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Malice Masterpieces 2

Page 13

by K'Anne Meinel

  “I don’t know what I’ll do if I can’t see you!” the teen said in a dramatic way.

  “Now now Kit, it’s okay, don’t you worry, let the adults handle it, I told you, adults know what is best for you didn’t I?”

  Alice was sickened at what was obvious priming from ‘this adult’ in Kit’s world.

  “Yes Dan.”

  “Now you don’t trouble your pretty little head and let us handle these things for you,” he said in a smoothly condescending voice. Alice was ready to puke, she was also furiously angry as she contemplated what she was going to do to this man when she got a hold of him.

  “Yes Dan,” the teen repeated.

  “Now you go to bed and think about what we discussed today and don’t worry about a thing.”

  “Yes Dan,” she repeated once again and Alice had to wonder if that was a learned response, kind of like a trick taught to a dog.

  “Goodnight my little darling,” the man said.

  “Goodnight Dan,” the teen repeated for the fourth time as she hung up the phone.

  Alice stared at the printout on her computer detailing the conversation. It didn’t have the nuances or emotions that she had heard but the words alone told an ominous tale to her. That with Portia’s telling of her tale had Alice coldly furious.

  Alice went to the safe, not the obvious one hidden behind the wall panel and painting but the one under the rug, under the wooden flooring that she rarely went into. She hadn’t had a need in the last few years. Carefully she deactivated the various traps she had in them, one an actual bear trap set to slice off your hand at the wrist, crude but effective. She extracted a few things from it and carefully reset the traps and put back the wooden slats that hid it from view. Carefully she put down the rug again hiding the slats from the strong sun that shined through the windows overlooking the Pacific all day long. Looking around she was certain no one knew of her hiding place, she had installed it herself when she bought this house with Kathy six years ago. She stashed the items she had taken from the safe into a bag. Next she turned off her computers knowing only a computer whiz could break into their encrypted passwords and past her security measures to get on to them. She passed the ‘employee’ bedrooms where Mrs. Fernandez was settling in after washing the dishes and Nan was getting ready to go out after tucking the kids in. She passed the guest bedroom where she saw the light on below the door assuring her that Portia was still working. She headed upstairs to the living room making sure everything was in order and locked up. Next she headed up to her own bedroom where she changed out of her ‘business attire’ and into black pants and a black tight body blouse. She collected a few other items from the back of her closet where a panel lifted off and she rustled past stacks of cash and other items to pull a black ski mask and night vision goggles out of her stash before returning the panel back to its hidey hole. She stashed these in a bag that looked like she might be going to the gym with. She went out some nights so her absence wouldn’t be questioned. She made her way down on black sneakers to the garage and took out the Pathfinder rather than her new Porsche which now had new tires.

  Making her way to the cul-de-sac a block away from Dr. Dan’s house she made her way from backyard to backyard cursing herself for setting off some of the neighborhood dogs. It had been a long time since she had to use stealth and other tactics she had learned over the years and she felt clumsy and stupid as she made her way into what she hoped was Bonnie’s back yard. She wouldn’t know it was hers until she checked things out and she saw the house was armed with a security system. She looked through the windows as she bunched up her now very long blonde hair and stuffed it under her hat, it was uncomfortable so she took her blouse off and pulled it back on to hide her hair under it. She looked around cautiously for cameras or anyone looking out their windows at their neighbor’s back yards. Fortunately there was a lot of foliage to hide her presence. She pulled on a set of leather gloves that fit her hands tightly and smoothly, almost a second skin, but would leave no prints.

  Carefully Alice disarmed the alarm using aluminum foil to fool it into thinking it had a complete circuit and signal. She could see it wasn’t a very sophisticated system. Carefully she made her way inside and looked around. She was relieved to find a picture of Bonnie with a man that could only be a younger version of Dr. Dan. He now had grey hairs on his head. Alice wondered how they had known each other but by the picture they were just holding each other and posing for the camera. Alice put a couple of listening devices around the downstairs but to her the house felt unlived in and she wondered if they would be of any use to her. She crept upstairs. The bed hadn’t been slept in and she wondered if this house was a front for something. She wasn’t sure what yet but it was obvious to her that this Dr. Dan was up to no good and she worried if she had found out too late to stop what he had planned for Kit. She also wondered what part this Bonnie had played in it; she had been Kathy’s good friend for Christ’s sake! Alice let the anger stay deep inside her, it didn’t pay to lose your head and while she was obviously rusty at snooping and using her sixth sense she didn’t want to get caught. The upstairs was bare and sterile, only one bedroom was even decorated and even that was at a bare minimum. Still Alice did a thorough search and left devices in innocuous positions for her to listen to. She did find some interesting pictures of Bonnie in a few sado-masochistic positions in the nightstand that caught her attention, other than that there was no history, no family photos, no nothing that would tell her who Bonnie was, not even her purse was in the house. She carefully took a few prints, leaving the house cleaner than when she had found it after she got what she had come for.

  Alice left the house returning the alarm to its normal lousy appearance. She could teach these people about keeping their houses safe but that wasn’t her job. She was after information. Slowly she made her way to the wall that separated Bonnie’s house from the neighbors and in this case, Dr. Dan’s. She saw a door in the wall that was well oiled and easy to slip through. It was very well used she could tell by the worn path in the foliage between the two places. Dan’s back yard was a jungle; he obviously never let anyone back here, not even a gardener. It was so overgrown that Alice kept her feet on the well-worn path that led to his back door. She dove into the side foliage though when she saw him looking out into the night sipping a cup of what looked like coffee. He didn’t seem to be looking at anything in particular as he chewed on something and looked out, Alice watching from beneath some overgrown vines. He was completely naked and Bonnie was crawling at his feet kissing her way up his legs. His penis was totally erect and he looked down at the woman saying something. He must have given her an order because she immediately sat up and began sucking on the erect appendage. His expression never changed as he continued chewing and occasionally sipping on his beverage looking out the back patio windows. Alice felt like a voyeur as she watched Bonnie work on the man. She was enthusiastic and her painted red nails massaged his balls and buttocks expertly. He must have finished his beverage because his hand came down to grasp her tightly curled hair and grasping it he began to piston himself in and out of her mouth until with a look he spurted all over her and the window.

  Alice was disgusted. Heterosexual people were allowed to love any way they wanted, she felt that they should let homosexual people the same rights, she just didn’t want to watch it and considering the photos she had seen in Bonnie’s room, this wasn’t quite a normal heterosexual relationship. She watched as he gave the woman what was obviously a command and she began to use her fingers to wipe the semen off her body licking it from her fingers with relish, then he made another command and she began licking at the window like a dog with her tongue licking up the streaks made by his spurts. He grinned down happily as he walked away grabbing a dishtowel to wipe himself clean.

  Alice watched the couple for nearly an hour before she had her chance to slip into the house. They were an overly active sexual couple whose activities were not to her taste. She didn’
t judge them but from what she had heard on the phone, what she had observed, and what Portia had seen she was certain they were up to no good. Since it involved her daughter she was going to make sure it didn’t involve her to this extent. She applied a few listening devices without being caught but it was a near thing. She wished she had the time to more thoroughly inspect the house but with the homeowners home her job was incredibly difficult and remaining unseen was a near thing. She realized that the covered living room windows were used by Dr. Dan to observe his manly shape, his prowess, and his sex slave as he took Bonnie in every possible position he could much to her delight and enjoyment. Alice by necessity had to move slow and cautious and was able to hear all their groans, moans, and shrieks as they seemed to be having a sexual orgy of some kind. She desperately wanted to leave but at the same time wanted to explore this house. She slipped into the bedroom that Portia had mentioned and it was a near thing, she thought for sure that Dr. Dan had seen her from the way his head whipped up from watching his penis go in and out of Bonnie but he must have dismissed it as a shadow as he went back to thrusting in her painfully and deeply.

  The bedroom was set up as a normal bedroom would be but to Alice’s trained eye she saw the bolts in the ceiling that plants now hung from and the identical ones in the floor that a chair sat over or a footstool. Her eyes adjusted to the dark, she couldn’t use the goggles with the lights from the living room glaring through the door. She could see the restraints that were rolled up in the bottom dresser drawer. The bed itself seemed normal but under it she could see some sort of contraption that raised and lowered it. She hid herself in the closet when Dr. Dan brought Bonnie into the room for some loving and had to endure listening to them slobber and moan through a session of lovemaking but to her it wasn’t lovemaking, it was just an endless torture listening to them. It didn’t arouse her in any way, she watched from the crack of the closet as he used the woman unceasingly, he must be on Viagra was her thought as he stayed hard and continued to pummel her in her vagina, her anus, and her mouth. It gagged her to realize he never cleaned his penis in between either. After they were finished she thought they would leave but he pushed Bonnie to the floor in a subservient position and laid there spread eagled on the bed as he sighed in contentment.

  “Ah that was good Bonnie, you rest for a moment,” he said magnanimously, “I’m gonna wanna play again soon,” he ordered.

  “Yes master,” she nearly whimpered, Alice could see she was well used and then was surprised to see her nearly eager face in the semi-darkness.

  “Do you think when I pop her cherry she will learn to be as good as you?” he asked to no one but since Bonnie was the only one supposedly there it had to be her he was talking to. By his tone Alice surmised he was in total command of the woman and not expecting a reply, just making an observation. She wondered if he had other students who came to his house and she wondered if he had victimized them as well. She was beginning to get angry at what she had observed and surmised.

  After they recovered from their long bought of sex he ordered Bonnie to ‘fetch’ him some food and he got up to eat it at the dining room table. Unfortunately for Alice the dining room was right outside the patio doors where she had planned to make her escape, neither of the couple seemed in a hurry to go upstairs or anywhere else. Alice spent a long couple of hours in that bedroom hidden, she had planted her devices upon entering but had to stand there in hiding until the two of them tired enough that he kicked Bonnie out to go home and went upstairs setting his own alarm and turning out the lights.

  Alice slipped through the downstairs going through the large living room that reeked of sex and planted her listening devices. She wished she had time to put in some cameras as well. She took a few fingerprints and wiped up the residue from that. She wondered at the question he had asked about ‘popping her cherry’ and wondered if he meant Kit. If so, it would be the last thing the man did. Her anger was simmering below the surface now as she had watched him use and humiliate Bonnie who seemed to relish the treatment and called him ‘master.’

  Alice waited another hour until the sounds of him showering and settling in to sleep had subsided. She slipped upstairs while he showered and located what was his office, one of three bedrooms upstairs. The other two, one was his and the other was locked. She didn’t have time to unlock it and she spent her time stealthily going through his office. She confirmed that he had several ‘patients’ who came to his house for a variety of reasons, mostly grief counseling and sexual problems. She found it odd that he seemed to ‘specialize’ in those two things until she realized he might be ‘priming’ some of both types of patients for his own benefit.

  She found a paper that nearly had her going into the shower and slicing his throat. It read:

  Patient is an excellent candidate. She is well-mannered and shows potential. Training is

  a must at this tender age but psychological analysis shows that she is very adaptable and

  amenable to my suggestions. Missing a father I have become that figure in the six months

  that I have been working with her. Losing her mother at a vulnerable age was perfect to

  our plans and I wish you would allow me further training of her person. I have begun the

  protocol you set out. Bonnie has been a good sub and worked her feminine wiles on the

  subject, she will of course be properly rewarded for her behavior, I appreciate using her

  while I have been exiled here knowing what a sacrifice this was to your program. We

  should be able to execute phase two in the next month or so as planned.

  It was obviously a fax by the way it was set up and the attached sheet that confirmed it had been sent. Alice could only surmise it was about Kit but he did see a few patients, he could be setting up several of them for whatever his plan was. Whoever had master-minded this had set these people in place for a long time, perhaps years. Alice was decidedly disturbed by the idea that they were after her Kit. Her precious Kit that reminded her so much of Kathy that she would cherish her forever, she would protect her with her life if necessary. Alice memorized the fax number that had printed on the sheet, it wasn’t a guarantee it was the right number but it would give her a clue of what or who was behind this.

  When she finally made her way out of the house, easily thwarting the alarm system since she had watched Dr. Dan put in his passcode from her spot in the darkened spare bedroom she made her way outside and pulled a transceiver from her duffel. Attaching it to the house in a hidden spot was no problem since it was so overgrown. She tested it and was annoyed when it didn’t work. Although she could get a signal from the small devices she had planted this transceiver would boost the signal and give her a more accurate or clear signal which would allow a clearer reception of the conversations she was hoping to overhear. She shook it. It still didn’t work. Then she realized it hadn’t been used in years and she must have forgotten to change the batteries. She cursed herself for her clumsiness. It was no use to justify her behavior that she hadn’t had to use her skills in years, stupidity got a person killed and Alice was not a stupid person. Angry at herself she opened the transceiver and was relieved that a simple AA battery could be used. She unscrewed a tiny mag light she carried and shook out the batteries and replaced one of them with the dead one in the transceiver. The dead one she nearly threw away and then caught herself at another mistake she nearly made, leaving behind evidence and put it in a pocket instead. Affixing the transceiver against the stucco house she hid it with vines and tested it. The light was so tiny she nearly missed it among the ivy but it worked! She made her way to the front of the house and took the sidewalk back to her Pathfinder peeling her hat back and her gloves off. To anyone who saw her she would look like a jogger, a stupid one for wearing dark clothes without reflectors, but a jogger none the less.

  It was early in the morning when she arrived back at the house. She hid her duffel in her bedroom closet and stripped off her clothes to t
ake a shower, she thought over what she had overheard and observed. She could have done without the porn video that could have been made that evening, she hadn’t wanted to be a voyeur and watch the two of them but she was alarmed about the information she had read and found. She got a couple of hours of sleep before getting up when the children did. She wanted them to have a sense of normalcy with Kathy gone and had made it a habit to get up and spend time with them before they went off to school and to be there when they got home. It had been especially effective on Kit or so she thought until the last twenty four hours. She wondered now how much brain washing Dan had done on the child. And she was a child. At fourteen she might have the body of a sixteen or eighteen year old girl but she was still a child, especially mentally. She had been vulnerable too with the loss of her mother in such a violent manner. All of this had ‘woken up’ a side of Alice she had thought was long buried and forgotten, she could feel the familiar hunger for justice, for her little girl, for the many others she was sure had been brain-washed by this monster.

  That day the transcripts scrolling on her computer screen were pretty boring, she thought they would be this first day. Dr. Dan had ‘normal’ everyday patients and then he had patients like Kit. One of them she at first thought he was talking to a juvenile girl and then realized it was a full grown woman who seemed to relish the treatment he was giving her, talking to her like a naughty little girl and even going so far as spanking her. Alice had to switch to voice activation because the transcript didn’t convey the age of the person he was working with.

  She also checked on the fax number the message had been sent to and found it registered to a private airline for very wealthy executives. It was its location that had her suspicious immediately, it was in the Pacific Northwest. What was it about that area of the country that seemed to be breeding perverts and misfits? It must be in the water she thought wryly as she did her research. There was no board certified Dr. Dan Shloggles and then she realized what he had done; he had taken a dead doctor and assumed his identity for his own uses. Not a very sophisticated ruse but an effective one apparently. The real Dr. Dan Schloggles had apparently perished in a plane crash eight years ago, strangely or conveniently from the same company that owned the fax number she had found. This was becoming more and more convoluted and the predator in Alice was aroused.


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