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Unprepared Daddy: A Second Chance Romance

Page 77

by Bella Winters

  I know that she’s waiting for me to respond, but she already knows the answer to her own question.

  “I know now, other men will look at me.”

  I love listening to her voice.

  “I don’t need to hang on to the 'country boy' as you call him, he can just be a vision of days gone by, a stepping stone for me towards bigger and better things. Especially seeing as he can’t keep his dick in his pants.”

  I sit at my desk shell-shocked in a way; she’s like a caterpillar that has changed into a butterfly, or a butterfly with horns. It’s as if she’s going to grab life with both hands and shake it till it gives in. Fuck, I’ve created a monster.

  I may have created a monster, a sexual monster. And she may just be keen on exploring all of her hidden feelings and emotions, and be open to experiencing new things. I’m going to show her how to get that beautiful face smiling, and she’ll get a big grin on my face in the process.

  “I think that it’s time to get you smiling again, don’t you think?”

  “I’ve had my fair share of doom and gloom. Since, I’ve been here all I do is work. I don’t even have any fun. It’s as if I’m ninety not nineteen,” she shrugs.

  She may have been living like that, but she sure as fuck doesn’t look ninety.

  “I’m up for anything that will make me feel happier,” Isobel says and I know what she wants me to do. It’s an open invitation to take her right now. That’s too fucking easy sweetheart, I told her that I’m nothing like her country boy and I meant it.

  My mind’s hurting, I’m constantly talking and thinking in two different trains of thought, my speech is polite, yet it has a profound meaning behind it. I want her, and I want her a lot. Thoughts of her nude body are writhing over me... fuck it makes me horny, just not yet. I have to get her primed for my advances, and she needs to be wanting me as much as I want her. Very soon. Yes, it will be very soon I think to myself.

  “Just one more to type up and we’re all done and dusted for another day. Do you think that we’ll finish at the same time tomorrow?”

  “No, I have a feeling tomorrow’s going to be very different indeed, much more exciting than today,” she has no idea that I’m talking about our fun and games. I’m not referring to work. No, this is far better than work.

  As she said, she would do anything to smile again. Fuck, by the time I’ve finished with her she’ll be grinning from ear-to-ear.

  “Cool, so what we are gonna do then?”

  “I’ll let you know later; I don’t want you thinking about it too much, it’ll take the edge off it. Don’t you like surprises?”

  She’s smiling and hesitating before she answers. Every girl loves surprises, especially one’s as young as her.

  “Okay, Christian, you win. You’re the boss and your wish is my command, so to speak.”

  “You better believe it, what I say goes, no matter what.”

  “Do you need anything else?”

  “No, just get back to your desk and carry on with what you were doing.”

  I watch her jiggly ass again and lay my head back and close my eyes, then an image comes to me of her knelt over me and rubbing her bald pussy against my face. I grab the cheeks of her jiggly ass and squeeze as her pussy opens with the touch of my tongue, her clitoris throbs with every flick and her ass wobbles with every squeeze and slap.

  I know that if I don’t get out of here, then I’ll end up fucking her on the desk or even worse, tasting her sweet pussy. I call her on the intercom, “Isobel, you done yet?”

  “Just finishing now, the files are uploading, and then I need to shut down the computer.”

  “I’ll start closing up then while you finish off.”

  I don’t hesitate in getting out of my office. I’m like a little kid thinking about the experiment that’s going to happen in science class. The one that I’m giving her tomorrow, then I’ll know for sure if I’m going to play with her in so many different ways that she won’t be able to sit down straight for the following week.

  “So, are you ready to find out what your task is for tomorrow?” I ask as I throw my jacket over my shoulder.

  “Yes, please, I find it a little exciting to tell you the truth, it’s like Christmas.”

  “Well, your first task is quite simple.”

  I hesitate before telling her, but I can tell that she’s dying to know.

  “Come in the office tomorrow with a short skirt. No panties.”

  “You’re kidding, no panties?” she replies, “Isn't that a bit, you know, risky?”

  “Fuck, you were butt naked in front of me and country boy, another few seconds and you may have slid your finger into your pussy. What can be more revealing than that?”

  “Well, I did say, I would do anything,” she’s trying to figure out a way out of it.


  “I suppose I better honor my side of the bargain, after all we did shake on it.”

  Was she pissing me off? Or am I just getting a little frustrated myself? I imagine her sat at her desk facing me and lifting her skirt as she types tomorrow. While spreading her legs as she looks at me, my eyes fixated by her virgin pussy. I’m gagging for her and getting angry in the process, I never wait this long for a fuck, and I don’t know why she’s making me feel differently about her.

  “Just make sure that you send me a photo, to prove you’re not wearing any tomorrow.”

  I need to leave her desk, or I’ll do something that I’ll fucking regret.

  “I could just show you.”

  I’m walking away and thinking that I don’t need to hear anymore of this conversation. I knew that I should have sent her a text, but if I did that and she changed her mind then she could use it against me. This is safe, for now. Besides I have a feeling that she’s more excited about this than I am.

  I turn to face her, “You could show me. But it won’t be the same. Photo. Don’t forget.”

  Then I walk out, if she’s not wet by what I just proposed, then she soon will be. I’ve got a hard on right now. One that needs to be released as soon as I get into the fucking car.

  Chapter 7


  I’ve woken earlier than normal; it’s a little after five and I’m wide awake. Maybe it’s thoughts of my first task that make me feel wide awake. I lay on the bed contemplating if I shall proceed with his work, it’s a lot to ask. And even though I’m a highly-reserved sort of girl, I find it exciting.

  I think the one thing that is persuading me to go to the office is, just how sexy Christian is. He’s the ideal man in looks but not attitude that stinks and he can be a complete ass most of the time. I think of his physique, and how he’s tall and has dirty blonde hair. Hmm, in a way he has the same features as Leo. I think of his blue eyes, and how they just melt me and make my legs go weak whenever he’s close to me.

  I finally decide to wear no panties and think about which skirt will be best to wear and opt for my pencil skirt. It’s a figure hugging skirt and it’ll leave him horny, so he’ll be able to see I’ve completed my task.

  One more look in the mirror, before I leave the office. I can’t believe that I’ve gone from shy girl to office tease in the last few days. Then again, Agnes said to have fun and that’s exactly what I intend on doing, starting today.


  I arrive at the office and I’m excited at the thought of Christian looking at me with no panties. I ride in the elevator and reach our floor. As I exit the elevator, I can sense a lighter atmosphere and wonder what’s going on. I glance towards Christian’s office, and the door’s closed. I scratch my head, wondering why his door’s closed.

  I reach my desk and check Christian’s schedule, and notice he’s not in the office today. Damn! Why did he say not to wear panties if he’s not around. Then it dawns on me, this is why he wanted me to take a photo. I’m really not good at this.

  “Hey Isobel, what’s up?”

  “Ah, nothing, I was just thinking, I forgot Christian was
out all day,” I sigh thinking that I must have been talking to myself, otherwise she wouldn’t know that anything was bothering me. A trait that I picked from my mom, one that I really need to stop doing.

  “Isobel make the most of it, it’s not very often it happens. We can do with more days with him away.”

  “Why do you say that?”

  She laughs, “The man’s a slave driver. Have you ever seen him leave the office?”

  I shake my head, damn I hate lying. I want to tell her that I saw him leaving last night. He was walking so damn fast that I thought he was going to take the stairs. I know that I was making him hot, I wanted him to take me, but he held back as usual.

  “Exactly! That’s because he works too hard and wants everyone to work as hard as he does.”

  I smile at her, thinking that I need to get to the bathroom and take the photo of myself with no panties. I feel really silly thinking about it all.

  “Well, I will let you get back on with your day dreaming,” Jean replies as she flicks her hair to the side.


  “You looked as if you were having a conversation with yourself before I came over.”

  “Crazy right? I know I get it from my mom.”

  She shakes her head, “No, it’s kind of cute. Anyway, I’ll catch you later right? You’re coming to lunch aren’t you?”

  I nod my head thinking that Christian’s not here, so I won’t be doing anything with him.

  “Great, see you later.” Jean walks back to her desk and walks over to the other girls. No doubt, they’re gossiping about something. It’s a sign Christian is not here, the tongues start to wag, and all sorts of gossip get mentioned, especially about Christian.

  I walk into Christian’s office and place some documents on his desk; I can hear the phone ring from my desk, so I transfer it from his phone.


  My heart skips a beat when I hear Christian’s voice on the other line.

  “Yeah, it’s me,”

  “What are you doing?” he asks in a rough voice.

  “I’ve just put some reports on your desk for when you get back to the office,” I answer happy to hear his voice.

  “Have you done as I ordered?”

  “I have, and I can’t believe that you’re not here to see it.”

  “As long as I know you have no panties on that is good enough for me. Besides remember I told you to take a photo.”

  “Okay, then I’ll take the photo then after I’m putting on my panties.”

  “No,” he says it so loud that my heart stops.

  “But you’re not here.”

  He laughs, “I know, but as I said you do what I say, no questions.”


  Now, I feel silly. Maybe I’m a little kid trying to play in the big playground with all the cool kids. The ones that know how to play this game and I haven’t got a clue what I’m doing.

  “If you say so.” I sound a little deflated, but the excitement that I felt this morning coming into the office is being washed away.

  “All in good time, all in good time, everything will become clear later,” he replies, “so how does it feel not wearing panties then?”

  “It is different, especially when there is a cold wind, it blows right against my spot,” I explain as I imagine the cold sending shocks into my pussy.

  “Ah, so you have a bald pussy then? I didn’t see it clearly on the camera last time.”

  “Gosh, er, um, yes,” I’m taken aback by the fact that we’re talking about my pussy.

  “I was thinking as a country girl, you would have a bushy pussy, a mound of dark pubic hair.”

  “We’re in the twenty-first century, I don’t know many women with a bush anymore,” I reply as I laugh.

  “I must dash, my meeting starts in a minute, and I’ve to get rid of this boner.”

  I have a big smile on my face knowing that he has one as a result of me. I return to my desk, pleased he has thought of me being alone with no panties, and he has assured me there is more for me to experience because of it.

  The day seems to be dragging by, between the notes that I have to type up and everything, but when I look at the clock and see that it’s almost lunch time. I let out a sigh of relief about a little break.

  Jean comes over to my desk, “Hey you coming for lunch then?”

  “I just remembered that I brought a packed lunch with me today,” I explain to Jean feeling bad that I’m letting her down again.

  “We’re going for greasy burgers,,” she says as she skips towards the elevator. “Are you sure that you don’t want to come?”

  She’s waving her finger trying to tempt me to join them. I could go with eating a full meal, I hate to admit to her, that I really can’t afford to eat there again, not for a while. I watch as they all disappear into the elevator and the door closes. I am the only person who is in the office. I rest my head and dream of what may have been if Christian had he been here today.

  I imagine walking into his office and bending over to pick up a piece of paper; I glance over my shoulder towards him as my skirt rides up, the bulge of my pussy pushed between my legs, ‘Oh, sorry Christian’.

  I open my eyes to make sure no one has returned to the office; I’m still alone, so I close my eyes and carry on with my imagination.

  Your turn, I picture myself saying to Christian.

  I watch as Christian opens his zipper and takes out his cock, my eyes bulge when I see the size of it, it is huge, and it is soft. His cock hangs, and he places his hands on his hips.

  I hear the phone ring and open my eyes. I look at the clock and lunchtime is nearly over. I pick up the phone and answer.

  “Isobel,” Christian says. “How is everything in the office?”

  “Everything is fine here, how is it going with you?”

  “So far so good, a rough meeting but as always, I’m the one who comes out on top,” he says in a pleased voice, “I see lunch time is nearly over, you been out?”

  “No, I stayed in the office, I was just daydreaming,”

  “Daydreaming of?” he asks waiting.

  “I was just thinking of old movies, and how the images of them change when you get older.”

  “So, a dull lunchtime you have had then?”

  “No, not at all, I have had quite a good lunch time. Actually, it was fun daydreaming, especially when you factor in that I have no panties on; it puts an entirely different perspective on your thoughts.”

  “You trying to give me a boner again?”

  I shake my head as I put a finger in my mouth, he knows exactly what I’m thinking.

  “Don’t forget to send me the photo.”

  Then he hangs up, I’m about to get up and do it, when I see everyone coming back into the office. I’ll do it later when no one’s around and maybe I’ll do more than just send him a photo of my pussy. Maybe, I’ll send him a video, just like the one that I did on video chat with my ex-boyfriend, Leo.

  Chapter 8


  I sent him the photo hoping for a reply, I wanted to do a lot more than that like take a video, but then at the last minute I chickened out. Particularly since soon as I heard some of the girls come into the bathroom. I sat like a jilted bride waiting for him to respond all day and as the day came to an end, he still didn’t say anything.

  I didn’t sleep well, especially not hearing from him. As soon as I arrive at the office, I’m in a foul mood. I look at his office door, and it’s closed again. I’m wondering if he’s out, but then I see a box on my desk. It has no stamp, and it’s red with a matching bow tie. There’s a card on top of it, and I feel like a little kid on Christmas day as I pick it up. I want to open it, but then others start walking into the office, so I quickly put it in my purse and head to the bathroom and quickly enter one of the cubicles.

  As soon as I close the door, I grab my purse and open the card.


  Put your gift in between your
legs and near your sweet pussy. When you’ve finished put your panties in the box and go back to your desk.


  I realize that this is one of his games. Instructions that he wants me to follow through and the whole idea of it gets me all excited. I can imagine his strong accent which is a mixture of British and American English. I feel as if he’s behind me, whispering for me to do it and send him a photo. I’m trying to think how many people are in the office now. I didn’t see that many, and it feels as if this is too good an opportunity to pass by. If I go to my desk, sit and wait, I may chicken out. Besides, there’s no time like the present. I want to know what’s inside the box. I shake it and think that it can only be one thing, a dildo.


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