Malice Masterpieces 2

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Malice Masterpieces 2 Page 15

by K'Anne Meinel

  She was alarmed to realize how far reaching this man’s perversions had gone; they penetrated the school district on many levels. The district that Kit and others were in was a relatively wealthy section of Los Angeles and many parents sent their teens to therapy rather than deal with their behavior themselves, these were easy pickings for someone of Dr. Dan’s personality and predilection. Alice was surprised at his paperwork until she hacked into his computer and realized how much more there was there, carefully she made copies of his hard drive and spent days going through the data, her anger growing, her desire to hurt this man and the man who had engineered all of this for ‘Dr. Dan’ whoever he really was.

  By the time Dan returned to his home Alice had been there several times and the data she had collected condemned him in her eyes so absolute that she was only surprised she hadn’t just hunted him down and killed him, her personality and desires demanded it. Her sense of fair play and righteousness screamed it, and yet, something held her back. Something infinite, something that Kathy had changed in her. For the moment Kit was safe, for the moment she was distracted as she and the younger kids researched this dog idea. Alice began compiling a couple of files on ‘Dr. Dan’ and Bonnie being careful to leave the ‘mysterious man’ in the Northwest out of her data, she had decided to take care of that man herself.

  “Alice, Mom,” Kit began nervously as she poked her head in the office and Alice looked up with a smile, pushing a button that blanked out the screens and locked them and effortlessly closing the file folder on her desk. Unobtrusively she removed the gloves she was wearing to leave no fingerprints on the data she had been compiling as she stood up and around the desk towards her daughter.

  “What’s up?” she asked her, she had spent a busy week on the computer and her nights at the Doctor’s home doing her ‘research.’

  “We think we’ve narrowed it down to a Golden Retriever,” Kit said with hope in her young eyes.

  It was those eyes that melted Alice almost every time. If Kit realized how much like her mother she looked and was becoming she would use it against Alice but instead, her youth and other distinctions kept Alice from favoring this daughter of theirs. “You have have you?” she asked as she crossed her arms and leaned against the edge of her desk crossing her ankles as the girl came forward to present her case. She looked relaxed and receptive to the teen.

  Kit nodded as she looked excited and showed Alice the reams of paperwork she had compiled on the various breeds and now centered on a Golden Retriever. She began to excitedly explain her reasons why and Sean’s input even mentioning that the dog met Emily’s only criteria of ‘fluffy’ which amused Alice. It was a well thought out argument for the teen and she chattered on in the silence as Alice looked at what she had compiled. As she wound down anxiously she kept looking at the serenely cold face and couldn’t tell whether Alice was finally going to say ‘no’ and dash all their hopes or put it off even more, she had more arguments ready if she did though.

  “Well, I see you three have been busy,” she felt like laughing, like a little girl such as Emily could really have helped with research other than looking at pictures, but to be honest she was impressed, the two had worked hard and she recognized some of the same work skills Kit had implemented to catch up in school. “But a Golden Retriever does shed,” she pointed out.

  Kit quickly explained the brushing that they had figured out and an actual schedule, they thought if they got a young dog or a puppy they could ‘train’ it and teach it to like brushing and it would learn to behave in their house.

  “Well a puppy will need to chew on things, this is just like having a baby in the house,” Alice warned.

  “We can buy chew toys and look,” she showed her some papers, Alice inwardly winced at the amount of printouts the kids had done, they must have gone through an entire ream of paper and at least a few cartridges of ink, “This one shows how to make chew toys out of old socks for the puppy.”

  Alice nodded and then decided to let the kid off the hook, “Well, then I guess we better start looking for a breeder but I’d like to rescue one from the pound if we could.”

  Kit couldn’t believe her ears, she had half a dozen arguments lined up to convince Alice but at her words she threw her arms around Alice and hugged her tight. Alice smiled in delight as she returned the hug. “I better go look on line for local breeders and find out if any of them has had a litter and maybe I can email the local pounds,” Kit’s mind was working furiously. “Maybe they might have one listed on their websites.”

  “Your homework isn’t suffering from this is it?” Alice asked and watched the teens face. She knew exactly what the teen and her siblings had been looking at on line from her observations on her own computers. She saw the slight look of guilt on Kit’s face.

  “I’d better do my homework first and then I’ll get started on all that,” Kit said and Alice let her off the hook as she left the office.

  Alice heard a squeal from Sean a few minutes later and surmised Kit had shared her good news with him. Looking at the clock she realized Emily must be in bed already. She returned to her ‘work’ and compiling the evidence.

  A week later they were looking at a puppy that had come into the pound. She was a beautiful deep colored, almost rust colored Golden Retriever with dark black lines around her eyes, almost like someone had taken eye liner and colored them and there was an odd black spot on her tail. Her snapping brown eyes showed friendliness and her tail wags sold the kids on her personality as they petted and mauled the young dog. She had been given up by her owner who had not realized how much work a puppy was and she was available for immediate adoption. Alice pretended to consider as the kids played with her in the ‘meet and greet’ area, a section fenced off and grassy for the dogs to get to know potential owners. She discussed the adoption quietly with the pound employee and watched the kids to be sure. As she filled out the paperwork for the dog showing her license, promising to pick the dog up from her vet where they sent the dogs to be fixed and paying her adoption fees she overheard what was obviously a rescue group coming in to help dogs.

  “If we could take #239 and #803 I’d be thrilled but the budget is for only the three we saved this week,” one of the women said to the other. “I also thought we should check out that shelter over on Atlantic, I don’t think anyone has thought about them in a while but why bother if we can’t afford to rescue anymore,” she said sadly as she sighed and worked on the paperwork she had.

  They went on debating back and forth and Alice listened as she filled out her papers and her kids milled around waiting. They knew they couldn’t take the dog today and would instead pick her up at the vets but only Kit realized they had actually decided adopt the dog they had played with, the other two had just enjoyed playing with the dog.

  Alice finished her paperwork, received a receipt for her check and papers to pick up the female dog from a vet clinic near her home that she hadn’t even known existed but who would fix the dog and make sure she had all the necessary vaccinations that the previous owner either couldn’t afford or had delayed with the dog being so young. She turned and handed the paperwork to Kit and the keys to the Pathfinder as she said quietly, “Go sit out in the car with the other two,” and pushed the teen gently towards the younger kids. Kit looked at her oddly and nodded not wanting to jinx things and obeying her mother instantly. She took the younger children’s hands in her own, tucking the paperwork under her arm, and left.

  The two ‘rescuers’ stepped up to desk to file their own paperwork having filled it out obviously many times in the past. Alice stopped them, “Excuse me; I couldn’t help overhearing that you are part of a rescue?”

  One of the ladies nodded and said, “Yes, we rescue many breeds whenever we can but mainly we rescue Golden Retrievers or Labs.” The other woman looked at her suspiciously wondering why she was asking and not sure she had liked being ‘overheard.’

  “Oh, we just adopted a beautiful Golden Retriever,” Al
ice shared and saw them relax.

  They talked about the relative merits of the breed and it was nothing Alice hadn’t read about in the past couple of weeks with the children inundating her with information but it also allowed her to speak knowledgeably about the animal which made both women smile. The woman behind the counter soon had their paperwork in order and they were about to leave when Alice handed them something.

  “What’s this?” the one asked.

  “I overheard you say you didn’t have enough to adopt and try to place a couple and I don’t know how much it takes for you to do what you do but I’d like to help,” Alice said as she handed them a check she had impulsively filled out when she had heard them, something had tugged at heart strings that she hadn’t known she had and she wanted to help. “I hope this covers what you need for a while,” Alice said as she brushed by them and quickly made her way to the door. Both women were stunned as they looked at the amount on the check.

  “Do you think it’s real?” the one who had been suspicious asked as they both looked up and then to the woman behind the counter.

  “I don’t know but we better go thank her!” the other gushed as she rushed to the door but Alice was already pulling out of the spot in her Pathfinder and she turned and smiled at the stunned woman giving her a little wave as she drove off with her three children.

  “Who does this?” one asked as she looked at the check for ten thousand dollars made out to cash.

  “Apparently there are angels out there, let’s take it to the bank and if it’s good, we will come back and get #239 and #803and maybe go around to a couple of shelters,” she answered with a huge smile.

  “We can send a thank you and let her know what we did with the money,” the other one answered and then with caution added, “If it’s good.”

  The check was certainly good and they deposited it into the rescue’s account making many dogs very happy as well as their future owners because a few more were ‘saved’ from the system. Alice Weaver, their mysterious benefactor got many letters of gratitude from members of the rescue as well as anyone they could tell about her generous donation. She smiled whenever she received one and realized her name and address had been on the check she had impulsively written. Even as a tax write-off the benefits otherwise were an unexpected pleasure to her otherwise cynical heart.

  Coco became her name when they picked her up from the vet or rather Alice did since the kids were at school. She already had a nice new color and leash that Alice had picked up at the local PetsMart. She also picked up puppy food recommended for dogs Coco’s age as well as an array of toys that Emily and she picked out. Emily was delighted to be the one who helped her Mom pick out things for their new addition to the family. When Alice picked up Sean and then Kit from their schools the dog was a well-loved fact in their Pathfinder and slobbering over her new family delightedly. Other kids heard from Sean and Kit and came up to see the new half-grown puppy. She was all legs and wags as she good naturedly kissed and greeted anyone who wanted to pet her and what child that age could resist a puppy? Alice had a good time ‘socializing’ her but even a puppy must take naps and she was exhausted by the time they got her home and decided where her bed and food dishes should go. She slept on the floor beside the bed with Sean napping on one side and Emily in the actual dog bed and Kit looking on delightedly. Kit took pictures and was thrilled at the addition to their family. She couldn’t believe Alice had allowed it and she was so happy for the first time in over a year she just couldn’t believe their luck.

  Alice left them to put the finishing touches on her files about Dr. Dan and carefully pulled on her latex gloves as she put together the printouts and made computer disks. Only the distraction of the dog and the fact that Dr. Dan had been out of town for more than he had anticipated had allowed Alice the break she had needed to wean Kit off her dependence on the man, she had determined that nothing had been done to Kit yet other than kissing and fondling, she had been schooled with an intent to her seduction but a debate had gone on about the when and where by Dr. Dan and his ‘master’ who Alice was determined to meet. It was as she putting the final touches on the files that she came across one bit of evidence that had her turning quite white and gripping her desk in horror. Only her extreme self-control and her love for Kathy kept her from taking her little black bag from the hidden wall panel in her closet adding a few things and visiting Dr. Dan and then the ‘master’ in the Pacific Northwest. She sat back in her chair and reread the transcripts she now had in her possession. The last bug she had left was deteriorating and she had to piecemeal what Dr. Dan had said into a phone apparently and she was left reeling at the information as she sat there in stunned shock.

  “Yes I’ve decided to breed her, she’s calmed this last couple of months, I think telling her that her daughter would soon be joining us decided things for her,” the voice on the other end of the phone said.

  “Who have you chosen to breed with her?” Dr. Dan asked.

  “Well you of course, your last whelps were cute and I like the blonde ones, we will not start on her until you finish up down there, when you are ready we will make a clean sweep but Kit will be the only one underage and we have to be careful with that, she must appear to totally disappear.”

  “I’m honored,” Dan said with an almost over heated voice, Alice could hear his breathing had escalated but with the bugs deteriorating she couldn’t be sure. “I haven’t spoken to her in weeks but I’m sure it wouldn’t take much suggestion to get her to do what I want,” he spoke confidently.

  “Well you helped trained a good assortment for me and I can’t have all my whelps looking just like me,” the voice laughed and Alice despised him, she realized now they ‘bred’ women and sold their offspring. “I think you deserve Kathy for all your hard work.”

  Alice held onto the desk in shock, gripping the edge of it tightly, her fingers turning white with the grip, the name Kathy in connection with Kit could only mean one thing. Kathy was alive!

  ~The End~ K’Anne ;-P


  Book 8

  The definition of a serial killer is someone who has killed at least three people over a certain span of time (usually over a month) with some down time between each murder. The motivation for each murder usually satisfies a psychological need for the killer.

  As she lay pinned on the pool table her arms and legs spread to the four winds and tied under the table unable to reach them with her teeth or anything else Alice was seething at the knowledge she had been foolish, very foolish indeed to be caught like this. Her overwhelming need to find Kathy had led her to this, had allowed her to be caught, had made her act impulsively and now she lay there awaiting the ‘masters’ convenience. Her attackers, they were hurt for their attempts to subdue her and just by their sheer numbers had been necessary and managed to overwhelm Alice and get her tied up like this. She glared at them from her prone position with the glares being returned wholeheartedly. She had experienced another emotion today, vulnerability and she didn’t like it in the least. Knowing Kathy was somewhere here on the ‘compound’ had led her to rash decisions when normally she would have carefully thought out her actions. Her current situation was the result of those rash decisions but the knowledge she had now made her a deadly opponent to these muscle bound lug heads that the ‘master’ employed as well as to him and his ‘friends.’

  Each of the four men who had thought to easily subdue this petite blonde nursed wounds, some of them major and the menace in their eyes made promises they intended to keep. Their glances promised retribution and Alice knew if they had a thought between them they would already be on her raping and teaching her a lesson for the hurts they had incurred. It had taken all four of them and by sheer muscle mass they had overwhelmed her, subdued her, and tied her up. Her defiance had been unprecedented, they were used to submissive and trained females who were grateful for their attentions and enjoyed a freedom on this compound that they guarded. The females
available to them were thrilled at their bodies and muscle mass and delighted in pleasing them. Rarely had a mere female fought back and the reluctant ones were soon ‘whiped’ to the master’s designs and desires. They weren’t used to someone pretty like Alice who neither wanted or desired them and instead had fought tooth and nail to avoid capture.

  The fact that a stranger had wandered onto the compound puzzled them but then they weren’t hired for their brains but rather their beauty and size as bodyguards. Very little was required of them beyond their sperm donations and abilities to guard the premises, intelligence was not required. They had all been brain washed to the point that they obeyed the ‘master’ at all costs. Alice had come onto the grounds under the guise of a hiker, her hair in two braids, one on each side made her look like a hot little Heidi from Switzerland and her naive little look had fooled them into thinking she was just ‘lost’ when she was discovered. She hadn’t planned on being discovered at all as she was leaving but had foolishly allowed a ‘silent’ trigger to be tripped and had been pursued by the lumbering giants. Despite a valiant fight their numbers had overwhelmed her and they now had her tightly wrapped for the masters convenience. Alice wondered when that would be since she had been tied here for a very long time already. She supposed to a lesser female, one who didn’t know or understand what would be coming, one who hadn’t had something to hide she would be frightened by this delay and promises of meeting the master was supposed to play on her fragile female mind.


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