Malice Masterpieces 2

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Malice Masterpieces 2 Page 16

by K'Anne Meinel

  She was grateful she had come as far as she had when she decided on raiding this compound. Owned by multi-millionaire Alex ‘The Flybird’ Johansen he also happened to own the charter flight service Alice had found that the faxes went to from Dr. Dan. She should have taken her time but anxious to find Kathy and evidence of her whereabouts had made her rush. She had the information off of his private computers and had planted viruses in them for her future uses but they would be useless unless she got away. She realized her only hope of getting away now was to use these lugs and their brainless following of the ‘the master’ against them but with them hating her already from the pain she had inflicted she wasn’t sure how to go about it at the moment. She knew waiting for their master to make an appearance might be a mistake; he apparently had some brains to coordinate this complex, to keep it a secret from the locals and authorities.

  Over the hours that she lay there uncomfortably she realized her arms and legs were becoming numb and she would have to do something. The men had tended to their wounds and left two of the now six lugs she realized were all patrolling bodyguards on the compound. These two she hadn’t actually fought and she had overheard them laughing at the damage she had inflicted on the other four. The ‘little blonde’ that they were laughing about had done that? They were incredulous at the news and looked at her with speculative looks.

  “Excuse me, I could use the bathroom,” she entreated but they just looked at her blankly in response.

  Alice wondered how much time she actually had left or if Alex was actually at his vacation retreat here in the high valleys far away from Portland in this idealic little spot tucked away from civilization. She realized with some admiration the location and set up of Alex’s vacation home. She also realized there was a lot more here than what met the eye. There were basements under the seemingly innocent house and tunnels into the hills beyond. Alice wondered how long this ‘compound’ had been here and how much the locals knew about its real purpose and intent. The luxury vacation home of multi-millionaire Alex Johansen was very well maintained and very much not what it seemed. Alice wished she had been a little more careful, a little more cautious but her desire to see Kathy, to possibly rescue her had blinded her to her normal suspicious and careful attitudes. As a result she was now in this position. She hadn’t known when she took on the disguise of a ‘lost’ hiker that she would find such a treasure trove of information. Like Dr. Dan this Alex seemed to think he was untouchable. Alice wondered if the FBI and Los Angeles police had captured Dan yet, she had left them enough evidence that they should have swooped in on him by now.

  Alice gathered the evidence she had carefully compiled: the papers, the pictures, and the computer disks and put them in priority mail boxes and carefully addressed them. Her latex gloves assured that no finger prints of her own were on the boxes or the files. Her hair was back in a ponytail and she was very careful to leave no DNA of her own on the evidence she supplying. Additionally, she had gone over the files carefully with a magnifier to look for hair follicles or other evidence that would lead back to her but could find nothing, she had been meticulously careful. She mailed the boxes far from her Palos Verdes estate using peel and stick stamps that she had purchased across town. The evidence should have the appropriate divisions crawling over Dr. Dan’s home if they believed what they saw. Alice had carefully removed all evidence of Kit from his files and erased it from his hard drive. She was surprised at how much the doctor had kept of all his ‘victims’ but thought perhaps with his ego he thought he could get away with it all and his ‘master’ would appreciate a detailed report.

  After mailing the boxes she realized her family though wasn’t safe. Kit and the other two children were possible targets since Kathy had already been taken. Kit had been an intended target and they wouldn’t take it lightly that they were disillusioned. The only one who had that kind of pull had been Eli Watson and obviously when his plans were thwarted he had ‘sold’ the information or given it to this Alex Johansen to carry it out. Apparently the more money they had the more they felt they could get away with and trading in white women and their offspring was one of their perks. Alice was highly disgusted but realized Kit had begun to be groomed and what would keep them from targeting Kathy’s younger offspring. They had no idea that Alice was anything but the ‘adoptive’ other parent. She needed to take them somewhere safe.

  “Where are we going?” Kit asked for the fifth time as they got on a private jet along with the various bags and boxes as well as her siblings and their new puppy.

  Alice smiled, she hadn’t told the kids about this unexpected trip but she would once they were in the air. The plane was scheduled to head for Central America but once in the air their ‘flight plan’ would be altered slightly. “Later, let’s get everyone settled,” she hedged.

  Alice had given Mrs. Fernandez and Nan the option of taking time off from working for her or going on this ‘luxury’ trip with the family and she was pleased and delighted when they both took her up on the offer of going with them. Alice had carefully closed off her Palos Verdes home, wiped her computers, double checked all her ‘safe’ spots and locked up the place for an indefinite period of time. The two in school were on an extended vacation because Alice didn’t know when or if they would be back. The emergency passports she had sent for her children had taken days instead of weeks and they were set to go. Alice was actually using her own passport for a change but had several others at her disposal if she needed them, she was pretty certain she would.

  The trip took hours and everyone was tired as they landed at a small airport in Honduras. They were confused and cranky as Alice hustled everyone onto another plane and their boxes and bags were taken to it for them. Kit walked the pup on the grass and was grateful that it peed and pooed and she only had to clean up one accident on the private jet. Alice watched the children, her employees, and their surroundings carefully her body a quiver of highly strung tension. She didn’t think they had been followed, what she had done was a precautionary measure as all, but it paid to be careful and she wanted her family safe. She wasn’t paranoid…yet.

  The plane they were now on was a plane that could land on water as well as on land and this amphibious craft was well suited to where they were going. Alice had confided that she owned an island off of Honduras and they would be spending time there together as a family. She implied but did not say they all needed a vacation to ‘get away’ from it all. What her family and employees didn’t know was it was a discrete corner of the globe that no one knew about, no one knew that one Alice Weaver owned. It was an island held by a dummy corporation buried within multiple companies that no one could dig through and find the real owner and had they tried red flags would have gone up alerting Alice to their attempts. It would allow them to essentially disappear. Once they had altered course in the jet that would have given a red flag to anyone who might be tracking her and her family but once they were on the ground and into another plane…only the pilot knew that their names had changed. Cash kept a lot of mouths silent or at least altered their perception of what was going on. Alice Weaver and her family essentially ‘disappeared’ on that tarmac in Honduras.

  The plane began its decent. The puppy whimpered at the change in pressure as it yawned to relieve the stress in its ears. Held in Kit’s lap it peed in its puppy way at dealing with situations it didn’t understand. Kit felt the warmth but ignored it knowing there was nothing she could do about it, besides she was more interested in the view outside the plane as she herself yawned. The plane landed in a nearly round alcove of the island and taxied across the water to a jetty that jutted out from the sands. Two smiling swarthy men tied off the plane before opening the door and helping the passengers out. Greeting Alice in rapid Portuguese she smiled and answered. Their delighted smiles spoke volumes as the children and her employees looked on in amazement unaware that Alice could speak fluently in the language.

  “Come on,” Alice said as she carried Emily and
walked up the jetty towards two Jeeps that were there. Alice and the children and puppy got in one Jeep and waited for the men to load their luggage behind in the cargo area. They also waited as Mrs. Fernandez and Nan got comfortable in the other Jeep with the rest of their bags and boxes before Alice headed out on a road she obviously knew. They drove for a while before the jungle that had closed in around them cleared.

  They pulled up in front of an overly large bungalow. It was set back from another beach that provided a perfect setting for the house. Alice carried the sleepy little girl Emily onto the porch and set her down to walk inside. Double wooden doors that seemed very sturdy greeted her and she unhesitatingly pulled on one of them. Inside was a tropical dream, large high beamed ceilings enclosed tropical plants and matching décor. It felt like a Hawaiian paradise. The furniture was casual and relaxed made of bamboo, the décor decidedly tropical, the feel of the large room just that…large and spacious. It was also amazingly cool after the heat outside as oversized fans cooled the air. Patio doors went off from every angle. A large staircase went up to an overhanging balcony. Alice headed for the staircase and had to scoop up the reluctant and very tired toddler. She showed each of the children their very own rooms but offered to let them sleep together if they wanted. Sean chose to sleep in the same room as Emily but Kit wanted her own room. Alice’s large bedroom at the head of the stairs opened onto lovely balconies overlooking the blue waters of the cove. They had obviously come around to the other side of the cove and could distantly see the plane gearing up to leave across the way.

  “Alice, Mom?” Kit asked as they looked out on the beauty that was before them, “How come we haven’t been here before?”

  Alice smiled down at her, “’cause I wanted our secret for a special time and it hadn’t come before.”

  This seemed to satisfy the teen for now and Alice wondered when she would ask why she hadn’t brought Kathy here.

  The kids seemed to be content to explore the house. Mrs. Fernandez and Nan had their own private bedrooms on the first floor of the large house and they were introduced to Mrs. Consuela Montego who spoke broken English and was amazed that Mrs. Fernandez couldn’t understand her Portuguese. Alice laughed as she translated both her broken English and her Portuguese. She told Mrs. Fernandez and Nan that they were on vacation here and shouldn’t do as much but that the children’s safety was paramount. She took all of them on tours of the island. Supplies were brought in by boat and Mrs. Montego and her husband and son took care of the island for her and the house. Alice gave them three days before she was ‘unexpectedly’ called away on business. She assured them that it would be okay for them to relax and play until she got back. By then Mrs. Fernandez and Consuela had learned some similarities between Spanish and Portuguese and were laughing as they tried to communicate. There was plenty to see and do on the island and they were all glad to stay on indefinitely even with Alice gone.

  Alice used three different planes to make her way to Portland and then on to the estate of Alex Johansen as well as a different passport to snare the stamps she would need from the different ports of entry. She was anxious for word about Kathy and had known that protecting their family had to come first but the delays had tried her patience. Her dark tan from the tropical paradise she had just left, her blonde hair bleached blonder from the sun and its length helped change her appearance however subtly. The Heidi like braids she put in them as well as lack of makeup helped to alter her appearance that only one who really knew her would recognize her from her naturally pretty face. Alex Johansen certainly didn’t know her but from the files and pictures she found he had been watching her and her family for a long time, too long.

  Alice used stealth to get through the complex and into the house but once seated at his computer she lost all track of time and space. The data she began copying and the bug she planted inside as well as the virus were her first priority. As she began to read this distraction proved to be her undoing. The files were on a disk and in a hidden pocket of her blouse when she realized the amount of time she had been there and went to leave; she hadn’t counted on a hidden switch to alarm the now changed and alert guards or the chase that had ensued. Her natural reflexive fighting abilities had kept them at bay only long enough that their sheer numbers and size had overwhelmed her. Knocked nearly unconscious to make her submissive allowed them to get her hands and feet tied and she had ‘woken’ spread eagled on the pool table with the behemoths glaring at her in promised retaliation. She was only grateful that they hadn’t stripped her; it gave her a psychological advantage, but then only she knew that.

  “Please,” she said in a sweet voice, “I need to use a bathroom or I’m going to pee right here.”

  The two that had been left evidently weren’t aware or didn’t believe the other’s tale of her skills and waiting for the master could take hours, perhaps days, even more than they had anticipated. One glance between them and they were in agreement and they were soon untying the petite blonde, sure of their skills at subduing her. That was their first mistake. Their second was allowing Alice alone in the powder room they showed her to. She peed, because one never knew when they’d have the chance again, and then she quickly made weapons from the springs inside the toilet paper dispenser and from the toilet tank, the metal coming in very handy to her agile mind and skills.

  Neither of the men realized she had anything in her washed hands as she exited the powder room. Instead they were left with gaping wounds along their over muscled necks, blood pouring from them as Alice kicked their brains to the point that they were unconscious and possibly brain damaged, she didn’t really care at that moment. She quickly left the house, making sure the disk in the hidden pouch on the back of her blouse was still secure thankful that none had patted her down, sure of their superiority as males and her petite feminity no threat at all to them, they had learned, the hard way. This time she was cautious and saw and heard the patrol before they saw her and made herself invisible in the foliage. She made her way slowly back across the compound and through deep woods out to the public road where she had hidden her rental. Rapidly she made her way out of the valley using the main roads, there was no point in hiding that she had been there but she determined to return and find out more about this compound, she wondered if Kathy was there or had they sold her to another buyer. She didn’t think so and instinct told her Kathy had been there, she just wondered how close she had been, her frustration over her own foolishness and follies knew no bounds as she mentally beat herself up thinking about her mistakes, worrying that now they would be on the defensive.

  She glanced down the two lane road to see an expensive sports car coming up the highway from the opposite direction; she wondered if this was the ‘master’ they had spoken of. She resolved to find out more about him and his accomplices but she realized she needed to be a lot more prepared next time she approached the compound. She stopped at a hotel and cleaned up and showered before checking out under one of her assumed names thankful for the different passports she had stashed.

  Next she returned the rental car, again under another assumed name. She made her way with her luggage to a used car lot and bought a Jeep with four wheel drive capabilities. She checked the engine but had to admit she knew nothing about what she was looking for when she looked under the hood, however the mileage and the condition of the vehicle told her it had been well maintained, she didn’t believe the salesmen’s assertion that it had been owned by a little old lady but who knew in this section of the Pacific Northwest. She bought it with cash and had the papers made out to one of her assumed names with the corresponding identification and fake address even managing to fake a slight accent.

  Next she went to a storage unit and checked out its security and set up and rented two large adjoining units, again the same name as under her new Jeep’s owner. She parked the Jeep inside to make sure it fit and then locking up both units she went to shop and ‘stock up’ her little hidey hole. One of the reasons she had r
ented these particular units was that they came with 24 hour access and very little security as well as electricity. It allowed her to come and go at all hours and she took advantage of that fact as she feathered her little nest. She bought a used table to use as a desk and a brand new state of the art computer to view the disk she had made back at the compound. A few accessories including a new cell phone with ‘hot spot’ capabilities and she was ready to access the network back at the compound.

  She idly flipped through the many files she had found on the computer and realized this man was as egotistical as Dr. Dan. He thought no one could touch him. Why he kept such meticulous records soon became apparent. He had a white slave breeding farm in operation on the compound. His ‘guards’ while providing their muscle and brawn were also studs allowed to enjoy the various women and girls he brought out there for breeding purposes. Alice swallowed at the information she was reading and then realized she had also downloaded videos. As she began the many hours of graphic violence and totally male dominated sex scenes she became inured to its awful content. None of the women were treated as anything but sexual or mating objects, they were debased, used, and treated abominably. To Alice it was like watching something precious being turned into a zombie. Some of the women fought for a while but they all became nothing, lost their spark as time went on and they were used over and again. You could actually see over time some of them becoming despondent, their faces reflecting the deadening of their senses. There were pathetically few of the women who actually seemed to enjoy what was happening to them. Some of the videos were ‘how to’ techniques to teach other ‘masters’ how to control their sex slaves, various techniques in sexual torture, or manipulation. Their ‘fun’ video’s showed group sex, abasement, and demeaning or degrading of women. Nowhere was it consensual sex between two loving adults. It took hours to get through many of them even with a fast forward but finally Alice came upon Kathy’s ‘training’ videos. She saw during the many months of captivity how Kathy had fought, how she had tried to keep fighting and they had used and abused her until she lost whatever spark they had seen in her. Alice actually wept when she saw how Kathy willingly subjected herself to a foursome as Alex ‘the master’ demonstrated anal sex in a proper sex slave. She searched through the files more thoroughly to find a detailed calendar marking training, their menstrual cycles, and proper breeding schedules for certain women. The few who enjoyed their treatment were rare. She realized these were usually young women, ones that had been properly brain washed by Dr. Dan and others for the amusement of their masters. She wondered if that was what Kit had begun to be schooled for. Alice shook her head; she didn’t understand it but could only think of it as brain washing. Sure she had enjoyed a little bondage here and there but this was extreme, this was torture for many of the woman and girls she saw on this disc. She realized she didn’t have everything, the disc couldn’t hold all the information from the hard drive, but what she did have was more than damning, what she did have made her yellow eyes glow in anticipation of her revenge. Seeing what he had done to her wife alone had her shaking slightly in anger, furious and deep anger.


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