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Unprepared Daddy: A Second Chance Romance

Page 88

by Bella Winters

  Next were his boxers, and for the first time, Belle saw a fully erect cock right in front of her face. It was throbbing, with a smooth tip and Devon pointed it at her. Keeping his blue eyes on Belle’s face, he proceeded to take his tie off, then his shirt and finally, he was standing completely naked in front of her.

  Belle looked up at him, taking note of the chiseled muscles of his torso, his wide shoulders, the smattering of dark hair on his chest and arms. Devon Rymer was fully male, dripping with masculinity. She could feel herself growing wet because she knew exactly what he could do to her.

  “Take me in your mouth, Belle,” he grunted, in a deep authoritative voice and she did what she was told. She reached for his cock, circled it with her hands and then slowly brought her face close to it.

  She felt Devon’s hands in her hair, he had gripped her hair and was now gently pushing her face closer to him. Belle opened her mouth wide, welcoming his cock in. For the first few seconds she thought she was going to gag, but Devon was taking his time. She relaxed her throat muscles, allowing his length to slide in inch by inch. It was strangely exciting, having him in her mouth. She had never expected it to be this sexy, but it was like a preview of what his cock inside her wet throbbing center was going to feel like.

  When Belle looked up, she saw how much Devon was enjoying himself, how good this was making him feel. It only turned her on more. She started moving her lips, sliding his cock forward and backward and slowly but surely, she knew she was getting used to it. He tasted salty, masculine and strong in her mouth and Belle could feel the throbbing between her legs grow stronger. She wanted him inside her now.

  His grip on her hair increased and Devon had now begun to guide her. She was glad that she was successful in seducing him, because if he turned her away she wouldn’t have been able to survive that humiliation. He gently pushed and pulled her head and stood with his legs apart, so that she could pleasure him in the right way.

  When she looked up again, his eyes were fixed on her. She saw that he was coming closer and closer to the edge, and just when she thought he was going to give in, Devon pulled himself out of her mouth.

  Belle felt her heart sink. She wasn’t sure why Devon had abruptly pulled out. She was worried that he was putting an end to this. That he was going to kick her out of his office and out of her job.

  “Take off your clothes,” he said as he took a step away from her.

  Belle let out a sigh of relief as she stood back up. While Devon had his eyes on her, and his hands holding his cock, Belle started undressing herself.

  He watched her as she slid down her jeans, then took of her t-shirt. She felt more confident undressing in front of him now, given that he had already seen her naked. She took off all her underwear and eventually she was standing in front of him, completely naked.

  Devon was stroking his cock, staring at her, at her breasts.

  “Touch yourself. I want you wet and ready first,” he said in a low growl and again, Belle did what she was told. Slowly, a little embarrassed, she touched herself, with one finger first. She did what he had done earlier. Stroking her clit, she stood with her legs pressed together as he watched her.

  She could see that Devon’s cock was growing, if that was even possible, as he stroked himself more. His jaw was clenched together, his eyes were focused on where she was touching herself. Belle’s mouth hung open as she stroked her clit, repeatedly, with growing speed till she knew that she couldn’t take it any more.

  “Slide your finger in. Just one,” he commanded and she hesitantly did it. Slowly, an inch at a time. Belle gasped when she felt her finger go into her folds, she could feel her own sticky juices. It only made her want him more. Devon was watching her, stroking his cock with his nostrils flared. She could see the force of his own arousal. He was torturing them both by keeping his distance, but she didn’t want to jump the gun. He was the expert here.

  Then, when she least expected it, he stepped towards her. In one quick motion, he had grabbed her by the back of her head and was pushing her backwards. They were staring into each other’s eyes, it was like he was burning a hole into her head. Belle was growing self conscious by the minute. She wasn’t sure if she’d be good enough for him.

  It was when her bare back touched the cool surface of the wall, that Devon stopped pushing her. He let go of her hair and his hands traced a line down her front, from her neck, over her breasts to the base of her belly. His finger found her wet mound and he stroked her clit again. Belle moaned. The anticipation was killing her.

  “Devon, I haven’t…” she tried to say, but he placed a finger on her lips.

  “Don’t say another word,” he said, looking deep into her eyes and Belle realized instantly that he knew. He knew she was a virgin. She felt her cheeks burning up again. She hadn’t realized how inexperienced she must have appeared to him, for him to know that she was a virgin already. But for some reason, he didn’t seem to have a problem with it.

  His hands left her clit, just when she thought she wasn’t going to be able to bear it any longer. He grabbed her butt, with both his hands and then as easily as he would a feather; Devon lifted her up. In a single motion, instinctively, Belle knew what to do and she wrapped her legs around his hips.

  Devon used his body to press her to the wall again, and Belle felt his erect cock against her wet center. It had just grazed her, and she gasped. She was already reaching the precipice. He had amped up her sensations to the level where she knew she was ready. More ready than she had ever been.

  With her legs around his hips, and his hands holding her by the waist, Devon peered into her eyes. In the dim light of the office, Belle looked back at him and she saw that he was going to be gentle with her. That he understood everything. He wanted her to feel good.

  Without a word, with their eyes locked; Devon drove himself into her. Slowly, he pushed his cock in. Belle felt her wet folds parting as his cock entered her. She gasped again, from the shocking feeling of having his cock inside her. She gripped him by his shoulders, tightly, and she felt her own muscles stiffening.

  “You’re so tight and small,” he grumbled in a low voice. Belle bit down on her lip. Every word that came out of his mouth made her want him more. He knew exactly the things to say to her. She felt her muscles starting to relax. Devon was pushing himself in more. Inch by inch, she could feel him inside her. He was taking it slow, till he was inside her completely. Then he pulled out.

  Belle screamed from the shock of it, but Devon thrust himself into her again. Holding her tightly, up against the wall, he drove into her and pulled out again. Belle’s eyes rolled in her head. She knew that some men were good at sex. But, she had never expected her first time to feel so good. For it to be so easy.

  He kept his eyes on her, as he pumped into her, increasing his speed. All the discomfort of the initial few seconds of having his cock inside her had gone, Belle was enjoying herself. His cock had reached somewhere deep inside her, which she knew was going to make her come.

  “Devon…” she breathed his name. He kept thrusting, in and out of her, till she couldn’t hold back any more. Her orgasm came like an explosion. She had no control over her body, as she shook and wriggled. Belle was screaming, at the shock of what she was feeling. She faintly sensed that he had released himself into her as well, but her only concern was her own orgasm.

  It rocked her body, her toes curled and she knew she had a wide smile on her face. Devon didn’t stop at that, he pumped into her with quick hard thrusts till he had fully emptied himself into her. After that, Belle was ready to simply collapse to the floor.

  Chapter 13


  They were lying naked, beside each other, on the carpeted floor of his dimly lit office. Devon was still breathing hard, while Belle was looking up at the ceiling. Neither of them had said a word since he released her from his grip and they both sank to the floor.

  It could have been a few minutes or even half an hour, Devon felt like h
e had lost all track of time. But he had to say something, it didn’t seem like Belle was going to say anything.

  “Are you on the pill?” he asked, breaking the silence. The thought had suddenly occurred to him, because now he was certain that she was a virgin. Her hymen was already broken though, which could have been caused by masturbation; but he was sure that no man had been inside her before. Or if they had, they had done a very poor job of it. It made Devon feel good that he had been able to make Belle feel good. He had watched the intensity of her orgasm. She wasn’t going to forget it very easily.

  “Yeah, ever since I moved in with Jesse,” she said, looking over at him.

  “But you’ve not had sex with him yet?” Devon asked, still avoiding her gaze. They were looking up at the ceiling together, because he didn’t want to face her, or himself. This was the last thing he wanted to happen. Because just like her, Devon knew that he wasn’t going to be able to forget Belle so easily either.

  “No, he wants to wait till we get married,” Belle said quietly and Devon drew in a deep breath.

  “I’m sorry if this has confused things for you,” he said, after a few moments of silence. Belle was silent too, then she shook her head and turned to him. Devon couldn’t avoid looking at her any more. He turned to her, and looked into her large brown eyes. Her hair had fallen like a curtain over her side, just about covering her breasts.

  “It was already a confused mess. I wanted to have sex, and he didn’t. We have a lot of things to work out,” she said and Devon nodded quietly.

  “See, this is the reason why I want you to move to Brooklyn,” he said and then watched as she got up from the carpet. He couldn’t help admiring her lithe naked body as she walked over to where her clothes were strewn on the floor.

  Devon felt a pang of loneliness again, as he watched her getting dressed in silence.

  “Yes, you’re probably right,” she said as she slid up her jeans. Devon got up too, dragging his gaze away from looking at her. His clothes were lying near the desk, and he walked over to them.

  “I’ll speak to Susan tomorrow, and organize a move by day after. You’ll be able to work better if we keep our distance,” he said, as he buttoned up his shirt and pulled up his pants. Belle had slunk her t-shirt back on now, and she flipped her long hair out of her clothes.

  “Is it really this easy for you? You seem quite experienced in things like this,” she said and Devon jerked his head up to look at her with narrowed dark eyes. He clenched his jaw.

  “I’m not experienced in it at all, Belle. This is the first time something like this has happened. I like to keep my work and private life as separate as possible,” he said and tucked his shirt into his pants.

  Belle was standing with her arms crossed over her chest, as though she didn’t believe a word of what he said.

  “And, it’s not easy. But I’m your boss, you have a boyfriend and you’re at least twenty years younger than me,” he said. Even though he had just had her, and even though Belle’s flushed face and flared nostrils told him that she was in a sour mood; Devon couldn’t help wanting her again. He wondered how many times it would take, for her to satisfy his craving. Right then it felt like it could take forever. Like he would never stop wanting her.

  Belle rolled her eyes and looked away from him.

  “Yeah, I have a boyfriend. Who I have to go home to. Who I have to face now,” she said, with her eyes turned to the glass wall. Devon debated whether he should walk closer to her. Eventually, he decided that she needed human contact. That all this was probably too confusing for her. So, he walked over to her and she turned to look at him.

  Her watery eyes, the prideful jutting out of her chin…all contributed to how sexy she looked in that moment. Devon wished that he could keep her there, and make love to her all night. Instead, he only grabbed her face with both his hands, encasing her cheeks with his palms. He peered into her eyes and tried to smile.

  “It’ll be fine once you move to Brooklyn. This was a mistake. I did something wrong, just like you did. You’re not alone in this,” he said and Belle fell into his arms. She wrapped herself into his chest and Devon had no other choice but to stroke her silky bronze hair. He got a whiff of her lemon scented shampoo and he closed his eyes in order to savor that moment.

  She wasn’t crying, or sniffing…she was simply holding him.

  “I want to feel guilty, I want to feel bad, but I don’t. I know this isn’t good for you, or your agency, and I’m only an intern with a complicated life, but…” her words were coming out in a jumble and Devon placed a finger on her lips.

  “Don’t say another word,” he said and they couldn’t help but smile at each other.

  “I should go now,” Belle said suddenly, drawing her arms away from him. Devon let her slip away, and then he stood in the center of his room and watched as she walked towards the door.

  “I’ll remember this forever,” Belle said, just before she opened the door to step out.

  Chapter 14


  It was nearly eleven by the time Belle returned to the apartment. She had tried to delay coming home, not only because the guilt had started to set in but because she felt like she had never met another person like Devon Rymer before. He was gentle with her, caring and not the arrogant self sufficient man she expected him to be. He was not only a powerful successful man, but also someone who treated her with respect. She wished that she had met him under different circumstances. But she knew the circumstances couldn’t be changed, and she had to return home to Jesse.

  She jangled the keys in the lock and pushed open the door, to find the apartment shrouded in darkness. Jesse had already gone to bed it appeared.

  In the darkness of the room, Belle tried to be as quiet as possible as she went to the kitchen area to pour herself a glass of water. Next, she went to the bathroom to wash herself. She was afraid that she might smell of Devon and sex. Belle silently stripped herself off her clothes, then she dampened a towel and washed between her legs. She splashed some cold water on her face too, hoping that would soothe her nerves. But nothing helped.

  Slipping into her satin night dress, she tied her hair up in a ponytail and stepped out of the bathroom.

  On the mattress on the floor, she could see Jesse’s shadowy outline. He was turned towards the window, away from her side of the bed. She wondered if some other guy would have stayed up for her. Or was this the norm? She had never lived with a boy before, and the initial excitement of sharing her life with another person was quickly fading.

  Belle walked over to the mattress silently, sudden guilt gripping her heart. She had done something wrong. She had slept with someone else. She had cheated on Jesse. What had he done wrong? Other than not being able to find a job and denying her sex; was there anything else that was gravely wrong with him? He didn’t treat her badly, neither was he violent or abusive; and as far as she knew, he was a faithful guy.

  Belle couldn’t sleep. She tried to edge herself as far away from Jesse’s sleeping body as possible. She didn’t think she deserved to be touched, just after she had been unfaithful to him. The guilt kept her awake. She couldn’t stop thinking about how deeply it would hurt Jesse to find out that while he was saving himself for her, she had already given up her virginity to her boss. How could she possibly rectify it? How could she ever take it back?

  Belle turned to face the other way and felt a fat teardrop escape her eyelid and fall on the pillow underneath. It was all her fault. She was the one who had seduced Devon. He had tried to push her away, but she came to see him, she told him that she didn’t care about what happened. She wanted to sleep with him.

  While her boyfriend was by himself in their apartment, waiting for her.

  When Jesse moved, Belle’s heart stopped. She didn’t want him to wake up, she didn’t want to speak to him. She felt like she was the worst human being on the planet, by cheating on a good guy.

  “Hey, how did it go? Did you meet your boss?” Je
sse’s voice was groggy. Belle gulped and tried to even her breathing before opening her mouth to speak.

  “Yeah, but I have to move to the Brooklyn office. I don’t have a choice,” she said, still turned away from him. She felt him move again, and realized that he was turning over to her side now. She sensed his arm reach around her waist and he brought her tightly close to him.

  “It’ll be fine. You’ll be closer to home and closer to me. We can meet for lunch every day,” he said, still groggy but she could sense that he was smiling. She didn’t reply for a few seconds and then heard his heavy breathing. He had fallen asleep again.

  Belle didn’t move. Jesse’s arm around her waist felt like a ton of bricks on her body. It didn’t feel natural, it sent a cold shiver down her spine. But she remained in that position, laying with her eyes wide open.

  She couldn’t remember anymore what had attracted her to Jesse in the first place. Was it his boyish long blond hair? The dimples on his cheeks? Or was it because all her friends thought he was cute too? She knew she was too quick to agree to move in with him. They didn’t know each other well enough. At the time however, it was comforting to know that she wouldn’t have to live in New York all alone. She should never have doubted herself. She should have known that she could make it anywhere.


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