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Page 96

by Randall Sullivan

  Murray account of trying to put MJ to sleep: his interview with detectives Martinez and Smith; questions about the doctor’s truthfulness are dealt with in the trial section (see Afterword notes). Effects of Valium, Atavin, and Versed: Shorter, Wikipedia pages, medical journals; I also spoke to my own physician, James Biemer, about the effects of benzodiazepine drugs. Clark County warrant for Murray’s arrest for failure to pay child support: Las Vegas Sun. Pulse oximeter, no longer breathing: Murray to detectives Martinez and Smith. Chernoff claim that police misunderstood: press conference after Murray’s police interrogation. Murray phone calls: testimony and evidence in preliminary hearing and criminal trial; messages themselves were played in court. Anding-Murray conversation: Anding testimony, preliminary hearing. “Rushed over to Jackson”: Chernoff press conference. Williams message from Murray: Williams’s testimony, criminal trial. Murray running downstairs and shouting, Chase quotes: Chase to Deutsch/AP, except Tuscan bean soup: testimony/criminal trial. Chernoff/”get security”: press conference, chef did not recall: Chase testimony. Brother Michael, Alberto Alvarez, Faheem Muhammad accounts: their testimony in court. Prince and Paris entering bedroom: Alvarez, Muhammad testimony. Text messages, data packages: prosecution evidence at trial. 911 call, transcript, and exact times: prosecution evidence; this is the entire transcript of the conversation. “I walked into the hall”: Chase to Deutsch/AP. Paramedics exact time of arrival, MJ’s condition: testimony by paramedics, Senneff and Blount (as all further Senneff/Blount recollections). “We were all praying”: Chase to Deutsch/AP. Murray behavior and response to paramedics: paramedics testimony. Chase ordered to leave, etc.: Chase to Deutsch. Dileo–Brother Michael call, subsequent actions: Dileo to Van Exel. Tohme recollections: Tohme. Time of death: Dr. Cooper and Dr. Nguyen testimony, also noted in documents in evidence at Murray trial. Jermaine Jackson announcement of MJ’s death: transcript, but also available on YouTube. Murray encounter with Paris Jackson: Murray to detectives Martinez and Smith. Murray asking for a ride: Brother Michael, Muhammad testimony. Travis Payne account, “I saw Kenny’s face drop,” “No one wanted to believe”: Payne to Van Exel. “A lot of rumor calls,” production team gathering to pray: Ortega to the Times of London, as his for MJ’s return “in a strong state of health.” Payne and Ortega both recalled the candle lighting in interviews.



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  Borzillieri, Trey. “Michael Jackson’s This Is It—Behind the Camera with Videog-rapher Sandrine Orabona.” Huffington Post, November 19, 2009.

  Ditzian, Eric. “‘This Is It’ Director Kenny Ortega on Michael Jackson’s Final Rehearsals: ‘This Is the Dream. We Did It Good, Kenny, We Did It,’ Ortega Remembers MJ Saying.”, October 27, 2009 (I).

  Hoffman, “Last Days.”

  “Kenny Ortega: Michael Jackson Never Thought He Lost His Crown.” UPI, October 24, 2009.

  McLean, “Ortega.”


  Deutsch, “Jackson Chef.”

  German, Jeff. “Warrant Sought for Michael Jackson Doctor over Child Support.” Las Vegas Sun, October 7, 2009.

  Gundersen, Edna, and Anthony Breznican. “Inside Michael Jackson’s Last Show: The Magic Was Back.” USA Today, June 30, 2009.

  Lee, Chris, and Harriet Ryan. “Michael Jackson’s Last Rehearsal: Just Beaming with Gladness.” Los Angeles Times, June 27, 2009.

  “Photographer on Jackson Rehearsals.” BBC, June 30, 2009 (RT).

  Van Exel, Raffles. “Dileo.”

  ———. “Travis Payne.”


  I arrived in Los Angeles shortly after MJ’s death and stayed through the memorial service, all on the dime of Rolling Stone magazine. The all-consuming coverage was especially overwhelming in LA, but one also had the sense of its global scale. It was the first time, I think, that I understood how international was MJ’s celebrity.

  TMZ gloating about breaking story: TMZ; perspective on claims: “Turning Point”/LA Times.; see also Daily Telegraph on TMZ “scooping the world,” Daily Mail’s “How Michael Jackson’s death shut down Twitter,” “Outpouring”/Christian Science Monitor, David Sarno/“Michael Jackson–related traffic,” Shea Bennett. Scene at hospital, fraternity house, helicopter flying MJ’s body to the morgue (incl. girls blocking ER driveway): “Michael Jackson dead at 50”/LA Times. “No matter what people say”: Harvey Levin in “TV misses out . . .”/LA Times. Scene outside MJ’s house: LATimes blogs, “Tourists flock to Michael Jackson sites”/LA Times, “Michael Jackson dead”/CNN, “Michael Jackson fans in shock”/Daily Mail. Scene at Hayvenhurst: LA Times blogs, “Fans can’t stop crying, dancing”/NBC local. Joe Jackson remarks/their timing: “How . . . shut down Twitter”/Daily Mail, from LA Times blogs. Concern about medical privacy/Britney Spears and Farrah Fawcett outrages: Molly Hennessy-Fiske (which revealed MJ’s records were improperly accessed), also, LA Times blogs; Lawanda Jackson was being prosecuted for violating medical privacy laws when she died at the age of fifty.

  Impromptu MJ memorials: LA Times blogs, Harvey/Times of London, “Tributes are pouring in…”/LA Times, “Outpouring”/Christian Science Monitor, “Michael Jackson fans in shock . . .”/Daily Mail, Wikipedia. Women marching on Hollywood Boulevard, exodus to Neverland: Times blogs. International reaction: “Fans around the world”/Associated Press, “Fans worldwide”/ LA Times. Kim Dae-Jung, Imelda Marcos: “Shock and Grief”/Sharon Otterman/NY Times. Gordon Brown, David Cameron: BBC. Japanese ministers: Masters/Time (see Chapter 8 notes), Kageyama/Associated Press (see Chapter 8 notes). Frederic Mitterrand: Alexis Griffith/WorldMeetsUs. Nelson Mandela: his foundation. Arnold Schwarzenegger, Barack Obama/Robert Gibbs, John Roberts memo: Malcolm/LA Times. Pause in Congress: Politico. Serena Williams, Roger Federer: USA Today. McCartney, Mottola: issued through publicists and reported by the New York Times, LA Times. President Obama eventually did speak for himself about MJ and sent the Jackson family a letter of condolence; see below. Henninger comments: “Michael: The Last Celebrity”/WSJ; David Segal made many of the same points in his earlier New York Times piece. John Mayer, Miley Cyrus, Demi Moore: “Celebrities mourn Michael Jackson’s death via Twitter”/ “With friends like that”: Mesereau. Liz Taylor too devastated to speak: Natalie Finn. Liza Minnelli quote: Andrew Gumbel/“Police focus on doctor”/the Guardian.

  Bates, Claire. “How Michael Jackson’s Death Shut Down Twitter, Brought Chaos to Google . . . and ‘Killed Off’ Jeff Goldblum.” Daily Mail, June 26, 2009.

  Bennet, Shea. “How the Internet Died with Michael Jackson.”, June 26, 2009 (I).

  “Brown ‘Saddened’ by Jackson Death.” BBC, June 26, 2009 (RT).

  “Celebrities Mourn Michael Jackson’s Death via Twitter.”, June 25, 2009 (I.)

  Chu, Henry. “Fans Worldwide Grieve for Michael Jackson.” Los Angeles Times, June 27, 2009.

  Collins, Scott, and Greg Braxton. “TV Misses Out as Gossip Website TMZ Reports Michael Jackson’s Death First.” Los Angeles Times, June 26, 2009.

  Collins, Scott and Meg James. “Michael Jackson May Be Turning Point for TMZ.” Los Angeles Times, June 28, 2009.

  “Fans Around the World Mourn Michael Jackson.” Associated Press, June 26, 2009.

  “Fans Can’t Stop Crying, Dancing on Hayvenhurst.” KNBC, July 16, 2009 (RT).

  Finn, Natalie. “Liz Taylor ‘Too Devastated’ to Comment on Jackson’s Death; Liza Minelli, Brooke Shields React.” E!online, June 25, 2009 (I).

  Gavin, Patrick. “Congress Pauses for Michael Jackson.” Politico, June 26, 2009 (

  Griffiths, Alexis. “Jackson: The Tragic ‘Genetically Modified’ Icon of Globalization.”, June 27, 2009 (I).

  Gumbel, Andrew. “Police Focus on Doctor Who Was with Michael Jackson as He Died.” Guardian, June 27, 2009 (hereafter c
ited as Gumbel, “Police Focus”).

  Harvey, Michael. “Fans Mourn Artist for Whom It Didn’t Matter If You Were Black or White.” Times, June 26, 2009.

  Hennessy-Fiske, Molly. “Michael Jackson’s Medical Records at UCLA Were Improperly Accessed, Source Says.”, June 10, 2010 (I).

  Henninger, Daniel. “Michael: The Last Celebrity.” Wall Street Journal, July 3, 2009.

  Malcolm, Andrew. “In Death, Michael Jackson Gets Politicians’ (Cautious) Admiration.” Los Angeles Times, June 27, 2009.

  Martin, Hugo, and W. J. Hennigan. “Tourists Flock to Michael Jackson Sites; Tour Buses Adjust Their Routes.” Los Angeles Times, June 27, 2009.

  Metz, Rachel, and Daniel B. Wood. “Outpouring over Michael Jackson Unlike Anything Since Princess Di.” Christian Science Monitor, June 27, 2009.

  “Michael Jackson Dead at 50 After Cardiac Arrest.” CNN, June 25, 2009 (RT).

  “Michael Jackson Fans in Shock as the World Mourns the King of Pop.” Daily Mail, June 26, 2009.

  Murray, Mark. “Obama on Michael Jackson’s Death.”, July 2, 2009 (I).

  Otterman, Sharon. “Around the World, Shock and Grief over Jackson.” New York Times, June 26, 2009.

  Ryan, Harriet,; Chris Lee, Andrew Blankstein, and Scott Gold. “Michael Jackson Dead at 50.” Los Angeles Times, June 26, 2009.

  Santa Cruz, Nicole, and Ari B. Bloomekatz. “Tributes Are Pouring in for Jackson.” Los Angeles Times, June 29, 2009.

  Sarno, David. “Michael Jackson–Related Traffic Doubled Twitter’s Update Frequency, Tripled Facebook’s.” Los Angeles Times, June 25, 2009.

  Segal, David. “After Jackson, Fame May Never Be the Same.” New York Times, June 28, 2009.

  “Serena Williams Pays Tribute to Michael Jackson at Wimbledon.” USA Today, June 26, 2009.


  Description of MJ’s body: autopsy report, death certificate. Better health than expected: see Snead/LA Times on false story in Britain’s Sun (“8 st. 1 oz”); Fox News, NY Daily News on actual autopsy. Early investigation, police focus on Conrad Murray: “Michael Jackson’s doctor interviewed”/LA Times, Gumbel/the Guardian articles, Steinhauer/“Medication a Focus,” Ryan/“Police seize medical CD”; all of that and more came out later at Murray’s criminal trial. Also, Associated Press on search warrants executed after MJ’s death, Daily Mail on questions to be answered. Matt Alford put himself forth as Murray’s attorney initially (see Gumbel/“Michael Jackson doctor hires lawyer”), but Chernoff was already on the scene (Chernoff to Andrew McCartney/Associated Press; Murray to detectives Martinez and Smith—Chernoff was present; transcript). Chernoff bio: his firm’s Web site, Ryan/“Unlikely lawyer,” accounts of attorneys present during Murray’s criminal trial. “Considered to be a witness,” “every and all questions”: Chernoff press conference, see Chapter 26 notes. LAPD, coroner statements: issued to media. Jacksons promptly hiring Dr. Calmes: “Michael Jackson’s doctor interviewed”/LA Times, “Michael Jackson’s doctor hires . . .”/Guardian, Observer. MJ’s brain, or at least most of it, retained by the coroner’s office: reporting at the time, autopsy and toxicology reports. Involvement of federal and international law enforcement: LA Times, court file in Murray case.

  The size and value of the MJ estate is still being debated (between the estate’s attorneys and the IRS, among others) and is something I know a great deal about, thanks to people associated with the struggle to control it, and to the lawsuit filed by Joe Jackson against the estate, as well as the extensive media coverage. I’m drawing on all of that when I make generalizations. MJ’s album sales: Keith Caulfield and June 21, 2010/Billboard; in first three weeks after death: Lee/Lewis/LA Times (they actually got Amazon to account for its music sales); online sales: Lewis/Times online; see also, Sisario/New York Times, Sexton/Billboard, Entertainment Weekly, the Times of London, NME, BBC, and Business Wire comparison of record sales in 2009 and 2008. I base my assessment of MJ’s imminent net worth on my knowledge of the estate and its assets.

  As I described earlier in these notes, I made a thorough investigation of the claim that Tohme looted the Carolwood house and swiped MJ’s money and found it to be utterly without foundation. Ron Williams, whom I regard as an unimpeachable source, described what he observed at the Carolwood house on the evening of MJ’s death and in the days and weeks that followed in interviews with me. Grace/transatlantic phone call from KJ: Rwaramba to Barak (see Chapter 1 notes), who was with Rwaramba when she answered that call. La Toya/garbage bags of money: verbally that very day, via Rolling Stone (through Gerri Hirshey; it ran in Hoffman/“Last Days”); paper wrappers and spilled twenties claim: Craig Williams. I should note that Perry Sanders defended Katherine Jackson’s presence at the house as nothing more than a mother attempting to protect her dead son’s property from potential looters, and also said that Katherine was there to retrieve clothing and other personal items that belonged to MJ’s children (Paris wanted a shirt that “smelled like daddy”), as well as the Cadillac Escalade that was “used to transport the children.”

  No will surfaced in the first week after MJ’s death and I’ve been advised by Katherine Jackson’s close advisors that she had no knowledge that a will existed. Joe Jackson/CNN interview: witnessed firsthand outside the Shrine Auditorium; for the shock and disgust it inspired, see Steve Harvey/theTimes, Associated Press on Sharpton. Early hearings before Judge Beckloff re. MJ estate, custody of children: firsthand witness, also LA Times, Associated Press on hearings/pleadings. “First legal volley”/ “Michael Jackson’s mother granted temporary guardianship”/LA Times. Description of Debbie Rowe/her relationship with Prince and Paris, identity of Blanket’s mother in papers: verbatim from petition. Joe Jackson KABC interview: via Daily Mail June 28, 2009. “Shadowy entourage”: La Toya paid interview/News of the World, see also list. Tohme didn’t fire the staff; they were held at the house and interviewed by the LAPD, then told they could go late that evening. All of this was observed by Ron Williams. AEG was actually Williams’s employer at that time, and it was AEG’s decision that the Talon people should be placed in charge of security at the Carolwood chateau and that MJ’s security staff should be told not to return to the property. Tohme quotes: Tohme; Tohme returning “lockbox” money: confirmed by Hawk, Cannon. Accusations against Tohme: widely reported. “Wrong people”: Dileo to Rossen/“Today,” which also introduced the Reverent June Gatlin claiming she was MJ’s spiritual advisor and that MJ was afraid of Tohme. As elsewhere, all Tohme quotes (incl. descriptions of the strain this placed on him) are from interviews unless otherwise stated. Jackson and Sharpton: People, Associated Press, many others; they were with the Jacksons in nearly every public appearance in the days immediately following MJ’s death. Leo Terrell quotes: Terrell. Sunshine quote: “Jackson Media Frenzy Faulted”/LA Times. Rowe: see his Action News and Larry King Live appearances; “you do not represent me”: see Chapter 22. Rio de Janeiro: Cobo/Billboard; Pakistani girls: Associated Press photo via USA Today. Scene at former Jackson home in Gary: Keagle/local paper. MJ media coverage, surge in airplay/Internet play of music and videos: Jeff Poor, Randy Lewis. Pew Research Center poll: see below for poll and other analysis. I don’t listen to Rush Limbaugh, but the radio host described his agreement with Al Sharpton on his own Web site. I didn’t see the Bill O’Reilly “rant” either, but see the Yahoo story. Hugo Chavez comment: El Universal.



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  Autopsy 6/25/09.

  “Recorded Interview of Conrad Murray,” Los Angeles Police Department Internal Affairs Group. June 27, 2009.

  Certificate of Death, Jackson, Michael Joseph, County of Los Angeles Department of Health Services., July 7, 2009 (hereafter cited as Certificate of Death, 7/7/09.


  Blankstein, Andrew, Rong-Gong Lin II,
Harriet Ryan, and Scott Gold. “Michael Jackson’s Doctor Interviewed by LAPD.” Los Angeles Times, June 28, 2009.

  “Edward M. Chernoff.” (PR).

  Gumbel, Andrew. “Michael Jackson Doctor Hires Lawyer as Family Hires Pathologist.” The Guardian, June 28, 2009.

  ———. “Police Focus.”

  Harris, Paul. “Michael Jackson’s Family ‘Ask for Second Autopsy.’” Observer, June 28, 2009.

  McCartney, Anthony. “Lawyer for Doctor: Jackson Had Pulse When Found.” Associated Press, June 28, 2009.

  McKay, Hollie. “Michael Jackson Balding, Incredibly Thin and Had Tattooed Facial Features.” Fox News, February 9, 2010 (I).

  Parker, Nick, and Steve Kennedy. “8 st. 1 oz., no food just pills in his stomach, bald, bruised . . .” The Sun, July 3, 2009.

  ———. “The Shock Findings of the Michael Jackson Autopsy.” Sun, July 3, 2009.

  Ryan, Harriet. “Police Seize Medical CD Labeled with Jackson Pseudonym.” Los Angeles Times, July 29, 2009.

  ———. “The Unlikely Lawyer in Conrad Murray’s Corner.” Los Angeles Times, September 12, 2011.

  Sears, Neil, Julie Moult, and Arthur Martin. “Michael Jackson’s Death: The Questions Still to Be Answered.” Daily Mail, June 29, 2009.

  Siemaszko, Corky. “Michael Jackson Autopsy Report Confirms Singer Suffered from Vitiligo, Wore Wig, Had Tattooed Makeup.” New York Daily News, February 10, 2010.

  Snead, Elizabeth. “What Killed Michael Jackson, Where Will He Be Buried, Where’s His Brain?” Los Angeles Times, July 7, 2009 (hereafter cited as Snead, “What Killed Michael Jackson?”).


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