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Unprepared Daddy: A Second Chance Romance

Page 90

by Bella Winters

Devon said nothing but turned and walked away from her. He couldn’t believe that Alisha too, of all people, wasn’t the person he had thought she was.

  Chapter 18


  When Belle returned to the apartment that evening, her eyes were burning and her shoulders were aching. She had spent the whole day trying to do her job well. As an intern, she was not only required to produce well researched market surveys, but she also had coffee runs to do and errands to run for others in the office. At the end of the day, Belle was tired and feeling heartbroken. But she still remembered that Jesse had a new job and she needed to support him.

  When she opened the door, she found Jesse in boxer shorts and an old t-shirt. She was surprised, but tried to hide it with a chirpy voice.

  “Hey! How’d it go?” she asked, shutting the door behind her.

  Jesse was on the couch, playing on the console again and he looked up at her with a bored expression in his eyes.

  “How’d what go?” he asked and Belle felt her heart sinking. She walked up towards him and softened her voice. It had obviously not gone well.

  “The job interview,” she said, trying to sound as neutral as possible. Jesse paused the game, placed the control on his lap and looked up at her like he detested her for asking him that question.

  “How do you think it went?” he asked and Belle shrugged and looked away from him. Of all the times he had been in a bad mood, this had to be the worst.

  “You said you were excited about it and they pay well, so I don’t know…” she said and met his gaze again. Jesse rolled his eyes and looked away from her, as though she had said something offensive.

  “They don’t want to hire me, alright?” he said and stood up from the couch. Belle followed him into the kitchen area.

  “Why not? What happened?” she asked and Jesse ignored her. He went over to the mini fridge and extracted a can of beer for himself. Belle looked at the beer in his hand quizzically. What was he turning into?

  “Nothing happened. I went for the interview. They interviewed me and said that they don’t want to hire me,” he said and walked past her again towards the couch. Belle whipped around to follow him back to the couch. She had her doubts about whether he did actually go to the interview.

  “What questions did they ask?” she asked, folding her arms over her breasts.

  “General questions. Why are you grilling me?” he said, spreading his arms wide. Belle stared at him and realized that her nostrils were flared. She was losing her patience with him.

  “What questions exactly, Jesse? I want to know what we can do to improve your interview skills,” she said, tightening her grip on her arms. Jesse was breathing hard and suddenly he dropped his arms and walked over towards Belle.

  He placed his can of beer on the floor beside her and then his hands on her arms.

  “Don’t worry about it, babe. I’ll find something else,” he said with a smile and leaned towards her. Belle didn’t move. She was fuming. She was doubly sure now that he hadn’t even gone for the interview. Why was he jeopardizing his career? Why did he assume that she could just provide for them both on her internship money? She didn’t even have the money to buy a coffee on her way to work. She was broke and miserable and feeling unloved and he just didn’t care.

  Without saying anything, Jesse leaned towards her and tried to kiss her lips. Belle moved her face away. She felt nothing when he was close. No spark. No electricity. No attraction. And it was beginning to scare her.

  “Hey,” Jesse whispered, a smile forming on his face. He kissed her cheek and then Belle sensed his hand reaching for her breasts.

  Belle moved away from him with a jerk.

  “What’s wrong babe? Isn’t this what you want?” Jesse asked and stepped towards her again. Belle froze as she stared at him. Jesse was beginning to disgust her. She felt like she was cheating on Devon now. Even though she was never going to see him again.

  Jesse stroked her cheeks with his hands and kissed her forehead. Then the bridge of her nose and finally her lips. The kiss did nothing for her, except make her hate him a little more.

  “Are you worried that I don’t know what I’m doing? Don’t worry babe, I’ve slept with girls before,” he said, looking at her with enthusiastic eyes.

  Belle pushed him away and glared at him.

  “You said you wanted to wait!” she screeched, now losing all control. Jesse looked surprised as he looked at her, trying to develop a look of innocence on his face.

  “Yeah. I wanted to wait with you, babe. I think all those girls I slept with are sluts. I don’t want you to become like one of them,” he said and Belle’s mouth fell open.

  “So why do you want to do it now?” she asked and Jesse took in a deep breath, like he was trying to explain something to a little child.

  “Because I love you, babe. Because I want to do this with you. Because I know we’ll be together forever,” he replied and Belle could do nothing but stare at him in shock. Hearing those words coming from him made her sick to her stomach. She wanted to throw something at him. Punch the wall if she had to. Scream and make a run for it. Instead, she was frozen to the spot and felt like she couldn’t move a muscle. The guy she thought would make the perfect boyfriend in college had turned out to be her worst nightmare and she wasn’t sure how long she could go on like this.

  Chapter 19


  Devon was at his office, working late again and the next time he raised his head to look at the time, it was already nine. He pushed his file away and shut down his computer and took in a deep breath. The lunch with Alisha had affected him in a big way.

  It had been a week since he last saw Belle, and now he was beginning to recognize the heartache and loneliness settling in again. He didn’t want to arouse suspicion and hence hadn’t asked Susan or Jasmine how she was doing. He could only hope that she was happy at the Brooklyn office and that her life with her boyfriend was going well. He only wanted the best for her. He didn’t want to disrupt her peace of mind.

  Alisha was probably right, he figured, to assume that he was capable of actual feelings. Even though he didn’t want to discuss those feelings with anybody else, he knew that they existed. Belle had stirred them in him and he felt protective and possessive towards her. Which was why it was wise to send her away before anything else happened.

  The soft ping of the elevator outside snapped him out of his thoughts. His heart began to race because he couldn’t help but wonder if it was Belle again. A far fetched daydream, but he couldn’t help his mind from wandering.

  There was a sharp knock on the door and instead of saying anything, Devon stood up and walked over to it. He took in a deep breath, trying to calm his mind, and opened the door. Belle was standing on the other side. Her face looked pale, her eyes were widened and by the looks of it, she had been running again.

  “Belle!” he said her name aloud and she fell into his arms immediately.

  “I’m sorry, I had to come and see you,” she said and he stroked her head. She was still in her formal office clothes and her hair was braided elaborately in that fishtail plait that he remembered. She was in a slim gray dress with a wide black belt at her waist. She looked professional and beautiful.

  When she finally pulled away from him, she took a step back.

  “Come in,” he said in a quiet voice and he walked back towards his desk. She shut the door behind her and he could hear his heart thumping out of his chest. It was exciting to see her again. He knew very well what the possibility of her being there could lead to. He wanted to touch her again, take her into his arms…but it was still inappropriate.

  “I had to come, because I had nowhere else to go,” Belle was saying and he noticed that she looked nervous. She had clasped her hands together and was pressing her fingers tightly. Devon leaned against his desk as he looked at her.

  “My door is always open,” he said and she looked up at him sharply. Her brown eyes were large and looked bloodshot
. She could have been crying, he thought and immediately, he had the urge to take her in his arms again.

  “I know you didn’t want to see me again. You wanted us to keep our distance. But I have nobody else in New York,” she continued and Devon shook his head. Her breasts were heaving, her lips looked as pouty and luscious as usual; and even though she seemed distraught, Devon couldn’t help but recall the moment when he first saw her naked.

  “Don’t worry about it, tell me what’s going on,” he said in a soft voice. Their eyes met again and Belle looked like she was beginning to relax a little.

  “You know how I told you that my boyfriend said he doesn’t want to have sex right now, that he wants to wait. He just told me that he’s had sex before. With other girls before me and he didn’t want to sleep with me because he thinks they are all sluts,” the words came tumbling out of her and Devon couldn’t help but go closer to her. He wanted to take her into his arms, hug her close to his chest…but he was still afraid of touching her.

  “Belle, that is a horrible thing to say and do. I don’t know what to say to you, but it’s not unnatural that you’re upset,” he said, finding himself at a loss for words.

  “I don’t know if I want to be with a guy like that. Who thinks like that. Who thinks sex is dirty,” she said and Devon shook his head.

  “I know, I’m glad you came here,” he said and Belle rushed into his arms again.

  “And he keeps ditching his job interviews. He stays at home all day and plays on his playstation. I can’t afford the rent by myself any more,” she continued, looking up at him and he could tell that she was on the brink of a breakdown.

  Devon touched her face lightly and stroked her chin.

  “I can’t tell you what to do, Belle. But he doesn’t seem like a supportive boyfriend to have,” he said, choosing his words carefully. The last thing he wanted to do was break up a relationship. He would have done anything to have her, but it would have to be her choice.

  Belle gulped as she stared at him.

  “I don’t think we’re good together. I feel like I did it too quickly. We’ve only been together four months, and I keep thinking that he deserves another chance,” she said and Devon nodded.

  “I understand, but if he doesn’t make you happy, you can’t keep giving him chances,” he said and Belle drew closer to him. She was slowly raising her hand so she could touch his face. Devon stood still, breathing in her scent.

  “I want to stop feeling guilty about what we did, Devon,” she said.

  Chapter 20


  Devon didn’t look surprised when Belle said the words, instead he brought his face closer to her. His dark hair was neatly brushed to the side, she could see the gray at his temples, the firm set of his thin lips. He looked powerful and wise as he held her face. Their noses were almost touching now and Belle drew in a deep breath.

  “I don’t want to feel guilty either,” he said in a heavy breath and Belle felt like she was going to melt away. She wasn’t sure why she came to his office again. She couldn’t even be sure if he would still be there. But she took the chance, and now she couldn’t help but be in his arms. She wanted to be close to him. He was the only one who could make her feel good.

  Devon gave her a moment, to push him away if she wanted to, but when she didn’t he pressed his lips to hers. Belle opened her mouth, welcoming his tongue in. She gasped as they kissed and clung to his shoulders, her arms wound tightly around his neck. Devon’s hands went down from her face, to the back of her neck and she could sense his fingers on her back.

  He was beginning to pull the zip down on her dress. Their lips were still fuzed together, and Belle reached down the front of his shirt to his belt. While the zip on her dress came slowly down, she unbuckled his belt and undid his pants. She was desperate to have him in her hands. Her dress hadn’t even fallen off her shoulders, but his throbbing growing cock was already in her hands.

  Devon pulled away from the kiss, and she was panting for air. Neither of them could say a word, they could only communicate with their bodies. One week had been too long to be apart. Through his boxers, Belle stroked his cock. She could feel it growing stronger and harder in her hand. She couldn’t wait to have it inside her. She was wet between her legs for it. She felt like it was only Devon’s cock that could make everything alright.

  Her dress fell from her shoulders and Devon pulled it down her torso. She had to let go of his cock and he watched as her body was revealed to him. Her red bra and panties made him stare. Her breasts were heaving from the anticipation and he stared at her with thirsty eyes.

  He lunged at her again, tearing the bra off. She heard the clasp snap open and collapse to the floor, and her breasts were in Devon’s hands. He was sucking her right nipple, making loud smacking sounds with his mouth, while his other hand went down her belly.

  Belle closed her eyes, enjoying the sensation of having his mouth on her. She started unbuttoning his shirt, so she could feel the smooth muscles on his chest and his abs. She pushed the shirt off him, while his hand lifted her panties and his fingers went under it to her wet burning center.

  Belle gasped again. He had pushed in two fingers without warning and she nearly stumbled back from the sensation. Devon caught her in time and pulled her back towards him. He kept his mouth on her nipples, alternating between sucking each one.

  She could feel his cock between her legs now. She was so close to an orgasm. His fingers slid in and out of her, while he used his thumb to play with her clit. Devon lifted his face suddenly up at her, and their gazes locked.

  Without a word he quickened his pace with his fingers. He was pumping into her, making her body shake and Belle couldn’t help but moan. She wanted him to keep doing it till she came. His thumb stroked her clit while his fingers pumped into her. He was reaching her deep inside, in that spot that made her body give up. She was about to come and she clung to him, closing her eyes tightly. She could sense that he was watching her, he wanted to see her have an orgasm.

  Devon pulled out his fingers abruptly and Belle gasped. She wanted more. She wanted to come but he didn’t want her to just yet. A smile was forming on his face because he could see how badly she wanted it.

  “Devon, please,” she cried, pleadingly. She wanted to have that orgasm, quickly.

  “Yes, Belle. I’m going to make you come,” he grunted and whipped her around. Belle was facing his desk now and he bent her over it. Her butt was thrust out towards him and she felt him come up close to her. This was new to her too, but she could feel her wetness throbbing. She wanted his cock where his fingers had been.

  Belle could hear herself panting as Devon ran his hands down her bare back. When she couldn’t take the wait any more, she turned her head to look at him pleadingly again. Devon smiled, before placing his hand on her shoulder. He arched her back slightly, just a little bit towards her and then she felt him sliding in.

  This time he didn’t take it slow. He drove his cock into her and Belle screamed. Keeping a steady grip on her with her shoulder, Devon pumped into her with force. Belle moaned and groaned, being pushed to the brink of orgasm as he continued to slide in and out of her. His cock felt big and tight inside her, but that was the feeling she had waiting for all week and nothing else felt as good. Within minutes, she knew she was dangerously close to coming. Devon wasn’t slowing down and she could feel her body giving way.

  When she orgasmed, he came with her and they both moaned loudly as they exploded into each other. She could feel him shoot into her, his seed oozing out inside her and it made Belle smile. She kept repeating how good it felt and Devon was laughing. There was nothing to be ashamed of any more, no more guilt, they could finally release and feel good about it.

  Devon started to pull out of her and Belle collapsed on the desk. When he was out of her completely, she finally turned around to look at him. He looked even more handsome naked, she thought as he stood in front of her. He was staring at her too and they bot
h had wide smiles on their faces.

  “So, what now?” she asked and jumped up on the desk, her legs dangling off the edge. Devon walked closer to her and placed his hands on her arms.

  “What do you want to do about all this?” he asked, his voice growing a little serious. Belle still couldn’t stop smiling. She couldn’t believe that he still wanted her, that he wasn’t just imagining everything.

  “I told you everything, do you want to tell me something as well?” she said and he grinned at her and took his hands away from her.

  “The truth is, Belle. I want to be with you and if there is a chance, I want to find a way to be together,” he said and leaving her on her desk, he walked to the toilet in his office. When he returned he had a bid wad of toilet paper in his hand.

  “I wasn’t sure if you were interested in me seriously,” she said, and watched him as he walked over to her.


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