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Page 9

by J. E. Swift

  She pulled her head out of the clouds to hear Garrett state- “And this is Caitlyn.”

  “Nice to meet you.” She focused her thoughts to Garrett. “I'm sorry, my mind was elsewhere. What were their names again?”

  Garrett continued talking without pause, answering her question out loud but in a way the two people in front of her would not realize she had not been paying attention. “Isla and Caleb have been friends of mine for years. They are two of the best people you will meet in this entire place.”

  Isla grinned waiving her glass of champagne in air. “You flatter us to much, Garrett.” She turned to Caitlyn. Caitlyn could not help but take in Garrett’s old friend. She was beautiful and from her eyes, she was sharp as well, but they were not unkind. Caitlyn thought that she would need to inquire later about what Garrett was like as a young teenager, as she was sure that Isla would have some stories to tell her. Caitlyn was positive they were speaking to each other telepathically. She wanted desperately to know what he was saying.

  “So, what kind of stories can you tell me about Garrett? Because so far he pretends like he is perfect when I know that can't be the case.”

  Caleb smiled what Caitlyn thought he knew to be a winning smile. “Well, trust me when I say he is not perfect.” Caleb put his hand around her shoulder, effectively separating her and Garrett. He then walked off with her, announcing in a loud voice, “Let me tell you some things about Garrett...”

  Garrett laughed, catching up to them easily. “Lies, all lies, I tell you. Don't listen to Caleb. He just makes up stuff if he thinks a beautiful woman will speak to him.”

  “So I’m beautiful, eh?” she stated batting him playfully with her arm.

  Garrett looked at her, surprising her with the intensity in his gaze. “Yes, you are. Very.”

  Caitlyn was speechless and neither spoke for a minute. It wasn’t until Caleb, who was merrily watching the exchange cleared his throat loudly. “So Caitlyn, Garrett says that you are a quick learner.”

  She blushed, her thoughts still on a moment ago. “Well, I don’t have anything to compare it to, so if that is what Garrett says…”

  “He stated that you mastered blocking telepathy the first full day of training he tried to teach it to you. That is practically unheard of. I only know of one other person who did that.” His head turned in the direction of Councilman McPherson and his son.

  Garrett grimaced just a little. “Ah, yes. The prodigal son.”

  Caitlyn paused, trying to remember the son’s name. “Declan?”

  Caleb gladly answered. “Declan is quite the reluctant celebrity around here. Not only is his father one of the most, if not, the most, influential member of the Trust, but Declan is also known for being one of the most talented among us. His capabilities far exceed almost all of us, there are very few that are in his elite status.”

  Caitlyn frowned. “He looks so serious.”

  It was Garrett’s turn to laugh. “Declan is always serious. Supposedly, when he is not working, he is training. I mean even now, you can tell that he is not just enjoying the party, he is discussing something pertaining to the Trust.”

  “Yes.” Caleb frowned slightly at the man on the other side of the room before leaning into Caitlyn, whispering in her ear loudly so Garrett could still hear. “I’ve known Declan since we were children. We grew up together. I love him like a brother, but I keep telling him he needs to relax or get laid.”

  Caitlyn couldn’t help but slyly respond, “Isn’t one inclusive of the other?”

  Caleb gaped at her surprised, before laughing at her blunt retort. “Garrett… This one is such a keeper!”

  Isla caught up with them at that point, sashaying across the room, only catching the end of the conversation. She wagged her finger playfully at the two boys, who looked as if they were caught with their hands in the cookie jar. “Stop gossiping like old women, both of you. So Caitlyn, how are you handling everything? All the changes I mean?”

  “Pretty well. I mean, at first I was obviously overwhelmed, but it has been two and a half months now and I think I am adjusting okay considering.”

  Isla almost choked on her champagne, covering up the faux pas with a discreet cough. “Has it only been two months?” She turned to Garrett. “Didn’t you tell me she is close to taking the Threshold?”

  Garrett nodded proudly. “I would say in the next few weeks.”

  Caleb whistled. “Wow. Caitlyn, he told us you were a quick learner, but not that that quick.”

  Caitlyn had shrugged it off. She was getting used to random people telling her what an accomplishment it was. To her it felt normal. “I guess it just comes easily to me. So Caleb, Isla, what do you do?”

  Caleb was the first to answer. “I actually have a degree in computer programming. So I work for the Trust in their computer programming department for their new software, but… I also am a hacker.” He grinned slyly. “I get paid to hack into the Cine Tofa’s computer systems.”

  That was actually pretty cool and she said as much. “What about you, Isla?”

  “I work for the Trust’s public relations department. My job is to make the Trust look as perfect as possible, and make sure that nothing inappropriate is leaked. Right now it is a sweet job, but when the Inception occurs, it is going to be hell.”

  Caitlyn thought they both somehow resembled their jobs. Caleb was just a little rebellious with his messy hair and crooked tie, while Isla in contrast, looked like perfection and completely business like even though she was in a cocktail dress. Caitlyn could tell she was always on the job, as this Declan McPherson apparently was. That was something she could respect about Isla.

  A gentleman tapped Isla on the shoulder, whispering in her ear, with Isla nodding in earnest. She grabbed Garrett’s arm. “I have to speak to you about something in private. Can I borrow you for a moment?”

  Garrett looked at Caitlyn as if he was unsure if he should leave her. She gave him a playful shove towards Isla. “I’ll be fine. Go. Discuss.”

  “Thank you.” Garrett followed Isla’s lead into the crowd.

  Caleb shrugged at Caitlyn as the two walked away obviously as confused by the exchange as the Potential was. “This party needs some excitement. I think it is time for some refreshments. Do you want me to get you a drink?”

  A drink sounded perfect in that moment. She was hoping it would ease her nerves that were creeping back in. “That would be great.”

  “What would you like?”

  “Some kind of white wine would be terrific.”

  “No problem. I’ll be right back.” He winked and took off in the direction of the bar across the room. She stood there in the corner, enjoying watching the various people talking. Most were laughing and having a good time, but there was still a good number that seemed to be discussing business. Caitlyn eyed the floor for people that she knew, but it seemed like a lot of people at this gathering were high level Actuals and therefore her knowledge of whom people were was limited at best.

  Caitlyn jumped when she heard an unfamiliar voice come up next to her from nowhere. “Hi.”

  She turned to the sound of the voice, and was again greeted by those blue eyes that Garrett had pointed out earlier. “Hello.”

  He stuck out his hand. “I am Declan McPherson. You must be Caitlyn.”

  She shook it, giving a firm handshake. “I am. How did you know who I was?”

  Declan gave that appraising look she had caught him giving earlier in the evening. “You have a reputation.”

  This Caitlyn knew already. Everyone she had met this evening thus far had made some small remark about how remarkably well she was doing. “So I’ve heard.”

  He smiled at that response. “It’s not a bad thing. People are just impressed and excited is all. What do you make of what they are all saying?”

  She absentmindedly tugged at a strand of her hair as she thought briefly on his question. Her instinct told her just to go with the truth. “I don’t think what I am
doing is remarkable at all.”

  He arched his eyebrow. “You don’t?”

  Caitlyn shrugged. “No, I don’t. I mean, it comes so natural. The blocking, the telepathy, the telekinesis. Everyone has been going on and on about how difficult it is preparing for the Threshold and being up to par, but I almost feel as if I am not being challenged enough.” She paused, realizing perhaps that comment could be misconstrued. Her eyes widened and she rushed to clarify. “Not that I am saying that Garrett is not doing a wonderful job. Because he is. He is a terrific mentor. But I guess what I am trying to say is that deep inside I know that there is more to what I can do, more to what I am capable of. I just feel like I am barely scratching the surface. Wow… That sounds very arrogant, doesn’t it?”

  “No, it sounds like you are telling the truth. I don’t see anything wrong with that.”

  “Thank you.” She looked down, staring at the floor for a moment before looking back up in his face. “I appreciate that. I am beginning to feel like a freak among freaks, if you know what I mean.”

  “Actually, I do… I saw Garrett pointing out my father and myself earlier to you, so I am guessing he filled you in on my history. If not… well, I have the same reputation as you. You get used to it after a while.”

  She smiled. It seemed like he was easy to talk to. “That is good to know. So how long have you been an Actual?”

  “Well, I’ve always known what I was. My family is from the linage of the Descendants.”

  Caitlyn was shocked. “You are a Descendant?”

  It was Declan’s turn to shrug. “Garrett did not tell you that part, huh? My dad is the Head of Household. It’s really not all that impressive to me.”

  “It must have been so much easier for you knowing what was happening when you were still a Potential.”

  “Yes… and no. I had my Awakening at the age of sixteen. Makes it pretty difficult when you are the sole teenager in decades that has awoken that soon.”

  Caitlyn had a hard time imagining a teenager awakening with those capabilities. “I can picture that being rough.”

  He nodded. “Almost as difficult as when you turned and had no idea what was coming.”

  Caitlyn was going to comment on Declan’s response when she saw Garrett making his way through the crowd. When his eyes rested on Declan, his eyes slanted the slightest bit as he walked up to them.

  “Garrett Stevens. Nice to see you again.” Declan put out his hand.

  Garrett took the offered hand. “Declan. What brings you over here?”

  The Descendant glanced at Caitlyn. “Just wanted to meet one of the big topics of conversation this evening is all. Caitlyn, it was a pleasure meeting you, and I am sure that you will continue to exceed everyone’s expectations. Garrett, if you will please excuse me, I have a couple of other people I need to see before the evening is through.”

  Garrett gave a tight-lipped smile in return before Declan turned, disappearing through the crowd. Caitlyn turned to him. “What was that about?”

  Garrett put his hands in his pocket. “What was what about?”

  Caitlyn motioned her head in the direction Declan took off in. “Don’t play dumb. That.”

  Garrett sighed. “Nothing really. Declan and I just don’t see eye to eye on everything. To be honest, we don’t even know each other very well. I work with his father a lot more than him.”

  At that point, Caleb was finally making his way back with their drinks, stopping to say hello to a retreating Declan in passing. Caitlyn gladly took the offered glass when he arrived. “Sorry it took so long, but there was a leggy blonde that was begging to meet me.”

  Garrett slapped his shoulder. “Who was it this time?”

  “Stacy Rollingsford, daughter of the Councilmen. She just returned from some time with the Trust in Europe and she had not seen me in years. She was very interested in catching up if you know what I mean.”

  “Well, I am surprised you are even here.”

  The offense on Caleb’s face was evident. “Hey, I wouldn’t leave Caitlyn by herself. Who knows how long you and Isla would have been?” His head turned back in the direction of the bar. “But… if you are back…”

  Caitlyn couldn’t help but laugh. “Go before she wanders off.”

  Caleb leaned over giving her a kiss on the cheek. “I knew I would like you. I’ll meet up with you two later.”

  Garrett moved his hand to her waist again. “Isla was advising me that there are quite a few more people who want to meet you tonight. Apparently, I am not doing my job well. Do you mind if I introduce to a few dozen people?”

  “Of course not.”

  The next two hours were a blur to Caitlyn. Between the politicians, the Councilmen, and the high ranking Actuals, Caitlyn felt as if she had been put through the ringer with the many questions she had been asked. Caitlyn was never a wallflower by any means, but the amount of questions that had been fired at her would leave the most social butterfly longing for a moment by herself.

  Garrett seemed to understand how she felt as she was again subjected to another line of questioning, this time by an older woman who was part of some sort of Trust committee. “Need a moment?”


  Garrett looked at the woman apologetically. “Mrs. Overton, please forgive me for interrupting, but I hope you will understand if I take this young woman away for a few minutes for a breath of fresh air?”

  Garrett grabbed her hand, leading her away. “Let’s get out of here, shall we?”

  Chapter 10

  As Garrett led them down the old wooden walkway that led to the beach, he could not help admiring Caitlyn holding her heels in her hand, sighing as her bare feet touched the soft sand.

  It was chaotic at the annual Trust Gala to say the least. He couldn’t help but be impressed at the way that Caitlyn presented herself. He was already sure that many of the Trust’s most important people had a positive outlook on her and were already considering vying for her for multiple positions.

  Still, he wondered if this might be overwhelming to her considering her sister passed away less than two weeks ago. He thought that maybe he was rash in bringing her to an event such as this. She had been so insistent on returning back to training so quickly that he could not help but think that maybe this might afford her an opportunity to take a break from it all, even if it was just for a couple more days until they returned back to Maine. But now, he wasn’t sure which would have been more taxing on her, this event or continuing the training at the insane pace that she set for herself.

  “So much better.” She breathed softly, smiling up at him.

  “Are you alright? It was a lot to take in back there.”

  Looking out at the night, she responded. “I’m fine. Really.”

  She took a few steps forward before accidently stumbling on a small piece of driftwood. Garrett caught her, her body securely in his arms. It seemed like eternity as he found himself getting lost in those brown eyes of hers, when he found the strength to straighten the both of them up before letting her go. He cleared his throat.

  The past few months had been building up to this. He was attracted to her from the first time he laid eyes on her in that bar, dancing with her friends. He had pushed it aside immediately, flirting with countless women. The flirting was an attempt to stave off the inevitable, letting it fester underneath the surface, until it became impossible to deny the feelings he had for her. He knew now that he could not hold off a moment longer. It was time. As much as he had tried all evening, he could not get his mind off the enticing way her body clung to the lines of the dress, the way she felt in his arms just now.

  Isla had pulled him aside earlier that evening in part to discuss the exact nature of the relationship between Garrett and Caitlyn. It was her job to know everything that was associated with the Trust, even relationships. She had wanted to find out exactly what was occurring between the two of them, surprised when Garrett indicated nothing. As his friend, she indicated that
he better act on his feelings fast before others tried to pursue her. And with the way she looked this evening, he knew that wouldn’t be long. He was positive that several males had amorous thoughts about her; he did not need to be telepathic to know that. He wanted to let her know how much he cared for her and hoped that she would return the sentiment.

  The moon cast a soft glow on the beach, the light catching the waves as they crashed in upon the shore. Garrett closed his eyes, listening as the sounds of the ocean overtook him and soothed him as the waves had done so many times before. Those moments allowed him tranquility; the tranquility he so often had to work hard for when not in Caitlyn’s immediate presence. But now, he found he needed it again, unsure of what exactly her response would be.

  Caitlyn gently placed her hand on his arm, bringing him out of his thoughts. He realized for the second time that evening, she had caught him lost in his own thoughts when he wasn’t paying attention. Garrett was not sure he if he was ready for her seeing him while his defenses were down. He admitted to himself that he was nervous about her figuring out some of the secrets that made up Garrett Stevens. He was not ready for her to know that side of him, not yet. But then again, he wasn’t sure he was ready for anyone to know that side of him. He smiled at her, wrapping his arms around her since he noticed that the chill of the ocean wind was making her shiver slightly. She sighed contently, leaning into the embrace. Quietly, with his chin resting securely on her shoulder, he stood there with her, looking out into the Atlantic.

  It seemed appropriate that they were on a beach. After all, a beach was where they went on the day of her Awakening, and now it is where he was going to tell her his feelings and hopefully she would reciprocate his.


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