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Darkness Falls (Book 1): Rise of the Fallen

Page 13

by Francis, Martin W.

  “What? Those idiot were supposed to deliver it silently. They could have thrown a tarp over it or used spray paint for Christ sake. Thank you for bringing that to my attention Jessie.”

  “You seem to have me at an advantage. I thought your voice sounded familiar, but I wasn’t positive. Hearing you say my first name confirms that we have likely met before.”

  “Well I suppose the cat is out of the bag now.”

  The chair slowly turned around with a face Jessie was extremely familiar with. She immediately saluted him.

  “Enough of that Jessie. Robertson lower your weapon man. Are you an idiot?” Glancing back Jessie say that Robertson complied with an ugly glare directed at her. “I see you still recognize me even with the new scar on my face. At ease commander. Pull up a chair. We have much to discuss.”

  “I’m sure we do General Ortiz”

  General Sergio Ortiz was a known hard ass who worked his way to the top with direct confrontation in several wars. He had also undertook many missions that were too classified for even the top brass to take a gander at. He had been Jessie’s direct commanding officer as well as her mentor for many years. The last time she had seen him was when he had ordered her back to active duty to lead the last mission she had underwent while the world wasn’t in chaos.

  “So now that you appear comfortable is there anything I can get you before we commence to your debriefing among other things?”

  “A cappuccino with whip cream and cinnamon would be nice.”

  Ortiz laughed, “You haven’t changed at all. Sorry we are short on whip cream. However, a cappuccino with cinnamon I think we can manage. Rogers go find us a couple cappuccinos and bagels.”

  The officer at the door saluted hurrying off. Jessie glanced back awkwardly finding Robertson still standing around again tapping his foot.

  “And you are still using your officers as lackeys. Speaking of is this one still necessary?”

  “Hey, I can’t have them doing nothing all of the time or they will get soft. Robertson your dismissed.”

  “Oh by the way Robertson, next time you threaten me or point your gun even in the slightest in my direction I’ll slit your throat before you can blink.”

  His eyes bulged in his head out of anger. He was about to say something he would seriously regret before Ortiz interrupted him.

  “Take my advice Frank she isn’t kidding. She is more than capable to do exactly what she said. If I were a betting man I would put all my chips on her in a heartbeat. I would reconsider saying or doing whatever you are currently thinking. Better to just walk away.”

  Robertson looked back and forth between the general and myself before storming off. Bagels and cappuccinos arrived shortly. The officer stepped outside closing the door.

  “I have seriously missed the taste of a cappuccino. Sorry if I caused a rift between you and the mercs.”

  “No big deal he had it coming. About time someone said something. So tell me was your mission a success?”

  “Depends on how you look at it. We completed the operation as expected with little resistance. However, I lost all of my men the moment we stepped onto that military base except for Captain Martinez.”

  “Martinez, good man. Do you know his whereabouts?”

  “Unfortunately he was bitten shortly after the two of us escaped the base. I had to put him down.”

  “Too many lost soldiers. Glad that you managed to survive though. Commendable work on the assassination. I’m sure it seems pointless seeing how the Black Death probably would have taken him anyway. It’s not like we expected everything to change so dramatically when you were sent on the assignment. I’m sorry that I had to put you back on active duty. I know that you were hoping to be done with that type of work.”

  “I understand it had to be done and why. I also know that several others were sent prior to the mission being handed over to my care. They would likely still be alive if I had been assigned the operation first. I do appreciate that you originally tried to keep me out of having to take care of it. As for its completion it was a group effort. They were the best team I can honestly say that I have ever had the privilege to work with.”

  “I know you pretty well Jessie. Are you sure you want to be part of something we both know will have human casualties?”

  “Of course I have problems with taking lives of innocent civilians. It will undoubtedly haunt my sleep for years. Can you say any differently? If so you should have retired a long time ago. I realize it is one of the few options that are left to completely wipe these things out. What exactly is the plan once Star Breeze is ready?”

  “Unfortunately we are having trouble finding its location. Once the weapon is acquired we will be testing it in New York. It will have the highest populated area of Fallen as well as least likely area for human survival due to that fact. If successful then we have been sanctioned to clear North America. After completion we will begin moving all known survivors here. They will begin disposing of the dead. If there is success in New York then plans to make the weapon usable in a larger capacity will be undertaken.”

  “Did whoever ordered the operation include a plan to look for survivors beyond those that are known of?”

  “Our cowardly president hiding on another continent has declared any unknown survivors expendable assets for the bigger picture. He has declared Canada and all of South America part of the United States since no leaders were known to have survived. I can’t say what the leaders of the other nations will decide, but our commander in chief has already decided the fate of any potential survivors on two continents without opposition. All I can say is I didn’t vote for him. Hopefully by the time we test the weapon in New York a Fallen will bite him on the ass so we can find better leadership. Perhaps then the plan will change. If not then we will drag our feet as much as we can until his term is over.”

  “Until one of those happens though we will have no choice other than to follow orders. Unknown numbers of civilians will lose their lives because one man isn’t patient enough to do things the right way.”

  “Pretty much Jessie. Are you sure you want in on this?”

  “I almost hate saying yes, but like you said we can do our best to stall the program until a new president is elected.”

  “That is if he doesn’t declare himself president for life or some nonsense. Seems the recent presidents have a knack for making new laws to empower themselves. Regardless, I’m sure we will find a way to make a difference. Glad to have you on the team. The current individual leading the team on acquiring the weapon is a complete moron. Your first assignment is to fire Sergeant Stanson and take charge. Get the team in shape or put your own together. Reassign the current men to Alaska for all I care. Do whatever it takes to acquire the weapon. That’s all for now, you are dismissed commander.”

  General Ortiz reached in a drawer as Jessie stood up at attention. He tossed a folder across the desk. Jessie gave a salute before leaving the security room. She first familiarized herself with the layout of the airport. Sitting down at a table in what had once been an airport restaurant she reviewed the contents of the folder. A little after nine in the morning she found a couple of officers in the employee breakroom drinking coffee while talking. She procured them to locate all members of the team she had on file. They each left with half the list of names. She left the room to walk around a little more giving them time to arrive. At ten she reentered the breakroom finding Sergeant Stanson with his back turned reprimanding the others for making him look bad due to the apartment fire.

  Sergeant Stanson you are here by relieved of command. Order are directly from General Ortiz.”

  A silence filled the room as he turned around. On seeing her rank he saluted leaving the room without saying another word. The other men started to mumble amongst themselves.

  “Unless all of you would like to be reassigned to Alaska as the Ortiz suggested I would like your undivided attention. Thank you much better. I am Commander Sparks. I have been assi
gned to make sure that there are no further incidents. You will listen and follow order exactly as they are given. If you have a problem doing so then you will be confined to your quarters until transport can arranged to remove you from the base. Are we clear?”

  The men were all quick to give compliance.

  “Good, now looking over the Intel I see that Clayton’s last known residence was partially searched before one of you were kind enough to torch the building. I do understand that the circumstances involved being overrun by a horde of Fallen so I will overlook the incident. Fortunately for all of us I know more than what is in the files concerning Clayton. If I remember correctly he took on a teaching job at a University about a year after resigning from the project. At least that is the conversation I recall when I ran across him at a café. Under the presumption that his last know residence was here in this city he likely was working at another University where he would have likely had access to the components to complete the weapon. Our next target will be Eastern New Mexico University which is the most likely place we will find his lab. Lieutenant Arsten you will not proceed with any flight activities this evening. I want you at your best tomorrow in case we need a quick out. That being said make sure the helicopter gets a full look over. Check it twice. Everyone is to report back here at Zero Five Hundred Tango tomorrow morning for mission details. You’re dismissed.”

  After they left Jessie went to gather information. She intentionally stalled the mission for at least a day should there be any complications with destroying the weapon provided they actually located it. The following morning she met her team back in the breakroom before the sun had yet risen. She handed out folders with assignment details to each officer as they arrived.

  “Each of you will find a layout of the campus. I have highlighted the most likely locations where the target may be found. I do not foresee a high Fallen presence at the campus due to the epidemic closing down the school. Regardless there are likely still several around the perimeter and possibly in the buildings. I expect everyone to be on their guard every second. Silencers are mandatory so that we can keep our whereabouts to a minimum. This will be a silent mission which means absolutely no explosives period. If anyone places the team in danger due to their actions or inactions I will personally shoot the one responsible or they will be left unarmed in hostile territory to find their own way back to the base. Memorize your assignments and everything in your folders. The operation will commence in two hours. Be ready to depart at that time. I will leave you to study your folders. That is all.”

  Two hours later the helicopter blades began their rotation as the eight man team began to arrive. Everyone crowding inside, it lifted off the ground heading to Eastern New Mexico University. Landing a quarter mile from the destination in an isolated area the team made their way on foot the rest of the way to not attract unwanted attention. At the campus they swept each building systematically as a team eliminating any Fallen that they found lurking about. Nearing the last building Jessie signaled for two of the men to find transport while the rest checked inside. Having a higher presence than the previous buildings there were nearly ten Fallen inside that were put down during a quick sweep. There was a large science lab that had the name Clayton posted outside on the door placard. Inside the room they found an odd sight of a Fallen in a white lab coat. Almost seemed like it was out of some old b-rated horror movie. It was almost funny until the thing came running straight at them with their guard partially down. Inches away from one of the men who didn’t have time to react Jessie pulled the trigger on her pistol taking off one of its ears because of the angle she was currently standing. Losing an ear didn’t slow it down in the least as it bit a chunk off Corporal West’s exposed hand. One of the other officers a little too late smashed the barrel of his rifle into its face knocking it down. The individual who had been bitten smashed its skull as he stomped on it multiple times.

  “Hold him, hand on the table.”

  “What? No don’t”

  “If we don’t you die. Do you understand? This will give you a chance. I said secure him. Do it now!”

  He yelled as Jessie pulled a machete from its sheath hacking off his hand in one quick strike of the sharped blade. He passed out from the pain and loss of blood while one of the other men did his best to tend to the amputation wound. On closer inspection of the Fallen, Jessie saw that it had Clayton sewn on to the breast pocket of the white lab coat. She shook her head thinking of how he came about his final demise. She had dinner with his family a couple times many years ago. Now he was laying on the ground with his skull smashed in. Remembering the weapon was the priority she told the others to carefully examine the room. She made them aware that the Fallen had been identified as the scientist they were looking for. Papers were strewn about the room, scientific equations were covering several boards, and in a back corner there was an office door. Inside the office there was no desk. The only thing that sat inside was an odd looking machine on a table with scrap parts in a box on the floor next to it. On one wall hung hand drawn blueprints of the machine that was sitting on the table. She ordered one of the soldiers to photograph the equations on the boards just in case. The others she gave orders to pack up everything in the back office. Most everything was easy enough to carry outside to a truck that had been moved near the exit doors. The machine was a bit bulky taking four men to carry out to the bed of the truck after Corporal West had been carefully carried out. Jessie kept an observant eye on them pretending to immensely care if the machine was even slightly scratched. Once it was loaded she noticed that something was missing from the machine. There was a small square indentation where something had once been inserted into the now empty socket. She had one of the officers reenter the building with her. Searching the room again she came up empty. She decided to search Clayton in the off chance that he might have whatever was missing in a coat pocket perhaps. She found that he was wearing a small key around his neck. In his right shirt pocket there was piece of paper which read: Safe Code 24-36-14. The officer and she thoroughly searched one last time now with the knowledge that there could be a hidden safe. He found it hidden behind a filing cabinet. Using the code to open the safe she found a small lock box with a key hole. Turning the key from around Clayton’s neck inside the hole of the box lid; it popped open. Inside was a square shaped high tech computer processing unit that Jessie had never seen the likes of before. It looked like it was from another planet with its mirrored surfaces and etched design. The only reason she was able to identify what it was is because Clayton had left a small journal inside the lock box with it explaining its specifics. Closing the lock box and pocketing the key she carried both out to the truck where the rest of the team was waiting. They drove back to the helicopter without any issues. Jessie ordered all except one of them to return in the chopper immediately with Corporal West to see to his wounds. She knew that at least one of them would need to be present so the others didn’t become suspicious. She picked Private Arnolds to occupancy her back in the truck with the contents from Clayton’s laboratory because he had the least experience and was the least threat. She congratulated all of them on a job well done. The men saluted her as they loaded up in the helicopter.

  Once on the road she waited for the helicopter to distance itself until it was no longer visible. Once it was completely out of view she drew her side arm pointing it at Private Arnolds.

  “Pull the truck over.”

  “Ma’am?” He glanced over becoming aware of the gun. “I can’t do that ma’am. I have orders to return the cargo safely back to base.”

  “I give the orders Arnolds. I can include putting a bullet in your head in those orders if you don’t pull this truck over right now!”

  Arnolds frowned slowing the truck down to a complete halt.

  “Now leave your weapons in the seat except the knife. Also, leave your radio. Good, now step out of the truck.”

  He followed her orders watch carefully for a chance to make a move. She g
ave him no opportunity to do so.

  “Now start walking back to the base. Actually, you should stealthily run if you don’t want to be bitten. Move it.”

  After he had walked a half block away she started up the truck. She floored the pedal driving as quickly as she safely could back to the cabins her group had been staying at. She pulled up running inside to look for a message to lead to the location the others had gone off to. She grabbed the letter beside the bed before running back outside. She rigged the truck with explosives in her backpack that she had borrowed from the base. She set a timer for fifteen minutes to give herself enough time to get a safe distance away. She hopped into her S.U.V. in the garage quickly driving away. She barely exited the city passing the ‘Welcome to Ruidoso’ sign when a huge explosion went off. Billowing smoke rose into the sky from the direction of the cabins she had left behind. She stopped at the first building on the road. Gathering a bag Rye had left behind for her she stepped out. Just beyond the Ridgeman Gas Station were tall trees of a good sized forest area. She looked back in the direction of the explosion one last time seeing a tiny black dot in the distance which was likely the helicopter. Jessie turned towards the forest proceeding forward into the dark woods with a smile on her face.




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