Unprepared Daddy: A Second Chance Romance

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Unprepared Daddy: A Second Chance Romance Page 41

by Bella Winters

  I shook my head. “I wish I knew that.” I sighed. “My heart is breaking. I can feel it right now, cracking apart in my chest.”

  Heather reached out and put her hand on my shoulder. She looked deeply into my eyes.

  “Beth, I promise, things will work out.”

  “How can I even know what’s happening anymore,” I wailed. “I feel like up is down and right is left and red is blue!”

  Heather squeezed my shoulder reassuringly.

  “You just have to follow your heart,” she said. “That’s the only way you’ll know.”

  Chapter Twenty

  Beth – Two Months Later

  As I sat in the benches of the New York City District Court, I was more nervous than I’d ever been in my entire life.

  Alessio had been locked away for two months. We hadn’t been in touch – I’d been too afraid to even call, much less plan a visit. When he’d first gotten arrested, I’d worried that my feelings for him would change.

  But now, they were stronger than ever. I knew in my heart that no matter what happened to me, I’d be in love with Alessio Amoruso until the day I died. It didn’t matter if he got old, or fat, or lost his magnificent hair.

  I loved him passionately, and nothing could change that.

  The courtroom was packed. Heather wasn’t coming – I’d told her that this was something I’d had to do on my own. But Alessio was notoriously famous in New York, and both fans and haters of his family and restaurant chain had come to voice their opinion.

  When the judge came in, I rushed to stand up. An armed guard led Alessio in front a side door. He looked handsome as ever in a new Armani suit, even if his hands were cuffed in front of his muscular bulk. He looked even bigger than he had before going away. His arms were bulging against the beautiful sheen of the suit. His longish dark locks had been shaved, revealing a perfectly shaped head that somehow made his dark eyes look more intense than ever.

  We locked eyes as Alessio walked past me towards the bench. I swallowed nervously. I love you, I thought suddenly. Even if I never get the chance to tell you – I’ll love you forever.

  Tears welled up in my eyes. I hated the rough way the guard was jerking Alessio around like he was a piece of meat. I wanted to scream and cry until they left him alone, until they uncuffed him and let him sit like a normal human being. But I knew that it was futile. Alessio was being tried on both counts of first and second degree murder, and this day wasn’t likely to have a happy ending.

  Detective Aberson was sitting with the district attorney and the prosecution team. I saw Douglas Bennett, Michael’s father, sitting in the first row on the other side. His wife, Gabrielle, was next to him in a skin-tight silk dress that would have looked more at home on a dance floor than a courtroom.

  “Order,” the judge called. He banged his gavel against his podium. “I call this court to order!”

  I tuned out as the judge droned on and on about upholding civic responsibility. It was ludicrous to me that we had to go through this pageantry – why not Alessio’s high-powered lawyers work everything out behind closed doors? I’d always respected the justice system in my country, but suddenly I felt like it was failing me more now than ever before. Alessio’s not a bad man, I thought as I watched his lawyer call the first witness to the stand. He just needed the love of a good woman to bring out his better side.

  The trial seemed to fly by. By the time we were dismissed for lunch, I was so nervous that I couldn’t even eat. I choked down a few sips of water and washed my hands in the women’s room, hoping to dry my sweaty palms. The gesture was totally futile – as soon as I was back inside the courtroom, my hands were soaked through once again. The worst part was that seeing Alessio for the first time in months had reawakened my baser desires. My panties were soaked with pussy juices and my clit was as hard as a little pebble, wedged between my labia and wanting Alessio’s tongue.

  Detective Aberson took the stand. He interviewed a witness who could barely speak English.

  “I call Elisabeth Wilson to the stand,” Detective Aberson said loudly. He cleared his throat, then looked at me with a hardened gleam in his eyes.

  This is it, I thought. This is the moment where I ruin my life.

  Swallowing nervously, I made my way through the courtroom over to the judge. A man held out a bible and I repeated everything he said, swearing to tell the whole truth and nothing but the truth. So help me god, I thought as I sat down in my seat after the little ceremony was over. That doesn’t mean anything to me anymore. If god were here, he’d make sure Alessio wouldn’t be locked away for the rest of his life.

  Detective Aberson strode across the floor, a notebook in his hand.

  “Ms. Wilson,” he said curtly. “Can you tell me where you were on the evening of March twelfth?”

  “Excuse me?” I blinked. “Why?”

  Detective Aberson frowned. This was a question I knew I’d be asked. But now that the time had come to do my duty and tell the truth, I couldn’t do it.

  “I’m sorry,” I said. I stood up. “I can’t do this.” I looked at Alessio. “I can’t testify against this man.”

  Detective Aberson glared at me. “What are you talking about?”

  “I can’t do it,” I repeated shakily. Tears came to my eyes and flooded my senses as I frantically shook my head from side to side. My heart was pounding but I knew I was doing the right thing.

  “Ms. Wilson, this means you could potentially face charges for obstructing justice,” Detective Aberson threatened. The jury gasped but I remained defiant.

  “I don’t care,” I said. “I don’t care what happens to me, I’m sorry. But I won’t testify against Alessio.”

  Armed guards began marching towards me. The tears that had collected in my eyes suddenly spilled over, dripping hotly down my cheeks as my nose and sinuses filled with wet snot. I cried out in emotional anguish as I ran, blinded by my own tears, from the witness stand and into the courtroom.

  I didn’t make it very far before the guards grabbed my arms and tried dragging me down the carpeted aisle. Somehow, being manhandled by a bunch of paid brutes was enough to kick my rage and emotion into a higher gear. I grit my teeth and fought hard against the men restraining me, kicking and screaming and whipping my arms through the air.

  One of the guards let go, obviously surprised by my strength. I took the opportunity to whirl around and scream at the court.

  “I’m sorry!” I yelled. “But you can’t convict him! Alessio is a free man! Alessio is a free man!”

  “Shut the fuck up,” one of the guards hissed. He dug his fingers into my shoulders and dragged me down the aisle. I locked my legs and refused to walk, letting my high-heeled feet. Finally, the guard sucked in a titanic breath and pulled me hard until I was gasping in pain. My heart was racing and my body was soaked with sweat by the time the guards managed to drag me out of the courtroom.

  Behind me, everyone was silent. When I glanced back inside before the guards slammed the doors in my face, I saw that everyone’s face was pale and bloodless with shock. They were all staring at me with their jaws hanging open. The one exception was Douglas Bennett. He looked murderously angry, like he wanted to rip me apart with his bare hands.

  I couldn’t help it. I waved to him. If I hadn’t been so upset, it might have almost been comical.

  After the guards barred me from re-entering the courtroom, I heard the judge screaming for order and the sound of his gavel banging, but that was no match for the uproar and cries from the crowd. Everyone was screaming and yelling – some were even cheering.

  That’s when I saw a huge line of guards rushing towards me, hands on their guns. Shrieking in fear, I kicked off my high heels and ran out of the courthouse. The day was a sunny, warm spring one, and the hot air felt good on my face as I closed my eyes and scrambled quickly down the courthouse steps. My heart was pounding as I darted down the street. I knew that looking over my shoulder would cost me time, and I had to keep going unt
il I managed to lose my tail.

  It was like I’d completely lost my mind. I ran and ran until my lungs were bursting for air and I thought my heart was going to explode in my chest. Horrible, dangerous thoughts kept running through my mind. Now that I’d broken free and run away, what would happen to me? Would I be arrested? Would the cops put an APB out for me?

  Would they stalk Heather and demand to know where I was? What about Douglas Bennett? Would he sue me for making a scene at the trial of his son’s killer?

  Michael, Alessio, everyone – I’m so sorry, I thought as I darted down an alley and ran into a café. I know I failed you all. I tried to do the best I could, but I know it wasn’t enough.

  The café looked blissfully normal and ordinary compared to the busy madness I’d seen at the courthouse. As discreetly as I could, I bought a small latte and walked over to a seat by the window. The coffee brought back memories of the time Alessio had saved me from an attacker, right before we’d had sex for the very first time. When I looked back on that time, it was hard to believe that I’d been so afraid of him. I’m never going to see Alessio again, I realized sadly. The tears came back to my eyes and soon was I cradling my face in my hands and sobbing.

  I cried and cried until my throat was hoarse. The coffee on the table cooled in front of me, and I became oblivious to my surroundings.

  Just as the tears finally started to dry up, I felt a hand clamp down on my shoulder.

  Oh no, I thought. This is it. The cops found me, and now I’m going to be arrested and thrown in jail.

  When I glanced up, I was shocked to see Alessio Amoruso, standing there and grinning. His dark eyes were staring right at me, and his chest was heaving. There was a fine sheen of sweat on his forehead, and I could see his pulse pounding in his neck.

  “Alessio,” I said in a strangled voice. “What are you doing here?”

  Alessio didn’t answer. He grabbed my shoulders and pulled me up until I was on my feet. Then he wrapped his arms around me, crushing me against his body until my knees were weak. When our lips touched, it was like we’d never been apart. Passion and lust swirled through my body and I wrapped my arms around his neck, weak in the knees with desire, fright, and wild lust.

  “What happened?” I whispered, pulling away. Alessio kept kissing me everywhere. He kissed my cheeks, my forehead, my ears – even the tip of my nose.

  He grinned. “As soon as you were dragged out, the jury went for a recess. When they came back, they said they wouldn’t be able to provide the judge with a reasonable verdict.”

  My jaw dropped. “What?”

  Alessio nodded smugly. “So the judge had no choice but to declare a mistrial.” He raised his eyebrow. “I’m free.”

  I swooned against Alessio, my heart thudding with excitement and relief in my chest.

  “I can’t believe it,” I murmured. “I can’t believe that you’re free, finally.”

  Alessio grinned. “You’d better believe it,” he growled in my ear. The hair on the back of my neck stood up.

  “I love you,” I said softly.

  Alessio kissed me passionately. He nibbled on my lower lip and I swooned in his arms.

  “I love you, too, Beth,” Alessio said. “And I always will.”

  Chapter Twenty-One

  Beth – One Year Later

  “Beth, are you ready?” Heather leaned close to my face and dabbed at my cheek with a napkin. “You look beautiful.”

  I grinned. I was standing in the foyer of the magnificent Ashford Estate – one of the biggest historic homes in New Jersey.

  “I feel beautiful,” I said honestly, glancing down at my dress. “I can’t believe I’m finally doing this.”

  Heather nodded. She pulled me into a long hug. “I’m going to miss you as a roomie,” she said. “But I couldn’t be happier for you.” She handed me a small envelope, which I had no choice but to tuck inside my bra.

  “What is this?”

  Heather smiled knowingly. “You’ll like it,” she said. “Trust me. Just open it later, after the ceremony.”

  I blushed. “It doesn’t feel real,” I admitted.

  “It’s real, girl,” Heather said. “And you’re finally getting married.”

  I glanced into the next room. Alessio, clad in an Armani tuxedo, was standing at an altar covered with flowers. The pews were packed – mostly friends and family of the Amorusos – but I had a few guests of my own, including Heather and some of my other friends I’d made over the past year.

  Alessio had asked me to marry him as soon as he’d been declared free. The timing couldn’t have been more perfect. I’d said yes immediately, then we’d made love in his limo and gone to every jewelry store in a thirty-mile radius to look for rings. Alessio had made me choose a two-karat stone. It was beautiful, if a bit ostentatious. I liked that because it reminded me of my husband-to-be. He was still the kindest and most generous man that I’d ever known….even if that had taken a little while to be revealed.

  The organ began playing the familiar Mendelsohn Wedding March, and I gasped.

  “It’s time,” Heather said. She gave me a little pat on the butt. “Go ahead, Beth. I know you’ll be great.”

  I grinned. I glanced down, admiring my dress one final time before walking into the grand mansion. My ivory gown was fitted to my body, and showed off every curve…especially the small bump that I’d begun to grow in my lower belly.

  I’d found out that I was pregnant three months before the wedding. Not many people knew, but I had a feeling everyone was going to find out at the reception, when the bride would toast with apple cider instead of champagne. I’d never really thought much about being a mother before, not even when I’d still been with Michael. But having Alessio’s baby was the best thing that could have ever happened to me.

  It was so crazy to think that I was finally settling down to have a family with the only man I’d ever loved.

  The organ grew louder and I took a deep breath, slowly walking down the aisle and holding my bouquet of peonies in front of me. Alessio kept his eyes on me the whole time, beaming with pride and managing to look only slightly smugger than usual. I couldn’t keep my sweet smile in place for too long. My emotions were all over the place, and soon I was tearing up and grinning broadly.

  The priest took my hand and brought it together with Alessio’s. Alessio gripped my fingers tightly as the priest wrapped a sacred cloth, binding us together.

  “This is forever,” I whispered softly to Alessio.

  Alessio nodded. His eyes flashed with dark intensity. “Forever,” he repeated. “I love you, Beth.”

  I didn’t have time to reply as the priest took his place before us and blessed our hands, then began the long process of our vows. We’d written our own, and while I knew I would cry while reading mine, I couldn’t wait for the chance to tell Alessio how I really felt about him.

  “Alessio,” I began nervously, my voice shaking. “I never thought that I would find happiness, but you have changed my life. You’ve made me think about things in ways that I never imagined before, and I’m so proud to become your wife.” A tear dripped down my cheek. “You’re loving and bold and strong and sweet. I will love you forever.”

  Alessio winked. My heart skipped a beat and a warm thrill came over me. After all this time, Alessio could still turn me on in just a few seconds. I hoped that no matter what happened, that would never change.

  “Beth,” Alessio said heavily. “I never thought of myself as a marrying man. I never thought I would have a family, or fall in love. But meeting you changed everything. We had an intense, passionate, and instant connection that made me unable to stay away from you.” He grinned and I nodded as another tear dripped down my cheek. “I love you, Beth, and I always will. I promise to protect you with my life. I promise to keep your safe, and to give you anything your heart desires. I promise to be the perfect husband.”

  The priest nodded. “Alessio Amoruso, do you take this woman to be your lawfu
lly wedded wife, to have and hold, to cherish and to love, until death do you part?”

  “I do,” Alessio said quietly.

  The priest turned to me. “Elisabeth Wilson, do you take this man to be your lawfully wedded husband, to have and hold, to cherish and to love, until death do you part?”

  “I do.” My heart leapt into my chest with the words.

  “Then by the power invested in me by the state of New Jersey, I now pronounce you man and wife.” The priest turned to Alessio and winked. “You may now kiss the bride.”

  As Alessio pulled me close and kissed me passionately, I knew the best part of my life was yet to come.

  Your’s Forever


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