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Alien Romance: Rusneon Mates Boxed Set: A Scifi Alien Abduction Romance (Alien Romance, Alien Invasion Romance, BBW)

Page 11

by Ashley Hunter

  Once, long ago, she had believed that she would only guess as to their secrets… now it felt as though she actually had a chance to find out.

  Warm hands cradled up and around her bare stomach, pulling her close against a warm body as a pair of lips pressed against the tender spot of her neck and throat.

  “You’ve been staring for quite some time now,” Dom whispered.

  “Are you sure you don’t want to do anything else?”

  “Not yet,” Andrea sighed, tilting her head back, her eyes still working over every star above.

  “It’s amazing.”

  “I suppose,” Dom replied.

  “Then again, your kind is always so easily astounded.”

  She nudged an elbow into his ribs, before another thought appeared to her.

  “That reminds me, why do our species look so far alike?”

  She turned so that she could behold his expression, see the fullness of his violet gaze unguarded beneath hers.

  Dom smiled, “Believe it or not, but we share a common ancestor.”

  “Monkeys?” Andrea grinned. Dom rolled his eyes.

  “Another species.” He said, shaking his head.

  “There was a vast empire once, a huge galactic empire renown as Ma’uranians, or rather that’s what old tales say. They had colonies as far as your galaxy and mine. The galaxy you call Andromeda, is actually known as Sa’ahkul in my planet. It is said that the Ma’uranians were so prosperous in their conquest that they were able to usher an era of great peace. However, something happened to them, and they ceased to exist.”

  “We’re not so different however, your species does believe in them somehow. I believe you called them the Greek/Roman Gods, only you named them to the closest your language could translate their names. Jupiter, Juno, Minerva, they’re known as Ju’paekter, Ju’kno, and Min’arqnoa in mine. It’s curious, but I believe it does propose an answer to our riddle.”

  “So you’re saying, we’re distantly related?” Andrea asked, pursing her lips.

  Dom snorted, “As related as my star is to yours.”

  Andrea smiled, and she took in his lips against hers.

  “I like that… my star to your star… we’re together regardless of how far apart we’ve come from.”

  “I guess it is sort of romantic,” Dom said, smiling to her before pulling her close toward another section of the room.

  The ship was vast enough that they could see space above through the xenoglass—as he called it—and when they arrived at his bedchamber, she could feel a thrum of energy within the room, as if the spaceship itself was alive and was pleased to feel them nearby.

  “Come,” Dom murmured, leading her to the bed.

  “I want you now.”

  Embracing him was like returning home, pulling in a piece of her soul that had gone missing and was not being reunited with the rest of her.

  Andrea sighed when he began to scour her body with kisses and familiar touches, touches that drew out sounds only he could draw out.

  Her back landed on the soft surface of the bed, her eyes gazing into his eyes as he propped himself up over her, his rigid length sliding slickly against her folds.

  Andrea’s eyes rolled to the back of her head in a pleasurable twist, her hips following the rhythm of his, and when his lips found her breasts once more, her moans were crescendoing into soft cries that made her tremble beneath him.

  After a moment, he pulled away, drawing himself further south until his lips were tracing figures against her hips and dragging more sounds from her throat. Andrea threw her head back and cried out when his tongue caressed a wet heat against her sex, taking in the coating fluids of her body and swallowing them as though she was made of rich nectar and he was starving for it.

  Before long, his tongue was sliding against her roughly and rapidly, suckling and dipping within her and forcing her nerves to jump and twist beneath her skin.

  Andrea screamed, her fingers falling to dig into Dom’s hair, squeezing against his scalp roughly until she was coming hard around his mouth.

  Her body was covered in a fine sheen of sweat by the time Dom pulled himself over her, his length erect and hard against her thigh.

  “It’s been far too long,” he murmured.

  “Dom…” Andrea moaned, gasping.

  “I’ve missed you so much.”

  He looked into her eyes, surprised by the emotion leaking into the edges of her vision before he smiled down at her, raw and open.

  “I’ve missed you too, huale’ak’ahn.”

  My beloved.

  The translation filtered into her mind, made her shiver and wonder, but she was succumbing to the familiar push of his shaft pumping into her entrance, their hips slapping gently together with every thrust he made.

  “More,” Andrea pleaded, arching her back to feel her nipples run against his chest.

  “I want more, Dom.”

  He let out a sharp grunt, a growl, into her ear before pressing his hands to the backs of her thighs and pulling them up toward her chest. The angle allowed him to go in deeper, hitting a certain spot that made her moans erupt into shrieks of pleasure, and for her walls to squeeze him as he pulled out.

  He pumped in and out, making circles with his hips as he alternated his thrusts. Before long Andrea was violently thrashing beneath him, yanking her fingers into his hair and pressing their mouths together.

  The taste of his mouth was sweet and odd but Andrea felt intoxicated with every taste, with every pressure of his tongue against hers as it mimicked the movements of his hips over hers.

  Suddenly, Andrea was clenching tight around him, milking his length and yanking out fierce grunts and groans from his lips, moans that escalated along with hers in tandem to the thrumming energy of the room.

  “Yes, yes, yes, Dom.”

  “Andrea,” Dom gasped. “Andrea...ahhh….Andrea!”


  With a final lunge into space and power around them, Andrea fell into her climax, feeling warmth bloom within her as she stared into Dom’s face.

  His eyes were half-closed, lips parted in gasping breaths that told of her pleasure so raw and unguarded it made her stare in awe, stare at a sight that was better than Milky Way galaxies or space around.

  Dom finally fell from his own high, reuniting with Andrea in a burst of emotion that took her by surprise but filled her to the brim.

  “Thank you…” He breathed into her ear, caressing a strand of strawberry blond hair from her forehead.

  “Thank you…”

  Andrea pulled him close, pressing a kiss to his lips once more, smiling against his beautiful eyes and beautiful face, feeling complete now that she had the stars, she had Dom, and she had a freedom she could have never had otherwise.

  Chapter 12

  Cryo was, without a doubt, the worst experience Andrea had ever endured. It was painful and foreign, making her feel as though she was drowning despite knowing she could breathe. The first few moments when she was sinking into the impressive tank of Dom’s ship, Andrea had been filled with uncertainty and nervousness.

  “It’ll be fine,” Dom had said soothingly, his hand caressing beneath her jaw.

  “You’ve gone out of the atmosphere plenty of times without anything negative, you’ll be able to make the trip.”

  “I was only out in space for a few days at most,” Andrea countered, trying to quell her shaking hands.

  “But you said this would take years…”

  “Six Rusneon years,” Dom replied kindly, violet eyes twinkling with some amusement. “You’ll be fine… you aren’t getting cold feet now, are you?”

  Andrea paused, lifting a hand to pull anxiously to a lock of strawberry blonde hair.

  “Maybe…? I don’t know.” She paused for a moment before sighing; reaching for the edge of the tank while her lower body was submerged in a curious fluid that was warm.

  “I guess it’s also the fact that this isn’t a return trip…”

>   Dom waited patiently for her to continue, and Andrea sighed leaning her cheek over his hand. “This may not be the best planet… but this is my planet. My parents died here… everything I know is here. I’m a little scared to be so far away from it.”

  “We don’t have to leave now if you don’t want,” Dom supplied, leaning closer to press his forehead against hers.

  We can stay a little longer.

  Feeling his words in her mind and not in her ears was still new, but they no longer felt invasive or odd, rather they were comforting and steadying. After a breath, she shook her head gently.

  “No…” she sighed, “No. We can go now. We’ve made all the arrangements. Everything should be fine.”

  Dom pulled away giving her a look that seemed to say, “Are you sure?” Andrea smiled in return, wan and strained yet with a little more decisiveness.

  Theirs was a relationship built with time, understanding, and steady movement. The heat of their shared sensuality never dimmed, but it did spread from scorching touches to broiling warmth. A few months since Dom returned from his unexpected disappearance, Andrea had decided surely that she couldn’t live without him, and that nothing in the world could equal the beauty he had shown her outside of the expanse of the sky.

  It had taken some time, and while Andrea cared very much for Dom, when he asked if she wanted to leave Earth for Rusneon, she hit a point of legitimate concern. She wasn’t sure if she could handle such a huge change. All things considered, it was kind of overwhelming.

  In the end though, there was a grand curiosity growing fiercely within Andrea’s chest, a marvel that wasn’t satiated with just stories and faded mental links that confused more than clarified.

  There was too much of planets and stars that Andrea wanted to see… but there was one thing between choosing to see it and to live in it. Even so, the desire to see it all grew and grew until anything she saw outside her own window was too mundane.

  So one day shy of a full year since she had first become Dom’s secretary, Andrea decided to make the biggest leap of her life.

  Dom had been shocked but took her into his arms and spun her into a powerful kiss that made her toes curl.

  Before long, Andrea managed to sell her lease in her apartment, and Athena had been kind enough to accept Andrea’s cat into her home. It honestly didn’t take that long and before she knew it, Andrea had narrowed her things down to the bare minimum and began to spend her time a lot in Dom’s ship, Kae’lia.

  For some time, Andrea prepared herself, taking care of her body for the incoming trip and Dom was supportive in every step of the way. Slowly, her mind became used to Dom’s internalized words, and her knowledge of Rusneon history and culture grew.

  Finally the day came, and Andrea had nothing but her shaking nerves and her legs dipped in Cryostasis fluid. She stared into the violet irises of her lover, seeing the careful knowing in his eyes. She gave him a grin.

  “Let’s do it.” She said.

  Dom let out a small chuckle, “That’s my girl.” His words filled her with warmth, and they came close to share a deep kiss, one that was also touched with a small desperation to make this moment last.

  While you are under, you will not wake up for six Rusneon years… two hundred earth years. For you it will be like one long dream, I will do my best to make it pleasant. I love you.

  Parting, Andrea hummed, closing her eyes before slowly letting go and falling deeper into the tank until the liquid came up to her neck.

  “I’ll be able to breathe right?” She asked.

  “It’ll be a little unpleasant at first,” Dom explained. Don’t worry, it’ll pass.

  Nodding, Andrea finally dropped all the way in, her feet touching the bottom of the tank while she blew out harshly. Bubbles spewed passed her lips until she had no more air. Sucking in was hard, and for a moment her body spasmed harshly at the sensation. She struggled not to panic, but the presence of Dom’s mental link allowed her to remain as calm as she could.

  Sure enough before long, she was capable of taking breaths without feeling like she was drowning. When she opened her eyes, she could see Dom’s blurry figure outside the tank, floating away towards the central system that powered the Cryo process.

  He turned and gave her a final wave before he pressed a few buttons and within moments Andrea felt a strong wave of exhaustion course into her system. Slowly and steadily, a wave of black surged over her vision before she fell into a deep sleep.

  Dom was not wrong when he said it would feel like a long dream. For a long time, her mind churned with all kinds of different visions that didn’t quite make sense and images of people she had never seen before.

  A specific image stood out to her, the face of one that felt strangely familiar yet Andrea knew she had never met it before. Yet despite the length, Andrea eventually drifted toward an end.

  It came abruptly.

  A powerful chill burned through her body like frigid ice being pressed to damp skin. Andrea jerked awake, her body twitching before she doubled over and her lungs began to expel a bitter liquid.

  Gripping to the floor, Andrea threw up, her stomach and chest burning horribly as liquid fell from her mouth, nose, and eyes. She shivered, hacking up and spitting out that foul tasting bile and she felt her body spasm out sobs. Andrea gasped, feeling something drape over her figure and something warm wrap around her.

  You’re alright, I’m here.

  Immediately, Andrea relaxed, leaning into the embrace that she knew belonged to no one else but Dom. She felt him rub his hands up and down her arms, and each gasp and hiccup that wrenched out her throat.

  “Are we there?” Andrea whispered after some time. “Rusneon?”

  When she glanced up, Dom’s eyes were warm and alight with a flare of energy she had never seen before. It surprised her, made her straighten in his embrace to fully see his face.

  “We’re entering the atmosphere in ten minutes.” Andrea’s eyes widened.

  She’d been asleep for two hundred years and yet her body had not aged a bit… and now they were finally here.

  “Wait… I thought you said you wouldn’t wake me until we were already landed,” Andrea replied, her voice hoarse and small. She rubbed at her throat, exhausted.

  “Don’t strain yourself,” Dom said gently, “It may not feel like it but you haven’t used your body in a very long time. Don’t try to stand up or anything on your own. The gravity in Rusneon is slightly lighter than on earth, but you should still take it easy.”

  Andrea nodded, feeling faint, but she let out a small gasp when she felt his arms work under her legs and secure the blanket around her body.

  “I want to show you something,” he whispered before sweeping her down the hull of his ship.

  They moved carefully yet she could tell there was a legitimate urgency in his steps, catching eagerness in the curl of his smile that made him seem younger. It was endearing and Andrea couldn’t help but smile and lean her head against his shoulder.

  Her exhaustion must have been stronger than she had thought because moments later, she was being roused by a gentle shaking.

  “You dozed off,” Dom said and Andrea let out a soft chuckle.


  His violet eyes were twinkling with excitement, “Don’t be, huale’ak’ahn.” Look.

  And she did look.

  They had moved from the hull to a hallway near the starboard side of the ship, xenoglass making up the large dome like wall that spanned from the top to beneath the side of the rails. Andrea gasped when her eyes found purchase over the sight before her.

  A large horizon stars and the curve of a large and brilliant planet were ahead, painting a sight and a view so spectacular, Andrea’s eyes filled with awestruck tears. Light from a distant sun lit a grand portion of the planet into a euphoric composition of color and splendor.

  Over the atmosphere, Andrea let her eyes feast over the plethora of ships moving about, working as a function—a network,
so to speak—of incoming traffic and of huge immense space ships that loomed and moved slowly.



  Andrea found herself staring and wondering, knowing that she could stare at this forever. In the distance, her eyes even spotted the tell-tale curves of large moons, and her inner space-geek lit up in her chest. This was all so very real.

  Glancing up, she let out a small laugh, meeting Dom’s eyes with an echoing excitement he shared tenfold. “It’s amazing!”

  “Not many Rusneans have ever seen this sight, Andrea,” He said, “Now you are one of the few who have.”

  Moved beyond description, Andrea beamed up brightly, lifting a weak hand to press against his jaw. She brought him close into a kiss that he returned fervently.

  “Thank you…” she whispered softly, their lips parting after a moment of intense passion.

  “Let’s go,” Dom said, “It’s just about time to enter our home.”

  Andrea threw a final look out toward the view of the planet and its impressive functions of ships and technology, and the more she watched, the more she felt a twinge of excitement fill her.

  Our home…

  I’m home.

  Chapter 13

  They had docked the ship in one of the great networks of ships and space ports, landing within a very peculiar station that had such bizarre technology Andrea couldn’t truly describe it. Dom caught on to her curiosity and grinned at her.

  Pointing at the dock, he began to describe its uses where a very long and very sturdy tube like contraption would be adjusted to their ship and where Dom would be able to park his beloved vehicle.

  “From there, we will descend into Rusneon,” he explained, eyes alight with enthusiasm.

  “There are specific pods that are constantly being transported back and forth into the atmosphere. We’ll go inside and be sent in. I do warn you, it can be a bit rough the first time. I can put you under sleep for a short time if you’d like.”

  Andrea shook her head despite the tiredness in her bones, “I think I would rather stay awake,” she whispered, her vocal chords still feeling weak.


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