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Targeted: Newlywed Navy Seals Risk It All! (Truth and Lies Series Book 1)

Page 19

by Pinki Parks

  The swell of her breasts and the pointed end of her nipples poking me in the chest was causing me to act recklessly. I was soon kissing her neck with my tongue circling the very spot. Hearing her moan was my own personal aphrodisiac. The signals coming from her delicious looking body was making the temperature rise between my legs.

  “I won’t be able to stop you if you insist on taking me up those stairs to the bedroom. Be sure this is really what you want.” I made her squeal when I swept her off her feet.

  I bounded up the stairs like she weighed nothing in my arms. She was a fragile doll and I was afraid to break her. It was my first impression of her by Colby’s words, but she was stronger than I gave her credit for.

  “Gail, I can only hope you will respect me in the morning.” She punched me lightheartedly on the arm while giggling underneath her breath at the same time.

  “That’s supposed to be my line.” She was inserting a bit of levity into a sexually charged moment.

  This was my time to use what little strength I had to pull back before it was too late.

  I stood at the threshold to where the magic happened. The bed was a work of art made to take a pounding. It hovered a few feet off the floor with a huge mattress. The pink pillows were not the only feminine touches in the room. There was bouquet of wildflowers on the nightstand with the gauze-like white curtains billowing from the breeze coming through the open window.

  I was taken back by how the bed was made. It meant what happened with the mystery man was either perfectly innocent or there was a flat surface somewhere in the house imprinted with their bodies. She didn’t wear the marks of any hickeys on her neck.

  The evidence was in perfect contrast to what I believed in the moment. It didn’t matter. I had already come too far to turn back.

  I took a few steps into the forbidden zone of her bedroom and laid her carefully on the pillowy softness of the mattress. I stood back and watched her stretch her limbs over her head making her chest arch in the process.

  I frantically went after the delicate buttons on my starched white shirt. In my haste, a few of them came undone and landed on the floor at my feet. I took off my shirt exposing my scars and my muscles in one flamboyant move. Gail had her fingers locked together with the fingertips touching. She looked like she had evil intentions in her eyes.

  She wasn’t very subtle about how she took a hold of my belt and pulled me closer to the bed. I heard the leather flying from her fingers to land on the nightstand. Her fingers made short work of my zipper. The bulge of my excitement caught her with her eyes bugging out of her skull.

  “I’ve been dreaming about this. You know sometimes fantasies are better than the real thing. I can say with some degree of certainty this isn’t the case.” Gravity did the rest with my pants falling to my ankles leaving me in my red boxer briefs.

  “Gail, I don’t even know what to say. Actions speak louder than words.” I used the strength of my hands to render the shirt she was wearing into nothing more than a memory.

  Her shocked expression made me take a step back like she had hit me with a rolled-up newspaper. It was anger and then something I could only describe as acceptance. She let it fall over her bare shoulders. I leaned down to nip at the skin exposed to my eager and hungry eyes. There was no stopping what was going to happen. The train had already left the station.

  “We need to live in this moment where nothing matters outside those bedroom doors. I need you to be here with me physically and spiritually. There can be no doubts in your mind. I want to say this will get you out of my system, but I know nothing will.” She was making it sound like I was daring her to cross the line in the sand.

  With a flourish of a magician, I stripped my last line of defense by dropping my boxers to join my dark pants.

  Chapter Seven


  I tensed up when I saw him standing at a full salute. It was a good 8 inches with a bit of pre-cum on the tip. The crisscross of blue veins was nothing compared to the pronounced one down the back throbbing with an incessant need.

  “Come a little closer. I don’t bite unless you want me to.” His body was something a master sculptor would have made in the image of the perfect man.

  “I’m never nervous, but with you, it feels like my first time all over again. I would like this to be all about you.” He was equating being with me as losing his cherry in whatever teenage setting made him a man.

  “I hope you don’t have plans to be anywhere. You are the spider in my web. I’m not going to let you go until I’m finished with you.” I could have pushed him away but I didn’t want to.

  I wrapped my hand around the base of Chase’s cock and felt the heat against my fingertips. Any thoughts of the past were replaced by what I was doing in the present. I found myself mesmerized by the lengthy appendage looking to find a home in one of my very willing orifices.

  “It’s a painstaking effort to stand here like this and let you abuse me.” His words fueled me into teasing him with my body on full display for his eager eyes.

  I held my breasts together and did a trick I had learned when I was old enough to know better. I lifted them and was able to stretch my tongue out to wipe the surface of my hard buds. His magnificent tool was bobbing up and down in an enthusiastic way.

  “You have got to stop doing these things to me. I will never want to leave.” The lights flickered from the freezing rain building up on the lines.

  “Hold that thought for just a moment.” I reached into the nightstand and found the red candle I had left there.

  There was one of those lighters in baby blue used to light a barbecue. I placed the candle on the night table and lit it to the scent of cinnamon wafting in the air. It reminded me of how my mother would cook some of my favorite desserts. I was always there by her side learning from the master. The first cinnamon stick in my hot chocolate was a delicious reminder of my childhood.

  “I don’t think you have anything to worry about. We have these storms all the time and nothing usually…” He didn’t get a chance to finish his thought.

  The lights flickered one more time and then extinguished to leave us into the bathing glow of the candle.

  “I believe you were saying something.” He smiled, but he knew not to say anything more.

  I took him by his hands and made him follow me until we were lying face to face on the black duvet covering my bed. It was expensive, but worth every penny when I was nestled underneath during those chilly mornings. There were weekends I spent under the covers reading a good book. I emerged long enough to use the bathroom and get something to eat.

  He was kissing me deeply with a passionate embrace to leave me breathless with desire. He was biting my bottom lip and sending profound signals below my waist. I could feel his shaft rubbing along my slit momentarily making contact with my engorged clit.

  “I have no words to express what I’m feeling.” I wanted this and I had done very little to make him happy.

  “I have a few words, but I can think of better things to do with my mouth.” There was an impish little gleam in his eyes.

  The length of his member was feeling the wetness of my sex from the head all the way down to his heavy balls. He found my weak spot by clamping his lips to the nape of my neck. I sighed with contentment and then felt the pointed end of his tongue drawing a line down between my breasts. He stopped momentarily to suck each one. He left me feeling the chill making Goosebumps where I’d never had any before.

  “This is one big tease.” I yelped with surprise when he pulled me to the edge of the side of the bed.

  “Gail, I need you.” He supplied me with the length of his oral member in one quick thrust.

  I was biting my bottom lip in the very spot he had vacated not more than a couple of minutes ago. I was twisting my head from side to side with my hair flying in my face. I could feel the strands tickling my cheek. The coarseness of his day-old beard was rubbing my thighs with e
nough friction to make it hard to ignore.

  His tongue was deep inside and my inner muscles were squeezing. I was on my elbows, looking down at him between my thighs with my legs over his shoulders. I pounded a rhythm on his back with my fist slapping against the mattress at the same time.

  “I’m going to… I have to… fuck…. MEEEEEEEE…” My wail of enthusiasm echoed around me with my legs shooting straight out.

  My toes curled in pleasure with all the muscles in my thighs feeling the burn. I twisted in his grasp and he held me in place during the moment of truth. I was in the middle of a mind-blowing orgasm when he pierced my womanhood with his finger.

  “I couldn’t help myself...” My receding orgasm was grabbing his finger in a death lock making it difficult for him to thrust it into me.

  “Yes!” His finger pulled back and he suddenly added his wet thumb to the surface of my clit.

  I could smell the sex in air like this very thick anticipation I could cut with a knife. It drove me wild with expectation. I wanted to see this soldier in action between my legs. He was hungry and I had what was going to temporarily satiate his appetite.

  My ass was hanging in the air with his hands underneath me for support. He was moaning with the vibration of his low rustic voice traveling through me. I could feel the cool sheets under my body and it was nothing compared to the heat of his determined stare.

  He licked me all over in all the right ways. I was putty in his hands. His tongue playing with me, teasing me into uncontrollable pleasure. It took all my strength not to squeeze his head between my legs. He went crazy. Hi head moving at full speed sideways, up and down. It made my body jerk. I moaned louder and louder uncontrollably. What was he doing to me?

  There was nothing complicated about how he delivered me to another climax on the heels of the first one. I couldn’t explain what was happening to me. The sheets were bunched up around me and the duvet was practically on the floor. He was doing this with no regard for his own pleasure. I was a hair trigger after what he had just done.

  My skin was on fire and I was his to consume.

  “I look at you like this and there’s no better vision of loveliness. The way you are gripping me is hard not to think about what it would be like to be deep inside you.” I found enough energy to lock my ankles behind his head.

  I was forcing him to come closer giving me that last inch of his tongue. My whole body convulsed and began writhing. I was caught in the wave of an orgasmic tsunami. I came with my limbs flailing in every direction. I felt him pick up the pace with quick and determined strikes to get him to the finish line. The wet and sloppy sound of his tongue fucking me was too much to take. Holding back the flood of endorphins was futile.

  “I want you to cum again.” His words played over in my head until I found a little bit of restraint in reserve.

  I wedged my legs underneath him and used my feet to push against his chest to release him from my hungry grasp. His tongue popped free at the moment of my imminent discharge. He wasn’t even touching me. The color of his dangling cock was this angry purple looking for satisfaction. I had enough semblance of mind to stop him before he made me pass out.

  We stared at each other with no need for words. I was bathed in the warm afterglow from my neck all the way down to the apex of my thighs. I moaned in the grasp of an orgasmic aftershock. It wasn’t as strong as the others, but it was enough to leave me spent and exhausted. I was lying there looking up at him with this dreamy expression on my face.

  “Chase, I had to stop you or we might have done something more.” The date on the calendar was mocking me on the wall circled in a bold black marker.


  I loved him more than my own life. Colby was my brother before he was taken well before his prime. He had a best friend. They watched each other’s back. He never mentioned his name. I often wondered the reason why he didn’t come and see me. I looked for him at the funeral, but nobody stood out. There was one man dressed in black, but his slicker was over his head. He was there one minute and gone the next.

  “I feel you are out of my league. I can’t help but wonder if maybe you’ll be better off with somebody with less baggage. I need to leave this room.” I felt like there was an unnamed elephant in the room. The wedding ring caught my eye and he saw me looking at it.

  “I don’t know if I’m ready for anything long-term. It’s been quite some time since I’ve been with a man. I don’t want to start something up with a man who can’t let go of his ex.” Almost two years and he still wore his wedding ring. It necessary to get him out the door as fast as possible.

  “Damn, why do you have to be so delicious? It can be quite addictive.” He picked up his shirt which was rumpled from lying on the floor.

  I handed him his belt and he put it on without cinching it closed. I didn’t think it was a mistake, but I was in no position to argue. He had made up his mind to want to leave. I found he was the type of guy to hold true to his moral compass.

  “You can sleep downstairs on the sofa until the roads are passable. Don’t wake me up when you leave.” I was sick to my stomach with this need to scream at the top of my lungs.

  “I’ll be gone before you get up. There will be coffee brewing when you come down for breakfast depending if the power is back.” His magic words made the lights flicker back to life.

  He didn’t even bother looking at me when he left the room and closed the door behind him.

  I waited and then I stumbled my way into the bathroom on unsteady legs. I put on the shower and stood underneath the hot spray washing away my sin.

  The black and white marble motif was my own design. This was a do it yourself project. I was proud to say it was by my hand.

  I was tempted to go downstairs, but I jumped under the covers and threw them over my head. The oral sex was phenomenal.

  Chapter Eight


  “I didn’t want to say anything, but you haven’t exactly been yourself.” Mason was talking to me while he was pacing the floor nervously.

  There was the telltale stain of sweat underneath his arms. He was usually confident and carried himself with distinction. I wanted to question him further, but I felt it was necessary for him to come to me when he felt he was ready. I was never one to stick my nose where it didn’t belong.

  “I won’t bother you with the boring details. You know I’m here when you want to talk. I will never force you to say anything against your will.” I couldn’t stop thinking about Gail and the way she quickly changed gears.

  It was a memorable moment, but I was just getting my second wind. I could’ve made my name scream from her lips many times over before the crack of dawn.

  The sofa wasn’t very comfortable and my legs hung over the other side. I got up a few times and stood at the stairs willing myself to go up to join her. I thought I heard her crying. I was afraid something I did hurt her emotionally. I decided it was better to let sleeping dogs lie. Discretion was the better part of valor.

  “Is it that fucking obvious? I’ve been debating whether or not I should involve you. Somebody is coming after me. I don’t have any concrete proof, but there have been some odd discrepancies in the books lately.” He was never one to worry about trivial details.

  “Are you sure you’re not overreacting? We have that meeting with the military in the next couple of days to finalize the contract. They require some off the books work done. The thought is they will have plausible deniability if something goes wrong. The stress alone has to be driving you up the wall.” I was rubbing my knee and feeling stupid about missing a few rehabilitation sessions.

  “I can’t seem to shake this feeling someone is trying to ruin what I have built from the ground up. I got this stupid e-mail the other day and I can’t stop thinking about it. It was somehow attached to some legal documents. I questioned the lawyers, but they vehemently denied having anything to do with it.

  “Why is this keeping yo
u up at night?” I was leading him with questions to loosen his lips.

  “It was such a strange thing to receive. Never mind, it doesn’t matter and the only thing we need to contend with is the contract signing. I have accounting working to find out if there’s anything to the discrepancies in the books. I would like you to personally oversee their progress.” I couldn’t tell him about Gail. But this meant I would be spending more time with her.

  “You know I will do whatever I can to get to the bottom of this. I can’t help you if I don’t know all the facts.” There were times during the day I found myself daydreaming about her.

  “I don’t know why it bothered me so much. I get silly emails from friends all the time with attachments of animals doing the strangest things. Crude jokes and inspirational sayings are more an inconvenience than anything else. This one was different. It literally sent a cold chill down my spine.” My curiosity was piqued and I looked at him with my eyes narrowed holding his gaze.

  “Are you sure you don’t want me to take a look and give you my honest opinion?” We were in a staring contest to see who was going to blink first.

  “I’m going for a cup of coffee. Close the door behind you when you leave.” This was my brief window of opportunity.

  He stormed off, looking frazzled and probably making snap judgments of those looking at him the wrong way. I waited with the clock ticking on the wall as my only companion. It had the logo of a Canadian hockey team. I had got it for his birthday.

  I slipped seamlessly from the chair in front of his desk to the command position. I swiveled to look out at the gray sky. It was threatening snow, but there wasn’t even a flake to be seen. I wanted to have a white Christmas. I loved throwing snowballs. Flying down the hill at a breakneck speed was a thrill when I was younger

  Being a bit older, I had turned my attention to big boy toys of snowmobiles and all-terrain vehicles. I had one of each in my shed gassed up and ready to go. I lived off the grid with no Internet access. My cabin was my grandfather’s pride and joy where I had found refuge from the world within its walls.


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