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Malice Masterpieces 2

Page 21

by K'Anne Meinel

  As her head shattered the mirror she reached up with her hand as though to push her face off the shards of glass and grasped one in her gloved hand, as the man turned what he assumed was a stunned and much smaller victim she allowed herself to be spun and her hand at face level plunged the shard of glass into his neck hitting the artery as she sliced rapidly. Alice blinked to clear the blood from her eyes, her blood dripping down from the blow to the head and the glass, his spraying against her face at such close quarters. She watched dispassionately as he stepped back in horror and his life sprayed, gurgled, and leached out of him rapidly with the blood, he sank to his knees clawing at his neck ineffectuality with his fingers and then fell to the floor. She leaned over him and quickly searched his pockets for things she might have need of. Taking up his white handkerchief she looked into the many fragments of the mirror to wipe her face carefully realizing that the reflection from many broken pieces all showed a very damaged face. Gently she cleared the blood from the painful cuts and abrasions before deliberately going to the fireplace and throwing it on the flames. She watched momentarily as her DNA burned up in the fire.

  She went into the room where the woman lay moaning in obvious shock at the two dead men before her, she could only imagine what the woman was thinking. She retrieved her arrows again and left the corpses in the same mutilated condition as the ones outside, she left the naked woman alone. As she turned to search the house further for Alex and what she believed might be one other man she heard the woman come up behind her and was surprised to find herself attacked. She reeled from the blow to her head as the woman began to scream. Alice could only hope that Alex or whoever was still on the compound alive thought the screams were from love play or their versions of it. She easily thwarted the woman’s attempt to attack her and as much as she hated to do it she quickly rendered her unconscious but not without adding abrasions to her own already damaged face. She shook her head; women fought way dirtier than men.

  Slowly Alice went upstairs wincing at the creak of a loose step. She searched each of the rooms and found no one upstairs. That meant that Alex and the other man she was almost positive was on the grounds were in the basement. As she made her way out of the upstairs bedrooms, down the hallway and to the stairs she felt a blow hit her shoulders and she found herself tumbling head over heels down the stairs hitting the newel post painfully with her rib cage, the Kevlar she was wearing only partially blocking the blow. Designed to stop a bullet it wasn’t designed for this abuse and while heavy Alice had appreciated Sebastian finding her a form fitting petite vest for her to wear, she had wondered if he had ordered it specially made for her frame when she had tried it on initially. She now thanked it for the little comfort it saved her, kept her ribs from being crushed from the force of the blow and her landing. Stunned she lay there only a moment before someone rushing down the stairs behind her landed a kick. Her head was turned so the kick landed on her already sore shoulder and pissed her off, the adrenalin kicked in for her and she forgot her excruciating aches and pains and grabbing her belt she pulled from it a series of Chinese star knives that she palmed and which she flung at him with force from her prone position. She followed that up with getting to her feet as he reeled back at the knives embedded in his neck and face. She high kicked him further embedding the stars in his neck and slicing deeply. Next she used a roundhouse kick to knock him to floor and finished him off with a slice from one of her unique arrows she had fashioned. She mutilated this body with relish as she wiped his blood off on his shirt and retrieved her stars tugging hard and ripping the skin, spraying herself with more blood.

  She found the secret entrance to the basement and carefully went down the stairs. She wondered that Alex had ignored the sounds of a woman screaming and another series of obvious combat from upstairs but she soon realized the basement was sound proofed. Why they needed this added protection when the ranch was remote and the compound heavily guarded she wondered but the deadened sounds as she went down the basement steps were a little unnerving to her ears. It was overkill but then that was what she was here about, over-kill. She made her way down the stairs and found her next victim. Alex was making a video or porno in her opinion. He had a victim by the neck and was pumping into her anally explaining to the camera and to an audience that Alice wasn’t aware had been on the compound. They must have been here for days and not left the house because she hadn’t seen them as she scoped out the place, she hadn’t seen any extra cars, or traffic to and from the ranch. She realized as he showed off for his ‘viewers’ that ever one of the men watching were sporting hard ons. Alex asked for volunteers to fill the other holes of the victim he was forcing and Alice had to watch as the woman was gang raped in three orifices. Her body was manhandled, her breasts pinched and squeezed painfully causing red marks and eventually bruises, Alice watched on the monitor as her face registered resignation and pain, the look in her eyes told their own story and Alice’s heart went out to her.

  Alice made her way carefully past the ‘video’ room and along a passage that led to a series of cages, each separate so the women inside them could not see each other or communicate to each other. Alice’s black outfit hid her from their view but she saw each of the women from her walk along that corridor. She found more than the six women she was expecting. As she went along she realized they had full medical facilities and a birthing room. Then she realized a couple of the rooms housed a nurse practitioner or a doctor of some sort, one room had three babies in it being tended by a woman horribly disfigured. They didn’t see the black covered Alice, her bloody face covered with a black ski mask, her hair covered by a wig and the ski mask so if anyone saw her they couldn’t identify her. The heat from her wig and mask was stifling and the sweat dripping into the bloody cuts and abrasions was painful not to the mention the bruises and lacerations she had on her body.

  Near the end of the tunnel she turned and gasped as she realized that there was a dungeon all set up with whips, chains, and other S&M equipment. She closed her cat-like eyes for a moment as she imagined what tortures women endured in here and nearly missed the woman who came at her with a whip.

  “Who are you?” she hissed and pulled back the whip to strike.

  Alice could see by the way she expertly handled it that she knew what she was doing with it. Her reaction was instinctive and she threw the knives from her belt quickly and efficiently. Hitting the target in the eyes and neck she listened at the odd gurgling noise the woman made as she slowly fell to her knees. Alice quickly pulled the whip from her hands and grasping her head she broke her neck as she fell to the floor silently hoping she had made it less painful for her in the end. She pulled her knives out and cleaned them against the woman’s leather ‘mistress’ outfit. Alice wondered if the logs she had read which mostly pertained to the breeding farm had also contained coding for Alex’s perversions and S&M lifestyle or was this for some of his ‘guests’ amusements? She knew there was some of the computer logs she needed to re-read or delve deeper, she had missed something and this worried her, she had thought she was fully prepared for whatever she came across here.

  Alice hurried back up the hallway and down another corridor, this place was friggin huge but then she remembered the schematics that showed it went into the hills. As she went along she began dropping little magnetic ‘chips’ and placing them at strategic intervals. This corridor too housed women and a few girls as she looked at the monitors or through the windows at their cubicle cages. It was in the second to last room that she finally saw what she had come here for.

  Kathy, looking nothing like the lovely and lively woman she had loved and lusted for. Kathy, looking beaten and broken lying in bed looking at the ceiling, her face despondent as her face and body flashed on the monitor, the various cameras in the room taking her in from every angle. She wasn’t allowed clothing but then Alice had noticed several women were like this, she wondered if that was some type of punishment but had no idea, the rooms were carefully monitored an
d the heating more than adequate, she suspected they were under the hills so maintaining that heat wouldn’t be difficult. Alice looked in through the window and for an instant the beautiful woman she had loved turned her head to look at the animal that glanced in her cage, the mask didn’t frighten her, her rapists had frequently worn them, especially when she was taken to the dungeon. S&M had nearly killed her but she had learned to separate her mind from what her body was forced to do. There were many forms of sexual torture that could be forced on a woman and they were taught to fear them, some even learned to enjoy them, but not Kathy. For a second Alice thought Kathy had recognized her as their eyes connected and then her dull eyes returned to the ceiling. She watched for a moment before voices coming along the corridor told her she should find a hiding place.

  There really wasn’t one but she surmised it was two of the men either coming for another playmate or returning the woman they had been victimizing. She kept to the shadows as best she could glancing at the monitor in the last room, her heart going out to the young girl she saw inside that couldn’t have been more than sixteen, she wondered what they had done to her. She nearly missed seeing them stop at the room before Kathy’s and opening the door with a passkey they threw the woman they had been molesting inside and turned to return to the training room where Alex had been demonstrating. They never realized when Alice slipped up behind them and at point blank range fired both of her crossbows into their necks; their gurgling was eminently satisfying as she made sure they died painfully. She even allowed them to be aware of the mutilation she inflicted on their bodies before their horrified eyes but permitted them to die as she stuffed their mouths. Quickly and efficiently she worked as she didn’t know if any more students or Alex would be coming. Her head was aching from the mirror blow, her ribs from the staircase and the fight, her shoulder too, she knew she must finish and soon, her body was giving out.

  There were still six more men in the ‘school room’ as she was thinking it. She didn’t want to chance it, six wasn’t too many but her body wasn’t up to a confrontation and she was sure to be hurt. She had to figure out a way to draw them out without arousing suspicions. She got lucky, actually she knew she had been lucky thus far, they had been so sure they were protected, the ranch was remote, their activities unsuspected, and they had done this a while. Their confidence in their abilities and habits of years worked against them. Two of the men left the room and hurried down the first corridor she had investigated, she followed, trying to stay far enough behind them and to shadows that they didn’t ‘see’ her. When they got far enough from the training room she again used her crossbows, this time though she wasn’t as lucky as one of them turned and saw her. His eyes widened and he went to yell. Alice shot him down his throat; his gurgling as he tried to pull out the arrow wasn’t nearly as satisfying to the petite blonde. Instead she concentrated on the second man who turned at the wrong moment and whose arrow landed wrong in his neck; she didn’t have time to reload the crossbow and instead downed him with a chop to his already bleeding neck twisting the blade and nearly breaking it, rendering it useless. She wiped the blades on their clothing and quickly mutilated the bodies as she had the others. She shook her metallic chips out and threw them the length of the corridor as she hurried back to the remaining four reloading her crossbows with fresh arrows.

  “Where the hell are they?” Alex was saying to his remaining three students.

  Alice listened behind the doorway and crouched hoping that one or two of them would head off down one of the corridors looking for their missing companions. She knew she could take these three but she was hurt and tired, she couldn’t be that lucky and get them all, and they could get lucky too and she would be screwed, literally. She waited, impatiently and finally Alex ordered two of the men to see what was ‘keeping’ the others and warning them they better not be ‘screwing’ with the merchandise. Alice hated that he referred to these women as ‘merchandise,’ how demeaning, degrading, debasing. They had lives at one time; he had turned them and their offspring into a commodity. She was so lost in thought that she was nearly discovered as the door came crashing open and nearly slammed into her, the men each went down a different corridor. Carefully she aimed her handgun styled crossbow with its specially designed arrow at first one and then the other. A back makes a broad target, it might not be a killing blow but it can be a paralyzing one, Alice hit both targets before they could discover their dead and downed ‘friends.’ She quickly moved in and reloaded the crossbows; she moved around the door and killed the remaining ‘student’ before holding the crossbow on Alex ‘The Flybird’ Johansen. His eyes opened marginally at the site of a petite what was obviously a woman dressed all in black. He wanted to laugh at her as he would have a fractious woman he was training but the crossbow she carried in each hand was serious, deadly serious as he watched his student gasp for air from the arrow in his heart.

  He tried; he valiantly tried to bluster his way out of the situation. Alice listened as he explained he was just the instrument, the trainer as it were, he tried to intimidate her but she laughed at him. Something he wasn’t used to. Women didn’t laugh at Alex Johansen; they were intimidated by him, his power, his sexual prowess, his money. They bowed at his feet; they licked his feet when he commanded it. They did every sort of perversion he demanded and this, this intruder, this mere woman was laughing at him? That did it for him, he decided to brave the crossbow and despite his naked state he charged her. Alice shot him, her aim was a little off and she pierced his shoulder, it went right through because of how close they were. He stared down at the immediately bleeding shoulder incredulously. Someone had inflicted pain on him? He didn’t understand it. No one did this to Alex Johansen! He looked up just as Alice hit him on the side of the head with the now empty crossbow breaking it. It stunned him. She pushed his naked body onto the adjustable platform where he had so recently been instructing his ‘guests’ on training and subjugating a woman. Alice quickly buckled him to it knowing she didn’t have long and getting more exhausted from her exertions. Only when she was certain he was tied firmly did she quickly check on the three students she had killed recently. She made sure they were dead or helped them on their way. She mutilated their bodies as she had the others and gathered her arrows.

  She found the video room that had recorded everything. It took her a while but she figured out a few of the controls. She touched the controls with her gloved hands and rewound the last few moments of digital tape. She erased it leaving the scene of sex for whoever would see it later. She turned off the cameras and erased everything from the end of their sexcapades on, running over the previously erased section of digital footage. She would have loved to have blown it all up but knew evidence was necessary if these women were to get vengeance. She sprinkled her metallic and magnetic metal chips in inconspicuous spots and returned to the training room.

  Alex had regained all of his faculties from the blow. He had been trying earnestly to pull at the buckles and leathers that confined him but knew how hopeless that was as he had seen countless women and occasional men pull at them as well. He knew without a doubt that he wouldn’t be able to get out of them.

  “What are you going to do to me? Kill me?” he said sarcastically as he looked at the ski masked figure who returned to the training room.

  Alice spoke for the first time, “Yes, but when I finish with you, you are gonna WISH I had ONLY killed you.”

  The men who found Alex ‘The Flybird’ Johansen vomited upon seeing his mutilated body on the platform. Stuffed in his mouth and down his throat, up his anus, and along the foreskin carefully peeled from his penis were the fingers, lips, and toes of the many men found killed and mutilated throughout the house and complex. Each of the men’s penis’ had been stuffed in their mouths. His body was barely recognizable as the many knife marks all over it and crisscrossed on it caused maximum pain, his screams were attested to by a woman found in the dungeon room cowering from where she had hidden behind
a cross where she had been punished by her ‘mistress’. All they had to go on was a hooded figure, one who had tortured Alex for hours upon hours, whose pleads were ignored, and who died a painful death from the horror still left on his face, the strain on his vocal chords, and the many bleeding paper thin cuts on his body….he must have still been awake as the fingers were shoved into every orifice, the lips and the toes as well inserted strategically when the orifices were full.

  “Whoever did this was one sick Mother…..” one of the agents was overheard saying.

  Many agreed with him but after the woman began to tell their tales, those that still had their mental faculties from the months and sometimes years of torture, rapes, and other horrible acts inflicted on them they reassessed what had been done to Alex. They agreed that someone was enraged and perhaps the person or persons who had done this was a wife, a husband, or a lover of one of the many victims. The two other halls that Alice had investigated had men and boys and these too had been used in their massive breeding operation. As the computer data was analyzed on sight the agents realized the encrypted hard drives needed to be taken to their field offices and then sent back east to headquarters. They could not access the encrypted data but when they did every agent involved was horrified. What these women had endured, what these girls were brainwashed for, what the men and boys were subjected to was inhumane. The limited amount of data released to the public through the news channels was carefully vetted, deliberately misleading as they searched for the killer or killers of these men and women who had obviously been using and abusing these other people. The tracks in the yard were very misleading but then Alice had planned for that as well.


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