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Alien Romance: Rusneon Mates Boxed Set: A Scifi Alien Abduction Romance (Alien Romance, Alien Invasion Romance, BBW)

Page 15

by Ashley Hunter

  It couldn’t make sense, because it couldn’t be possible. Andrea was his love, his only star, his beloved. This desire to recoil shouldn’t exist… and yet… it did.

  “What’s the matter?” She asked, staring up at him with large green eyes and beautiful pink lips. She was sitting astride him, rubbing herself over his lap in ways that felt magnificent but… strange.

  “I’m…not sure,” Dom said, his hands over her hips.

  Andrea gazed at him curiously before dipping her head down to catch his lips between hers. It was a beautiful sensation that was now marred by that strange feeling to push her away, push her and be certain that she was Andrea. But that was such a strange thought, why wouldn’t she be his love?

  “I want you,” She hummed against him, digging her hands into his robes to play with the base of his cock.

  “I want you…”

  Dom sighed, trying to feel her hands on his length and remember that feeling of truth, of complete devotion and love. Andrea… He spoke to her with his mind, and she pulled away, blinking into his gaze.

  This wasn’t right… even her mind felt different. Could this be normal? Was this alright?

  “Are you sure you’re alright?” She asked him, pressing her palms over his face and trying to get him to look at her.

  “What’s wrong? Is it stress? The wedding?”

  Dom took in a deep breath, uncertain as to how to reply. For a long moment, he simply stared into her eyes and tried to gain some semblance of understanding, tried to figure out why he couldn’t seem to connect with her.

  “Andrea,” he finally sighed, “I’m not… sure if…”

  “You don’t have to worry,” she said, her eyes warm and loving beneath his.

  “I’ve come this far, and we’ve done so much together. You can speak to me about anything.”

  “Anything,” Dom repeated, nodding slowly. Perhaps she was right, maybe they just needed to speak about it.

  “Anything,” Andrea said once more, leaning in close to press a kiss to his neck and a sudden haze filled his mind.

  Each nerve that touched her body thrummed with desperate energy to connect with her once more, to make her scream and arch into his body. Andrea began to buck against his hips, his length now hard and erect in her palms and the strange sensation of imperfection became a simple little worry that didn’t carry any more weight in the back of his mind.

  He lifted her into his arms, trailing from the outside to take them into their mattress. Her scent was everywhere and he was intoxicated. Before long he was allowing her to peel back his robes, feeling her skin grind to his in ways that were familiar yet felt so weirdly foreign.

  He looked down at her, tried to see the truth in her eyes, but Andrea stared back with that same look of love and completion… but it still didn’t feel right. Nevertheless, his body was already finding a rhythm, caressing the curves he had come to memorize for months, and when his fingers finally dipped into her sex, she was letting out a soft mewl of delight.

  Something in him paused and he tried again, tried to push the weird sensation away and bring his beloved close to him.


  Something tugged in his mind…


  Again it tugged and tried to distract him from digging into his lover’s grasp.


  What was that? Dom paused again, but Andrea kept going, kissing down his neck and making him want to ram his hips against hers.


  Dom stopped immediately, his mind snapping out of the haze and honing in completely into the only thought that mattered.


  Andrea…? He looked down into the eyes of Andrea’s pleasured face.

  Dom, that’s not me! Please, listen to me! That isn’t me!

  A wave of anger and revulsion rolled over him, making him shove himself away and slam a palm on the imposter’s throat. Andrea’s double let out a squeak of shock and pain, looking up at him in a frightened expression.

  “Who are you?!” Dom snarled both vocally and mentally, digging his presence into the imposter’s mind until it began to fight back.

  “It’s me…!” She choked out, “A…ndrea!”

  “Liar!” Dom hissed, digging his fingers harder around her neck.

  “Answer me with the truth or I will end your life here and now!”

  “Dom!” Andrea’s voice called but Dom was not falling for it again.

  “Do not tempt me any further!” Dom hissed, lifting his other hand into a clawed position.

  Her eyes widened considerably and before his eyes, she swiftly changed. Her green eyes returned to a bright pink and strawberry blonde hair paled into a silver white, her soft skin hardening into a scarlet shade. Dom nearly faltered.

  “Za’alua?” He gasped, not believing his eyes, but his heart hardened before he could question her betrayal to his brother. “Start talking or I will make sure you will never see the stars again!”

  “It was Soran!” Za’alua exclaimed, clawing at his hand around her throat. “Please, please don’t kill me, my lord!”

  “How dare you try to pin this on my brother?!” Dom roared, more tempted to attack and blind her.

  Za’alua let out a cry, pressing her fingers against his temple and opening an abrupt link that startled him.

  Memories poured into his mind, memories of Za’alua speaking with his brother…

  “When my brother returns,” Soran was speaking, his voice spitting vitriol. “The throne will no longer be in my possession… everything we have worked for will fall to ruin.”

  “Why don’t we just assign him another place to investigate?” Za’alua’s voice inquired, disinterested.

  “He is the future king of Rusneon,” Soran huffed. “He will return.”

  Then another memory.

  “Shall we assassinate him?”

  “And risk a war we could avoid?” Soran said rolling his eyes. “No, I would rather find a way of ending his life without sparking chaos. No… we must discover a way to end his life without risk to us.”

  Then another…

  “So it seems he’s to be mated with a human girl,” Za’alua mused as she looked over Soran’s shoulder to see the message in his palms. “That’s disgusting.”

  “No,” Soran said with a mad grin. “It is the perfect opportunity.”

  And finally…

  “Once you are certain that you have his mate’s appearance, you must make sure to sleep with him,” Soran explained, grabbing on to Andrea’s limp figure and tossing her over his shoulder. “Preferably before the wedding, Za’alua. The sooner, the better.”

  “That’s fine,” she spoke, and this time her voice was Andrea’s. “But are you sure I won’t be in any way harmed by this so called prophecy?”

  “Absolutely not, and when you have done the deed,” Soran replied pulling Za’alua close to press a wicked kiss to her mouth. “You shall become the next queen of Rusneon.”

  The barrage of memories ceased and Dom tore himself away, his eyes swelling with tears of shock and betrayal, his chest heaving in pain.

  He tried to find a way to prove that it was all a lie, that the little brother he had grown up with did not plan all that. But when he looked back, Za’alua was staring up at him with fear and reproach.

  “My brother betrayed me…” Dom said, the words falling like treacherous anvils at his feet.

  “Please, forgive me my king,” Za’alua said swiftly, “But he threatened me also! You must believe—”

  “Quiet,” He snapped, his voice still frighteningly low. Za’alua swallowed thickly but obeyed.

  “You will take me to Andrea now… and summon my brother to me immediately. This must be handled now.”

  Dom’s violet eyes were stones cracked with ire and vicious purpose and Za’alua had no choice but to obey.

  “Take me to him.”

  Chapter 18

  Andrea woke to the sound of a fierce crash on the other side of the
door of her cell. Startled, she jumped toward the sound, trying to find a way to hear and find the source. Instead she heard something else.


  Andrea gasped, her ears registering Dom’s voice with rapid ease, yet her heart leapt to her throat when she noticed the pain and anguish burning in his voice.

  “Brother of mine, what do I owe the pleasure of—” another crash and the sound of something shattering.

  “Where is she?!”

  “Where is whom?”

  “Andrea, you traitorous bastard! My future mate! What have you done to her?”

  Andrea took her cue to shout through the door, trying to desperately latch on to Dom’s link and mental connection. DOM!

  “DOM, IT’S ME! I’M HERE!” She cried, nearly sobbing with relief and profound happiness at being found. She began to pound on the door, screaming for Dom to save her.

  “Andrea!!” She heard him shout back and soon the door slammed open.

  Andrea nearly fell to her face but she was quickly swept into the familiar embrace and mental presence that swallowed her into a deep warmth and loving touch. Andrea sobbed, feeling her body tremble hard within her lover’s embrace, happy that he was safe.

  “I was so frightened!” Andrea wept, “I thought you wouldn’t see through her spell! I could have lost you!”

  “It’s alright, my star.” Dom replied into her hair, crushing her to his chest. “You are safe with me. But there is something I must do first.”

  Andrea looked up into his expression and saw some hardness that threatened to shatter. Andrea gasped, pulling away when Dom finally looked up to glare toward his brother. She turned and saw Soran, laying by a desk with brilliant silver blood leaking from a bruise on his mouth, at his side was Za’alua trying to help him up.

  Soran’s expression acquired a horrible dark color, and when he stood up, his hand instantly clutched around Za’alua’s neck. The woman let out a cry, grabbing at his hand and trying to shove away, but Soran was like a statue, squeezing the woman’s neck while he stared hatefully into Dom’s eyes.

  “You pathetic creature,” Soran hissed, dragging the scarlet woman in front of him. “I gave you a specific order to kill him!”

  “S-Soran!” Za’alua wheezed, thrashing in his hold and staring up at him with horror and fright. “P-please! He could have killed me…! He could have…!”

  Soran’s expression turned into ice before he stared down at her, “And now you are useless to me.”

  “Soran, put her down!” Dom commanded, “Now!”

  “Oh I will, brother.” Soran replied before giving his hand a sharp twist. Za’alua let out a high-pitched squeak that broke off into an abrupt silence. Andrea screamed, covering her mouth as she watched the woman’s body topple over, limp and lifeless.

  Dom let out a slow growl, viciously angry at the sight of Za’alua’s body falling over dead, “You villain,” Dom hissed. “She was loyal to you.”

  “She betrayed me. Useless.” Soran replied simply. “The one who should have died tonight was you, Dom.”

  You bastard! Dom’s link was so loud that Andrea nearly fell to her knees, and when she glanced up, Soran was equally doubled over. You, my brother, bred by my side and fought with me… together! Do none of our memories mean anything to you?

  All those memories are pathetic shams of a fallen time! Soran replied equally loud.

  You abandoned your planet after twenty four long years and you expect me to suddenly bow to you?! You, who was off gallivanting through the galaxy while I worked on this planet to gain the rank I have now?! You do not deserve the crown!

  Dom let out a roaring battle cry, throwing himself toward his brother with his arms raised high. Andrea let out a shout; trying to call back Dom while Soran met him half way. Their hands reached up and clasped tightly together and a strange explosion of invisible energy burst from their bodies to slam into the walls around them.

  Andrea was shoved on her back, her head cracking on the ground painfully and she saw how that same surge had split the wood and material of the walls in several parts of the room. Strangely enough, neither of them moved, simply staring into each other’s eyes violently.

  For a moment, Andrea watched, trying to decipher what was happening when she realized that the battle was not happening physically, but within their minds.

  Every once in a while, a powerful surge of energy burst out between them and Andrea was more shocked to find that with each burst, wounds were splitting through their skin. A long cut appeared over Dom’s left shoulder, making dark silver blood spill and splash on the ground.

  Soran developed a terrible gash on his face and several gashes on his arms and legs. Blood began to leak from Soran’s right eye, and Dom coughed up silver, yet none of them broke their gaze.

  Andrea pushed herself to her feet, struggling to keep herself upright as every surge of power threatened to topple her again. She didn’t get that close until her mind was suddenly struck with an image—no… a different realm.

  Deep within the skies were black and angry, churning with electric might while she beheld two figures exchanging blows after blows. Slashing through one another until there was little left.

  Dom dodged several of Soran’s attacks, shouting and screaming in pain and betrayal while the younger Rusnean bellowed with hatred. They went at it with blows and kicks, hurting one another without holding back.

  Andrea watched the scene, her eyes welling up with tears as she beheld the two siblings’ battle. It was horrible.

  Finally, Dom had the upper hand and he was slamming Soran into a ground covered in silver. Soran writhed and snapped, snarling until Dom managed to pin him down and raise his arm in a killing blow.

  But something stopped Dom, made him stare down at his brother, panting and wheezing.

  “What’s wrong with you?!” Soran shouted. “Do it!”

  “…I can’t…” Dom said, and his voice was so terribly small, his eyes dripping with tears and blood.

  “I can’t kill you, Soran… you’re my baby brother. You may hate me… and I don’t know why… I don’t know why you hate me. Please… what have I done? Tell me and I can fix it!”

  “There is nothing in this world that you could do!” Soran ground out, his eyes narrow with anger.

  “You abandoned us, you took what belonged to me! I fought for it all and you took it from me! And you are now too weak to make the final choice!”

  “Soran, Please,” Dom pleaded, “I do not wish to kill you.”

  “Then I shall.” Soran snapped before throwing his brother off of him.

  Andrea watched as Soran lifted a hand to kill his brother, saw how Dom lifted a hand to block the incoming blow, but Andrea could not handle it anymore.


  And suddenly, Soran’s body froze, his eyes widened in shock when his body ceased to move. In that instant, Dom made the final blow. Slamming his fist into his brother’s chest until a powerful blast of energy surged through him and stopped Soran’s heart.

  Andrea was immediately thrown out of the realm, her body falling to its knees while her mind spun in every which way. When she looked up she saw Dom, kneeling on the ground and holding on to Soran’s body, his face buried in the dead man’s chest. Sobs of anguish wracked through Dom’s body as he swayed back and forth, refusing to let go of Soran’s limp figure.

  Andrea scrambled forward, hurrying to be there for Dom, but something stopped her from touching him. Dom wailed, his body heaving and shaking, “I’m sorry… I’m sorry…” He was whispering among sobs and weeping. “I’m so sorry, Sorany… I’m so sorry… my little brother… I’m so sorry…”

  Andrea stopped to stare at him, feeling her own heart break. The battle was over, but at too high a cost.

  Chapter 19

  Their wedding was postponed to the very last part of the Night of the Falling star. Dom had insisted to put on a funeral for his brother, and even included Za’alua. A night that should ha
ve been full of happiness and joyful festivities was now dragged into a painful night of sadness.

  Dom had covered up Soran’s death, saying that he had been aware of an underground attempt on Dom’s life. When the public cried out, Dom had said that those who were caught in the conspiracy were all killed in the scuffle and were shamed to never have their names be known.

  The public believed Dom, saw how he held his brother’s body and honored in silence the fallen life of a Son of Rusneon. That night, they placed his body in a casket and sent him into the sky where a massive round of fireworks would signal the last flare of life before being extinguished in a deluge of beautiful colors.

  Andrea watched sadly, holding on to Dom’s hand and supporting him with her heart and mind. It was all he could do to not break down and cry before his own kind.

  As soon as the funeral procession concluded, they approached the stand of Vows, and it was there that Dom and Andrea exchanged their desire to be together forever.

  A tall man, known as the Elder of the Council appeared to stand between them, and his words fulfilled a promise that the two of them held for one another.

  “On this night, The Night of the Falling Star,” the Elder’s words were spoken clearly in honor of Soran’s death.”

  We have witnessed a different fall. This holy day, has been delighted in the remembrance of the Armies that fell for our Peace, of the Stars that ripped through our Heavens to bring us salvation. It is on this night that we remember and hold the most significant Matrimonies… for it is with the seal of love that war can be conquered.”

  That night, Andrea brought Dom into her arms.

  “It is with this chosen significance, that we better understand our origins.”

  And as they fell together into a passionate dance of writhing limbs and moaning voices…

  “And yet the loss of our own continues to remind us of the frailty of this peace. Of those who threaten to destroy it. Of those who almost did.”

  Dom connected with Andrea everything in his heart. The pain and loss of losing a brother was huge…


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