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Malice Masterpieces 2

Page 32

by K'Anne Meinel

Alice looked up from where she was taking off her tied shoes. She had wondered if Kathy remembered all the men who had known her body. She compartmentalized many things about her wife. The fact that many people had defiled her didn’t bother her like it would other people. That was something Kathy had no control over. She nodded, “Yes, there are a couple more.”

  Kathy nodded as she changed out of her own clothes for bed. “Are they in Florida too?”

  “One of them is, I believe he and Harry are business partners. I’ve only seen one picture of him and he looks a lot like one of the men in the videos.”

  Kathy closed her eyes at this news for a moment and then bravely asked, “You saw everything didn’t you?”

  Alice pulled on some satin shorts and stood up as she went to take Kathy in her arms. “I’ve seen everything, it’s how I knew. It was not your fault, I don’t judge.”

  Kathy was stiff in her wife’s arms. “You don’t know what it was like to have no choice; you have no idea the things they did…” She left off as she looked into Alice’s eyes and realized that Alice did realize, she did know.

  Alice let her vent whenever she felt she needed it. As long as she didn’t direct her anger or venom towards Alice they were fine. Many times Alice had had to redirect her wife’s focus towards the goal, their goal, of seeing these people pay for their crimes.

  “Welcome to Miami International Airport. The time is now four P.M. local time,” the captain’s voice droned on with the information that they would need after they disembarked.

  Alice looked over at Kathy who looked kind of excited. It was exciting. She wanted to confront her ‘enemies’ but at the same time now that Alice and she were here she was frightened. Alice remembered how Kathy had asked a million questions prior to their departure.

  “Do you go in disguised?”

  “Sometimes, I decide later. This time though Harry and Bonnie know what I look like and you as well. I don’t think a disguise would work anyway as we don’t need to get into their lives. I know where they live, I know how they live.” She didn’t mention that the monies in Harry and Bonnie’s accounts had already been ‘donated’ to the local women’s shelter in his name.

  “Will we break in? Drug them?” The questions went on and on.

  Alice had finally had to tell her she didn’t know, she would decide when she assessed the situation. She did however confide about the serum she had extracted from their very own Puffer fish on the reef back at the island.

  “That’s what you were hunting all the time out on the reef?” Kathy was incredulous at this information. “What does it do?”

  “Neurotoxins from a Caribbean Puffer Fish paralyze you but you are completely aware of everything around you,” she explained gently. Again, too much for Kathy to know and she wasn’t sure she should be here except she kept desperately saying she needed to be here.

  Kathy was amazed at how many of the little things that Alice knew. It was obvious her own mind didn’t work this way. She remembered one of the last questions she asked before they boarded the plane. “Will the kids be okay?”

  Alice nodded without hesitation. “I’ve arranged for a friend to have the house and the children followed. I don’t like the idea of neither of us at home on this trip.” They had told the children they were going away on a second honeymoon to Florida. Although they went everywhere with the kids they felt they needed some time alone. Kit had understood, or thought she did. Her parents were getting along as they had before and this had settled her uneasy mind. Alice had contacted Sebastian and asked for a ‘personal’ favor. He had known where she lived but not been there before, he personally came to the house to meet with her and her wife. Even he with his avaricious nature appreciated the home life. If Alice needed a ‘personal’ favor and watching her children was not a difficult task, he would make sure it happened. He had been surprised at the wife though. Kathy wasn’t at all like the woman he would have thought Alice Weaver would end up with. She wasn’t nearly as sophisticated as Alice and while pretty she could have been beautiful if she wanted. He did find her charming and totally unaware of who he was. Alice kept it that way despite the introduction and meeting.

  Kathy was surprised they didn’t just rent a plane of their own. Alice had explained they needn’t waste the monies as the commercial plane had first class which they did fly in. They also didn’t need to be ‘noticed’ and a private plane was always noticed, especially the people who used them. They also stayed at the Hyatt Regency in a nice suite to complete the whole ‘honeymoon’ scenario. Their love life wasn’t as exciting as it had once been and while satisfactory Kathy still had trouble trying to overcome certain things.

  “Ms. Weaver, welcome back,” the clerk at the car rental company said to her.

  Kathy looked at Alice in surprise. Alice glanced up and shrugged. She signed the paperwork for the Mercedes convertible she rented for them both and he handed her the keys before directing her to the car waiting to take them to it. Normally people rode a bus to the parking lots full of cars but certain customers deserved preferential treatment. Alice Weaver was one of those customers.

  “How did he remember you?” Kathy asked, wondering when Alice had been last here.

  “I was here once this year, I suppose someone who spends as much money as I do on their rentals is put in as a preferred customer.”

  It was logical but Kathy had to wonder how many trips Alice really took and which ones were for business or were for business. She let it go mentally though, there was no way she could know and she had accepted what Alice was, hadn’t she?

  “So what is the plan?” Kathy asked when they were ensconced in the beautiful suite at the Hyatt.

  Alice put her finger up to her lips shushing her. She went to one of their bags and opening it she pulled out something Kathy recognized from when she lived in Portland. It looked like a small smart phone. It was to detect bugs. She watched as Alice used it around the beautiful room. Nothing registered. Kathy was relieved when Alice put it away and smiled at her.

  “Nothing?” Kathy asked to confirm and Alice nodded.

  “I don’t have a plan, nothing solid anyway,” Alice answered her earlier question.

  Kathy understood that, Alice had told her several times, she was just…antsy.

  Alice pulled the Mercedes off onto a secluded driveway that didn’t look well used. She popped the hood and asked Kathy to hand her a tool set she had put in the glove compartment.

  “What are you doing?” Kathy asked as she gave her the tools.

  “I’m disconnecting the GPS on this thing,” she answered as she reached into the engine near the dash.

  “Um, okay, why?” Kathy watched as Alice seemed to know what she was doing.

  “We don’t want anyone knowing where we’ve been, they can track us with this thing, like a black box on a plane.” She quickly disconnected some wires and pulled them well away from each other and the unit she was working on. In no time at all she closed up the small tool kit handing it to Kathy and shutting the hood. Wiping her hands on a wet-nap that Kathy handed her from her purse, after all a mom always keeps those things on her doesn’t she? “Thank you baby,” she smiled her thanks as she wiped off the grime carefully from her manicured hands.

  They got back in the Mercedes and continued on their way.

  Kathy sighed unconsciously for perhaps the thousandth time since they had begun watching the Summerlings. They spent a lot of time ‘indoors’ and people came to them it seemed. Alice and Kathy sat behind the tinted windows and waited, and waited, and waited…as they observed the comings and goings. After the second day Kathy had asked if they were done yet?

  Alice looked over at her wife, she knew she was bored, in fact she had fallen asleep a couple of times as they watched their marks. “Tell you what, if I give you a shopping list do you think you could come back and pick me up after you buy the things?”

  Kathy looked at her slightly suspiciously but also hopefully. “Where will yo
u be?”

  “I’ll stay here and get the lay of the land as it were, you go pick up some of the things we are going to need…” she hesitated. “Afterwards.”

  Kathy hadn’t thought that far ahead, what would they do with the bodies if they killed them? Alice hadn’t talked about it and Kathy hadn’t dared to ask. “What do you need?”

  Alice had not brought a purse so she asked, “Do you have pen and paper?”

  Kathy dug in her own purse as Alice watched her. Handing her wife the paper and pen she watched as Alice wrote out the list wondering what they might need. “Plastic?” she asked looking at the beginning of the list.

  “We have to line the trunk,” Alice said absentmindedly as she thought about what she wanted Kathy to pick up.

  “Line the trunk? For what?” Kathy asked wondering.

  Alice didn’t hesitate, “Bodies.” She continued to write as though nothing had happened or been said.

  Kathy couldn’t believe how non-emotional Alice was about what she had just said. But then, she had done this before.

  Alice handed her the lists and said, “You should be able to pick this all up at The Home Depot.” She indicated the column on the list and then pointed to the other column, “I’ll shop with you for this at the store. Don’t use our credit cards for any of it, cash only.”

  “Why cash?” Kathy asked as she looked at the list.

  “Because we don’t want a record of our purchases or whereabouts.”

  Kathy glanced at her wondering what she had missed but decided not to ask, some of the things on the list made no sense to her, she could only hope in time that it would.

  “I’ve been watching you from all the way over there” the sultry red head told Alice.

  Alice looked at her with her strangely yellow cat-like eyes, sweeping her from head to toe. She was very attractive. The woman inwardly shivered sensing danger and being perversely attracted to it at the same time. “Why don’t you go back over there then,” Alice replied cuttingly.

  The woman looked incensed, it didn’t bode well with her red hair but she sputtered and unable to speak or come up with a snappy reply turned and left in a huff.

  “That wasn’t subtle,” Kathy said amused from her other side.

  Alice turned with a smile, “I’m with you and if she was watching she would realize that.”

  Kathy smiled; Alice made her feel so…wanted despite all the men and women in the club who had eyed them until they went to a dark corner and became nearly invisible, apparently not invisible enough if the redhead had been watching Alice.

  They were enjoying each other’s company but still watching the Summerling’s from afar. They were in a high end club in downtown Miami. They couldn’t go dance on the floor for fear that they would be spotted but they could at least keep an eye on them. They were only there for a few hours when their ‘marks’ left and the two women dutifully followed them. Apparently they were going home for the evening.

  Alice followed them but not too closely. When it was apparent they were going to their home she pulled off well before then to hand Kathy a packet of clothes. “Change into this,” she ordered as she turned off the Mercedes and reached for another packet for herself.

  “Tonight? It’s time now?” she asked excitedly in her surprise not sure how she felt about it.

  Alice nodded as she began to change into her own clothes.

  Kathy laughed as they changed their clothes, getting out of a dress into black pants and a black shirt it kind of reminded her of high school where you changed clothes in the backseat of a car or got undressed to have sex. Quietly she explained it to Alice who shared in the joke and laughter. They both put on sturdy black shoes with steel toes but a sports shoe lightness to them. Lights from an oncoming car had them both diving down in the car. They both laughed at their predicament but Alice just wanted Kathy to stay relaxed, she wasn’t up to this but she wasn’t going to disappoint her either. She kept claiming she needed this, so Alice would give it to her.

  Alice added a few things to her own outfit, fitting them in the pockets of her pants.

  Kathy watched incredulously as Alice slithered away from her, moments after she left she could barely see her due to her black clothing, soon it was impossible to see her at all. She tried to calm herself. Alice had told her she would be safe, she had to believe her. She looked around at the lights on the beach side of the property. They had walked along ‘innocently’ on the bike path that wound through this section of properties in this ‘exclusive’ community. Alice had pointed out that the developer had cut a deal to build these mini-mansions and the city had insisted on public access. It was to their benefit. It had allowed them to approach the property from the ocean side. After pulling on her gloves Alice went on ahead to re-wire their alarm if they hadn’t set it as yet. Kathy pulled on her own set of gloves as she waited for Alice to return.

  Kathy was ready to hyper-ventilate by the time Alice came back, almost appearing out of the dark from nothing. It really scared her over-sensitized brain which was imagining all sorts of scenarios where this did not work, where they got caught, where Alice got hurt or worse. “Did you get it,” she breathed, wondering if she should even whisper.

  Alice nodded once as they watched lights being turned out in the lower part of the mansion. A mock Grecian style home with columns and statues abounding the back yard with a swimming pool. Alice shook her head, what the heck did they need a swimming pool when the ocean was yards from their back yard? Slowly they made their way to the back door, a sliding door to access the patio was easily slipped along its tracks with a minimum amount of noise, it’s lock not holding up to Alice’s expertise. They closed it behind them as Alice signaled silence with her finger to her lips.

  Kathy wondered how this would play out but Alice had cautioned her about saying anything. They could be over-heard, she might have to change her mind, think on her feet, and she didn’t want Kathy to panic. She watched as her normally formal wife effortlessly made herself invisible, if she wasn’t with her she wouldn’t know she was there in the shadows with her.

  Slowly they made their way through the house to the steps leading upstairs. Alice had explained the layout of the house the previous night, showing Kathy blueprints of what the house had been built as. She cautioned though that furniture and other things could alter the path they would follow. The plans she had were for the original building and who knows how they might have altered it in years since then. She hadn’t found any ‘legal’ building permits since the house had been originally built but some people did a lot of things ‘illegally’ and who knew what the Summerling’s had done. Not like they hadn’t done anything illegal before…

  It was a beautifully appointed house. Kathy couldn’t help but admire the professional interior design of the place from what she could see despite the dark. They made their way to the marble steps that led upstairs and slowly made their way up the marble steps.

  They stopped on the steps as they heard the two speaking. Alice quickly ascertained that they must not share the same bedroom. They were practically shouting from one end of the three rooms they occupied to the other. A sitting room was between the two ‘master’ bedrooms. Alice decided to take out Dr. Dan aka Harry Summerling first. He would be more physically intimidating and they still had the element of surprise. With that in mind she stopped at the top of the stairs and pulled a leather pouch from one of her pockets.

  Kathy watched as Alice pulled out what look like a cigar case that contained little darts of different colors. She then pulled out a bamboo like whistle? Into this ‘whistle’ she put one of the darts before slipping the leather case back into one of her pockets. Kathy wondered at this as she didn’t know Alice’s plans. She felt they should be doing something a little more dramatic than playing with darts. She saw that Alice was wearing her metal belt she had shown her so long ago on the island. She had handed Kathy a knife, a small thing that fit in a sheath on her belt but that was all.
/>   Alice signaled that Kathy should stay close as they made their way into the open door of the sitting room. It was richly appointed and the lights were bright. This too had to of been professionally decorated. Alice could see that Bonnie hadn’t bothered to decorate her ‘home’ in California or she just had no taste. This was tasteful, this was expensive, and this was so not what either of them had portrayed out there. She headed along the edge of the room so as not to be easily seen in the reflection of any of the windows.

  “I saw Evie at the club,” Bonnie called to Harry. “She looked terrible, that liposuction must not have worked on that second chin.”

  “God knows Anson paid enough for it,” Harry responded. The sound of his voice slightly echoed and Alice realized he must be in the bathroom adjoining his master suite. She slipped into the bedroom on the left where his voice came from with Kathy right behind her.

  Kathy watched as Alice boldly went through the bedroom to the bathroom, lifted her whistle and blew through it. No whistle came out, instead it apparently was some type of blow gun as the dart came rapidly out and hit Harry in the neck before he even saw her.

  His hand came up at the irritation in his neck and he exclaimed, “What the hell?”

  Neurotoxins work very quickly. He was quickly paralyzed as he looked up and saw the two women come into his bathroom. His eyes opened wide as he recognized each of them. He couldn’t say a word though and began to sink in his water-filled tub.

  “Pull the plug,” Alice hissed as she turned to go take care of Bonnie. She didn’t want him to drown, she had ‘other’ plans for him.

  Kathy followed her a few minutes later and watched as she pulled a syringe out of her pocket and injected Bonnie who watched in horror from her own paralyzed and prone position on the floor of her bedroom another dart in her neck. “What’s in that?” Kathy asked.

  Alice looked up from where she was pulling the syringe out of her victim. “It’s dimethyl sulfoxide or DMSO, it is for pain.”


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