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The Son of Light Book 1: Rebirth

Page 2

by Parker, Chris

  There was a massive AMC theater at the very end of the second level. Around it were many restaurants filled with people chatting and joking with one another. The sent of freshly cooked steaks, pies, and grilled chicken made their mouths water as they walked.

  They looked at the latest video games at the GameStop, enjoying their new purchases. Trent loved his new Halloween themed shades as he took the chance to pose in front of every mirror his came across. Engel had chosen new lip piercings, hot pink hair dye, black nail polish, three new beanies, and three pairs of skinny jeans from Hot Topic. When he tried getting Karl’s opinion on his lip piercing and one of his new beanies, he’d call to him.

  Karl would just tell him that it looked good, without actually looking at him. Then Engel would get upset and nag him. Nick always enjoyed listening to them bicker with each other because they were like an old couple.

  Karl had gotten a 10lb bag of whey protein and pre-workout supplements from the fitness store, and a new iPod from the Apple store. Nick and Seth didn’t buy anything. For Nick, just being able to buy his friends all those things made him happy. But for Seth not to want anything, Nick realized, was odd, especially considering it was his birthday celebration.

  Once they were done with their shopping, Nick and Engel sat at a square table in the food court while the others ordered food. Nick glanced over at Engel.

  “You okay?”

  Engel shrugged. Nick hoped that the conversation between Seth and Karl would have been forgotten by now. Hopefully, Seth wouldn’t bring the topic up again.

  “Seth was just curious, he didn’t mean…”

  “I know.” said Engel, calmly.

  Nick paused for a moment, and then went on.

  “Listen, this isn’t just about Seth, this is about you and Karl.”

  Engel looked puzzled.

  “I know you’re leaving.”

  Engel looked surprised.

  “Your mom told you, huh?”

  Nick nodded.

  “You’re a good friend, Nick, and I am so grateful for all your family has done for me. But I just want a normal life for a while. I want to see more of the world and maybe start a family, ya know?”

  “I understand. But there’s always a place for you at the guild.”

  Nick waited for him to say something, but Engel remained quiet. Then the other boys approached the table with two small pizzas, three double bacon cheeseburgers, fries, sushi, a salad, and cups of water. Trent sat in between Nick and Engel while Seth sat next to Karl. Nick relaxed as he watched his friends attack their food like wild animals. He felt sorry for the food.

  “So your parents gave you the money or did Nick?” Seth suddenly asked.

  Nick saw Karl stop eating and began to panic.

  “Seth, leave it alone,” Nick, asked politely.

  “Es okay,” said Karl. “I used to be rich like Nick. Mis padres gave me cars, expensive clothes, boats, even my own jet.”

  Karl looked at Engel.

  “Pero when they learned about me and Engel, they screamed at me and disowned me. Engel taught me how to survive on the streets.”

  Nick glanced at Engel, who was trying to ignore the story.

  “We lied and stole. Engel let old men…use him while I stole their wallets,” said Karl, looking ashamed.

  Engel stopped eating.

  “No amount of good can erase what we’ve done, but Mrs. Suzuki is giving us that chance. I want to show mi familia what it means to be a good person,” said Karl, with a little anger in his voice.

  Engel suddenly stood up.

  “We need more fries!” he said, storming away.

  Karl went after him as the others sat in silence. Nick let out a huge sigh and looked at Seth, who had an emotionless expression.

  “So. Enjoying your yourself?” asked Nick, trying to lighten the mood.

  Seth remind silent.

  “I know you hate birthdays, but I really wanted to do this for you.”

  Seth still didn’t say anything. Finally, he saw Seth smile. Nick had been worried how he would take the surprise party. He figured if he just forced Seth into it, he wouldn’t say no. And he was right; Seth seemed to be enjoying himself, despite the blown up birthday cake, the crazy truck driver, and Engel being upset.

  “I have another gift for you in New York…” he said, glancing at Seth.

  He waited for Seth to ask him what it was, but Seth remained silent. In fact, his smile suddenly vanished. Nick hesitated to speak again and Seth went back to eating his salad. Nick sighed. Then he heard Engel shouting.

  “There they are! Those nigger faggots!” a woman’s voice shouted.

  “Fuck off lady!” shouted Engel.

  He turned and saw Engel and Karl arguing with the crazy truck driver and a short older woman in the middle of the food court. The older woman was dressed in white and violet robes with a pink dove on her chest. She had short thinning black hair and wore heavy make-up, which didn’t hide the many wrinkles on her face. She stood stiffly next to the crazy truck driver whose face was still twisted with fury as two girl toddlers stood at her side. Nick rushed over with Seth and Trent at his heels.

  “What’s wrong?” asked Nick.

  “This lady won’t leave us alone!” bellowed Engel.

  “Oh my dear boy, you are not welcomed in our city.” The old lady said in a sweet girlish voice.

  “Have them arrested! Have them arrested! They threatened to kill me and insulted my children!” the middle aged women hollered.

  “What are you talking about?” asked Nick.

  “You are the fags who almost killed my niece, Lara, and her children. That was your car that came into the parking lot,” she said sweetly.

  Engel’s eyes popped open, and Nick felt the urge to slap her, but he remained calm.

  “My name is Alla Ivanov, Dove mother of the Doves of Christ. We have certain rules in our city that everyone must obey, darling. Those who don’t, well…” said Alla, smiling and revealing the gap in her teeth.

  Nick saw her glance over her shoulder as two large men in the same robes began heading their way. He could see the anger boiling up in Engel, Karl and Trent. He had to get them away before things went really bad.

  “We’ve confiscated your car for the time being. I invite all of you to visit our church,” she turned to Nick. Her sweet voice made nails on a chalkboard sound pleasant.

  “What!?” shouted Engel.

  “Perhaps we will ma’am. I am very sorry for our behavior. Please forgive us,” Nick said politely.

  He gestured to his friends to follow him back to their table. But then Alla grabbed Engel’s arm.

  “I heard your friend here talking about his sinful lifestyle too!”

  Engel and the other boys stared at her.

  “I’ve seen your kind before, boy. You were trying to seduce this young man weren’t you?” asked Alla, pointing to Karl.

  She stared right into Karl’s eyes and said, “It’s alright dear. He won’t bother you anymore.”

  “They’re both fags I bet,” laughed Lara.

  “We can help you at our church,” said Alla pleasantly.

  Engel started moving towards her, clenching his fists, but Nick jumped between them and very lightly pushed Engel away.

  “Excuse me ma’am, we really have to be going,” said Nick with a slight bow.

  He and the others headed back to their table. Engel’s eyes were watery.

  “Calm down. It’s over now,” said Nick softly.

  Suddenly, Engel broke away from them, walking as fast as he could. Before Nick could move, he heard Alla’s voice again.

  “Take them.”

  Nick turned and saw the large men rushing towards them. He hesitated. Maybe he could reason with them, pay whatever fines she was going to give them and be done with it. But then a loud bang echoed throughout the entire city. Nick looked between the tall men and saw purple lightening striking down near the church in the other section.

bsp; He looked at the top of the mega church in the distance and froze. He saw a red-cloaked figure standing on the massive cross above the church. He blinked and the figure was gone. No, he thought. It couldn’t be him, not here. Maybe he was seeing things.

  Then lightning struck the theater and the stores, shattering every window around them. The theater began to crumble above the dozens of people under it. Nick saw Karl sprint past him, shooting a transparent energy wave at the falling pieces of the building. The pieces disintegrated, turning to dust that rained down on the people.

  Panic and screams began to spread as more purple lighting struck down, breaking all the buildings apart. The boys split up to help the terrified people. Nick saw Alla and her niece fall back over the rails. He sprinted towards them with Trent close behind.

  He seized Alla as Trent held Lara and pulled them to safety. Nick looked around for his other friends until his eyes met the same red-cloaked figure in the distance that, like last time, was gone the moment he blinked. It couldn’t be him, he thought again.

  “Thank you, dear! Thank you!” said Alla still terrified.

  Nick nodded and stood up, scanning the area for his friends. He spotted them by the restaurants, helping people to the lower level.

  “Everyone this way!” shouted Seth.

  “No. The parking lot and the main gates are too far, make an opening here,” shouted Engel, pointing at a wall.

  But none of the people listened to them. Nick started making his way to them until he felt the ground shake under his feet. Moments later, there was another loud bang followed by a flash. The entire second level of the plaza exploded throwing everyone into the air.

  Chapter 2

  The Demon Lords


  Thick black smoke covered the October sky over the burning city. Dozens of people panicked down the sidewalks and streets towards the southern gates and parking lot.

  Nick opened his eyes and sat up. What happened? he thought. Where am I? His back ached and felt blood running down his face. To his horror, he realized he was resting on an altar. He looked up at and saw a giant hole in the ceiling. Did I fall through there? He saw fire all around him. Suddenly, his eyes fell on Alla. Her head was split wide opened, her robes soaked in blood.

  Nick shrieked. Then he heard cracking above him. He looked up and saw the giant dove crucifix collapsing towards him. He desperately rolled away as the it smashed onto the altar, breaking it into many pieces.

  Nick sprung to his feet and made his way towards the large doors of the church, passing more burning bodies of men, women and children all dressed in the same robes as Alla. The thick smoke nearly blinded him as the smell of burning flesh made him sick. The heat was unbelievable as the flames roared around him. Then he saw a familiar body lying in the aisle.

  “Seth!” shouted Nick, racing towards him.

  Seth was barely conscious and had cuts running down his arms and face. With large chunks of the ceiling falling around them and the fire growing in size, Nick desperately dragged Seth towards the doors. Just as they got close, parts of the ceiling fell on to them knocking them out cold. Nick came to and a few minutes later, and pulled Seth out from the rubble.

  Suddenly, there was a loud bang from outside, and Seth came to his senses and stood up in shock. With the doors blocked Nick pulled Seth towards the altar. There has to be another way out, he thought desperately. As he ran parts of the floor under his feet collapsed, causing him to fall. To his surprise, Seth managed to catch him in time. Nick pulled himself up and felt the floor breaking under them again.

  “Go!” he shouted, pushing Seth.

  He spotted a huge painted window of Jesus holding a pink dove to his left. As the floor collapsed behind them, he and Seth ran towards it. Seth shattered the window with a wave of energy and the boys jumped out landing in a pond. They quickly scrambled onto the sidewalk and then froze.

  The sight was even worse outside. The once colorful buildings were now pitch black and covered in flames. Dismembered bodies littered the broken streets and sidewalks, and purpling lightening in the dark clouds that loomed above them. It was as if hell itself had taken over the city. Nick frantically looked around until his eyes met another familiar figure near the large fountain of Pasag about fifty yards away. He sprinted towards it with Seth at his heels.

  “Trent!” shouted Nick.

  Trent was leaning on the fountain, holding his left leg and crying. When they got to him, Nick wrapped his arms around him.

  “Are you okay?” asked Nick.

  Trent shook his head, lifting up the left ends of his shorts. Nick’s face went pale when he saw a bone protruding from Trent’s kneecap.

  “Where are Karl and Engel?” asked Nick.

  Trent pointed towards the burning Coffee & Tea store to their left, back towards the burning church.

  “Stay here,” he said, giving Trent to Seth.

  Nick raced towards the store. It was getting harder to breathe as the smoke and ash entered his body. There were people all around him on fire and writhing in agony. He wanted to help them, but he knew it wouldn’t do any good. As he approached the burning Coffee & Tea shop, the smell of burning flesh, smoke, and brunt coffee beans was almost too much for him to bear. He took a moment to remove his shirt and place it over his face. He continued into the shop and saw Engel through the smoke.

  “Engel!” choked Nick.

  Engel turned. His eyes were watery and the right side of his head was bleeding.

  “His arm!” cried Engel.

  Horror stretched over Nick’s face as he saw a giant piece of road that had crashed through the roof and pinned Karl’s entire left arm to the ground. The screams from Karl twisted his heart as he rushed over to help him, stepping over broken glass and burned tables.

  “Stand back!” he said to Engel.

  Engel did so with his eyes fixed on Karl. Nick looked at the huge piece of road, and tried to figure out how he could incinerate it without hurting Karl. He didn’t think his plan would work, but he knew he had no choice. Then he heard Karl cry out.

  “No please don’t!”

  It was as if Karl had read his mind. Nick tried to remain calm, but what could he do? His powers weren’t that strong, and his friends’ were no better. Suddenly, Engel rushed to an edge of the road and tried to lift it. For a second, Nick thought it might work as he found himself doing the same thing, but it was like trying to lift three elephants.

  The entire shop was about to cave in as more flaming chunks of the ceiling crashed around them. Then Nick heard Karl shout again.

  “Fuck it!” he bellowed.

  Nick looked down and saw Karl twist his elbow violently. Nick immediately started blasting the piece of road. He knew he could potentially hurt Karl in the process, but it was better than letting him rip his arm off.

  “Stop! Please! You’ll kill me!” cried out Karl, both angry and afraid.

  Nick stopped, and Karl continued to twist his arm.

  “Karl stop! Let Nick handle it!” begged Engel trying to hold Karl still.

  No I can’t, Nick thought. Karl is right. I’d only make things worse. He saw Karl hack away at his elbow with his other hand, which was now glowing. Hack! Hack! Hack! It still wasn’t off. Hack! Hack! Hack! Karl let out a scram of unimaginable pain each time. Nick turned away and moments later he heard Engel scream. He faced Karl and saw him clutching onto Engel’s shirt, moaning in pain.

  Blood gushed everywhere. As the wall behind them collapsed, Engel and Nick picked up Karl and raced out of the crumbling coffee shop to the fountain. Once there, Nick moved away from Karl to Trent and looked at Seth.

  “Help them. I’ve got him,” said Nick, trying to remain calm.

  Nick knelt down and gestured Trent to climb on his back as Seth helped Engel support Karl. Once Nick felt Trent wrap his arms around him he stood up.

  “Let’s go!” ordered Nick.

  He dashed towards the flaming gates with the others close behind. But j
ust as the gates came within reach, a figure stepped out through the flames. Nick stopped dead in his tracks.

  The figure had dark skin and was dressed in a thin, blood-red long-sleeved cloak covered with black demonic drawings, as well as black pants, and a three headed skull necklace. The cloak was also black on the inside, which made his face difficult to see as his hood hid most of his face. From what little Nick could see, the face seemed emotionless and cold. It’s him! It’s Hexen!

  “Hexen!” screamed Nick.

  Seth turned even paler as Karl's face twisted with fury. Nick backed away as Lord Hexen strode calmly towards them. Impossible! he thought to himself. Suddenly, from the corner of his eye, he saw Karl breaking away from Engel.

  "Bastardo! Te voy a matar!" Bastard! I’ll kill you! Karl shouted at the top of his lungs. Bastard! I’ll kill you!

  "Karl!" shouted Nick as he put Trent down to run after him.

  "Karl! No!" Engel shouted, trying to run after him only to have Seth pull him back by his shirt.

  Like a mad bull, Karl charged at the demon lord. Once close enough, he leaped into the air and created a bright flaming ball of energy in his hand, aiming it down at Hexen's face. Despite his hood shrouding his eyes, Hexen effortlessly caught him by the throat in mid air.

  "Te voy a matar, hijo de puta!" I’ll kill you motherfucker! Karl chocked out, still trying to hit Hexen.

  Within seconds, flames covered Karl’s entire body. Engel let out a horrible scream as he saw Hexen holding nothing but a burnt skeleton. Hexen dropped it and continued walking towards them. Nick turned and saw the others frozen in shock. He picked up Trent.

  "Run!" he shouted.

  He started back up the street towards the church with Engel, who was hysterical. He looked back and saw Seth frozen to where he stood. His pants became wet as his face turned paler.

  "Seth!" shouted Nick.

  Seth didn’t move. Finally, Nick jerked him away and the boys started running, only to be stopped again as black and purple mist blocked their path. Another mysterious figure stepped out. He looked similar to Hexen, with a hood over his head too, but his cloak was black on the outside and red on the inside. He wore a single demon skull necklace, which looked similar to the red demonic faces on his cloak. It was Lord Damen.


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