. My thighs stretched painfully but the pleasure flooding my body was so intense that I didn’t care. I moaned and grunted and whimpered as Alessio pressed his lips to mine. He began thrusting in and out of my pussy with more force, and I moaned as his hips slammed against my body. With each thrust, Alessio’s lower abdomen was pressing against my clit and I wriggled against his body, eager for as much contact as possible with his sexy muscles.

  “God,” I moaned. “This feels so good, Alessio!”

  Alessio bit my lower lip, sucking until I cried out in his mouth. He reached up and tangled his hands in my hair, yanking my head back as he fucked me with wild abandon. As his cock slid in and out of my pussy, Alessio covered my neck and collarbone with kisses. He pinched and pulled at my nipples until I was crying out with insane, furious pleasure.

  My body belonged to him. He’d claimed me. He’d staked me and conquered me and won me. As he fucked me deeply on that pristine hotel bed, I knew that I’d never belong to another man for the rest of my life. I belonged to Alessio Amoruso exclusively…whether or not he felt the same way about me, it didn’t matter. I was his forever, and I felt it in my bones.

  Alessio yanked my head savagely forward and kissed me deeply. He shoved his tongue in my mouth, mimicking his cock’s savage thrusts as he licked and suckled every inch of my wet flesh. My pussy was swollen and aching but my clit was bursting with pleasure. As I moaned loudly, something delicious snapped in my lower belly and my orgasm began to wash over my head like a powerful gust. As my body clenched and tightened beneath Alessio’s, I grunted and whimpered. Hot tears spilled down my cheeks. Alessio thrust harder and harder, and grit his teeth with pleasure. As my pussy clenched his cock with the force of my orgasm, I finally felt his cock begin to spasm and twitch and gush cum inside of my waiting body.

  “You’re mine,” Alessio grunted in my ear as he came. “You belong to me.”

  “Yes,” I whimpered softly. “I do.”

  Chapter Nineteen


  I couldn’t believe that I actually fell asleep in the Plaza Hotel, snuggled up with Alessio like he was my longtime boyfriend. The sex had been so perfect, so hot, that I hadn’t been able to move when we’d finished. And to my shock, Alessio hadn’t kicked me out. Instead, he’d ordered lobster mac and cheese and a bottle of champagne from room service. We’d stayed up all night, laughing at the cheesy soft-core porn movies on late-night HBO. I hated to admit it, but it was so easy to have fun with Alessio. I never would have expected someone as intense as him to be so relaxed, but then again, I never would have expected to fall in love with anyone ever again.

  I was in a real bad situation, and I had no idea what I was going to go.

  In the morning, I kissed Alessio for a long time at the door before he left me go. He was standing with just a white towel wrapped around his neat, muscled waist and the sight of him was making me wet again. The truth was, I was so sore from the night before that I had no idea whether or not I could perform again. Alessio knew exactly what to do to satisfy me and turn me on.

  I’d never thought sex could actually be that good.

  As I walked home, I was so happy that I felt like I was floating above the pavement. The warm streak from the previous day had turned chill and rainy, but I didn’t mind. If anything, it made me feel closer to Alessio than ever before. I knew that what I was feeling for him was real…but I had no idea whether or
not he felt the same way.

  It wasn’t just the sex. Alessio had really tried hard to show me that he was changing. In addition to volunteering at the homeless shelter and food pantry, he was also donating money to charity groups all over the city. He even donated two million dollars to a charity that helped little kids with cancer get wigs during chemotherapy.

  It was like he knew all the right roads to my heart…and he was choosing to take all of them at once.

  I had no idea what I was going to do when it came time for his trial. What could I possibly say to Detective Aberson? It was a crime to refuse to testify – I could even go to jail myself.

  But would I be able to betray the man that I was slowly falling in love with?

  It was so hard to believe that in six months, my whole life had changed so drastically. When I thought of the timid little Beth Wilson who had planned on marrying Michael Bennett, it didn’t even seem like me. And knowing that had Michael lived, we’d be married by now was really upsetting. It wasn’t upsetting because that was what I still wanted. It was upsetting because I caught myself thinking more than once that a divorce wouldn’t be so awful.

  By the time I got home, I was feeling anxious and worried. Alessio wasn’t the kind of guy who talked about his feelings, but I was dying to know what he thought of me. Did he still think I was some stupid, spoiled, silly little girl? Was he only wooing me so that I wouldn’t testify when the time came?

  And what would happen after the trial? Would Alessio revert to his awful ways, and break my heart?

  Heather was in the kitchen making breakfast when I walked in. When she saw my rumpled clothes, she gasped.

  “Oh my god, I thought you’d already left for work,” she said. She smiled slyly. “But I can tell you were working on something else.”

  “Ha, ha,” I said dryly. “Spare me the humor, please.”

  “What happened?” Heather poured me a mug of coffee with cream and sugar and passed it over. I took a long deep breath and a big swallow before answering.

  “I had to go to the police station yesterday,” I said solemnly. I shook my head and my eyes filled with nervous tears. “Aberson doesn’t believe me, I can totally tell.”

  Heather raised her eyebrows. “Well, it would probably be pretty hard if you get picked up by the very man you claim to hate,” she said calmly. “I assume you were with him last night?”

  I nodded. “We stayed at the Plaza.” I blushed. “We…we ordered room service and watched stupid movies all night.”

  Heather snickered. “I bet you watched a lot of movies,” she said. “Didn’t have sex, did you?”

  I blushed hotly. “I did,” I said. I moaned and buried my face in my hands. “I’m so sick of feeling like this!” I whined loudly. “I can’t decide whether I’m upset or happy or falling in love.” I shook my head. “It’s like I always have butterflies, but then I’m also dealing with a million other ways to feel.”

  Heather nodded. She reached for the remote and turned on the television, flipping through channels.

  “I know it’s hard,” she said soothingly. “But I promise, Beth, things really will calm down. Just trust me.”

  I frowned. “I wish I could,” I said. “But sometimes, I feel like there’s no end in sight, you know?”

  Heather nodded. “I do,” she said. “I really do.” She frowned, pausing the channels at a news station. “Hey, look, something’s going on at the Plaza.”

  My heart turned to a lump of ice in my chest as Heather turned up the volume. The camera panned in on a crowd of people standing outside the Plaza Hotel and yelling.

  “That’s so weird,” I said nervously, taking a shaky sip of coffee. “I was just there, like half an hour ago. I wonder if there was a fire.” Please let Alessio be okay, I prayed silently. I couldn’t stand it if something happened to him, too.

  “Oh my god,” Heather said. She dropped her mug of coffee on the floor. The mug broke into tiny shards of ceramic and hot coffee splashed on my feet.

  But I didn’t even feel any pain.

  Staring at me, from the screen of the kitchen television, was Alessio Amoruso.

  “I’m reporting with KPNG, here to tell you that Alessio Amoruso, business owner, has been arrested on suspicious charges.” A perky blonde anchor bobbed in front of the camera, oblivious to my heart breaking inside of my chest. “He was arrested shortly after ten-thirty this morning, and he’s being taken downtown to stay in custody as we speak.”

  Tears rolled down my cheeks but I felt powerless to move – I couldn’t even raise my hands to wipe them away. My heart was barely beating, and my stomach felt like a stormy sea.

  “Beth,” Heather whispered. “What happened? Do you know anything?”

  I shook my head and swallowed. When I spoke, my voice was barely louder than whisper.

  “Detective Aberson said they were very close to catching Alessio, but I thought he was bluffing,” I said tearfully.

  On screen, the perky anchor was making a show of demonstrating all of the police cars. I counted at least seven parked outside of the hotel, sirens flashing and horns blaring loudly. There was an ambulance, and two fire trucks.

  “Sources say that Mr. Amoruso was not hurt in the arrest, but that he’s known to be a wanted man. If you have any information regarding the murder of Michael Bennett or the Amoruso crime family, please call KPNG at five five five, sixty-seven, eighty-three.”

  “Turn it off,” I said weakly. “I can’t take it anymore, Heather.”

  Heather reached over and slammed her hand against the power button. The screen of the television cut to an inky black that matched my current mood. The coffee I’d drank was threatening to come back up as vomit, and I could barely breathe as my heart thudded heavily in my chest.

  “Everything’s okay,” I said tearfully. “Everything. I had no idea how I could be so stupid, Heather! How the hell did I do something that dumb?”

  “You aren’t dumb,” Heather said gently. She pulled me into a tight hug. “You can’t help who you fall in love with, Beth.”

  “But that’s just it,” I said. “I was just starting to see the real Alessio! It felt like we were just getting started.” I sniffled and buried my face in my hands. “And now I have to choose between testifying against the man I love or facing charges myself!”

  “I’m sure it won’t be that bad,” Heather said soothingly. “You know, those rich guys are really good at getting away with crimes,” she added. “Maybe he’ll have some hotshot lawyer who can really help him out.”

  I buried my face in my hands. “Obviously not,” I said. “Or else he wouldn’t have served six months in the first place!”

  Heather opened her eyes wide. “Yeah, and maybe those six times were bad enough where he realized he could never go back to jail. It’s rough for a guy like him on the inside – he’s going to have to pay a lot of people to keep him safe.”

  The thought of Alessio being hurt in prison made me cry even harder. Soon, I was hunched over and rocking back and forth with my arms wrapped around my knees. Heather stepped behind me and rubbed my back, soothing me over and over with mindless chatter.

  My phone buzzed in my pocket. Nervously, I pulled it out. When I saw that it was Detective Aberson calling, my heart sank.

  “Hello?” I sniffled, wiping my nose. “Sorry, I mean, hi,” I said quickly. Act normal, Beth! I ordered myself. Stop being such a freaking spaz!

  “Hi, Beth,” Detective Aberson said. “Not sure if you’re following the news, but Alessio was arrested this morning. We really got him,” he added. “This is an airtight case, as long as you testify. We found some kind of a loophole in the legal system, and we’re going to exploit as much as we can.”

  I sank lower. “Um, no,” I said softly. “I hadn’t seen the news. At least, not yet. When did you arrest him?”

  “Just about an hour ago,” Detective Aberson replied. “We’ll need you to testify, Beth. You do know that, don’t you?”

nodded slowly, even though he wasn’t there to see me.

  “I do,” I said softly.

  “Well, I’ll be in touch,” Detective Aberson said. “Glad this thug is off the streets.” He chuckled heartily and hatred burned through my body as if it were seared right onto my skin. I wanted to reach through the phone and strangle the smug detective, make him really understand just how much he was hurting Alessio and me.

  As soon as I hung up, I turned to Heather in dismay.

  “I have no idea what to do,” I said, shaking my head. “He’s going to ruin both of our lives.”

  She shrugged. “Well, you have to do what you have to do,” she said softly. “Beth, you’re a strong woman. You’re going to make it out of this no matter what. I know that, from the bottom of my heart.”


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