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Shadow's Dilemma (Wild Kings MC: Dander Falls Book 4)

Page 12

by Erin Osborne

  I grab my nightie and a towel before making my way into the bathroom off of the room. It’s clean, but littered with all of my lotions, body wash, and Dylan’s toys for bath time. I can’t help but smile when I look at everything surrounding me. I bet Shadow never bargained for his life to turn out like this, but I’m going to go with it and hope that he doesn’t disappoint us.

  Turning on the water, I let it get up to temp a I get undressed and think about everything that’s happened in the last few months. But, the more I think about it, the more my head begins to hurt with all the questions that continue to play on a loop. It’s not just about Shadow and I or where we’re heading. Was my accident related to something going on with the club? Did I piss someone off and that was how they tried to get their revenge? So many things to think about and I don’t know where to begin. So, I try to think about anything other than those questions.

  Finally stepping in the shower after I strip down and throw my dirty clothes in Shadow’s hamper, I take a few minutes to relax under the hot water. My muscles are finally starting to release after being so tense when we left the salon. I should’ve run a bath to soak in, but I don’t know when he’ll be back. So, I take my time washing my hair since it got wet with the water running down my body before cleaning my body. Once I’m done, I let the hot water continue to work the last of the tension from my body.

  As soon as I get out, I dry off and put on my favorite lotion and get dressed in the cami and boy shorts. Brushing my hair out, I take a few minutes to look at the color that Darcy managed to make look amazing. She’s such a genius when it comes to doing hair and I know where I’m going to be going from now on. It doesn’t matter what happens with Shadow and I this time. I will not be pushing anyone else out of my life. It’s time to take a stand and start believing in people again. Not everyone is out to hurt others and there are some people that deserve to be trusted. I’ll trust my gut when it comes to finding out who I can, and can’t, trust from now on.

  Walking in the bedroom, I see Shadow sitting on the edge of the bed. He’s taking his boots off as he looks up to watch me walk closer to him. I watch as heat and lust fill his expressive eyes. No one has ever looked at me the way that he does. He makes me feel like I’m the only woman on this planet and that he can’t wait to devour me. At the same time, he wants to cherish me and protect me with everything he has in him.

  “Hey, are you done for the night?” I ask, sitting down on the bed next to him.

  “Yeah. I want to jump in the shower quick and then we’ll talk. I promise,” he tells me, placing a kiss on my cheek before standing up and unfastening his jeans. “What did you think of your new SUV?”

  “What?” I ask, confusion running rampant through me. “You bought me that? Why?”

  “I did buy it for you today. Dylan and I had a busy day while you were out. You need to get back and forth to work and have a safe vehicle when you have Dylan with you. I thought that would be a good one. Besides, nothin’ is too much for my girl on her birthday.”

  I sit stunned as he finishes undressing and walks into the bathroom. He’s laughing at the fact that he caught me off guard. Melissa! She must have opened her big mouth when she dropped Dylan off earlier. Speaking of which, I completely forgot about the present that she left here for me. So, I walk to the desk it’s sitting on and carry it to the bed so I can open it up. Ripping the paper off, I find a card on top of a box. The card is beautiful and tells me how much she wishes I was there with her but that she understands my need to build my own life. She also tells me that I need to start lowering my walls and not let my past get in the way of having a future with a man that makes me happy.

  Inside the box are a few items that have tears streaming down my face. One of the first things I pull out of the box is a small frame filled with a collage of picture of Melissa, Dylan, and myself. All of the pictures are from a time when things were simple and there wasn’t the heartache I suffered for years. My entire world focused on Dylan and that’s the way it should’ve stayed until I met Shadow.

  The second item I pull out is a ring that belonged to our grandmother. She was my favorite person in the world and we thought that the ring was lost when my aunt went through the house after she passed away. My aunt was a greedy bitch and tried to take anything she thought had any value. I can’t believe that Melissa found this! Tears now stream down my face as I place the ring on my finger. It may not look like much to anyone else, but to me it means the world. It’s a simple silver band with opals around it. That’s my birthstone. Melissa has the same ring, but emeralds decorate the band instead of the opals.

  Finally, I pull out a few candles. She knows that they’re my one weakness even if I don’t have a lot around the house anymore. I got rid of a lot of my candles when Dylan was born. There was an overwhelming fear of him being mobile and knocking a lit candle down. So, I put them away and left the box with my sister. It looks like she thinks its time I start my collection again.

  I’m so lost in my own world with the items surrounding me that I don’t hear Shadow come back in the room. By the time he sits on the bed, I notice that he’s only wearing a towel wrapped around his hips. He takes one look at me and starts wiping my tears away.

  “What’s the matter baby?” he asks, tracing the path of my tears with his thumbs.

  “Nothing. I just opened my sister’s present and it made me happy,” I tell him holding my hand up to show him the ring. “This was my grandma’s. We thought it was taken by my aunt when my gram passed away. Melissa found it and made sure I got it back today.”

  “I’m happy she found it for you, Doc,” he says, pulling me into his side as he wraps his arm around me. “Before anythin’ else happens we need to have this talk.”

  “I know. I’m ready. Can you tell me how some strange man knew my name earlier today?” I ask, wanting to get that out of the way.

  “Earlier today, you watched Kim come in church with us. She has information that we needed to know. Her dad is a senator that’s involved in some dangerous and shady shit. The man that you saw this afternoon works for her dad. That’s why she clammed up and turned white as a ghost when she saw him. We don’t know why they know about you, but we’re workin’ to find it out. That’s the reason that I packed Dylan and you up and moved you here. While you’re not on a full lockdown, I want us to stay here so that you’re protected when I can’t be around you. Are you good with that?” he asks after overloading my brain with the fact that this man is attached to Kim in some way.

  “What about my therapy and doctor’s appointments? And if I get told I can go back to work next week? How does this all work, Shadow?” I ask, wanting to know exactly what’s expected of me.

  “You can still do all of that. The only difference is that you won’t be alone. If I can’t go with you, a few of the prospects will be with you at all times. Even when we go out, you can probably expect to see a prospect or two. It’s not ideal, I get it, but I need you to do this for me,” he says, placing his hand on my cheek and leaning in to kiss me.

  It starts out as a simple kiss that quickly goes from simple to a heated kiss. I wrap my arms around his neck and pull his body in as close as possible to me. Shadow breaks the kiss only to move the gifts from my sister off the bed. As soon as they’re safely on the desk, he walks back over to me, dropping his towel as soon as he’s standing between my legs. His cock is rock hard and in my face. I can’t help the way my mouth waters, so I lean forward and take him in my mouth as far as I can. A groan leaves him as I hollow my cheeks out and suck hard as I pull back. For as long as Shadow allows it, I suck, lick, and swirl my tongue around his hard length. As usual, he pulls away from me before I can make him lose control.

  “Not tonight, baby. Tonight, is all about you,” he says, helping me stand up while taking my cami off.

  Once that’s thrown to the floor somewhere in the room, Shadow kisses his way down my body. He takes first one hard nipple into his mouth, sucking and biting do
wn on it before moving to the other side. Shadow starts moving lower, kissing and sucking his way down my body causing me to break out in goosebumps along the way. Before he reaches where I really want him to go, he stops so that he can remove my shorts. Then he helps me back onto the bed so that he can continue on where he left off.

  I prop myself up on my elbows, so I can see what Shadow’s doing to me. For a little while, he does nothing but simply stare at my body. When his eyes meet mine, I watch as he lowers his head and takes his first taste of me. He swipes his tongue through my folds and a tremor racks my body in anticipation of what’s to come next. Shadow continues to use his tongue to lick and fuck my wet pussy before kissing his way up to my clit. At the same time, he inserts a finger into my waiting center. While he slides his finger in and out of me, only adding a second one when he feels I’m ready, Shadow sucks on my clit. He knows that this is the fastest way to make me lose control until I’m practically begging him to take mercy on my body.

  “Please, James. I need you…!” I plead, knowing that it won’t do any good if he’s not ready to give me his cock.

  He continues his ministrations until I break free and fall over the edge. My orgasm rips through my body causing me to arch my back before raising my hips to meet his fingers thrust for thrust. Before I can come back down from the high of my release, I feel Shadow climbing up my body. He slowly enters me until he can’t move any further. I wrap my legs around his waist and hold him close to me.

  “You feel so fuckin’ good,” Shadow growls out before he finally starts to move.

  Shadow pulls almost all the way out before thrusting back in me. I meet his movements as I wrap my arms around his neck to slide through his hair. At the same time, he wraps a fist in my hair and pulls back until my neck is arched allowing him better access. A moan escapes my lips as he latches onto my neck and starts kissing. He knows that this drives me wild and proves it once again as I feel a storm start to build within me.

  “So. Close,” I inform him as I rake my nails down his back.

  His movements begin to become erratic as he thrusts faster and harder in my body. The only sounds in the room are the slapping of our sweat covered skin as his hips crash into mine and the moans breaking free from our mouths. My next orgasm crashes through me with little warning and I feel my entire body tighten up with the strength of it. Shadow closely follows me after a few more powerful thrusts in me.

  Once his body stills within mine, I rub my hands up and down his back as he places soft kisses from my neck to my mouth. Before our breathing fully comes back under control, he rolls us to the side and wraps his arms around me. as soon as he can move, Shadow gets up and makes his way to the bathroom. I hear the water running for a few minutes before he returns to the bed with a wet washcloth in his hand. He cleans me up before throwing the cloth in the dirty clothes basket.

  “Happy birthday, Doc,” he says as I fall into a deep sleep with his arms wrapped around my body and feeling safer than I have in a long time.

  Chapter Six


  IT’S BEEN A FEW WEEKS SINCE THE NIGHT we were taken to the clubhouse on a semi-lockdown. Things have been moving at a rapid pace since then. I went back to work a few days a week, I don’t have to wear the boot or use the crutches unless I feel a strain on my ankle, and Shadow and I are inseparable.

  Kim went back to Benton Falls and I miss my friend. But I know that she’s happy there and at least she’s a lot closer now. Fox is giving her anything she wants, and she does the same for him in return. That’s their story to tell though.

  Pops and Alice also went back home. He’s been there for Shadow in a way that not a lot of others get to be. Even though his darkest secret is out for the members of his family, Pops is still the main person that he confides in about that time in his life. Don’t get me wrong, we talk, and he does confide in me about certain things. But when it comes to Pops, they can talk about everything from the past to club business. There’s not a barrier when it comes to them.

  Things have not been all rosy at the clubhouse though. The bitch that tried to lay a claim to Shadow so long ago has been a thorn in my side. Especially on the days that Shadow has to work, train, and then go on club business. She’s tried to get in my face and tell me that Shadow has been in her bed for over a year now. I can’t help but remember one night in particular that she really got to me.

  Kim, Alice, and I were sitting at a table drinking in the bar and minding our own business. We were talking and laughing unless the two of them were up dancing. I still can’t do a lot of dancing, but I’m having fun watching them let loose and have a good time.

  It’s during one of the times that the girls are out dancing when I feel someone sit down at the table beside me. Turning my head, I see the bitch named Nessa take a seat, relax back into the chair, swipe my beer from me, and look like she belongs sitting next to me. I turn my back to her once again, so she knows that I am perfectly capable of ignoring her and whatever shit she wants to start.

  “So, you think you got Shadow wrapped around your little finger again, don’t you?” she asks, slamming my beer down on the table before trying to grab my shoulder to turn me so I’m facing her. “Look at me when I’m talking to you, you little fucking skank!”

  I laugh right in her face as I turn to face the bitch in question. “That’s epic. You calling me a skank when you’re the one that doesn’t know how to keep her legs closed for more than ten minutes. What do you want?”

  “I just wanted to let you know not to get too comfortable being here with Shadow. He’s still in my bed while you sit in here with your little fucking brat. He tells me all about the shit that you put him through and how you try to tie him down with your kid,” she says, standing up so that she’s towering over me in an attempt to intimidate me.

  “That so?” I ask, sitting still as to not rise to her level any more than I already am. “It’s funny that everyone in the club has made sure to tell me that he hasn’t touched you since the day I ran out of here. I don’t know what the fuck your problem is, but you’re delusional if you think that there’s anything going on with the two of you. And as far as my kid goes, you ever say one more word about him, I will beat your ass! He’s better than the likes of you and I won’t tolerate your fucking disrespect!”

  “You’re nothing but a dumb bitch if you believe the assholes and bitches in this club. And your son is nothing but a whiny, snot-nosed, piece of shit!” she says, going to walk away from me.

  I snap. There’s no other word for what happens next. I stand up so fast that the chair I’m sitting in goes flying backward and crashes into the table behind me. The bitch just stands in stunned silence at my quickness despite wearing a boot, allowing me to grab her hair and pull her down to the floor. As soon as she’s lying on the floor, I begin to punch her anywhere I can reach. Nessa is trying to claw my eyes out as I continue to land hit after hit. Not only is she talking shit about my innocent son, she’s trying to stoke the fire of doubt about Shadow and me. She truly doesn’t know when to give up on something. Especially calling the guys and girls of the club assholes and bitches. They’ll find out and I’m sure that Nessa’s days here are numbered.

  Kim, Alice, Mike, and a few of the brothers just walking through the door rush to my side as soon as they notice the commotion that we’re causing. I’m surprised the girls and Mike didn’t hear Nessa’s shrieks over the music because she’s so damn loud. I’ll be surprised if I don’t have a ruptured ear drum. Anyway, once I’m pulled off the twatwaffle, she tries to run to Shadow’s arms. He brushes her off and I can’t help the burst of laughter that escapes at his treatment of her.

  At that moment Gage and Riley walk through the door. They both look pissed as hell and I hope that they’re not mad at me. I wouldn’t have touched the bitch, but I did warn her not to talk about my son. They sit down and ask what the hell is going on as Shadow walks to my side and makes me sit so that he can make sure the boot didn’t co
me loose in the excitement.

  I quickly relay the story of what happened and why I went off on her. There’s not a thing that I try to leave out in an attempt to protect the bitch. She deserves everything coming her way. Riley and Gage listen to me and then turn their attention to the douche canoe as she sits at a table with Wayne and Tech.

  “So, you want to continue to start shit when you know that you’re on your last chance here. Not only are you insulting a little boy, you showed every single member and old lady of this club nothing but complete disrespect. And the only thing we ever did was take you in and make sure that you had a roof over your head, food to eat, and money in your pocket. The guys have a good time with you, but your so hell bent on trying to get with Shadow and become his old lady that you don’t care what you do,” Riley says, standing up and walking over to Nessa. “You’re done here. I want you out of here within the next ten minutes. It should be easy because you’re not taking a single thing out of this clubhouse that you didn’t walk in with. Hope your happy slut!”

  The memory makes me happy and uneasy at the same time. I’m happy because I know that I don’t have to worry about skankarilla anymore. But, at the same time, I don’t know what she’s going to do in order to get revenge. Looking at my watch, I see that it’s time to go back to work. So, I grab up my lunch tray to discard of before making my way back to the emergency room. It’s been a busy day, but I love it.

  “Renee, are you back?” Dr. Anderson asks as I walk behind the nurse’s station.

  “Yeah. What can I do?” I ask, knowing that she needs help if she’s asking if I’m back from lunch.

  “I got a bad break in room four. It’s a little one and I need help putting the cast on his arm. He’s scared, in pain, and I can’t do it alone. You up for helping me?” she asks, knowing that I have a soft spot for the kids that come through those doors.


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