River Jewel Resort Box Set Books 1-4 BOOK BUNDLE

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River Jewel Resort Box Set Books 1-4 BOOK BUNDLE Page 12

by Madison Sevier

  Each time Matt had to hear about her escapades, it broke his heart, piece-by-piece. He wanted forever, she wanted fun. They could never be together. If he told her how he felt, he risked losing her forever and he just couldn’t do that. Sure, he’d dated around a lot, trying to fill the void as he told himself that one day she’d look at him and know he loved her. However, Olivia had never looked at him with anything more than friendly love in her eyes. They were movie buddies, grocery buddies and on Sundays they watched football together, nothing more than what best friends were supposed to do. He’d take that. Because a life without her in it at all would be agony.

  From the moment he’d seen her at the library, he’d been in love with her. So startled by her beauty, he’d knocked over a giant stack of brand new paperback books. Olivia had rushed to his side and when he’d gotten a whiff of her perfume, felt the touch of her soft hands on his arms, sending sparks of electricity through his body as she’d helped to steady him when his crutches threatened to knock him off balance again, he knew he’d found the woman he wanted to be with for the rest of his life. He’d looked into her doe-shaped, emerald eyes and he knew. He just knew. But ten years later, he sat in his apartment alone, drinking warm beer and considering another visit to the River Jewel Resort instead of planning for his Chicago book-signing trip.

  * * * *

  “So, when will you be back?”

  “In a few days. The seminar shouldn’t take too long. It’s the meet and greets that take up so much time.”

  “And all of those adoring fans will be at your beck and call.”

  Olivia held her breath on the other end of the line, waiting for Matt’s reply. Before she’d met Matt, she’d heard that some authors lived like rock stars with groupies and fans in every town. Matt was one of those authors. Women threw themselves at him when he was on the road. Luckily, in their small town, no one but she knew Matt was the person behind the Sebastian Aaron name. If the women in town ever found out, there’d be absolutely no hope for Olivia. Not that there was anyway.

  “Yeah, all of those fans.”

  “Well, at least you won’t have Victoria calling you every ten minutes to check up on you and you’ll be able to have a peaceful trip.” Thank God. Olivia had always hated that bitch and she knew Victoria had felt the same about her. There’d been plenty of catty run-ins with the leggy, blue-eyed, blonde and Olivia was only too happy to see Matt free of her. Maybe now…

  “What are your plans for the weekend, Liv?”

  “Haven’t decided yet. I think I’ll just hang out around the apartment, do some job hunting and type up some resumes.”

  “Don’t forget about the River Jewel Resort. Indianapolis isn’t that far away. You could be there in an hour.”

  “Yeah, yeah. I won’t forget. I’m just not sure how I feel about driving an hour to work and an hour home every day. If I have time, maybe I’ll read a certain author’s newest book this weekend and let my fantasies be quenched through your characters.” Besides, after seeing the online virtual tour of the grand hotel, she’d be fantasizing about screwing his brains out in every room of the place. So, she might as well read about someone having sex. Who was she kidding? Matt would never be into her. Hell, everybody knew he loved tall, skinny blondes and she wasn’t one of those. They were friends and wishing for anything else was futile.

  “Well, as long as you promise to relax and take some time for yourself. I worry about you. As far as driving back and forth for work, I’ve heard they pay handsomely for travel or relocation. This could be an ideal chance for you.”

  Relocation? How could she bear to be away from him? “Yeah. Ideal.”

  They said their goodbyes and Olivia fought the urge to cry as she hung up the phone.

  Olivia’s stomach dropped at the thought of not seeing Matt any time she wanted. Maybe that was what he wanted. Could he be sick of dealing with her drama? Her leaving their small town might actually help him find someone special. If she moved, he’d be free to spend his weekends doing what he wanted instead of grocery shopping and hanging out with her. Though thinking about it made her feel nauseous, she needed to think about Matt’s future and stop being so selfish. Chances were she wouldn’t be settling down with anyone anytime soon. There was no one like Matt and every other guy never measured up. She’d rather stick to having meaningless flings if she couldn’t have the man she desired most.

  “Quit obsessing, Olivia. If he wanted you, you’d know it by now. Get over it.”

  She piddled about the apartment, straightening and dusting for the millionth time since she’d been fired. Olivia knew she needed to get a job, any job, and she definitely needed to stop stalling. Matt would be out of town for the weekend, which gave Olivia plenty of free time. Besides, years of working at the library and being responsible for only herself had left her with a sizeable nest-egg. Her apartment and car were paid for, her bills were never late and she had no one to tell her what she could or couldn’t do.

  “I can’t stay here. If I don’t get out of town for a bit, I’m going to drive myself insane. River Jewel Resort it is. What’s the worst that could happen? Maybe I’ll fulfill a fantasy or two of my own.”

  Renewed with new purpose, Olivia flew about the apartment, gathering everything she’d need for a weekend at the River Jewel. The online ad said their doors were always open and they had plenty of rooms, so there was no need to make a reservation. Once she’d packed her suitcase and travel bag, she hauled them down to her car. After a cursory check around her home, Olivia grabbed her purse, locked the front door and set off to find whatever awaited her.

  * * * *

  He drove North on I-74. Traffic was always a madhouse and on a Thursday night, it was no different.

  “Why doesn’t anyone ever stay home? Don’t you people have lives?”

  Matt saw a gap between two eighteen-wheelers and stomped the gas as he whipped the steering wheel to the left, maneuvering his black sedan with the ease of a race car driver. The sound of air horns and jake-brakes filled the air as he swerved back to the right lane, nearly getting ass-packed by a red mini-van. Checking his rear view mirror, he saw the woman driving behind him giving him the one-finger-salute.

  He laughed to himself. “Lighten up, lady.” Matt raised his hand, waving at her, and received another long blow of her horn before she veered onto the exit ramp.

  “Good riddance.”

  His suit jacket felt entirely too tight and he used his knees to keep the steering wheel steady as he slipped the restrictive material off, tossing it into the backseat.

  “Much better.”

  Matt’s thoughts once again drifted to Olivia. The only time he felt he could picture her the way he wanted, naked and beneath him, was when he was on the road. The familiar fantasy made his shaft swell and press against the snug fabric of his jeans. He liked the ache as the denim pinched his cock. Imagining Olivia’s tight pussy clenching and releasing him only increased the pressure. He could ejaculate without even touching his cock when he thought about Olivia.

  Her long, black hair begged to be pulled and he’d give anything to bend her over one of the library tables and have his way with her. Olivia had no idea how sexy he thought she was. If she ever found out he’d written all of his smutty romance novels as he fantasized about her, she’d surely run for the hills and far, far away from him. What would he do if she ever left?

  “God, you sound pathetic Matt. Get a grip.”

  He turned on the radio, using the steering wheel buttons to navigate the car’s satellite radio system. As he scanned through the hundreds of channels, he found nothing that could keep his interest. Luckily, his hard-on started to relax but his mind couldn’t find the same relief.

  “What am I doing? I could be at the River Jewel having the time of my life and instead, I’m on my way to meet desperate women who think they’re in love with me because of my books.”

  He rambled on and on as he drove. At least he was wearing his Bluetooth and he
wouldn’t look like some crazy guy talking to himself as other drivers passed him by.

  He knew he had obligations, but he couldn’t summon even an ounce of enthusiasm about the upcoming weekend. Long days of seminars and signings, followed by lonely nights and drinking himself to sleep in his hotel room weren’t exactly the stuff dreams were made of. Not his dreams.

  Being a romance author wasn’t everything it was cracked up to be. Sure, he loved writing the stories and found joy in bringing his characters to life. The hard part was facing the public. Women threw themselves at him because they believed he could rock their world just like he did in the books. Once they met him and spent an evening with him, they learned quickly that fiction was often better than truth. The fact was, he could rarely get it up unless he imagined he was with Olivia and calling out her name while having sex with someone else wasn’t exactly acceptable.

  Once in a while, he’d meet a woman who didn’t care and told him, “I’m just flattered to be with you.” It was nauseating. He wanted a strong, independent woman, not some stranger begging for his cock just to make themselves feel worthy. He wrote about self-assured, sexy women and all too often, he met women who just weren’t. It seemed the woman he wanted only existed in his books and in his mind. The real version, his best friend, was untouchable and it was turning him into one of those desperate, needy men he despised. He’d never before understood how a woman could bring a man to his knees.

  Until he’d met Olivia, he laughed at the way the men in his town and in his books made fools of themselves for some hot chick. Now, he was on the edge of becoming one of them and he would gladly do it if he didn’t get all tongue-tied every time he geared himself up to tell Olivia how much he loved her. Loved her? He was in love with her. But what if she felt the same? What if they gave it a try and it tore their friendship apart? Life wasn’t like a romance novel. Best friends did not automatically make the best lovers and Matt wasn’t exactly a no-strings kind of guy. He wanted it all and he wanted it with her.

  “Holy balls, man!” He banged the steering wheel, frustrated with himself for letting his mind wander, for being so nutless. This wasn’t him. He could have anyone, anytime. The best thing to do would be to go on to Chicago, hook up with the first hot piece he saw, close his eyes and bang her all night long while he thought of Olivia.. He needed to let go and enjoy himself. This constant back-and-forth shit was getting old.

  Chapter Three

  The parking lot was practically empty and it seemed strange since she thought it’d be jam-packed. “I can’t believe no one’s here.”

  She eased her little hatchback into the first empty spot and turned off the engine. “Here goes nothing.”

  The large gold-rimmed doors seemed monstrous, yet they didn’t make a sound when she opened them. Cautiously, she walked into the quiet, empty foyer and incredible beauty surrounded her. The ceiling was a large glass dome and as the sunshine poured through, it sent prisms of light everywhere. Every marble surface glittered with color. In the center of the floor, there was what had to be a ten foot circle with the letters RJR in giant, gold cursive script, right in the center. Olivia let out a slow whistle as she looked around, soaking up every tiny detail of the River Jewel Resort. She knew she must look silly with her mouth hanging open in awe, but thankfully, no one was around.

  Just as she was about to go into a full-on, cheesy spin, she heard, “Hello. Welcome to River Jewel Resort. Can I help you?”

  Olivia practically jumped out of her skin at the sound of the woman’s voice. She turned to see the most incredible, blonde bombshell off to her right, watering tropical plants with a tiny yellow watering can.

  “Hi. I’d like to apply for a job. If you’re hiring, that is.”

  “Ah. I’ll have someone attend to your car. Our valet is on vacation this week, but don’t worry. His fill-in will take care of your vehicle.” The woman picked up the receiver of a desk phone, spoke a few words to someone on the other end and then turned her attention back to Olivia. “Come with me, I’ll get you an application. Let’s chat.” The beautiful woman nodded her head to the left and motioned for Olivia to follow.

  “Maria,” she said to a woman passing them in the hallway. “Hold all of my calls, please.”

  “Yes, Ms. Scarlet.” Another gorgeous blonde-haired woman, Maria padded over to stand behind the massive mahogany desk replied, waving at her with a bright smile as Olivia followed Scarlet out of the lobby.

  She felt incredibly inadequate walking across the elegant carpeting behind the woman. A subtle mixture of jasmine and honey engulfed Olivia, setting her at ease as they padded through corridor after corridor. She watched the woman as her long legs gracefully carried her through the arched hallways, beneath cathedral ceilings.

  They came to a set of white double doors embellished with gold leaf etchings. “Right this way, dear.”

  “You have a beautiful hotel. I’ve never seen anything like it. It reminds me of those fancy places I’ve read about in my friend’s books.”

  “Thank you. I take great pride in the River Jewel.”

  “Where are we going? If you don’t mind me asking.”

  “Just a little further, Olivia. My office is right through these doors.”

  Olivia? She hadn’t told this woman her name. Had she?

  Soft music played in the distance as they entered a large suite. A feeling of foreboding came over her. Maybe she was paranoid, but Olivia didn’t feel right.

  “I don’t think I should be here.”

  Scarlet kept walking, saying nothing. As they moved through the suite, Olivia found herself staring at the most magnificent artwork she’d ever seen. In the sitting room, plush white carpeting covered the floor and once inside, she really freaked out, stopping in her tracks.

  “Scarlet, I can’t come in there.”

  “Really? You’ve changed your mind?”

  “No. I mean here, in this room. I’m not really dressed appropriately for something this gorgeous. I only came here to get an application and now that you’ve seen me completely underdressed, I can only imagine what you must think of me. And I’m afraid my shoes will soil your carpet.”

  “Nonsense. It’s just a rug. And it’s scotch-guarded. Relax, Olivia, and come on in, grab a seat. For the record, I think you’re quite beautiful. Isn’t it high-time you did, too?”

  “Have we met before? I’m sure I would remember meeting you. How do you know my name?”

  Scarlet smiled and picked up a phone on the desk that sat in front of a wall of windows. “Maria, have someone bring up a tray, please.” A slight pause and then, “Thank you.”

  Replacing the handset, Scarlet motioned for Olivia to sit on the long white sofa. When she shook her head, ready to speak up, Scarlet wouldn’t take no for an answer.

  “Olivia, I insist.”

  Though her voice was firm, it still held a melodic, friendly tone and Olivia acquiesced. She perched herself on the edge of the softest couch she’d ever sat upon and glanced around the room, admiring everything about it, not believing she’d been invited to some sort of inner sanctum.

  “You can relax. I don’t bite. In fact, I’ve been expecting you.”

  “You have? But, how?”

  The woman laughed a bit and said “Trust me. This was bound to happen. I’ve been waiting for you for years. Actually, I figured I’d have seen you a long time ago, after Randy died.”

  At the mention of Randy, Olivia bristled and clasped her hands together in an effort to keep her emotions in check. “How do you know about him? Look, I don’t know what kind of sick, twisted game you’re playing, but I’m not going to sit here while you tell me some long-buried secret about my dead fiancé. He’s dead and I’ve moved on. So, if you’re another one of his tramps or if he was here with his sluts, I don’t want to know the details. I’m sorry I’ve wasted your time, but I’ll be leaving now. I don’t think working here is such a good idea. I should’ve known better.”

  Olivia sto
od, placed her purse on her shoulder and moved to leave the room.

  “It’s all right, Olivia. We’ve all been heartbroken. Even me. I think you misunderstood me. You’re not here because of heartbreak. Well, not in the literal sense. Come, sit back down. Let’s start over, shall we?”

  Her eyes were kind and Olivia found herself moving back to the sofa to sit beside the gorgeous woman.

  “I’m sorry for snapping at you. I’ve been on edge lately.”

  “I know.” A bellman walked in and placed a tray with a tea service on the marble table, tipping his hat before leaving. “Thank you.”

  “Everyone is so friendly. It’s been a long time since I’ve heard anyone use the words please or thank you.”

  “Here.” Scarlet handed her a delicate white tea cup. “Sip. It’s good for the nerves.”

  “Thank you.”

  “Now, let’s talk about why you’re here. You were told about the bookstore opening, correct?”

  “Yes, ma’am.” Olivia carefully placed her teacup on the silver tray in front of them.

  “Please call me Scarlet. Ma’am seems so formal and much more suited for an elderly woman.”

  When the woman smiled, Olivia could feel the genuine emotion behind it. There was nothing rude or false about Scarlet. Her blue eyes were warm and welcoming as they conversed about the many phrases that were meant to be a form of respect but were actually offensive to so many women. They seemed to share a few things in common and Olivia started to feel at ease as they drifted into a stimulating and enjoyable conversation. If anyone were to see them, they’d think Scarlet and Olivia had been friends for a very long time.

  “Now, back to why you are really here. I’m afraid the bookstore won’t be open for a while. But I can show you around and I’d really like it if you’d stay for the weekend. You can get to know the place and see what all we have to offer. I’m sure you could use the respite. Besides, I’m very proud of the fact that no one ever leaves here unhappy. I’d like to share that with you.”


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