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Innocent in New York

Page 13

by Sterling, Victoria

  He tapped the sleek glass surface with his index finger twice. "One more thing…" Sophia's gaze snapped to his face. "Mr. Grissom will arrive on the twenty-fifth, this Sunday, at ten p.m. Make sure he gets here safely. Order a car for him."

  "Wait, what did you say?" Sophia asked, the date sliding into her tired brain.

  "You have to get a driver for —"

  "No, is the twenty-fifth on Sunday?" she asked, wishing she'd heard wrong.


  "Meaning today is October twenty-third."

  Chris frowned, looking as if he was dealing with an imbecile — and perhaps he was. "That's how the calendar works, I believe. Make sure it's done."

  "Yes," she answered absentmindedly, but nodded.

  "Great." Chris walked away, and Sophia felt as if someone had kicked her in the gut — and by God, she deserved it. It was Agnes's birthday. She ran to her station and made sure a car was set up for Mr. Grissom before running out of the hotel. She had to make it all right with Agnes.

  "Please, please be home," she whispered, feet hurting as she speed-walked down the pavement.

  Their apartment appeared dark. The door wasn't locked, and Sophia let out a breath. "Agnes?" she spoke into the dark before turning the lights on. She saw movement in the living room and Agnes emerged from the shadows.

  "What?" She gave her a dead stare and crossed her arms.

  "I'm so sorry," Sophia said. "It's your birthday."

  "Took you long enough to figure it out."

  "I'm probably the last person you want to see, so I brought you this to soften the blow." Sophia handed her something she bought from Agnes's favorite bakery on her way home. Reluctantly she accepted it and looked into the flowery paper bag at the chocolate treats.

  "Cassandra's," she said, and Sophia could spot a hint of emotion in her eyes. She lived for those chocolate treats. "Thanks." The flicker of delight died. Sophia broke from her dark stare and hurried past her and to her bedroom where she kept Agnes's present, which she bought two months ago. She carried the purple velvet box topped with a big black bow back to the hallway.

  "Here," Sophia said, holding it out for her, "I've been dying to give it to you."

  Being her curious self, Agnes accepted it and stared at the present. "What's this?" she asked, picking at a black envelope attached to the top.

  "Check the box first, please."

  Agnes looked at her for a moment but her somber expression didn't change. She opened the box and surprise cracked her façade. Sophia walked closer, seeing the content the way she remembered it. She wanted a nice collection of things Agnes loved, having to do with her witchcraft interests.

  "It's this great place filled with all of the things you love. It even has these crazy cauldrons. There's a black cauldron there with gold on the inside, and I almost bought it! Mostly because you burn stuff and it'd be great for safety reasons, but also because it looks ridiculously cool. I just couldn't figure out how I could keep it hidden until your birthday so I got you a gift card you can use instead—"

  Agnes held her hand up and Sophia shut her rambling mouth. "You hate Wicca," she said. "I can imagine you walking a long detour to avoid a Wiccan store."

  Sophia shook her head, "I'm interested in everything you love. I know I take distance from it but that's only because I'm so ridiculously jumpy and I might be paranoid beyond saving and I doubt that's helpful for you. I'm here to listen if there's anything regarding your beliefs that you want to talk about and I always have been."

  "I know," Agnes said. She sifted through the sachets of everything from graveyard dirt to gemstones and dried herbs of different kinds.

  "It's mostly things suitable for positive energies," Sophia said, "because I know you like that, but I couldn't pass up on graveyard dirt."

  Agnes laughed at that, showing that infectious smile she had that made anyone light up. "Have I been a bad influence on you?"

  Sophia smiled at her. "It looks that way, huh?"

  Agnes let the sachet drop back into the box.

  "I'm sorry I forgot," Sophia said, taking the velvet box from her and put it safely on the floor next to the wall. "Can you forgive me?"

  Agnes came forward and hugged her tightly. "Of course I forgive you, silly," she said. "It was just a crappy morning, and I let it continue. And it's still my birthday."

  Sophia patted her back. "I have something else for you."

  "What?" Agnes distanced from her. "You've gone to an occult store and bought graveyard dirt. If that doesn't speak of friendship then I don't know what does."

  "We're weird." Sophia frowned.

  "I just realized." Agnes nodded at that.

  Sophia dug her hand into her pocket and withdrew a card. "The rest of my Monroe stay is yours. Please, accept it," she said. "I spoke with James and he wanted you to have it as well."

  Agnes rolled her eyes. "The Monroe was all you could talk about for a year after they hired you."

  "On any other day you'd have to pry it from my cold, dead hands." Sophia waved the keycard, and Agnes laughed.

  "I've been jealous these last few days," she admitted with a sigh, "of James, that is. But I'm honestly happy you've found someone you might fall in love with. I can't think of anyone who deserves it more, Soph. There's so much to love, and I've been selfish keeping you for too long."

  Sophia felt her stupid eyes get an allergic reaction. "No, Agnes. You were right; I forgot about reality for a moment."

  "We all do it at some time," Agnes assured her. "I love you, Soph."

  She hugged Agnes tightly. "I love you too. Happy twenty-seventh!"


  Less than an hour later, after readying their weekend bags, they strolled through the massive revolving doors into Herrera's Palace. They met their coworkers' questioning glances with wide smiles before they headed to an elevator to take them up and up up up.

  We're at the spa! Thank you so much for letting Agnes stay at Monroe for the remaining days!

  Xoxo Soap


  Sure, Bubbles. I hope Agnes is all right. Wish her a happy birthday. Champagne is in your room.

  Sophia near swooned. Monroe had been her room. She'd never forget it. She was happy Agnes could be a part of it as well. This weekend, it was her room.

  Thanks a million, James. I owe you to infinity.

  XOXO Soph** ;)


  I will remember that ;)


  "James says hi and wishes you a happy birthday," Sophia said.

  "I officially love James," Agnes said, her body sunken into a large tub filled with coconut milk. Her face was glistening with honey, and cucumbers rested on her eyes. Blindly, she reached for her champagne.

  "I think I do too," Sophia murmured from her tub filled with coconut milk and honey that made her skin feel like silk. Relaxing lavender scented the room. "Worship these days, Agnes."

  "We'll see," Agnes laughed, "I might not leave. I'll hide in the piano."

  Glancing around the candlelit room, Sophia reached for her phone again. With no one around, and Agnes blinded by slices of cucumber, she snapped a picture of herself biting a strawberry, angling the camera for a little cleavage action. She'd never sent anything like it before, and the thought of James's reaction when seeing it made her excited. She added a bit of tongue for good measure, and laughed to herself after the snap was sent. Another few minutes of relaxing, her phone beeped.

  That strawberry is the last thing I want to put my mouth on. Not fair. I'm stuck in my office.

  Sophia started feeling bad, well, until she received an image of James sitting in his chair in his office, the top buttons of his shirt undone, face serious, and an eyebrow lifted. She knew he was being funny, but goddamn he looked smoking hot.

  Before she had the time to respond, another message from James ticked in.

  Mr. Cheng is staring at me all weirdly, so I'm going to leave you two at peace. I'll talk to you later. And careful on the champagne.
/>   X's and O's + the rest of the alphabet.


  Sophia stifled a laugh, imagining him in a meeting while taking inappropriate photos. She left it at that, letting him do his late conference call. She didn't want to keep him occupied behind his desk — unless she was there with him.

  She leaned down in her tub, reveling in the warm water for a few minutes more, promising herself to focus on Agnes solely.

  After their trip to the spa, they headed back to Monroe where they changed into cocktail dresses and heels, doing their makeup and hair. An hour later, the dinner arrived, and a man Sophia had met on a few occasions brought a trolley stuffed with food in.

  "Thank you, Eric." Sophia smiled at him. "This is perfect."

  He grinned back at her. "Sure thing, Soph." With amazing precision and speed, he set the table and lit candles. "Let me know if there's anything else you need."

  "I will, thank you so much." She followed him to the door.

  "I've died, haven't I?"

  Sophia turned to see Agnes by the table.

  "No, silly." Sophia joined her. "Now sit, and I'll serve."

  "You'd almost think it was my birthday," Agnes sighed, making Sophia laugh.

  Dinner served and glasses filled, they both had a moment of comfortable quiet.

  "I'm starting to understand your fascination with this room," Agnes said, marveling the chandelier before sweeping her gaze to the grand piano. "There's just something about it. Like an energy here."

  "Yes!" Sophia nodded, happy her friend seemed to see it the way she did. "There was this French couple visiting and they stayed here," she said, "and the woman became completely enthralled by the room. She didn't want to step her foot outside of it. Her husband came down and asked me for help, and I got him a big bouquet of red roses and told him to make sure he handed them to her on the balcony. She fell in love with the city."

  "How many roses does it take to get you out of here?" Agnes joked, and Sophia stuck her tongue out at her.

  "A million, at least."

  "Or James," Agnes opted with a wink.

  "That might work, yes," Sophia sighed, and began on her piece of chocolate cake she had ordered the second Agnes wanted to go to Monroe. She moaned. "Try. It." She motioned toward Agnes's plate. "I think Jean Claude has outdone himself."

  "Sorcery!" She leaned back in her chair with a smile. "You have to thank James for letting me stay here. This is incredible." She opened a bottle of wine and moved upstairs to the smaller lounge. Sophia connected her phone to the speakers and turned up the volume. "So, you and James," Agnes started. "You've barely kept me updated about him!"

  "I'm afraid you'll accuse him of being an Illuminati member," Sophia said with a pointed stare.

  "There are always triangles or pyramids when I read about him, plus he goes to a secret club! And I swear I saw the eye of Horus in an article about him," Agnes said exasperated.

  "Perhaps he likes Egypt, have you thought of that?"

  "No. Does he have animal skulls in his home?"

  "Aside from that skull above his shrine atop a pentagram? No."

  Agnes rolled her eyes. "Okay, let's say he's not an Illuminati member."

  "I promise to investigate," Sophia said. "In fact, I'll go visit him right now and do a proper inspection of him — in case he has ominous tattoos hidden on his chest — and his home."

  "Oh, you'd love that." Agnes stuck her tongue out at her.

  "I'll ask if I can take pictures, you know, for investigation."

  Agnes paused her glass by her lips. "Yeah, just in case. You never know! You might just be worshipping the devil."

  "In his case," Sophia sighed, "it'd be worth it."

  "Sophia Marie Campbell, are you listening to yourself?"

  "You think he's part of the Illuminati! Are you listening to yourself? Also, my name's not Sophia Marie."

  "I added it for a dramatic effect." Agnes crossed her legs. "Fine," she said. "I'm just worried about you, that's all."

  "Trust me, there's nothing to worry about." Sophia stood up and headed for her phone. She called and ordered a bartender to their room, to Agnes's glee. When Agnes laughed wholeheartedly at something silly they had done, Sophia could finally relax. She'd rather kill herself than lose this gem.



  James's fingers kneaded her flesh while his lips nipped at her neck, making her dissolve under his touch. Another rough shove and her back arched beneath him, her breasts rubbing against his chest.

  Her breathing turned rougher, her fingers dimpling the skin of his strong arms. His lips seized hers, demanding her attention while his pace quickened. She'd barely walked through the door to his apartment when he had picked her up and his hands haven't left her body since. She hadn't seen him for days, and they wasted no time, leaving a line of clothes in a telltale path toward his bedroom.

  He bit her bottom lip, just until it bordered on painful, and then soothed it by sucking on it. Nerves responded to his every touch, and she felt her heart race faster and faster. She looped her legs around his waist and moved with him. Hooking her hand behind his neck, she pulled him close so that she could kiss him. Rock-hard abs pressed against her stomach and she basked in his firmness, his way of making her feel both captured and freed at the same time. He delved into her harder, his strokes a firm male gusto that left her breathless. Sophia sunk her teeth into his bottom lip, and she heard a low sinful rumble from his chest that shot straight to her core. Completely overcome by him, she moaned, and when he reached a hand up to tug at one of her nipples, she shuddered beneath him as white-hot pleasure engulfed her.

  He cupped her head and kissed her softly after their climax died.

  "Hi," Sophia said, catching her breath.

  He smiled down at her, eyes crinkling with mirth. "Hi."



  At Herrera's Palace, Sophia tried to muster up courage to face Chris. The fact that he was blackmailing her made her more and more upset. Asking James to give Chris two million dollars made her see red. She was supposed to have it by today. He'd sent her a text with a reminder, but when waking up nestled in James's arms, she was damn sure she'd never been able to even hint of a project, much less beg for money. She'd survive somehow. She could always beg her former boss at Pleasure Dungeon to take her back. The thought alone made her shudder. She loved Herrera, and it had grown into a second home.

  "Of course, Mr. Cooper. I will have everything ready by then. You're welcome!" Sophia hung up, and glanced down at the list she'd jotted down. She had to plan a presentation for a successful game developer who wanted to showcase a new inventive 3D experience. She decided to wait before calling in help for monitors and sound until after talking with Chris. He had the chance to redeem himself.

  She wondered how Chris would react to her standing up against him. Would he go ahead and fire her? She hoped the spineless creature was smart enough to know when to back the hell off.

  "Everything okay?" Agnes asked, touching her shoulder.

  Sophia looked at her, finding the bright lit smile of the brunette. "It will be," she said, slipping her phone into her pocket. Agnes frowned, but didn't stop her when she left the desk.

  At exactly twelve-thirty, Chris sauntered inside Herrera's Palace, the way he always did after lunch; never a minute late, never a minute early. She swore he stood outside and counted the seconds.

  "Sophia," he addressed her. She waited for him.


  "My office."

  She didn't give a hint of a smile, just a curt nod. She followed him through a long hallway to the black door at the end of it.

  He sat down in his ridiculous designer chair, engulfing his narrow frame, and motioned to the simple backless chair in front of it.

  "I assume you were successful and got James onboard?"

  "Then you assume wrong. I haven't asked James for his money. I won't sink that low. I won't let you make me sink that low,"
she said. "This is your project. If you can't get the support that you need, how will you manage a larger hotel and all that comes with it?" Sophia shook her head. "No, I haven't succeeded, not by your definition anyway."

  Chris's lips tightened, pursed in that way he always did when something didn't work out as planned. She knew his reactions before they happened. "I need that money."

  Sophia didn't budge. "Get it then."

  "I need it from James."

  "Get it from someone else because there's no way I'll let him near your project." She suspected James would understand the pitfall that was Chris either way and deal with him, but this was her problem alone. "You have something good going here. Continue the way you have done and people will trust you. Banks will trust you."

  "Did you forget our deal?" he asked, leaning over his desk.

  "No," she shrugged, "I didn't."

  "Get me my money or you're through here. Your choice."

  Sophia's gut tightened, but kept her calm from leaving her outer shell. "You make it sound as if I owe you something. Have you forgotten all the work I've put in here?" she asked, almost surprised by the strength in her voice. "The never-ending hours satisfying your guests, and the trust I've built with them for you? My days are always longer than yours and not once have I complained. I'm taking a few days off," she stood up, "and you'll see how completely useless you are when it comes to the most important part of your business — your guests."

  He stood up and put his hands on the edge of the desk. She could see his knuckles whiten from the way he gripped it.

  Sophia gave him a smile but made no comment. She didn't know why she didn't call him on his bluff at once. He'd crumble and break before Monday.

  She walked toward the door and out, never looking back at the rat. She withdrew her phone from her pocket and grinned when seeing that her phone had successfully recorded the meeting and Chris's threats. She headed to her desk, slipped on her coat and picked up her purse.


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