Alien Romance: Rusneon Mates Boxed Set: A Scifi Alien Abduction Romance (Alien Romance, Alien Invasion Romance, BBW)

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Alien Romance: Rusneon Mates Boxed Set: A Scifi Alien Abduction Romance (Alien Romance, Alien Invasion Romance, BBW) Page 12

by Ashley Hunter

  “I doubt I’d want to wake up again if you put me to sleep now.”

  Dom leaned over and pressed a kiss to her temple. I’ll be with you, my love.

  She had wished she had more energy, dozing in and out while their ship moved closer to station and when they finally disembarked. Andrea could remember very little of the actual traveling, however, between them and the station, feeling only Dom’s mental presence and the safety and soothing calm it provided.

  Whenever she did jerk upright, he would turn to her and beam at her brightly and the sight was so uncommon that she wondered if she was still dreaming. Yet, the kisses and touches he pressed to her skin were real enough to ground her, at least, in the moments that came.

  She did recall one very important thing as they finally moved toward a pod (despite the fact that she couldn’t remember how she had gone from only wearing a sheet to a set of clothes that resembled a tunic and robe that fell to her feet) and finally had come in contact with other Rusneans.

  Her eyes had grown wide with surprise, finding them to look strange despite their humanoid appearance. Their skin colors varied from what was considered normal for human skin to impressive arrays of blues, purples, pinks and colors she wasn’t sure what to call.

  But it was not their different colors that impressed her the most, nor was the way their eyes (in their even more expressive colors) had honed over them, it was the way they approached and beheld Dom in a most reverent manner.

  The strangest thing of it all, however, was the strange sensation fluttering within her mind and a weird twitch taking place right on the outside of her left thigh. She didn’t know what to consider save the fact that it was all probably because of the different composition of this new species, new planet—new everything.

  She took careful breaths, smiling when Dom turned to her and—in front of everyone—took hold of her hand and pressed it to his chest. Andrea wasn’t too sure what that meant, only knowing that the action made many Rusneans exchange many relieved and even ecstatic looks. How very strange, indeed.

  Still the attention was pretty overwhelming, and after some time, Andrea began to consider if this was actually unusual even among Rusneans for she had seen others arrive at the large Spaceport without nearly as much attention or even reverent manner.

  She didn’t want to ask, however, considering the fact that one huge change was how there was a general silence among the masses.

  The only thing was that her head kept feeling funny and that there was a strange unrest within her mind. She could feel her head begin to tighten almost painfully and she let out a small noise of pain. Dom’s mental presence immediately wrapped around her.

  Are you alright?

  Yes… I believe so.

  The reply surprised them both and when they both looked into each other’s eyes, it was with a small moment of shock. Andrea, Dom’s voice filtered back into her mind. You answered…

  I did…! Andrea replied, feeling as though the tightening in her head made a little more sense. Is this normal, can humans establish mental links like this?

  Dom’s caress on her hand became a firm grip, a reassuring squeeze. Not before today, he answered but his surprise shifted to a warm expression. But you are certainly always full of surprises.

  My head feels strange, Andrea expressed as they walked. Is this because of that also?

  Perhaps you are picking up on the Common Link amongst my people, Dom replied. Don’t focus too hard, but it is not unlike how your people communicate in public. It’s an overall murmur… if you can pick up on you, you’ll even be able to listen in to conversations between them.

  Your people do not speak to each other? Andrea asked, gesturing to her throat.

  We do, was Dom’s response. However, it is only with children and other species that do not share our affinity for the mental Link. Generally, we maintain our connection within our minds, it’s much faster that way.

  It certainly was, Andrea understood. The words exchanged between them had been swifter than any regular conversation they had had and they had even included a series of visuals that felt like daydreams in her mind, despite her being alert while they were walking. It was in this way that she felt confident in being able to speak to him while resting her throat.

  Is this normal? How they look at us… they seem to revere you quite a lot.

  Dom chuckled at this but he didn’t respond. Instead when they finally reached a Pod platform—that was so strange how she knew what it was now—they were further welcomed with greater attention and she saw people do motions to Dom that were a little strange but she had an internal idea that it was meant to be supremely polite and only used for those of high ranking.

  So…even Rusneans have ranks.

  We are not as different as you think. Dom replied just as they were escorted toward a beautiful Pod. She saw a man (probably not man but he certainly looked male) approach with a huge smile on his face, making that same motion, a strange touching of his forehead before sweeping his arm towards his feet, before sweeping Dom into a large hug.

  Andrea watched, slightly startled as Dom let out a laugh and returned the embrace. She had believed that hugs were not something Rusneans ever used, and yet no matter how hard she focused she couldn’t quite catch anything said before them. They looked into each other’s eyes and Andrea could see the conversation flashing before their eyes. When Dom looked back at her, the other man did as well.

  Isn’t he something, Andrea? Dom asked and she blinked in confusion, unable to understand what he meant.

  It seemed that they both understood what that meant and after another moment of quick glances that eluded her, the other man spoke.

  “Forgive my rudeness,” he spoke, his voice thick with a foreign accent that was similar to Dom’s, different in its force. “I had believed you could connect through the Link.”

  “It’s alright,” Andrea replied, feeling sheepish yet relieved that they could still communicate. “This is all so new for me.”

  “Do not worry, Regent,” he replied and the title was abrupt and Andrea wasn’t sure what it had to do with her. “But you are certainly an image. I’ve only seen humans from the messages Do’mlarshan had sent to Rusneon and nevertheless you bear a semblance of beauty that is much agreeable.”

  At this, Andrea’s skin flushed, embarrassed. This simple change in composition seemed to alarm the other man, but after a quick exchange of glances with Dom, his alarm faded. I guess we’re still very strange to one another, Andrea mused inwardly.

  “I am Sor’ankyun, but please, call me Soran,” he said, “I am this fool’s younger brother.”

  Dom let out another laugh, “You have not changed at all, m’eyon. Thank you for coming this way to meet with me and my beloved.”

  Andrea felt even more impressed to meet Soran’s look, “You’re Soran?” she asked softly, knowing full well who this was. “It’s a pleasure to meet you. Dom’s talked quite a lot about you.”

  “All good things I hope,” Soran asked teasingly. He looked back at his brother, “You have changed much in these twenty four years, brother.”

  “Not too much I hope,” Dom replied as they reached and grasped forearms.

  “No, you’re still very much the fool big brother,” Soran replied, and Andrea would have smiled at the typical display of sibling rivalry—they certainly weren’t that different—only she had been somewhat taken aback by a strange razor sharp gleam within Soran’s expression that didn’t seem like it belonged. Dom didn’t seem to notice and when Soran released his brother, the gleam was gone.

  “But you are most welcome, Dom… Rusneon has missed its would-be-king.”

  Andrea’s eyes widened further, and when she turned to look at Dom, he was giving her a small sheepish smile. Surprise?

  You’re the King?!

  Not exactly, Dom replied, but Andrea was already glaring at him.

  You didn’t think of mentioning that while you were teaching me about Rusneon? Co
nsidering it’s a huge deal?

  Dom grinned at her before taking her hand in his again, Have I mentioned I’m also next in line for the Rusneon throne?

  Too late, your majesty. Andrea let out a small grunt but couldn’t stay angry for too long, being taken into Dom’s side was wonderful and as they entered the pod, she couldn’t help but feel a stronger presence in her mind that was curiously magnificent.

  Andrea seated herself next to Dom in the Pod that resembled a beautiful condo space rather than what she had pictured in the movies, save the living energy that made the presence of the ship.

  He took her into his arms and she was soothed by the thrumming energy while they disembarked. She didn’t feel too shy to doze off, far too tired to really save face while the two brothers exchanged all manners of looks expressing excitement.

  She had fallen asleep before long, waking only when Dom was shaking her to inform that they had arrived. I wanted to wake you earlier but you were sound asleep.

  We’re here? Andrea asked, the energy that now surrounded her was more than enough to bring her into complete wakefulness that made Dom chuckle again.

  Yes, my love, Dom said as the doors of the Pod opened and Andrea was met with the most magnificent view she had ever seen.

  The sky was a glorious canvas of colors so vibrant and beautiful, Andrea was momentarily overcome with its beauty. The skies were vast and impressively covered in clouds of all kinds and among them were moving figures of what she could only compare to planes and ships. Yet the very earth was amazing, colors of all kinds and shades existed in the flowers that grew on the ground and the grass, a funny color of purpose, swayed and moved as though there was a breeze yet there was no wind around them.

  Trees rose like pillars into the sky, stabbing into the blues and pinks of the canvas above with radiant red colors and silver shimmering. However, what impressed her most was seeing how immense and broad these trees were.

  They were expansive and large, the size and width of skyscrapers of the cities of Earth. They were amazing monoliths of nature and technology, for the closer she saw, the more she witnessed how light expanded from the trunks and accommodated each movement naturally.

  She could see how these trees weren’t just as big as skyscrapers, they were used as such too. Only, they were nothing like metal or concrete. Even more impressive was how distinctly she could feel everything around them, as though she could tap into an amazing source of energy with her mind and feel how it breathed and moved.

  The fluttering in her thigh continued to press into her skin, making her feel odd. Andrea shrugged it off, however, knowing it wasn’t a big deal considering there was so much to see and take in.

  It’s amazing… all of it… She breathed out a slow sigh and when she met Dom’s beautiful violet eyes, she could see how he was beholding her with something she hadn’t quite expected. Without warning, he yanked her into his arms and pressed a kiss to her lips, making her cling to him and weakly return his fervor.

  “You’re amazing.” He muttered and Andrea blushed again.

  The view of the planet continued to astound her but she also saw how its people came in throngs to watch them arrive, actually and very vocally cheering as they moved from the ports toward the mainland of the trees.

  Flower petals floated around them in a festive manner yet Andrea could see no source from where they came. The walk was amazing yet strangely exhausting. They finally reached a vehicle, a magnificent and strange thing that didn’t move with wheels, but seemed to float without issue.

  They sat in it and it let out a soft hum she could feel in her bones before taking off into the air and moving toward the biggest looking tree of them all. Andrea saw it and felt her jaw slacken when she beheld its majestic branches, noting that the size of the leaves alone must be the width of a regular house.

  They finally arrived at the base where a large crowd was already gathering. Once there, they disembarked and landed on a platform made from the very tree, the energy thrumming powerfully beneath them.

  Soran moved toward the edge of the platform, raising his hands towards the crowd and raising a deafening cry that made her skin tighten with anticipation. Suddenly, there was a powerful pressure in her mind that was almost painful and Andrea naturally recoiled from it. However, she wasn’t able to shut it out completely when she felt Dom’s encouraging energy.

  Don’t shut it out… listen.

  Andrea felt hesitant but slowly opened her mind to the power that came in. Sure enough, she could hear Soran’s voice in her mind in a certain and happy tone.

  …We welcome back our beloved Prince and Future King of Rusneon. His conquests and information on other worlds have allowed us to expand and improve our world beyond the dreams of our Grandfathers, and we are forever in his debt. Such a return could only mean that good times are to come for all of us, for not only has he won many wonderful battles, he has also brought us peace, and he has brought us a New Queen!

  Another roar rose from the crowd and Andrea could only gawk in surprise, Dom’s hand over hers squeezed gently and she could feel a new set of nerves begin to play with her stomach.

  The Night of the Falling star is but a month away, and on that day, we can expect the most advantageous and glorious wedding ceremony for our King and his beloved Bride, A’nd’Raea!

  Andrea blinked before looking toward Dom. was that my name? Why did he say it like that?

  It’s the closest way we could translate it into our language, Dom replied. Similarly how I had changed my name from Do’mlarshan to Domitian when I was on earth.

  Andrea squeezed back and smiled, shrugging inwardly, her growing enthusiasm was suddenly silenced without a single warning. Something cold and uncomfortable pressed up behind her, making her shiver. When she turned around, she found the sensation came purely from her mind but it also came from a new presence.

  She saw a woman, her skin a luxurious scarlet color and with a figure that would have been the most coveted back on earth. Her hair was a brilliant silver color that gleamed and reflected the colors around her, and when her eyes turned to hers, their incredible pink irises stunned Andrea.

  She was clearly one of the most beautiful creatures Andrea had ever beheld. Yet despite all this, Andrea couldn’t shake off the cold sensation that pressed into her mind like a frigid touch.

  The woman didn’t show much expression aside from a small smile that pulled at the corners of her crimson lips. Andrea tried to return the smile but couldn’t, surprised to note that the smile felt more like a predatory grin than a warm acceptance.

  Eventually, Andrea looked away, missing the last of Soran’s speech as the crowd began to roar with new enthusiasm. Suddenly, she and Dom were moving toward the front and she felt him say something from the Link, yet the coldness in her mind seemed to have thrown her off from being able to understand and she was swept into a kiss that confused her more than anything. The crowd seemed to like it more than anything and when Dom pulled away, she fixed him a small grin that made him nuzzle their noses together.

  With that done, they finally retreated deeper into the massive tree, Soran pulling toward the beautiful scarlet woman and tugging her into an intimate hold and pressing his mouth against hers. Their kiss was so abrupt and sensual that Andrea felt her stomach churn uncomfortably, unused to seeing such a display of affection.

  Your people certainly aren’t afraid of showing their affections.

  Dom grinned, We are not nearly as modest as your kind, those rated R movies you so claim to say are edgy are merely child’s play in my world. I could show you a new world of sensuality that would change you completely.

  One step at a time, Andrea retorted and Dom let out a snicker that made her roll her eyes.

  “Are you still tired, my star?” Dom asked as they moved about the inner workings of the tree and Andrea realized that the very tree itself was the Palace that Dom had described in their teachings.

  “Yes,” Andrea replied, feeling wo
ozy and sleepy.

  “Come,” He urged, and they were headed down towards a lift that shifted with a bizarre energy. “Let us retire to bed.”

  Andrea was not opposed to it and accepted Dom’s embrace as they finally moved out from the sight of hopeful Rusneans.

  Chapter 14

  There was a definite sensual energy that thrummed and throbbed in the air within the castle, leaving Andrea strangely tired for the first while she was there. The long hours of the day and night were hard to get used to, considering that it was a harsh change from twenty four hours total in a day to thirty in the day and thirty at night.

  Adjusting to the lifestyle was something else as well, considering there was a whole world of customs built on the single Common Link that defined their planet.

  The strangest thing of all was the source of the fluttering in Andrea’s thigh. When she finally looked at it the following day from their arrival, she had been feeling strange connections to people that she couldn’t describe.

  The sight was that of an old birthmark she had had her entire life, just a small splotch that kind of looked like a star or a jellyfish—depending on how you looked at it—that was slightly darker than the rest of her skin. Instead, however, it shimmered and gleamed strangely, throbbing in tandem to the very energy that constantly surrounded her.

  It was strange but Andrea didn’t know what to make of it, so she simply shrugged it off.

  For some time, she focused on learning new things, beholding different foods and taking several serums Dom had designed so that the composition of her body would become adjusted to a new atmosphere, a new way of life. Andrea guessed that this was just a simple side effect.

  She didn’t have that much time to dwell on it, however, considering how this planet seemed to enhance other sensations far more than she had ever experienced. Namely, Dom himself.

  Their first night together had been astoundingly different than before. The energy around Dom was usually delicious to Andrea, but when he had taken her to their bedchamber where they would be fully alone, it had become completely irresistible. There had been a profound hunger in her belly that had nothing to do with requiring food but needing to have Dom deep inside her and all over her.


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