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Intent Page 15

by A. D. Justice

  Sliding my hand down to her shorts, I quickly remove them and slide my finger inside her wetness. She’s more than ready for me, but I want to feel and hear her come from what I can do to her with my hand. With the increased speed and pressure, her fingers dig into my skin, her knees buckle, and her muscles tense. Holding her weight with one arm around her waist, I break our kiss to watch her face as the waves of pleasure ripple through her. The sudden gush of warmth on my hand coupled with the sexiest whimper I’ve ever heard conveys what she doesn’t have the ability to say.

  “That’s my girl,” I murmur against her neck. “You’re so beautiful, especially when you come for me.”

  Our lips meet again, our tongues desperate for the sensation, and in my carnal haze, I can’t think of anything other than burying my cock inside her. The unrelenting need to feel her body wrap around me like a form-fitting glove, stroke me until I lose control of myself, and shudder when her pleasure peaks at indescribable levels consumes me.

  “I need you now, Layne. Right now,” I demand.

  “I’m yours. Take whatever you want from me,” she purrs.

  In our fever, our clothes instantly disappear from our bodies into haphazard piles on the floor. I lift her in my arms and place her on the couch before climbing on top of her, aligning our bodies, and settling my hips between her legs. Our mouths collide once again as our bodies become one. We’re combined in the most perfect unity when my hips thrust forward and drive into her with one fluid move.

  She cries out in pleasure as I stretch her to accommodate my girth and fill her as far as she can take me. Each plunge into her becomes more significant than the last. We move hurriedly like two desperate animals, each grappling for more—more pleasure, deeper commitment, and an intimate conversation that can only come from combining our minds and bodies.

  With the most basic need satisfied, our focus becomes the more essential needs. When I push into her, it’s so much more than sex. So much more than just fucking. This thrust tells her how much she means to me, that she’s now part of me and I’m part of her. When her hips rise to meet me and take me deeper inside her, she’s saying she’s all mine and she’s claimed me as hers. I adjust our position so that her back is supported by the armrest of the couch, and we’re face-to-face, eye-to-eye, and mouth-to-mouth when we tumble over the edge of rapture together.

  I’m still buried deep inside her, my cock still throbbing and her inner walls still quivering, when our bodies still after the frenzy that just possessed us. Our lips are still touching as we pant, our chests heaving in an attempt to catch up with our sprinter’s pace. The unspoken words pass between us through our eyes alone. We both know there’s no going back, no backing out, and no changing our minds. We’re in this together, through thick and thin, for better or for worse.

  “I am completely under your spell,” I whisper against her mouth. “You are so perfect.”

  A tear drops from her eye and rolls down her cheek. Concerned, I search her eyes for a clue of what she’s thinking. “I’ve never been happier than when I’m with you, Ace.” Her arms tighten around me, pulling my weight down onto her, and her hands glide up and down my back lovingly.

  Not until this second do I realize that we just made love without a condom. No protection whatsoever. “Layne, baby,” I interrupt our serene afterglow time. “I am so sorry. This is all my fault.”

  “What are you talking about, Ace?”

  “I’m not wearing a condom. In the heat of the moment, it didn’t even occur to me. I promise you have nothing to worry about from me. I haven’t forgotten even once since I was with River’s mom, but I still get tested regularly.” I feel like such a dick, ruining our perfect moment like this.

  “It’s okay, Ace. I’m just as responsible for it as you are, and I got caught up in the moment too. Bobby is the only other man I’ve ever been with, but I went to the doctor to have myself checked as soon as we broke up. That’s the one thing I could think clearly about.”

  “Does this mean we can stop using the condoms completely now? There is nothing better than being able to feel you with no barriers between us.”

  “After years of doctor visits, irregular cycles, and trying to get pregnant, I now know I can’t, so I’m not on birth control. But I’m okay with it if you are. This time felt so much more intimate…personal…real.”

  “We are real, Layne. All the unanswered questions will work out if we do this together, as one.”

  “Together,” she agrees. “You know, we’re very lucky River didn’t wake up and catch us in here.”

  “She doesn’t hear anything once she falls asleep. There was a bad thunderstorm earlier this spring. The thunder was so loud it shook the house. She slept straight through it,” I chuckle. “As sleepy as she was after her bath, there’s no way we could’ve disturbed her.”

  I reluctantly separate our bodies and pick her up in my arms as I stand. By the time we reach my bedroom door, I’m ready to experience everything that is Layne Elliott all over again. Crawling over her after I lay her down in my bed, I grasp one leg behind her knee, push it forward, and slide inside her. I push to the hilt and greedily accept her moans of pleasure.

  “You are my addiction. I don’t ever want to be cured,” I murmur against her soft skin. “Stay with me tonight. Don’t go.”

  “If you want me to stay, I won’t leave.”

  Something in her tone catches my attention. Does she want me to ask her to stay in Oak Grove with me? Can I expect her to give up the life and career she’s built in New York and permanently move here with me?

  What would my answer be if she asked the same of me?

  I continue to rock into her, ravenous for her touch, her scent, and her sounds. Fuck, her moans, whimpers, and screams in the throes of passion just about make me lose control. Many times, I cover her mouth with mine and swallow her cries to help buffer the noise level.

  She whispers, sounding so sexy, and her fingernails dig into my skin when her pussy clenches around my cock. “I’m coming. Come with me, baby. Now!”

  Damn, it’s impossible for me to deny that request. After the last drop is released, I reluctantly leave the softness of her body, roll over onto my back, and pull her into my side. Her head rests at the junction of my shoulder and chest, her leg is thrown over mine, and her splayed hand lies directly over my heart.

  Her words from earlier return to me and make me feel ten feet tall. “So, you see me in your future, huh?” I ask with exaggerated cockiness.

  I feel her smile against my skin. “Yes, I definitely see you when I think about the future.”

  “In your vision of this future…” I pause for dramatic emphasis. “Am I naked?”

  Chapter Sixteen


  Our outburst and subsequent heart-to-heart discussion were apparently exactly what we needed. Every day this week, Ace has sent multiple text messages throughout the day just to say he missed me, ask how my day was going, or a random message to simply let me know he was thinking of me. I’m positively being spoiled by the romantic side of Ace Sharp.

  River and I decide to go into town for lunch at the diner. Tara is working and her pregnant belly is substantially bigger than the last time I saw her. She greets us with a sweet smile and tells us to pick a table. The diner is oddly quiet at this time of day, but that’s fine with me.

  I’m still considered an outsider here, and some of the locals openly gawk at me. Some have even tried to conjure up some wild tale to explain why I’d pick Oak Grove of all places. I overheard one young boy saying he heard I was in the witness protection program and hiding from the mafia. He sounded sufficiently impressed with the make-believe backstory. Knowing that, I fully realize there are multiple rumors being spread about me.

  There’s no doubt the rumors have increased since everyone clearly knows Ace and I are a couple now.

  “I haven’t seen the two of you in a while. What have you been up to?” Tara asks as she approaches.

sp; “Catching frogs and crawdads,” River replies.

  “You’re having all the fun. Why can’t I do that instead of working here?” she asks River.

  “You can. Just quit.” River shrugs.

  We both get a chuckle out of her “isn’t it obvious?” reply. Tara takes our order and delivers our food within minutes. After we finish eating, we walk to the playground and I take several pictures of River to text to Ace. We move from the merry-go-round to the swings to the slides. There are a few other moms and kids milling about, but most everyone who isn’t working seems to be at the river park beaches.

  An elderly woman approaches us and strikes up a conversation with me. “How are you liking our fair city?”

  “It’s wonderful. I’ve fallen in love with it.” I finally recognize her from my first day in town. Louise—the judge’s wife.

  “It looks like you’ve fallen for more than just our little town.” She chuckles and inclines her head toward River.

  “Is it that obvious that I’m wrapped around her little pinkie?”

  “It sure is, honey. But I’d say she feels the same way about you, too.” Louise has a twinkle in her eye and a genuine warmth in her demeanor. “Where’d you say you’re from again?”

  “New York.”

  “Do you work?”

  “Yes, I’m a lawyer,” I admit.

  “What a noble profession,” she winks. “I don’t think George knows that. He’d probably be very interested to talk to you about the kinds of cases you’ve worked on.”

  “Sure. That’d be great. I’d love to pick his brain, too.”

  “At the risk of sounding like a meddling old woman, I wanted to say what you’re doing for Zoe, getting her out of that house and letting her stay with you, is very commendable. Her parents have always been such awful people.

  “The way you connect with kids is a true gift. You’re the first adult Zoe has trusted in a long time. And, well, we all know what poor Ace and River have been through. You’ve brought life back to their home.” She wipes a tear from the corner of her eye and gives me a weak smile. “I hope you decide to stick around here for a while longer. Ace needs you more than you know, more than he knows.”

  With that last cryptic message, she gives me a grandmotherly pat on the arm and walks away. When she reaches her car, she calls out to me. “You’re welcome to stop by the house anytime. We’re the only house on Magnolia Way—you can’t miss it. George and I would love to have you over. We’ll look for you soon.”

  “I just may do that. Thank you,” I reply.

  Interesting conversation, I think to myself. And odd.

  After I get River settled into her car seat, we drive to the equine rehabilitation center to see Ace. As we’re rounding the corner of the main building, heading to the round pen in the back, movement catches my eye and I watch Lily and Justin emerge from a secluded spot between the main office and the barn. Only, they don’t look embarrassed or guilty, like two lovers who were just caught in the act. In fact, they don’t look happy at all. They’re deep in conversation, with very serious expressions that match their body postures.

  I’m careful to avert River’s attention elsewhere before she sees Justin and Lily and interrupts them with her excitement. Just as Ace comes into my view, I have to remind myself about the whole containing excitement part. It’s a hot summer day, the sun is blazing, and Ace is shirtless. The sheen of sweat covering his exposed skin beads and rolls down his chest. My eyes involuntarily follow the path it takes until it disappears into the happy trail on his lower abdomen.

  The way his arm, chest, and abdominal muscles flex and straighten when he lifts and moves the square bales of hay is mesmerizing. My mouth is dry, my skin is flushed, and it’s hard to breathe. None of my body’s reaction is from the heat of the sun. It’s from the heat of the man who is quickly taking over all of me. When I rake my eyes back up, drinking in the fine, sexy specimen of a man standing in front of me, I realize I’m the one who’s busted blatantly ogling him. The knowing smirk on his face is both cocky and handsome.

  “What are my two favorite girls doing here?” he calls out. River’s attention snaps to him, and she takes off running in his direction. He gathers her up in his arms and meets me halfway. “I’m glad you came by.” He leans in to kiss me hello, and I know from the husky quality of his voice he’s thinking about the same thing I am. “I’ve missed you.”

  River begins chattering, telling him every move we’ve made today, everything she’s learned, and all the activities she wants to do tomorrow. He’s the most attentive father I’ve ever seen in action. The way he interacts with her is precious. He listens to her, has two-way conversations, and creates ways to make her requests a healthy reality. Watching them together, I realize he shows his love for me in similar ways. I love the way he supports me, actively participates in matters that are most important to me, and shares his thoughts and feelings.

  “Hey, baby girl,” Lily calls from behind me. “Come give your favorite aunt a hug!”

  River jumps out of Ace’s arms and runs to her. Lily covers her little face with kisses and River squeals with laughter. “Aunt Lily, you’re smothering me,” she laughs.

  “Why don’t you come home with me for a couple of nights? Daddy and Layne may want to have a date night or something,” Lily suggests.

  “Can we camp out in the den?” River asks, cutting her eyes to look sideways at Lily before she answers.

  “Yep. And we’ll make s’mores, too.”

  “Okay!” River agrees. “Daddy, I’m spending the night with Aunt Lily.”

  Ace chuckles and nods his head. “Yeah, I knew she had you at s’mores.” He directs his gaze at Lily. “Something up I need to know about?”

  “River and I are going to take off now. I’ll stop by your house and pick up her clothes. I have my spare key with me,” Lily replies.

  Ace puts his hands on his hips and leans his weight to one side. He clearly isn’t fooled by her sudden desire to babysit River. “Lily.”

  She hesitates for a moment before her shoulders slump and her smile falters. “Just erring on the side of caution.”

  Ace’s face turns to stone before my eyes. He folds his arms over his chest and positions his feet in a fighter’s stance. He doesn’t appear to be aware of his movements, but he’s subconsciously preparing to fight. “You’re sure?”

  “Not one hundred percent. But I’m not willing to take the chance, regardless,” Lily replies. “I’ll talk to you later, big brother.”

  Lily and River turn to leave and Justin walks them out. I’m not sure if that’s to give Ace and me time to talk about what the hell just happened or if he doesn’t want to get caught in the cross fire of Ace’s wrath. His face isn’t stone now; it’s pure rage.

  “Ace, what’s wrong?” I ask.

  He takes a deep breath and blows it out forcefully. “Layne, I’m not hiding anything from you, but I need some time to cool off before we talk about it. Can you understand that?”

  “Of course,” I reply. Honestly, I completely understand how it feels to need time to collect my thoughts, get my emotions under control, and then mentally prepare for a conversation. “Take your time. I’ll give you some space while I run a few errands. You know how to find me if you need anything.”

  His strong arms wrap around me and squeeze me to him. “Thank you for understanding. We’ll talk later, okay?”

  “Okay.” I kiss his cheek and step out of his embrace. “Don’t take it out on my horse, though.”

  This at least gets me half of a smile in return. “I won’t. I promise.”

  * * *

  My errands are finished and I haven’t heard from Ace yet, so I head for my cabin. There’s a strange car parked in the driveway when I arrive, but since Zoe is still here, I assume it’s a friend of hers. When I climb the stairs to the front door, I hear raised voices coming from inside. As I open the door, I very clearly hear an angry female voice.

  “You will damn
well do what I tell you to do, or I will make your life a living hell. And you know I can fucking do it!”

  The girl screaming has her back to me, but I can clearly see the worry and torment on Zoe’s face and it brings out the protective momma bear in me.

  “What the hell is going on in here? Who the hell are you?” I bellow as I advance on her.

  She whirls around, her blond hair flying in the air, and narrows her eyes defensively at me. “Who the hell am I? Who the fuck are you?”

  “I live here and you are trespassing here. Get out of my house and take your juvenile threats with you, or we can just let the police take you to jail and you can figure the rest out from there.”

  She sneers at me, her face contorting in an ugly, unimpressed expression when my words sink in. But it’s all bravado and I know it without a doubt. I’ve dealt with bullies like her far too many times in my life. I dramatically drop my purse on the table in front of me and pull my cell phone out. “Have it your way, then. Tell Judge Edwards hello for me.”

  The sneer morphs into pure anger, but there’s evidence of intimidation underneath. Her head snaps back to Zoe. “You’d better remember what I said,” she threatens. Turning on her heel, she stomps in my direction as she makes her way to the door. She stops beside me to issue her final warning. “And you’d better learn to mind your own fucking business.”

  I laugh in her face, truly amused at how clever she thinks she is when she’s really just showing what an idiot she is. “I’ll mind my own fucking business when you get the fuck out of my house.”

  With an angry huff, she jerks the door open and slams it closed behind her theatrically. Concerned about Zoe, I rush to her to reassure her. “Are you okay, sweetheart? Who was that?”

  “I’m okay,” she replies, but her hand is still slightly shaking.


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