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Page 12

by Jessie Cooke

  “Hey, Jace, I told her to bring you a beer, that okay?”

  “Beer’s good,” Jace said, as he slid into the booth opposite Dax.

  Dax pulled a tightly rolled joint out of the chest pocket of his vest and lit it. After taking a long, deep drag, he offered it to Jace. Jace had never smoked weed, but if Dax offered him crack at that point he would probably take it. He was like an adolescent with his first taste of what it was like to party with the cool kids. Dax didn’t even seem slightly worried about just lighting up a joint in a bar in a state where it was still illegal. Shaking off his own concerns, Jace took a hit and tried not to choke as he handed it back to Dax. “So, tell me what all you did to Bagger’s bike.”

  Bagger’s bike was a 2008 Street Glide that already had a full fairing, cruise control, ABS, and a radio/CD player. It had the storage space on the sides, but no rear tour pack even though it had come set up for one, and while Bagger was telling Clay what he wanted done to the bike, he mentioned not having enough storage space. That was when the wheels in Jace’s head started turning. He could see the modifications in his head. Talking about it to Dax, however, was a different story. The words stuck in his throat and at last he said, “Well, he came in originally for a custom paint job. I don’t do that yet. Kevin painted it…”

  “He did a good job,” Dax said, “but I’m more interested in the modifications.”

  Jace cleared his throat and said, “Well, he didn’t want the pipes changed out but since they’re aftermarket, I suggested we put on a Stage I kit from Harley Davidson, to make it breathe better. Bagger told us he wanted new head pipes too, so I chose true duals because it’s just a much cooler sound than what was on there as stock. He also had a 96-inch twin cam motor on it that put out a lot of heat so I made him some heat deflectors, welded them, and Kevin put the smoke tint on. Once that was all done, I started on the storage for him. He said the amount and weight of what he carries varies a lot, so I made him a luggage rack that’s detachable. It’s made out of fiberglass so it hardly weighs anything but it’ll support up to a hundred pounds.”

  “Nice,” Dax said, just at the same time the barmaid was back with the drinks.

  “Thank you,” she gushed, leaning down just far enough that Dax had a clear shot into the front of her blouse. Dax chuckled and said:

  “Well, darlin’, actually I was talking to my friend here, but that’s nice too.” She leaned down even closer to him and whispered something in his ear. Jace watched Dax’s eyes cut to the bar, or maybe to the window to the kitchen behind it. There was a woman framed in the window, looking out at them. Something was going on between the three of them that Jace wasn’t privy to. Dax waited until the little brunette had gone on to wait on another customer and he said, “Sarah and I know each other from my last visit to New Haven. She’s got a little place across the alley out back.”

  “Oh, cool.” Jace had no fucking clue what to say. Dax smiled and said:

  “She has a roommate now, Alice. Alice cooks behind the bar.”

  “Uh-huh…” Where was he going with this?

  “I told Sarah I couldn’t party tonight unless her friend was willing to party with my friend.”

  “Oh…oh…Oh! Me? Oh no, Dax, you don’t have to do that.” No woman in her right mind was going to “party” with him unless she was a professional and he was paying her well. Jace knew that from a lot of experience. Carly was the only woman Jace had ever been with that he hadn’t paid, but that’s not to say she didn’t do it expecting something in return.

  Jace could feel the brunette’s eyes on him as she stood near the little window to the kitchen behind the bar. He couldn’t really see the woman on the other side, just some wild tendrils of red hair. It didn’t matter what she looked like, though, she was going to say no and then he was going to be humiliated, in front of Dax Marshall.

  “You don’t have an old lady, do you?” Dax asked.

  “No, but…”

  “You like girls?”

  “Hell yeah!” Jace said that a little too strongly, but he was insulted that Dax was even suggesting he might be gay. Dax chuckled and said:

  “Well then, it’s settled. I get laid, my boys get laid too.” Jace’s brain grabbed hold of the “my boys” first before what Dax was saying really sunk in. He wasn’t going to have sex unless Jace did too…and then Jace would be responsible for Dax’s blue balls and then…Fuck.

  “I just don’t think…”

  “What about those shocks?”

  “Excuse me?”

  “The shocks on Bagger’s bike. What’s the story on those?”

  The sudden change of topic threw him again. “Oh, shocks,” he said, trying to get his brain back on track. Motorcycles, not women, safe topic. He took a sip of his beer and moistened his dry mouth with it before saying, “Well, we were looking at the possibility of adding 100 pounds to the already 6-to-700-pound bike so I thought he’d need some extra strength and stability. The shocks brought the seat down a few inches so that when he’s standing astride the saddle, his feet are firmly on the ground. He’s not exactly…I mean, he’s…”

  “He ain’t one of mine,” Dax said with a laugh. “Go ahead and say it, he’s short. Dude’s got a bad case of little-man syndrome which is why I was surprised he didn’t just drive out of here with some heavy-ass chrome pipes and ape hangers that he thought would prove he was a real man.”

  Jace laughed. For the next half an hour, he talked to Dax about motorcycles, his job with Clay, and the riding lessons he’d been taking from one of the mechanics at the shop. It was like the dam had burst and everything he had to say just came pouring out. At the same time, the whole situation was surreal. He’d grown up idolizing Doc Marshall, and here he was drinking and talking bikes with his son…fucking royalty.

  While they talked, Sarah bustled back and forth, bringing them pretzels and refreshing their drinks as soon as they were half gone. Handsome stopped by the table with a cute young thing on his arm. Dax introduced them and Jace couldn’t help but notice that he wasn’t really “handsome” at all. Maybe it was the leather vest that attracted the cute girls. Handsome left with the girl and Dax continued to flirt with Sarah as they talked. Jace was in awe of almost everything about the other man, especially how smooth he was with the little waitress.

  Jace was just finishing his third beer and Dax had lit another joint when Sarah showed up at the edge of their table with her arm through the arm of the redhead from the kitchen window. “This is Amy,” she said. Amy was wearing a white apron, and the frizzy red hair Jace had seen across the bar was leaking out of a white hair net that she wore on her head. Her face was completely covered with freckles that ran down her neck and disappeared into the front of the apron. Her thin pink lips were drawn into a tight, straight line as she looked at Jace and said:


  “Hey,” Jace said back.

  Proving he was not only smoother, better-looking, and just better at everything, Dax said, “Well, hello, Amy. It’s nice to meet you. I’m Dax and this is my friend, Jace.”

  “Sarah said you guys want to party.” Amy’s affect was slightly flat, like she wasn’t really into it. Maybe she owed Sarah a huge favor, or maybe it was the lure of the MC…or just Dax.

  Dax looked at Jace and Jace read the question in his eyes…Did he want to be with Amy? Jace wanted to be with any woman. It had been a while and the idea of being with one he didn’t have to pay was overwhelming. Amy wasn’t overly attractive, but she wasn’t ugly either, and who the hell was he to judge? Besides, so far, the best thing she had going for her was that she was actually considering partying with him. “Uh, yeah, sure,” Jace said. Dax smiled and looked back up at Sarah.

  “You girls off the clock now?”

  Amy answered, “Yep. I’m going to clean up and clock out real quick.” Jace watched her turn and go back toward the bar. Her body didn’t look too bad from behind…but again, she’d probably have to have two heads, three breasts, six
arms, and a wart on her nose before he’d even consider turning down free sex. His only hesitation at this point was the idea of even attempting to seduce a woman with Dax in the same house. He looked back across the table and saw that Dax and Sarah were already getting the party started. She was perched in his lap and Dax was whispering something in her ear. When he let her up, he slapped her on the ass as she was walking away.

  “I’ll tell the guys I’m taking off for a while. Be right back.” Jace was too dumbfounded about what was happening to say a word. He watched Dax go over and talk to his VP and the prospect and when he came back where Jace was waiting, Sarah appeared, sans the little black apron she’d been wearing, and Amy was with her, dressed in jeans and a Metallica t-shirt. The red hair was now spilled down her back and shoulders in wild ringlets and with the apron gone Jace could see that she did, in fact, have a damned fine body. Of course, that only made him wonder more about why she’d agreed to be with him. Dax put his arm around Sarah and led her to the door. Jace and Amy followed, not touching. Once they were outside, Dax stopped and pressed Sarah into the wall of the bar. Jace and Amy stood there awkwardly for a few seconds while they made out and finally Amy said:

  “Oh, screw this, come on…What’s your name again?”


  “Well, come on, they can catch up…or maybe they’ll do it right there, I wouldn’t put it past her.”

  Jace followed Amy around the back of the bar where there was a narrow alleyway. On the other side of the alley was what looked like a duplex. The building was made of bricks and there was a door and a window on each side. Amy led him to the one on the right and dug through her purse until she found a key and unlocked the door, and then Jace suddenly knew what it felt like when Alice fell down the rabbit hole.


  The apartment was filled with so many colors and patterns that it almost made him dizzy. The couch and chair had sunflowers on them. The rug underneath the coffee table was bright orange and there was a blue vase on the table filled with red silk roses. A fireplace ran along one wall and the photos on the mantle were encased in brightly colored frames. The curtains were floral too, but the background was bright green and the flowers were pink. There were two lava lamps and a white beanbag chair. Jace was mesmerized by it, in a nauseated way.

  “Like it?” Amy asked.

  “Sure,” was all he said. He started to pull the door closed and she said:

  “Leave it, Sarah doesn’t have her key.” She grabbed his hand and pulled him toward the hallway. He followed her into a hallway with green shag carpeting and blue floral wallpaper, to the first door on the right. She opened the door and nudged him inside, and then she closed that one. Jace blinked several times when he saw her bedroom. The bed was king-sized and took up almost the entirety of the tiny room. The comforter on top of it was red and there were mirrors marbled with gold all along the wall in front of it. While he soaked all of that up, Amy was already stripping off her clothes. Seconds after walking into her bedroom with a complete stranger, she was stripped down to a white bra and a pair of white panties that were almost camouflaged against her pale skin. If not for the freckles, she might be completely colorless. “You wanna smoke first?”

  “Uh, okay.”

  Amy picked up a psychedelic-colored glass bong off the tiny, messy vanity in the corner. She put it to her lips and with a flick of a lighter that had also appeared in her hand, she inhaled deeply and closed her eyes. Jace watched with fascination as soft gray tendrils of smoke came out through her nose. She opened her eyes and took a seat on the bed. “Sit,” she said. Jace sat next to her and she put the bong to his lips. He was already a little fuzzy-headed thanks to what he’d smoked with Dax. One hit off the bong and he suddenly felt like he was having an out-of-body experience. Amy put the bong and lighter down and said, “You gonna get naked, or what?”

  In a dreamlike state, Jace stood up and pulled off his shirt. “Oh, fuck! Gnarly! Who tried to cut your fucking head off?” Jace brought his hand up to feel the thick scar around his neck. The weed had calmed him, almost too much, and as he ran his fingers across it he said:

  “A dead fucker.”

  Amy actually shuddered. “Fuck,” she said, like she was already in the throes of an orgasm. “Take off the pants, hurry.” Jace “hurried” as much as he could. It felt like he was going in slow motion. As soon as his boots were off and his pants unbuttoned, Amy took over. She grabbed his jeans and pushed them down. When his hard cock jumped out she said, “Nice.” And then just like that, she attacked it…in a good way.

  Jace’s legs were tangled up in his jeans as Amy dropped to her knees and in one giant gulp, devoured his cock. He felt it in the back of her throat and then she let it slide out and then slammed her face into his crotch again, and again. Jace was groaning. Even with the hookers, he’d never had a blowjob that good. She sucked like a Hoover, used her teeth just the right amount. She licked and spat and stroked and played with his balls. It felt so fucking good he wanted to explode…but he wanted her pussy more. As if she was reading his mind, she backed off his cock and stood up. She reached back and unhooked her bra and let her breasts fall out. This time it was Jace’s turn to whisper, “Fuck.” They were huge perfect mounds of flesh, with big hard red nipples that made his mouth water. Jace reached for one, but Amy put her hands on his waist and pushed him around toward the bed. Nearly tripping over the pants still around his ankles, he almost fell on the bed. Amy was in his lap before his butt hit the blood-red comforter. She put her hands on his face and Jace tangled his hands in her hair and they took each other’s lips at the same time. The kiss wasn’t sweet––it was incendiary, it was wet, it was carnal. Jace’s tongue claimed every available surface in her mouth and hers did the same to his.

  She moved her hands to his shoulders and her fingernails dug into him as they kissed, and then scraped down his arms as she pulled out of the kiss and let her hot mouth find his neck. She licked it, and then licked it again, and then moved up and licked his earlobe before biting down on it and then sucking it into her mouth. Jace’s body was on fire from the inside out. The hookers gave him what he paid for, no more, no less. Ear sucking had never been an option; if it were, he’d gladly pay extra.

  Amy licked back around to his mouth and attacked his lips and tongue again before suddenly lifting her butt out of his lap and standing up, with one foot on either side of him. She still had her panties on but he could feel how wet they were as she arched her back and slid her crotch up and down his hot chest. She was doing squats, letting her soaked, cotton-clad pussy rub against him from his chest to his crotch…and then she started at his head, and stopped in front of his lips. Jace pressed his face into the “V” between her legs and inhaled her pussy. He put his tongue out and tasted her through her panties and then with more confidence than he’d ever had in the bedroom, he slid his hand under the elastic and pulled, ripping the panties off her. Amy groaned and again she whispered, “Fuck.” She grabbed the back of Jace’s head, and still holding herself up with the muscles in her thighs she pressed his face into her pussy. Jace licked and sucked and bit at her clit. Each time he put her clit in his mouth she would cry out and say, “Bite me!” Jace would nip at the engorged nub and she would say, “Harder! Bite it hard.” Jace did as she asked, loving the hell out of how turned on she was. The prostitutes made sexy noises and talked dirty…but Jace always knew they were pretending. He was thrilled that every one of Amy’s moans, demands, and movements sounded and felt sincere.

  When Jace had gotten his fill of pussy, for now, anyway, he slid his hands up her back and pulled her down in his lap. Then holding her under her arms he took one of her breasts into his mouth and began to suck on it. He grasped the other one with and kneaded it, flicking his thumb across her hard nipple as he did. She had goosebumps on her flesh and it made his cock throb knowing he’d put them there. “Harder,” she demanded. Jace used his teeth to bite down on the one in his mouth and he gripped the other n
ipple tightly between his finger and thumb and pinched. Amy’s hips bucked and she cried out, “Yes! Oh, fuck yes! That’s it!” Jace kept pinching and pulling on her nipple and biting the other one. Then he would trade sides and switch what he was doing. Amy was loud and that was hot, he liked it. He liked knowing Dax and Sarah could hear how good he was making her feel.

  He suddenly felt Amy’s hands on his chest and her fingers, her fingernails, find his nipples. She pinched down on them, letting the edges of her fingernails scrape them and then she scratched across them, making him want to scream. It made him suck harder and faster. He pulled so hard on one of them that he was almost afraid he would pull it off, but by the sounds she was making, she loved it, so he didn’t stop. For a long time, they sucked and licked and bit at each other’s breasts and Jace was shocked by how erotic it was. His cock was throbbing and aching, and at last she sat her wet pussy down on top of it and began to slide up and down the shaft. He felt like he could hardly breathe. It was like being fucked from the outside and the sensation was incredible.

  “I fucking need that big cock inside of me,” she gasped. “Fuck, I need it now…shit…what’s your name?”

  “Jace. Let me grab a condom.” Jace rarely had sex, but he had condoms, just in case. He reached down into the pocket of the jeans still strangling his legs and feet and fished out his wallet. He pulled out a condom, tossed the wallet aside, and lay back on the bed, struggling to get the jeans off as he did. Amy stood up and helped him with the jeans, and by the time she got them off, he had the condom on. She was back on top of him in a flash and Jace reached down between her legs and slid a finger in between her lips, feeling her slick juices, and just playing in it for a moment. She was rocking her hips against his hand and grinding into his body. Finally, as if she couldn’t stand it another second, she lifted up on her knees, grabbed his cock with both hands, lined it up with her opening, and impaled herself on it.


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