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Shadow's Dilemma (Wild Kings MC: Dander Falls Book 4)

Page 10

by Erin Osborne

  Chapter Five


  IT’S BEEN A FEW DAYS SINCE the fight. So far, we’ve heard nothing from me beating the shit out of that guy, but that could change any second. A few of the guys from the Phantom Bastards have decided to stay here a little while longer and Pops made the decision to stay too. Maddie wanted to stay and visit with her dad, but we decided that it would be best for them to head back to Clifton Falls until we know what’s going to happen. Today, we’re having church and Kim is going to be brought in. Fox let us know that there’s some information that we need to hear from her. I can’t even begin to guess what that is, but I’m sure it has something to do with the look that came over her face when we were getting ready to leave the gym.

  “Doc, where you at?” I ask, walking into our room at the clubhouse after going to grab a cup of coffee.

  “In the bathroom,” she replies as I hear the water turn on.

  I sit on the bed and wait for her to make her way back into the room. She needs to know that I’m going to church but Melissa called me to say that they’re on their way back. Dylan wants to come home early. I’m not sure what’s going on, but I would rather him be here where we can keep an eye on him. Renee’s been nervous about him being away too. So, I lay back and prop myself up on my elbows as I continue to wait for her. She’s been adamant that she can take a shower and things by herself, so I’ve been trying to give her the space she needs. Most of the time she doesn’t even use the crutches when she’s walking around. It’s only when she’s in public with a lot of people around her and when she’s tired.

  Before too long, I hear the door open and I see Renee walking toward me with her boot on and only using one crutch. She’s only wearing a matching lace bra and panties. Fuck! This is not what I need to see right now. We have to be in church in a little bit and I’ve been trying to stay good. Renee is making it very difficult. I can tell by the mischievous look in her eyes that she knows exactly what she’s doing and is trying to push me past my limit. When we were together before, I always let her take the lead. Now, I’m a man that’s strung tight and she’s about to see what happens when you push me.

  “See something you like, big guy?” she asks, stopping right between my legs and setting the crutch aside.

  “Yeah, I definitely see somethin’ I like. I thought we were tryin’ to wait?” I ask, sitting up and bringing myself even closer to her delectable body.

  “I’m tired of waiting,” she says, running her hands up my thighs.

  I fist my hands at my sides and wait for Renee to make the first move. If she’s decided that she’s done waiting, then she’s going to be in charge of the show. At least for now. She runs her hands up my legs until she gets to my belt. I watch as she undoes is and then takes care of undoing my jeans. Leaning down, she takes my boots off before pulling my jeans over my hips and down my legs. Since I’m not wearing any boxers, I tug my shirt off so she doesn’t have to stand back up. Renee kneels there and just looks at my body from head to toe. Yeah, she definitely likes what she sees.

  “Why am I the only one naked here?” I ask, sitting back up and reaching around her body to undo her bra.

  As I’m leaning into her body, Renee begins to place kisses on my chest and up to my neck. I give her all the access she needs until I feel her hands wrap around my hard cock. Sucking in a breath, I wait to see what she’s going to do next. I’m not disappointed when I feel her begin to kiss, lick, and suck down to my hard length. Keeping my eyes closed, I wait for her warm, wet mouth to wrap around my length. Instead, I feel her teasing me, kissing up and down before taking just the tip in her mouth. She knows that she’s driving me wild right now. I fist the sheet in my hands, so I don’t make her go any faster than what she is right now. This is her time to do as she pleases. Hopefully I can hold on for as long as she decides to tease and play before deciding I can’t take anymore.

  Finally, Renee takes me in her mouth as far as she can while leaving one hand at the base. She begins to bob her head up and down the way she knows I like while swirling her tongue around me. I reach down with one hand and tangle my fingers into her hair. Not to control her movements like I have before but to have more contact with her. Her other hand moves down to my balls where she begins to roll and play with them the way she remembers I like. This isn’t going to take very long at the rate she’s going. Fuck! I am not some teenager that’s going to get mine without her getting anything in return. So, I gently pull her off of me and help her get on the bed. Once she’s lying in the middle, I gently take her boot off before pealing her panties down her long, legs.

  I begin to kiss my way up her good leg until I reach the very center of her. She lifts her head to watch me as I take my first taste of her in over a year. Renee lays her head back as a sigh escapes her body. I’ve never been able to get enough of her taste, of her body so I plan on taking my time with her. Licking her from her slit up to her clit, I savor the taste exploding in my mouth that is all Renee. I continue this until my girl is writhing on the bed, trying to get me where she wants. She’s moaning and trying to twist away from me as I change what I’m doing. While I suck her clit into my mouth, I insert a finger into her tight little body. Renee begins to squirm more on the bed as I quicken my pace, adding a second finger inside her, and bite down on her clit just enough to add a touch of pain that I know she likes. It doesn’t take long before I feel her body begin to tighten and shake under my touch. I begin moving my fingers in and out of her a little faster while I move my mouth up her body. No one else will hear more of her moans and screams, they’re all mine.

  Devouring her mouth, I feel her body break apart under me. Before she can come back down from the orgasm she just had, I line my hard cock up with her entrance and make my way inside. As soon as I’m all the way in, I take a minute to relish the feeling of being home as the last of her spasms squeeze my cock. Renee doesn’t let me enjoy the feeling for very long as she begins to move under my body. She wants me to move and who am I to deny her? I pull almost completely free of her body before thrusting my hips to slam back inside. While I wanted to go slow and cherish her, I know that it’s not going to be possible with the way I feel right now. Renee meets me thrust for thrust though. It’s not long before I feel her body getting ready to explode as I lean down and take one of her nipples into my mouth. Sucking the hard peak until it’s red, I move to the other side just as another orgasm rip through her body. She clamps down on me and there’s no stopping me from cumming.

  “Renee!” I shout out as I fill her with my release.

  At the same time, there’s a pounding on my door. “Church now!” one of the guys hollers.

  Renee and I look at one another and burst into a fit of laughter. Nothing like being interrupted just as we both cum. I forgot all about church. That’s what she does to me. There’s not even time for me to help her clean up and get our bodies back under control.

  “I’ve gotta go. I’m sorry baby,” I say as I pull from her body with a groan. “Will you be okay?”

  “I’m more than okay,” she says, a look of total satisfaction on her face.

  “Okay. I’ll be back as soon as I can,” I tell her, grabbing my clothes and rushing to get dressed. There’s not even time for me to clean up.

  I run out the door, trying to put my other boot on as I go. Before I get through the door enough to close it, I almost fall on my face in my rush. Renee’s laughter follows me down the hallway through the closed door. I love hearing her laugh and knowing that it’s because of me. Anything I can do to keep that look on her face and the laughter coming, I’ll do. There’s nothing I wouldn’t do for Dylan and her.

  Just before I get to the doors of the meeting room, I see Melissa walk in with Dylan. She’s carrying a wrapped package and my curiosity gets the better of me. So, I change direction and meet them by the bar. Dylan wraps his little arms around my leg in greeting before I pick him up in my arms for a hug. Almost at once he starts squirming to get down.
I look behind me to see that Kim is standing there watching us. She’s nervous as hell and I can’t say that I blame her. She knows things that we need to know so I’m sure she feels like she’s walking into the lion’s den right about now. Fox is standing by her side as Dylan races over to see her.

  “What’s that?” I ask, turning my attention back to Melissa.

  “Renee’s birthday present. You do know that today is her birthday, don’t you?” she asks, looking at my blank face.

  “No, I didn’t know that. She’s never mentioned it,” I tell her honestly, sitting down at the bar in defeat. I really fucked this up.

  “It’s okay. She doesn’t tell anyone when it is. You’ll figure something out that will be great. Where is she?” Melissa asks, letting me know that she has no doubts about us being together.

  “In our room. I’ll get her real quick. I have to be in church,” I says, turning on my heel to get her before going into the meeting.

  Renee’s already in the hallway before I can get down it. She sees Dylan with Kim and Fox and gives me a questioning look. Damn, I forgot to tell her as soon as she walked out of the bathroom almost naked. Well, it looks like she knows now. I quickly explain that Melissa’s here waiting by the bar before I place a kiss on her temple and enter church. Mike is standing there with the box for our phones as I throw mine in and take my seat. The only ones not in here right now are Fox and Kim. It’s a tight fit with the extra guys here, but we’ll make it work so that we can get this shit sorted out. Not only does Kim have things to tell us, but I have to tell the guys what I told Gage a few short days ago. They need to be brought up to speed and realize that this is my mess and I’m going to be the one to handle it.

  “We don’t have all fuckin’ day!” Gage shouts, making the guys shut their mouths while bringing Kim and Fox through the doors. “Now that we’re all here and ready to start, Kim I want you to let us know what you do before Shadow takes over.”

  Fox stands behind his girl for support as she looks around the room at each one of us. She lingers on me with a sad, defeated look on her face. “I don’t know what’s going on, but I know that the guy Shadow fought a few nights ago works for my dad. When we were getting ready to leave, I saw my dad. He looked right at me with a look of pure hatred and vengeance on his face. See, I left my family years ago. I couldn’t stand for the way things are behind closed doors while we all have to pretend that we’re the perfect little family. My dad is into some very shady shit and while I don’t know all of it, I know that it’s dealing drugs, running guns, and trading women as sex slaves. Well, it’s not just women. Whatever one of his clients wants, he gets for them,” Kim says, her entire body trembling as she tells us in detail what she’s witnessed from him. “I know that he has bodyguards that have no conscious and will take anyone out that he views as a threat. If you guys are on his radar, there’s no stopping him now. Shadow, the guy you fought is Louie. He’s my dad’s first in command and one of his best friends. I could see the hate he feels for you. You need to be careful.”

  “How do you know about his business if you haven’t been around for years?” Pops asks, sitting up in his chair next to me.

  “I’ve made sure to be kept in the loop. Tommy was one of the newer guys and he always had a soft spot for me. He couldn’t stand the way my dad treated me and my mom. He’s loyal to my dad and won’t help outsiders, but he will get information that he thinks I need to know to me,” she answers, standing taller and gaining confidence as Fox wraps his arm around her waist. Even though Kim is a confident person, this situation makes her seem small and scared of her own shadow.

  “Okay. But, who’s your dad?” Gage finally asks, sitting in his chair looking relaxed when he’s anything but that.

  “Senator Andrews,” she answers nonchalantly.

  We all sit in stunned silence as we take in that bombshell. I know I never would’ve guessed that a senator was behind the bullshit that Alan brought to our door. Personally, I was thinking it mob related, but this is even worse. Andrews is going to feel like he’s untouchable given his standing in politics. Especially if he’s got any amount of law enforcement in his pocket. Finally, we all turn to our President to see what he’s going to do about this.

  “So, we’re lookin’ at someone that’s very connected with all the right people,” he says, sitting up straight in his chair. “Well, that’s goin’ to make things more difficult. Fox take her out to Renee and Melissa. We need to figure this shit out. Thank you, Kim.”

  She nods her head in response before Fox leads her from the room. We sit in silence until he comes back a minute later. As soon as he sits down in one of the chairs against the wall, Gage looks at me to begin my story. I’ve been dreading this part for so long, but I take a deep breath and lay it all out on the line for my brothers to hear.

  “When I was young, I realized that my mom had a problem. She didn’t take care of me the way I saw other moms’ takin’ care of their kids. I had to make my own food, wash my clothes, and get myself off to school. One day when I was about thirteen, she decided to let one of the guys that helped her get her fix have a go at me. He wanted me in a sexual way and I fought him tooth and nail. Eventually I realized that he was goin’ to overpower me so I grabbed the hammer that was under my bed, hittin’ him in the head. He died. This Tommy guy was his brother. That’s what the fight was about the other night,” I tell them, glossing over the story so I don’t have to relive the details all over again. “Anyway, earlier that day, a few thugs came in Colin’s gym and threatened me. Said I better lose the fight or they were comin’ after Renee. She knows all this and told me not to throw the fight. Her trust is in me, and us, to protect her and Dylan. So, I won the fight. Now, I’m just waitin’ to see what the blowback is goin’ to be.”

  “Shadow told me all this the night of the fight. He’s been fightin’ these demons his entire life. Alone. One other person knew the story, but he wasn’t contacted for help until that day. Now, I know his concerns are bigger than just protection for Renee and her son. He’s worried about what everyone at this table is goin’ to think about him for bringin’ this shitstorm to the club. I know that he’s still my brother and I’m goin’ to have his back no matter what. If any of you have a problem with this, you can leave now. Because we’ve all had one another’s back when we’ve been goin’ through our own shit. Shadow stayed when his prospectin’ period got extended and didn’t bitch one second about it,” Gage says, looking each man around the room in the eye.

  I’m stunned at his words and finally realize that he’ll have my back no matter what. Pops is the only one that I’ve ever seen that from. Once when he rescued me from the streets and myself. Then again when he dropped whatever he was doing to come help me out. Now I know without any doubt that I have the unwavering support of my President. The rest of the guys look at me and I can begin to see their support take over the look of shock on their faces. It feels like the weight of the world is slowly falling from my shoulders knowing that no one wants me out of the club.

  “I want Fox and Tech to get on pullin’ any and all information you can on Senator Andrews and this Tommy prick. We’ll come back and meet once we have the information, we need to take them down,” Gage says before banging the gavel on the table and dismissing us.

  Making my way into the common room, I see Renee and Kim sitting on the couch while Dylan plays next to them at a table. They’re lost in their own conversation and don’t realize that we’re all coming out of church. I need to figure out something to do for my girl’s birthday. I’ll start with sending her to lunch with Kim and then they can go to Darcy’s place and get their hair done. Motioning Fox over to me, I let him know what I want to do and he agrees to follow them. Mike and Pops can go with them. That will allow Alice to get to know at least Kim and Renee better and I can figure out what else I want to do for her birthday. Dylan will get to spend the day with me.

  I walk over to the girls and hear them laughing about something
. I’m not even going to guess what it could be. Especially when they both stifle their laughter as soon as they notice me walking up to them. Renee has a mischievous look on her face and I can’t wait to find out what it’s about. But, I can’t think of all the possibilities just yet. Right now, I need to talk to them about going out to lunch and then going to the salon. This might be Renee’s last chance to do a lot before we go into lockdown. If it comes to that. We’ll have to wait and see what Fox and Tech can dig up. Fox will be able to work while he’s out with the girls, otherwise I wouldn’t have asked him to go.

  “Hey Doc, I thought you might want to get out of here for a while. Pops and Fox are goin’ to go with you girls out to lunch. And then I thought you might like to go to Darcy’s salon when you’re done there. You’re gonna be goin’ back to work soon and it might be the last chance for somethin’ like this for a while. What do you think?” I ask, leaning down over her to place a kiss on the top of her head before standing back up to wait for her answer.

  “That sounds good to me. What about Dylan?” she asks, looking at her son playing at the table.

  “I got him. We’ll do things around here until you get back,” I answer, not letting her know that I’m going to be doing something for her special day.

  “Alright. Call me if you need anything,” she answers, standing up without her crutch so that she can get what she needs to leave.

  I walk over and grab a chair at the table Dylan’s sitting at and start building blocks with him. In a matter of minutes, they’ll be crashed all around us, but as long as he’s happy, who cares what we’re doing. And, I just need to keep him occupied until the girls leave. Then we can go out and figure out what we’re doing for the day. I have an idea in my head of something that I can get my girl for her birthday, but I don’t want it to be seen as something too big for her. It’s my job to take care of her though and that’s what I’m going to do. So, I’ll take her throwing a fit over her gift as long as I get her in my arms at the end of the day.


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