Alien Romance: Rusneon Mates Boxed Set: A Scifi Alien Abduction Romance (Alien Romance, Alien Invasion Romance, BBW)

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Alien Romance: Rusneon Mates Boxed Set: A Scifi Alien Abduction Romance (Alien Romance, Alien Invasion Romance, BBW) Page 13

by Ashley Hunter

  She had all but attacked him the moment he had pressed a kiss to her throat, throwing his clothes off and yanking him toward their new bed while rubbing herself on him like an alley cat. Dom didn’t seem alarmed, if anything he was more than happy to return the enthusiasm in kind.

  They had barely gotten their clothes off and Andrea was soaking wet with need, rubbing her thighs hard while he ran his hands up and down her arms, sides, and hips.

  “You’re definitely energetic now,” Dom had teased when Andrea had had enough of his light touches and shoved him on his back.

  “Shut up,” Andrea growled, her eyes dark with lust. “I want you and I want you now.”

  Dom grinned back wickedly, but did very little save rest back and watch Andrea rub herself against him, her moans echoing into the walls that surrounded him. He busied himself with running the curve of his fingers over her belly to play over the tips of her breasts, making her groan and grunt with frustration.

  Finally, Andrea managed to work the confusing knots of his pants before yanking the fabric down, her fingers gripping around his shaft in just the way he had come to enjoy.

  Instead of easing her way down over his length, Andrea had shifted down, gathering her hands around his erect cock and easing her fingers up and down enough to make him pant.

  When she met Dom’s gaze, he was watching her with some surprise, knowing this was new for her, but she didn’t seem to care.

  Licking her lips, she pressed her mouth over the head of his length, making him take in a sharp breath. She sunk down closer, running her tongue in circles around the head and tasting liquid salt and something else… something milky and delightful.

  The flavor that exploded in her taste buds made her all the more excited, her thighs squeezing hard together until she was taking him fully into her mouth.

  Dom dug his fingers in her hair, trying not to pull too hard while she bobbed her head up and down, letting her saliva coat his warm and smooth skin while she took him deeper and deeper. She had never done this before, and tried to be careful, but there was a strange savagery pulling strings in her blood and before Andrea knew it, she was sucking hard and twitching her tongue harder against Dom’s cock.

  He let out a sharp gasp, panting and whining beneath her so wonderfully, she was certain she was going to come without him touching her. Instead, when she could feel his throbbing turn into a fast rhythm against her tongue, Dom suddenly sat up, yanking her away and letting out a fierce growl through his chest.

  He all but slammed her on the bed, mating their mouths together in a kiss that included teeth in every way she didn’t dare to with his length. Andrea let out a noise of protest, wanting to finish where she had started, but the sound didn’t last long now that he was rocking his hips hard against hers.

  “God, I want to rip you in half,” Dom snarled against her lips, but Andrea shuddered hard, feeling her body respond to his violent claim with something deeper and stronger.

  “Not before I get you first,” she replied between his kisses and groans. They moved harder, rougher, grabbing flesh and squeezing hard enough to bruise. She wanted him to bruise her, pepper her skin with marks that belonged to him and him only.

  Dom spread her legs, his fingers digging almost uncomfortably hard against her thighs and opening her enough for him to buck viciously against her.

  Andrea threw her head back and screamed, feeling him rubbing his cock against her clit hard. He kept bucking, the sounds between them escalating and if they were on a regular bed, it would have been creaking and groaning in rapid movements in an attempt to catch up to their storm of sensations.

  Andrea was screaming and crying out incoherent words and moans, mixing his name with slews of profanity that would make her blush for saying them hours later. Dom encouraged her, bucking harder and harder until they were both gasping and shrieking.

  Andrea was so overcome with desire and lust that she felt her mind become completely overwhelmed by the pleasure Dom forced into her cells. Her orgasm, one of the most powerful she had ever experienced, slammed into her, making her arch back and feel like her bones were going to shatter with the pressure.

  It was almost unbearable, how hard her climax took her. She had no way of fighting back when Dom suddenly met the head of his cock against her entrance and shoved in, slick and hot and ridiculously hard. Andrea thrashed beneath him, quaking and shaking so violently it would have looked like they were fighting if someone walked in now.

  Dom didn’t give her time to adjust, slamming into her without ever breaking his rhythm. His cock hit hard against her walls so hard Andrea was certain her vocal chords would never work against from screaming so hard. Their lips met and sucked, biting hard almost enough to draw blood.

  Andrea came once more, just a short moment since Dom began. After her second climax, Dom had slowed down, taking her at a more leisurely pace that had her meeting his thrusts slowly and deliciously. Her third climax came with his, and they thrashed and resumed their initial violence the closer they came to the edge.

  When they hit that end, it was with shared cries that echoed into the night and unified them in ways she had never believed they could achieve.

  Andrea fell into the deepest sleep she had ever had not long after she felt his heat pour inside her and his lips take hold against hers.

  She had been embarrassed to realize that their screams and passionate snarls had been very much heard around the palace, but rather than the reaction she had been waiting for—of crude glances or disapproving/humiliating stares—people gazed at them happily, viewing them with wide grins and warm expressions.

  When they sat and ate with Soran the following morning, Dom’s younger brother was grinning at them widely, lifting a goblet of drink in their direction.

  “The Star be with you, brother.”

  “And to you brother,” Dom replied, his expression a lax and glowing image of what was usual.

  “You two were very enthusiastic,” Soran explained, and Andrea would have said something but paused when she spotted the scarlet woman appear and take a seat at Soran’s side.

  Her own expression was glowing and pleased, she pressed a deep kiss to Soran’s mouth before taking in a bit of fruit on her plate—it looked like grapes yet the color was a glimmering silver—and sighing. “It allowed for me and Za’alua to enjoy a passionate night of our own.”

  “Yes,” Za’alua replied and her voice was sultry and smooth, surprisingly so. “Very enthusiastic.”

  Dom smiled, bringing Andrea close to his side, “I doubt I would have been able to find more pleasure with another woman.”

  “Indeed,” Soran laughed, “I never believed human females to be so energetic, considering our meeting yesterday. No offense, my lady.”

  Andrea smiled in return, exceedingly embarrassed. “None taken. I have to admit I don’t think we’ve ever been so enthusiastic before.”

  “Rusneon has a quality in its air unlike any other,” Za’alua replied.

  “Most species come here for… what you would call a honeymoon…due to its sensual energy. The art of sexual healing is taken very seriously here. Much different than the modest ideals of your planet, I believe.”

  Andrea nodded, unsure how to take the words, considering that Za’alua was giving her a very strange gaze that made her feel uneasy.

  “Speaking of honeymoons,” Soran piped in, taking in Za’alua’s hands and placing them on his chest, “I’m glad you have returned to us now, brother. Za’alua and I have decided to become a mated pair.”

  “That’s wonderful, Soran!” Dom exclaimed, standing to bring his brother in a grasp of forearms.

  “Congratulations,” Andrea said with a smile, nodding when Soran gave her a grin. Something in her suddenly fell quiet, and it didn’t make sense until she noticed a familiar razor sharp gleam in Soran’s eyes, how they pierced her and flicked back toward Dom darkly.

  Yet, Dom didn’t seem to notice as he was congratulating Za’alua, pres
sing foreheads with her before pulling away. As soon as Dom looked back at his brother, the gleam disappeared and Andrea wondered at all if she had imagined it or not.

  As they ate, and Andrea was more than in love with the food offered, she couldn’t quite shake the thought that something about Soran and his lover was off. Still, she didn’t want to make anything awkward, considering that while they were in the middle of conversation, Soran was stroking the scarlet woman’s breasts and plucking at her nipples right in front of them.

  The sight was more than enough to make Andrea want to sink under the table until they left. Dom didn’t seem to be disturbed, instead he acted as though everything was completely ordinary, even going so far as dragging his fingers close to Andrea’s sex while they spoke.

  Eventually, Andrea couldn’t handle the energy for much longer and excused herself to take a breath and hopefully shrug off the images of Soran practically masturbating his lover right in front of them. That’s a step I’m not too keen on taking any time soon.

  The fluttering in her thigh continued long until Andrea had no choice but to check it out, pulling up her robe to find her birthmark to be completely changed. It was certainly different, but it didn’t hurt or anything… was it really just a side effect?

  Sighing, Andrea shrugged and glanced around, noting the people that walked back and forth around the palace and spotting other stranger species that she hadn’t really seen before.

  At some point, Andrea allowed herself to wander toward a nearby bench and relax. Her body was still unused to the different gravity and while it was lighter, it almost made it hard to breathe. So she sat and focused her energy on watching .

  Something strange occurred however, because no sooner did she let her mind travel into the peaceful air that she felt her eyes fall over a Rusnean male working on inspecting the side of a rail from the hallway. The mark on her thigh fluttered again, growing warmer as Andrea felt something new take over her mind. Out of the blue, the Rusnean man straightened from his work and turned around in another direction and began to pace back and forth… as if in a trance.

  Andrea watched him, feeling him as he moved and vaguely wondering if he would break off into a run, and just as she thought that, the man did as she imagined. It was surprising and Andrea watched him until suddenly the sensation disappeared and he slowed to a stop, looking confused.

  Shaking her head, Andrea turned her attention elsewhere, but the sensation returned once more when she felt her eyes hone on a Rusnean woman with flowing green hair. The image of the Scarlet woman returned, the sight of Soran grabbing her breasts and tweaking her nipples came up a moment later and suddenly the Rusnean woman was sliding to the ground, her hands digging into her robes to play with her breasts.

  Some people looked at her curiously, but no one seemed as if it was the strangest thing they’d seen. Even more strange was how some people reacted as though it was normal and even proceeded to do similar actions.

  Alarmed, Andrea shook her head again and tried not to watch when a blue male went toward a green haired woman and sat behind her, taking his hands into her clothes and assisting her.

  The sight was too much and Andrea looked away, wondering what the hell that was all about until she saw Dom appear around the corner of a room, his eyes falling over the couple of Rusneans on the door. He looked mildly surprised and when she approached him, he was muttering.

  “Is it that time already?”

  Andrea blinked at him, stunned. He glanced back at her and smiled, “Oh, right. I keep forgetting. Open masturbation and the like are seen as a service of relaxation, it’s not unlike people to begin pleasing one another in public. It’s the equivalent to preening in your planet.”

  “It’s bizarre.” Andrea replied, rubbing at her arms and trying to shake off the feeling that she had something to do with the actions of the people.

  “It takes some getting used to,” Dom replied, “You can imagine my confusion when I went to your planet and found that it was ridiculously against that sort of behavior.”

  “Can we talk about something else please?” Andrea huffed, keeping her gaze firmly on the ground despite the moans and sighs escaping the green haired woman several yards away. Dom laughed before taking her hand and walking away with her.

  “What would you like to talk about?” Dom asked as they managed to get far away.

  The thought suddenly came to Andrea’s mind before she could stop it, like how your brother doesn’t seem genuine.

  Dom stopped abruptly, looking at her with shock.

  “What do you mean?” he asked, frowning. Andrea floundered, unsure how to respond, instead trying to convey her concern with him through her mind. Dom seemed to understand yet his expression only hardened slightly.

  You’re mistaken, my star. Soran is nothing like that.

  “I just get a weird vibe from him,” Andrea retorted, hugging herself uncertainly. “I don’t know how to describe it.”

  “My brother is a good man, Andrea,” Dom said, he took a step close and pressed a palm to her jaw. His thumb caressed her lower lip, “I’m sure there’s nothing to worry about.”

  Andrea searched his eyes, nodding only after she could see nothing but certain devotion.

  “Come,” he beckoned and began to lead them back toward the life. I want you again.

  Andrea felt her body react with a familiar thrill and desire, but there was a twinge in her chest that didn’t fade, like a worry or an ache that made her wonder if she was really worrying over nothing.

  Chapter 15

  “There is nothing special about her.”

  The words were clear and certain, spoken in a language only familiar to Za’alua. She said this just as she was spreading her legs and accepting Soran’s body against her own, his cock rubbing against her purple folds.

  We have agreed. Soran’s voice responded in her mind while he let out a soft groan. Human females are certainly strange.

  “Apparently they also self-lubricate,” Za’alua mentioned a moment later after her lover began thrusting into her. “And here I thought my kind were the only ones…”

  You can’t possibly think she’s a threat just because she can become wet, Soran’s tone was almost incredulous, pulling at his lover’s legs until they were perfectly split open so he could drive himself deeper and deeper. Za’alua let out a soft groan, shifting her hips and gyrating them in circles while Soran pumped harder into her crevice.

  “I am just—ahn…ahhhnnn—as to why your brother seems so transfixed on her. All he does is stare and sigh into her ey—Ahh! Yes!!—eyes and touch her like she’s made of starlight.” Za’alua grumbled in between moans and grunts of pleasure.

  Soran didn’t much seem to be paying attention, focusing on thrusting and pounding into her while she played with her nipples and dragged her fingers down to rub furiously between them.

  Finally Soran blinked up and looked into the woman’s eyes, “You aren’t telling me—ughh—that you’re jealous, are you?”

  Za’alua fixed her pink eyes into a brutal glare, panting while her lover alternated his pace between viciously hard and teasingly slow. “I’m worried about our goal, Soran. What if your brother doesn’t fall for my glamour? What if he sees through it—AH!!”

  Soran let out a snort, Go on then, show me what you can do.

  Za’alua glowered into his eyes before her skin and body began to change. Soran let out a satisfied moan, seeing the finished product of Andrea’s body groaning and moaning beneath him, it made him almost impossibly harder.

  “You fiend,” Za’alua snapped, her voice still her own despite wearing a different face no doubt feeling the change of her lover’s passion become more driven.

  “You can’t possibly find her attractive.”

  The only thing I find attractive, Soran replied his body beginning to spasm as he continued to slam into Za’alua’s hips. Is the very idea that we will be tearing my brother’s happiness apart with a very single move. You look v
ery convincing.

  Za’alua rolled her eyes before shifting her back, demonstrating a dexterity and flexibility that was impossible for any human. She reached around Soran’s back before digging her fingers deep into his rear, making him buck and gasp even harder.

  Go back, Soran thought after a moment of having her fingers pump into him. I want you to give me the best kind of expression we want on her face.

  He could feel his lover’s wicked grin on his ribs, trailing kiss after burning kiss before she pulled back to lay on the bed. Sure enough, Za’alua’s face showed him a frightened and scared expression over Andrea’s façade.

  “No—no, please no!” Andrea’s voice met his ears then, perfectly cadenced through his lover’s throat. The stimuli provided everything Soran needed to buck harder and increase his speed further.

  Yes…! He thought, grinning widely as his fingers worked over her hips to ground harder and harder against her sex.

  “Please—Ah, ah, ahhh!” Za’alua cried out, her voice still faking Andrea’s timbre, and he could feel her walls clamp down around his length and then begin to shift and move, milking every bit of his cock until he had no choice but to release his come deep into Za’alua’s insides.

  Za’alua cried, her body glowing a vibrant purple and lilac hue until her body began to shift and change back into its scarlet hue. They panted in each other’s mouths, Za’alua’s inner walls shifting and shifting and wrenching every last bit of Soran’s orgasm from his body.

  Finally, after a long time, he pulled away and began to dress himself, his lover watching him with a sated expression.

  “You are a sick animal,” Za’alua hummed, “Turned on at the very thought of taking your brother’s happiness so much to come as quick as you did.”

  It is simply the anticipation of a plan coming to fruition, my possession. Soran replied and turned around to give her a final nod. Get to know the girl as much as possible until your performance is completely undetectable… the Night of the Falling star will be upon us very soon.


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