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Malice Masterpieces 2

Page 26

by K'Anne Meinel

  Alice couldn’t believe the intensity of what she was feeling much less what she made Kathy feel. She realized that Kathy had never been made love to by a woman and had apparently been celibate for the years since her husband’s untimely death but this was incredible and she was enjoying it immensely. She was a connoisseur of women’s flesh and was gorging herself. As Kathy began to try and make love to her she enjoyed her efforts and let her begin to try things she had never considered before. As she began licking, sucking, and even biting slightly instead of nibbling at her nipples Alice began to feel a wildness that she kept carefully suppressed in her nature. She felt her fingers twining in Kathy’s dark hair as she encouraged her efforts. As Kathy’s fingers felt for and found her clit and wetness she arched into them, demanding more as she encouraged her efforts. As her fingers went inside Alice she began to thrust against first the one, then the second, and finally the third. She arched against Kathy and let her finger her deeply. She was gentle as she thrust over and over, careful not to hurt her lover and Alice squeezed her kegal muscles to obtain the tightness she so desired, she took herself over the edge to pull the orgasm she knew was there as she began to release it against Kathy.

  Kathy was amazed to see Alice orgasm, she had never thought about what a woman looked like when she orgasmed. It wasn’t a pretty face as she pulled back and grimaced but it was the total ecstatic look that glazed over those amazing yellow gold eyes that thrilled her knowing that she had caused this in her lover. She enjoyed the feel of the wetness on her hand but couldn’t make herself go down on Alice this first time, she wasn’t ready for it. Feeling her body and the differences between their bodies was exciting to her, causing this orgasmic display was awesome to her, empowering. She had no idea that Alice was forcing it out of her own body, she was totally in control of her own orgasm, but she didn’t mind, she was enjoying herself.

  As they both came down from the hot and sweaty time they had just shared Alice kissed Kathy in sweet surrender, letting her know without words that she had done good, that she had enjoyed herself, that she was pleased with her. “Are you okay,” she asked gently.

  Kathy smiled radiantly, feeling ecstatic at what she had experienced, “Yes, are you?”

  Alice nodded as she gentled her lover, brought her to the post coital bliss she deserved, their bodies wrapped around each other, feeling each other’s warmth, heartbeat, and joy over what each had experienced.

  It was a long time later as Alice was gently caressing her, petting her really that Kathy sleepily said, “I better be going back to my bed, what if Kit wakes up?”

  Alice nodded and helped her find her clothes without question. She didn’t want her to leave, for the first time she wanted someone to spend the night…but she didn’t say anything as she handed her the items she needed to dress.

  Kathy didn’t bother with her underwear as she dressed, there was no point she would be removing it anyway in a few minutes and besides, her panties were soaked from earlier and she didn’t relish putting them on.

  Alice put on a robe and helped Kathy down the stairs, making sure she was okay she asked, “Everything all right?”

  Kathy leaned down and kissed her, their heights now a little off, “Everything is wonderful,” she assured her as she turned and went into her bedroom.

  Alice watched her go for a moment before turning with a smile and heading back up to the loft.

  She smiled a little as she remembered back to that first time. She noticed Alice was smiling as well and she knew she was remembering it as well. It had been so special, the newness of it, the fear of going back to Portland, the love that was there even at the beginning. It was that remembered love that Kathy suddenly realized had never altered. It had been a constant with them always. Even when things weren’t going too well before her abduction, her supposed killing, even then Alice had shown her love in many little ways. She looked at her differently now as she looked into her amazing cat-like yellow eyes. Remembering back to nearly two years ago she remembered the house that she had found Alice went to, that hurt suddenly crossed her own eyes.

  Alice watched as Kathy remembered back to their first time, she remembered it well as well. She watched the play of emotions on Kathy’s expressive face and then watched as the hurt reached her eyes. “What? What are you thinking?” she asked suddenly wanting to take away whatever was causing that hurt.

  Kathy looked at her debating briefly but wanting desperately to get past the impasse they had had for so long now. “Why do you go to that house?” she asked feeling broken and anticipating something she wasn’t going to like.

  Alice glanced around the tropical island they were on as though another house would appear trying to figure out what Kathy was talking about. As it certainly wasn’t going to appear she asked, “What house?”

  Kathy realized she wasn’t being clear as she glanced around at the lush foliage on both sides of the path they were taking, Alice had a right to be confused and remembering better times she nearly smiled and laughed at her own vagueness, “The one in the Valley.”

  Since the island wasn’t large enough to have its own valley Alice immediately realized which house that Kathy was referring to. She smiled in relief. This she could answer and did, “I keep that house to work out in,” she said simply.

  Kathy didn’t believe her. They had a full workout room in their own home in Palos Verdes, why would she need to go all the way over to the Valley to work out? The look in her eyes said she didn’t believe Alice.

  Alice smiled. “I will be happy to show you the house when we go back, I found your letter but not until much later, I wished when I found it that I could show you the house so you needn’t have worried.” The simplicity of what she told Kathy began to penetrate her disturbed mind.

  “But why would you need a house to work out in?” she asked still not understanding but she did believe that Alice was telling her the truth. Alice hadn’t lied to her over the years and she did trust her.

  Alice had a self-depreciating smile, “I’ve had that house for years, I used it for storage, it has a full workout area in the basement.”

  “It has a basement?” Kathy asked incredulous. Houses in California usually did not have basements.

  Alice nodded as she took Kathy’s arm and began to lead her back to the house on their island. “Yes, it was one of my first purchases. I’m kind of nostalgic about it.” Kathy nearly choked on that one; Alice was never nostalgic about anything. “I guess part of the reason I always kept it was because it was mine, it wasn’t ever a secret from you, and I just never told you about all my properties. I also employ one of the neighbors to keep up on the lawn and repairs, and his wife cleans it periodically since no one lives there.”

  This would explain the people that Kathy had seen about the place, it made sense but she still didn’t fully buy the explanation but why would Alice lie to her. She hadn’t ever before as far as Kathy knew. She had always trusted her. Her brain though had developed a healthy distrust of everything and everyone and she didn’t trust her feelings.

  “When we go back, I will show it to you,” she repeated trying to assure her and wondering what Kathy would think of her workout area of the basement. It wasn’t every day you saw a complete dojo where you could have fired a gun and no one would have heard. She didn’t use guns though, just knives, and now arrows…but Kathy didn’t know that, did she need to know that?

  “You don’t rent it out; it just sits there for you to work out in? Isn’t that a terrible expense?” The ever practical Kathy asked as they walked along. Alice’s hand on her arm felt nice and as she slipped her hand down the arm and into Kathy’s hand it felt natural, it felt right.

  Alice shrugged, “I can afford it and to be honest, I prefer the privacy. No one sees me work out, I can be as loud as I like.” And as secretive in the deadly art of weapon combat…she thought of the arrows she had made last year and the incredible accuracy she had taught herself. She had used the sharpener hersel
f in the corner of the basement to grind down the deadly tips. The crossbows were cleaned and waiting on the wall of the basement along with all the arrows that hadn’t broken that had been disinfected from their duty of killing so many on the compound.

  Kathy shook her head, would she every know everything about Alice? They had been married for many years, they had children together, and while she had been gone for well over a year, she still didn’t know everything about this intriguing woman. She constantly surprised her just when she thought she knew her. Her own distrust of people made her wonder if this one person could be trusted and she tried to swallow that feeling away.

  Alice felt good, she had finally made love to Kathy after all these years, they were talking, really talking and while it wasn’t a great start she felt like they were making progress after all the months of polite and stiff conversation.

  Kathy wasn’t sure how to take what was going on, she had needed to make love to Alice to prove something to herself but even though she had an orgasm, it wasn’t satisfying. What if she could never feel that pleasure that only Alice had ever given her? What is she was damaged from all the men who had touched her? At the thought her eyes clouded over again and she began to revert to the woman who had closed down for oh so long. It was a form of protection she and her mind had needed for a long time, the doctor’s had recognized it, Alice had understood it, but Kathy using it as a self-defense mechanism was a new thing.

  Alice could sense her quiet and wondered at it. Stopping her from going in the house, the dog was already sitting on the porch panting happily at their long walk and waiting patiently for them to let her inside, Alice looked at the slightly taller woman and smiled, “Look, we have a good start here, let’s start over, no matter how long it takes I want you to know I’ve never stopped loving you and I never will, I don’t want you to ever forget that.”

  Kathy melted looking down into Alice’s pretty little face. The tropical sun had streaked her already blonde hair and as it was much longer than she ever remember it being she longed to plunge her hands into it again. She realized that she could do anything she wanted, she wasn’t governed by a masochistic bastard who lived to make her life miserable, not anymore, she had been rescued from that horror. She remembered the FBI telling her they weren’t sure who had committed all those murders but whoever it was she was grateful, someone had done what she herself had thought of doing many times, something she still did want, they had killed the very people who had taken her freedom away. Something niggled at the edge of consciousness as she gazed down into Alice’s amazing cat-like eyes and she leaned in to kiss her wife.

  They were enjoying the simplicity of the kiss when Kit opened the door, pleased to see her two mom’s kissing, it gave her hope and she smiled as she said, “Whoops!” The dog slipped in the house past her to go get a well-deserved drink of water.

  They pulled apart and looked up at their shared daughter. Alice smiled in delight, Kathy felt almost afraid that she had been caught at doing something they shouldn’t have.

  Kit looked at the contrast of their expressions, Alice was happy, she could see that. Kathy looked a little upset but not terrifyingly so. There had been so many times she had panicked in the months since she came home and even here on the island. She looked and acted more at peace with the help of the doctor’s but she had been a lot more fun since the last doctor had left, even more relaxed. “You two made up?” she asked delighted at the prospect. At fifteen she had been well aware of the strain between her two parents and had wanted it gone, she knew her mother was ill though. Mentally ill. It was a lot different than something one could see and fix.

  Alice nodded a little and shrugged, “We are working on it, do you have your report done?” she asked to change the subject; she could tell that Kathy was uncomfortable to have been caught.

  Kit’s face fell a little as she shook her head, “I was taking a break,” she answered before leaving the door open for her mom’s and heading back inside.

  Kathy grinned, “You two are something else.”

  Alice looked at her as she took her hand again, pleased that she could, and began to lead her inside. “What?”

  “You are so close and she admires you so much.”

  “You think so?” Alice asked, genuinely surprised as they went inside. The two younger children were playing in the living room. Schoolwork had to of been done. Kit was sitting at the dining table working once again. Nan was sitting watching the two younger ones and Mrs. Fernandez was in the kitchen putzing, there wasn’t a lot for her to do when there was already a housekeeper in residence and she felt like she hadn’t been earning her pay. Alice had offered them a trip back to ‘civilization’ any time they got sick of the island but both Nan and Mrs. Fernandez were enjoying the working vacation, there wasn’t a lot to do taking care of ‘their’ family and living in this tropical paradise.

  Over the next several weeks they tried to make love several times. There were definite problems; Kathy often had to work out some aggression before she was able to find any release. Alice was patient and would not give into the ‘rough’ sex that Kathy demanded. She felt it demeaned their relationship. She also suspected that Kathy was remembering back to what she had experienced before and she would not give into that. She almost wished there was a doctor she could ask about this, she was certain it was psychological. She hoped her patience would be rewarded. She had enjoyed a loving and passionate relationship with Kathy in the past and she wanted that again. This passive-aggressive sex life was not to her liking at all. Still they both had orgasms even if it was unsatisfying.

  “I’m bored,” Kit whined for the umpteenth time. Keeping a teenager amused was a lot more difficult than the younger kids. They were easy and endless sand castles on the beach, playing in the water, and running on the beach endlessly amused them.

  Alice looked at the spoiled little girl, at fifteen she was developing into a very lovely young woman. Kathy in miniature. She could understand Kit’s boredom though. They all missed certain everyday things that they had taken for granted in Los Angeles. They had come to the island to get away though and for Kathy to heal. Alice looked over at Kathy who rolled her eyes under her sunglasses at her teenaged daughter. They had discussed returning to Palos Verdes but Kathy had panicked at going back to the ‘real’ world and Alice had understood. It had lessened though as she opened up to Alice and they could talk and try to overcome the imbalance in their lives.

  Kathy had heard her doctors over the months of therapy; she knew it might be years before she felt some semblance of normalcy or create a new normal. But while she had heard them, she hadn’t listened. Now, talking to Alice a bit more openly she began to see what the doctor’s had been talking about. She would never be ‘normal.’ Too much trauma had occurred for her to forget it. She would however be able to deal with it better over time. She knew her family should return to Los Angeles, but not quite yet, she wasn’t quite ready. She understood her fifteen-year old daughter’s boredom though. Only so much sun and sand, only so much television and internet. She needed her friends, she needed school, everything any normal teenager would expect. There was something wrong with their emails too, for some reason they were delayed and chat never worked. Alice had mumbled something about the satellite but never really explained.

  What Alice didn’t want them to know was that the reason the emails were delayed was that she read each and every one of them. Some never made it to their intended recipients from what Kit had discovered. The reason chat didn’t work was because Alice had disabled that feature for all of them. It wasn’t that she wanted to isolate her family; she simply wanted to protect them. She had caught Kit trying with her teenage friends to figure out exactly where in the world their island was. She didn’t want anyone to know that information.

  “Why don’t you go read a book?” Kathy asked shading her eyes from the hot tropical sun to look over at her bikini clad daughter. The other two children were building another sandcastl
e as they all sat on the beach. Mrs. Fernandez and Nan had joined them and they had all enjoyed a picnic as the children played. It wasn’t a strenuous life for any of them.

  “I’ve read every book in the house!” Kit barked in annoyance. It was beautiful here but she was sick of it after all this time. She wanted to see her friends, she wanted to go to the movie theater, hang out, do things with them that only another teen would understand. Kathy wasn’t unsympathetic but she also felt Kit was being a brat.

  “Why don’t you download one onto the computer?” she asked kindly trying to keep her own temper from flaring.

  “If you would just buy me a Kindle…” Kit began but was cut off by Kathy.

  “You don’t need every new gadget that comes along!” a bit of temper was showing after all.

  Alice stayed quiet, she would gladly have bought their daughter a Kindle, in fact that was on the list for Christmas but she wouldn’t interfere between Kathy and Kit. It had taken Kathy too long to feel confident enough to be able to even argue with her children much less with Alice. These little steps were important.


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