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Kelly Captures Two Husbands [The Men of Space Station One 11] (Siren Publishing Menage Everlasting)

Page 12

by Marla Monroe

  “I can help build the bed. Probably only need a small thing at first. I want the baby to stay in our room until he’s at least a year old.” Gabe sighed. “We’re really going to have a baby.”

  “Yep. I can’t wait to find out if it’s a boy or a girl. I don’t really care which it is, but I’d like to be able to plan for him.”

  “Yeah. Me, too. I want to paint the bedroom they’ll grow up in to match.”

  Tyler grinned. “Kelly wants to go over to Gray and Clint’s place when Elissa has her baby. She wants to help and learn from her.”

  “That’s a great idea. I’m sure it will help them out to have someone with Elissa when they need to finish up in the fields. I like the idea of Kelly having another woman to talk to. Those witches in town really did a number on her. She seems to like Elissa.”

  “Yeah, she does. And, she has Sara to play with and learn from, as well. I’m a little worried about how we’ll handle whatever our child grows up able to do. All of the kids seem to have some sort of special abilities. I wonder what ours will have?” Tyler stopped the combine to look at Gabe.

  “I guess we’ll find out in six or seven months.”

  Chapter Fourteen

  Kelly stared at little Sara. “Are you sure? I mean, could you have missed something?”

  “No. I’m sure. There’s a girl baby and a boy baby. They’re arguing a lot already.” She grinned. “The little boy says he’s going to be her boss. She tells him he’s wrong.”

  Elissa laughed as she held her three-week-old little boy, Matt, to her breast. “No use questioning her. She’s positive. You’re having twins. It’s wonderful news!”

  “Yeah, to you it is, you’ve finished carrying your baby. I’m going to have to figure out how to handle two at one time.”

  “That’s why you have two husbands. Use them.”

  “Momma, can I go play?”

  “Sure thing, Sara. Stay in the back yard and away from the fence. You know the rules.”

  Sara rolled her eyes. “I know, I know. Don’t touch anything we haven’t talked about.”

  Kelly grinned. The child was precious. She looked to be seven instead of five. Her attitude was that of a seven-year-old, as well.

  “She’s a darling,” Kelly said.

  “She’s precocious and my little helper. She’s been a gem all through my pregnancy and since Matt was born. I don’t know what I would have done without her a few times.”

  “I’m a little worried about delivering in the winter. What if there’s a huge snow storm and we can’t get to town?”

  “Then your guys will deliver your twins. They can do it. Doc Jeff and his nurse will teach them what to do in case that happens. It probably won’t though, so don’t worry yourself about it.”

  “The guys are worried about it. They even talked about staying in town for the last few weeks just in case. I don’t want to do that. I want to stay at home until it’s time to go.”

  Elissa smiled. “I know what you mean. I really didn’t want to go to town for this one, but the guys insisted. They were afraid something might go wrong. Nothing did and I almost delivered in the buggy on the way there because it didn’t take nearly as long as the first time did.”

  “How long did your first labor last?”

  “Twelve monstrous hours, but don’t expect that with yours. You may not be in labor as long as I was since you’re carrying twins.”

  “God, I hope not.”

  “Once it was over, I forgot all about the pain and discomfort when they put Sara in my arms. She was so tiny and petite. I fell in love with her even with all the mess all over her.”


  “Yeah, the stuff they live in when they’re inside of you. They hadn’t cleaned her up yet because I was crazy to see that she was really okay. Then, after they cleaned her up and gave her back to me to nurse, she was beautiful.” Elissa smiled. “You’ll see. They’re all that matters in that moment.”

  “Thanks for letting me come and spend time with you, Elissa. I’m worried that I won’t know what to do when the baby, ah, babies come.”

  “You’ll know what to do. It’s just natural, but you’re welcome to help me any time.”

  “I can’t wait to see the guys’ faces when I tell them we’re having twins. I guarantee they will have me in the buggy and on the way to town to make sure the first thing in the morning.”

  “I’m not taking that bet. I think you’re right.”

  * * * *

  “Twins!” Gabe took a step back with one hand over his heart.

  Tyler just stared at her as she poured herself a glass of water. He didn’t say a word.

  “That’s what she said. I’m having a boy and a girl and they’re already arguing with each other.”

  “Twins,” Gabe said again.

  “Well, I figure that there are two of you so each of you have one to take care of.” She had to bite her lip to keep from laughing at their expressions and Tyler’s lack of speech.

  “Did you hear her, Tyler? Why aren’t you saying anything? We’re having twins.”

  “I—I don’t know what to say. That means two of everything. Holy hell, we need to get started on building that baby bed for our bedroom.” Tyler sat down on the chair and just stared at Kelly’s belly.

  “Our bedroom?” Kelly asked. “I need the nursery stocked. They’ll sleep in their own room after the first few months. I wonder if they need two separate beds or if they should be in the same bed?”

  “We’ll have to ask the doctor about that. He’ll know,” Tyler said.

  “Oh, I’ve got books on babies and pregnancy. I’ll read up on twins. But we do need to go to town at some point to buy what we’ll need for the babies like cloth diapers, baby clothes. Things like that.” Kelly had had all afternoon to settle about having twins. The poor guys were struggling.

  “Hey, you’ll be able to feed both of them since you have two boobs,” Gabe said.

  “Funny, Gabe.” Tyler popped him over the back of the head.

  “Just saying.”

  Kelly wrapped her arms around Tyler. “Are you two okay with this? I mean, there’s nothing we can do about it, but we can do this, can’t we?”

  Tyler smiled and squeezed her before letting Gabe pull her down onto his lap.

  “Hon, there’s nothing the three of us can’t handle together. You’re an amazing woman, wife, and you’ll be an amazing mom. You’ll see. All we have to do is get through the pregnancy without you killing us.”

  “I won’t kill you. I need you too much. Now, maiming is another story.” She giggled and kissed Gabe. “I love you both with all my heart.”

  “We love you, too, babe.” Gabe kissed her back. “Right, Dad?”

  Tyler grinned. “That’s right, Dad.”




  Siren Publishing, Inc.




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