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Intent Page 16

by A. D. Justice

  “Who is she?”

  Zoe shakes her head in repulsion. “She’s my cousin. She’s been away for a while and just recently came back to town.”

  “What does she want from you?”

  “She just found out I’m pregnant and what Jeremy did to me. She’s always been a diva, very popular around here, expects everyone to cater to her, and she’s so worried about what other people think. Anyway, she wants me to go after Jeremy and make him pay. She said I’m the talk of the town, that all the kids think I’m just white trash, and they’re planning to make my senior year unbearable.”

  “How is it any of her business? How much can it possibly affect her if she didn’t even know you were pregnant before now? And who is planning things against you? None of this makes any sense.”

  “It’s not her concern. She’ll just have to get over it. She blows things out of proportion with her temper and drama, then she quickly moves on to something else,” Zoe explains, basically dismissing the whole scene. “I have to leave for work now or I’ll be late. I’ll see you later.”

  “All right,” I reply reluctantly. “Be careful, Zoe.”

  I watch her leave and notice how her shoulders are still slumped, like she’s carrying the weight of the world on them. It seems the argument was worse than she wants to admit and it’s still taking a toll on her. With Zoe’s esteem teetering on the edge of oblivion at any given moment, it affects her considerably when yet another family member treats her badly. I wish I could shield her from all the negativity so she can be a happy teenager for once.

  She still has six weeks until her due date, which is after I’m scheduled to return to work. If I return to work. If I return to New York. That’s a decision for a different time, though. Right now, I have a new idea for Zoe to consider, and it’ll be perfect if we can coordinate the timing. With my nails clicking furiously on the keyboard, I locate the section on the website that gives me all the information I need.

  A few phone calls later, my plan is shaping up nicely and I have plenty to share with Zoe when she gets home. Now I can only hope she’s as excited about this as I am for her. All the documents are printed and waiting for her to review when she gets off work later tonight. Stretching as I rise from where I’ve been perched in front of my laptop, I realize my research obviously took more time than I’d planned since it’s already beginning to get dark outside.

  I still haven’t heard from Ace. He needed his space earlier today, and I’m fine with giving it, but I can’t help but wonder where he is. Funny how quickly I’ve grown attached to spending evenings with him, seeing him during the day, and waking to the feel of his warm, steady breaths on the back of my neck while spooning in our sleep at night. This leads to a completely different discussion I have to have with myself.

  “What are your intentions for this relationship, Layne?” I ask aloud as I begin to pace. My pacing used to drive Bobby insane, but it helps me to think through complex situations, plot out my course, and prepare for my next move. “Why did you allow yourself to get sucked into falling for him when you know you’re only staying here for a few more weeks? You told him you love him. You put all your cards on the table, laid them all out on display for him. But you haven’t committed to anything past the end of the summer. So what’s the deal? Are you going back home?”

  My feet halt and realization dawns when my reply fills the air. “If home is where the heart is, then my home is with Ace.”

  I wait for the feeling of dread to settle in my chest, the proverbial other shoe to fall and tell me I’m making a huge mistake. For logic to kick in and convince me I’m an idiot for falling so hard, so fast, for a man I’ve only known for a matter of weeks. For common sense to demand answers to the hard questions, such as what I plan to do about a job, where I will live, and how Ace feels about this decision.

  Actually, I believe I know how Ace feels about it. He’s been very upfront with his feelings for me. He wants me with him, by his side, sharing everything with him. It’s more than refreshing—it’s a novel experience. Even after years with Bobby, I was still pressuring him, trying to make him want to be with me. The constant struggle took its toll, and now I recognize that part of my depression was realizing the hand I played in that whole fiasco.

  From the balcony outside the master bedroom, I see a familiar, innately masculine form move in the darkness. “Ace is home,” I whisper to myself. “Why hasn’t he called me?”

  Seems no matter how secure I feel, doubts can so easily creep in and control my mind. I really hate that feeling.

  Ace is leaning on his forearms against the porch railing when he drops his head to his hands. Even from here, where I can’t see his face in the darkness, I can feel his torment. Something has severely disturbed him and I want to help him. Will I be the needy, clingy girlfriend if I just show up? Or will I be the strong, supportive girlfriend if I just show up?

  “Get over your crazy, Layne. We both know you’re going to just show up either way,” I verbally chastise myself.

  Then I begin my trek to Ace’s house.

  Chapter Seventeen


  “What a fucking mess,” I complain again. To no one but the darkness that surrounds me. “Goddamn it!”

  I want to punch something. I want to beat the shit out something. Just completely obliterate it until there’s nothing left. Anything to exert some of this pent-up frustration and intense anger that are burning through my veins. The thing is, I know myself all too well. Once I start, I won’t be able to stop. Not with this hanging over my head. Not with all the shit that’ll get dragged out from under the rocks and into the glaring light.

  “Layne,” I say aloud on a heavy breath. “What will she think?”

  “Who the fuck is Layne?” A formless voice snarls at me from the darkness. “Is she your new whore?”

  “What the fuck are you doing here?” I growl in reply. “Leave. Now.”

  “Haven’t you heard? I’m back, baby. I’m not going anywhere.” She steps out of the shadows and shows her sneering face, clearly loving the shock factor she’s inflicted on me.

  “Oh, you’ll leave one way or the other. Of your own volition, from me kicking your ass to the edge of my property, or by a police escort to jail where you belong.” Clearing the rail with a swing of my legs, I march determinedly toward her. So help me God, I’ve never hit a woman before in my life, but I’m not responsible for my actions around this one.

  “Ace, you don’t scare me, so you can cut the macho shit out,” she taunts. “This doesn’t have to cause a lot of problems. Be reasonable.”

  “You can’t be fucking serious. You’re telling me to be reasonable?” I’m shocked beyond any capacity to make sense of this conversation or her visit. She walks past me, taking in what she can see of the backyard in the moonlight.

  “You’ve done a lot out here,” she says with a nod and turns back to me. “Bet it really looks good during the day. I can’t wait to see it.”

  My jaw drops open from her complete stupidity. How can she possibly think I want her within five hundred miles of me? Before I can reply, she surprises me again, but this time, it’s with her lips crushed to mine and her arms around my neck. The warmth of her tongue glides across my lips, asking for permission to deepen the kiss. Years melt away and I’m right back in the same place as when she was here before. The familiar feel of her skin under my hands as I grasp her arms adds fuel to the fire.

  With my fingers firmly gripped around her upper arms, I forcefully push her away and hold her at arm’s length from me. “Have you lost your fucking mind?” I release her and wipe my mouth with the back of my hand, trying to erase the remnants of her impromptu kiss. “That was disgusting. I have no idea where your mouth has been! Now I have to go gargle with bleach before Layne comes over.”

  The menacing glare and daggers flying from her eyes leave no doubt about what she’s thinking. She definitely wants to hurt me. “There’s no need to deny you want me, Ace. Ho
nesty is the best policy.”

  “What do you know about honesty?” I retort with a sarcastic laugh.

  I feel her presence before I hear her footsteps fall directly behind me. Of course. It all makes perfect sense now. Layne walks up and stops beside me. Instinctively, our hands lock together and I admire her beautiful profile while she issues a threat with her eyes and her words.

  “You again? You aren’t a very quick learner, are you?” Layne asks. “Zoe isn’t impressed with your tactics, and apparently, neither is Ace. You’ve already worn out your welcome and you just got back in town today. Your future here doesn’t seem very promising.”

  “You don’t even know who I am, you stupid bitch!”

  “I know you’re Zoe’s cousin and even she doesn’t like you. It’s pretty bad when your own family members can’t stand you.”

  “Oh, honey, I’m much more than Zoe’s cousin. You think you have it all figured out, don’t you? Think you can just waltz in here and take over my family, my man? That ain’t happening. Yeah, I know all about how you’ve been babysitting her, but River is my daughter. You’re nothing to her. I’m her momma.”

  If Margot expected to get a shocked reaction out of Layne with her declaration, she failed miserably. Layne’s expression remains impassive, unimpressed, not intimidated in the least. I can only imagine this is the result of her legal training and the cases she’s worked on. If Layne’s ex-boyfriend had spoken to me like that, his ass would have been out cold on the ground.

  “If you’re her ‘momma,’ as you say, then you know what her favorite book is, right? What toys does she like to play with in the bathtub? What time does she want to go to sleep at night and wake up in the morning? You may have given birth to her, Margot, but you are not her ‘momma’ in any sense of the word.”

  Layne’s voice is even and controlled, but the fire in her eyes is anything but. She nonchalantly releases my hand and squares her shoulders. If Margot makes a move, Layne is prepared to take her down. “And if Ace is your man, then why has he been wrapped around my body every night in bed? Do you not know how to satisfy him?”

  It’s probably inappropriate to tell her how turned on I am at this very moment. Maybe I should save that admission for when we’re alone later.

  “Get out of here, Margot,” I demand. “You’re breaking the terms of the restraining order, so I’m calling the police to report you right now.”

  “Don’t think that piece of paper will keep me away from my daughter, Ace.” Margot storms off on foot up the driveway. After a couple of minutes, I hear a car door shut and the engine start. She floors the gas pedal and flies off in the direction heading toward town as Layne and I watch the taillights disappear into the night.

  The first thing I want to tell Layne is how my chest is bursting with pride over how she stood her ground and staked her claim on me. When I turn to face her, the pained expression in her deep blue eyes paralyzes my ability to speak for a moment. She looks down at the ground, covers her face with her hands, and releases a humorless chuckle.

  “Margot?” She drops her hands and looks up at me. “That was Margot? River’s mother, Margot?”

  “Uh, yeah,” I all but stutter. “I thought you knew that.” I’m so damn confused.

  “No,” she says flatly. “No, I didn’t know that at all. I didn’t catch her name earlier, so I had no idea.”

  “Who did you think she was?” Have I missed an entire conversation? I feel like I’m trying to catch up on all the details of an intricate movie that’s already halfway over.

  “Just Zoe’s cousin. Damn, I feel like such an idiot.” She shakes her head.

  “I’m glad to hear that,” I admit. Her eyebrows furrow in confusion. “Because I feel like a completely lost idiot. Can we start this conversation all over? What are you talking about?”

  “After everything I’ve heard about Margot from you and River, I thought she had died. River said her mom watched over her, like a guardian angel. You said she had a bad case of postpartum depression and was gone. I put two and two together and just assumed she committed suicide. It never occurred to me that she was still alive and would show up out of the blue one day.”

  “When you put it like that, I can see how you would’ve thought that. If I’d known earlier you thought that, I would’ve corrected it. Does her coming back change anything between us?” Translation: will I lose you now that my ex-psycho-bitch-baby-momma is back in town?

  “No, Ace, she can’t change my feelings for you, regardless of where she is,” she replies sincerely. “I have to admit, though, I’m glad I walked up when I did. I heard what you said to her, and I couldn’t help but feel good when you let her know I’d be here with you.”

  “I know a million ways to make you feel good. Better than good,” I reply. “Putting her in her place doesn’t even make the list. I didn’t realize it until you walked up, but she pulled that shit because she knew you were watching. She thought she could cause trouble between us.”

  I draw her into my arms, her body flush with mine, her breasts pressing against my chest. “I was so fucking turned on when you stepped up to fight for River and me. It took all my willpower not to throw you over my shoulder and carry you off to have my way with you.”

  “It just so happens that you don’t have to expend your willpower reserves at the moment,” she purrs seductively.

  “You make an excellent point, counselor,” I reply calmly. Then I pick her up, throw her over my shoulder, and carry her into my lair. Her shrieks of laughter echo off the mountains and I playfully smack her ass. “Shhh, you’re wasting your breath. You’ll need it for the screams I’m about to give you.”

  “I love it when you talk dirty to me.”

  The zipper of my jeans was already about to bust open before she admitted that. Now it’s painful to fucking walk. “That does it, woman. You’re about to meet my inner caveman.”

  “Don’t tease me then fail to follow through,” she challenges with that saucy, sassy tone that she knows riles me up even more.

  “My follow-through will leave you sore for a solid week,” I warn as I kick the door closed behind us.

  After I pop her ass one more time, I put her down and my hands immediately slide under her shirt to find her warm skin. For a heartbeat, our eyes lock and the current between us is so strong I can almost hear the buzzing of electricity. Our mouths clash together in a rush of frenzied need, and just like that, I can’t wait another second. Between tastes of her luscious lips, I remove her clothes one article at a time, all too eager to taste the rest of her. Within seconds, she’s standing completely bare before me and my own clothes are flying haphazardly across the room as fast as I shed them.

  “Come with me.”

  My hands glide over her hips before my arms wrap underneath her ass and hoist her up on me. Her legs naturally curl around my waist and her arms wrap around my neck when I turn to walk toward the bedroom. Just as we reach the hall, the warmth of her mouth on my neck nearly brings me to my knees. She licks, nips, and lightly sucks my skin between her teeth, driving me mad with unspoken promises of what’s still to come. When her nails scrape across my skin, I decide I’ve waited long enough.

  Abruptly turning, I pin her back against the wall and tighten my grip on her legs. “Hold on to me,” I command through gritted teeth. “I’m taking you. Right here. Right now.”

  The scent of her arousal permeates the air around us as I position myself at her entrance. Thrusting my hips upward while pulling her down, I slide into her warm, wet center and immediately stop. I sink my teeth into her creamy skin to fight the overwhelming urge to end this before we even get started. She grinds her hips in an attempt to make me move, but the way her body tightly grips me pushes me closer to the edge.

  “Be. Still.”

  “I can’t,” she moans.

  With a growl, I fortify my resolve to finish what I started. Every thrust is deeper and every sound she makes is increasingly louder. When my legs
become shaky from exertion, I make sure to hear my name screamed one last time before I give in and finish off this round.

  “You have enough time to pour a glass of wine and have a snack.”

  “Enough time before what?”

  “Before round two,” I waggle my eyebrows. “Wait. You didn’t think that was all for tonight, did you?”

  “Well, I—” she starts to explain.

  “I always make good on my promises, babe. Now let’s feed you so you’ll have plenty of energy for our shower scene.”

  * * *

  We’re lying in bed, completely satiated, dehydrated, and exhausted, but never happier. I brush the hair from her face and neck before gently caressing her cheek. Our conversation flows naturally with our whispers in the darkened room.

  “With all the excitement tonight, I never got a chance to say I’m so glad you came over. But I’m not pleased that you walked over here alone in the dark.”

  “I’m a big girl, Ace. I can take care of myself.”

  “Maybe. But that’s still not a chance I’m willing to take with you.”

  “I’ve never had anyone who wanted to take care of me before. I’m not sure I know how to let you do it.”

  “That’s okay,” I whisper. “I’ll be glad to show you how it’s done.”

  “I believe you. You showed Frankie, surely I can learn if he can. You know I came here broken.”

  “You don’t give yourself enough credit, Layne. After what you’ve been through, I couldn’t have blamed you if you ran when Margot pulled her shit. But you stood your ground and you stood by me. It was amazing—you didn’t even bat an eye.”

  She laughs lightly. “I lost my shit a little bit when I walked in on Bobby and Cyndi. That destroyed my self-esteem for a while. But when I heard what you said after Margot kissed you, I was filled with so much confidence. In myself. In you. In us. It felt amazing not to have any doubts about your loyalty.”

  “You’ll never have to doubt that, my love.” I seal my promise with a kiss.


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