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Page 16

by Jessie Cooke

  He used his free hand to rest on the back of her neck and he pulled her face up so that he could kiss her while he slid his fingers in and out of her. Gail continued to move her hips in time with his hand, moaning into his mouth each time he hit “the” spot. He worked her pussy with his fingers, harder and faster, watching as she got more excited and listening to her breaths shorten. He stood up straight again and let her breathe and as soon as he changed the angle of his hand, he felt her body tighten up and the silky walls of her pussy clench down, and he watched her mouth fall open as she screamed. She rode the waves of her orgasm for a full minute or two. Jace could feel the hot stream of liquid as it flowed over his hand and ran down his arm, and he waited until she began to calm down and loosen her grip on both his fingers and his arms to slip his hand out from between her legs. He brought them to his mouth and tasted her as she watched with residual lust in her eyes. He saw her shudder and then her hands disappeared and he felt them wrapped around the hard shaft of his cock. She stroked it a couple of times and then brought one hand up and pressed it into the soft part of his belly, urging him to take a step back. Jace stepped back and Gail dropped to her knees on the tile floor. He sucked in a hard breath when he felt her hot breath on the tip of his cock. She tipped her head back and smiled up at him, before suddenly, and without warning, engulfing it.

  “Oh, Jesus,” he gasped, putting his hands in her hair and winding his fingers through it while she gripped his cock with one hand and bobbed her head up and down on top of it. She sucked him into the back of her throat and then let him slide out while slowly wrapping her tongue around him, licking him while she released him and then giving the head one last hard suck before she released it. She did that again, and then one more time, and that was as much of that as Jace could take. It was fucking amazing. It was incredible. It was another reason why Jace was beginning to think maybe older women were the way to go…there was a hell of a lot to be said for experience. He pulled her up to her feet, kissed her again, and spun her around to face the wall. She let out a little squeak and then a giggle and she pressed her hands up against the wall and arched her back. Jace rubbed the round cheeks of her ass and sighed before taking his fat cock in his hand and lining it up against her sopping-wet pussy.

  “Fuck me, Jace,” she said, breathlessly. It was hot to hear her say it, but at that point he didn’t need any instructions or directions. He pushed forward and in one thrust, he buried his aching cock in her pussy. She was throbbing as hard as he was and their bodies quivered together. Jace groaned, and then grasping her hips, he began to slide his cock in and out of her, gently at first, but that wasn’t what Gail wanted. “Harder,” she said, pushing her ass back into him, hard. “Faster,” she gasped.

  She felt amazing wrapped around his cock, but he wanted this to last, just a little while longer. He slid one of his hands off her hip, and up to her breasts, grabbing hold of one of them and then using his grip to pull her up straight, so her back was against him. His cock slid out of her and she whimpered, but closed her thighs and captured it between them. While Jace sucked and bit at her neck and groped her breasts and pinched and pulled at her nipples, she fucked him with her thighs. It was hot, and a new experience for him. His cock danced and quivered against her soft skin and the muscles in her thighs seemed to know how to apply just the right amount of pressure to keep him stimulated and wanting more. But Gail still wanted more, a lot more.

  She wrenched out of his grasp and flipped around to face him. She put both of her arms up around his neck and shoulders and while she pulled him down into a kiss, she used the muscles in her arms to pull herself up off her feet and practically climb his body like a tree. Jace put his hands under her butt and lifted her high enough for her to hold on with one hand and use the other to guide his cock back into her. She wrapped her legs around his waist and he pressed her back into the wall…and he fucked her. He fucked her hard and fast the way she wanted it. He fucked her until she was screaming out with another orgasm that squirted out and ran down the front of them both. When Jace felt his orgasm building only seconds before it consumed him, he gripped Gail so tightly that she would probably have bruises on her ass when he finished with her. But she wasn’t complaining, not even when he slammed her back into the wall, hard, one last time and exploded into her pussy. Fuck. He was really beginning to love older women.

  Jace was happy to see the other prospects among the patched members of the club when he entered the meeting room. He had developed “relationships” with some of the guys since he’d been spending so much time at the club, and they’d all been welcoming, but he still had a hard time opening himself up to anyone and he knew that was what kept him on the backside of the line between acquaintance and friend. He took a seat near the back and listened to the chatter around him, right up until Dax walked into the room, and then everyone fell silent. Handsome was at his right hand as always, and Jace wondered not for the first time about the VP he’d heard about, but never seen, a guy they called “Mad Max.” Rumor was that he was somewhere “laying low.” Why, was up to conjecture, and Dax was not giving out any information about it, not even to the men Jace had heard had the balls to ask.

  Dax and Handsome took their seats at the front of the room and Dax said, “This is an informal meeting; as you can see, we’ve invited some of the prospects in today. I’d like to be the first to welcome these four men into the club as full-fledged members of the Skulls. Three of the boys will be patching in as members of the Southside and Jace Bell will be patching in as our newest nomad. I expect y’all to all be in teaching mode as often and for as long as you need to be. They’re family now, our brothers.” The men in the room clapped and whistled, and the ones close enough shook Jace’s hand or clapped him on the back. He was embarrassed and uncomfortable to be the center of attention and relieved when Dax said, “Okay, let’s quiet down and get to the next order of business.”

  When the room fell silent he said, “I’m expecting three of our nomads to roll in sometime this afternoon. We have a barbecue/patching party scheduled for this evening and I want everyone to have a good time…I don’t give a shit if the party goes on all night, but I also want you to know that I expect you all to be up, dressed, and ready to ride by five tomorrow. We’ve finalized the plans. Handsome will have one of the girls copy the map of the route and you’ll all get a copy of where you’re expected to be and any other details you need to know. The four of you getting patched in tonight will be paired with a brother and you’ll be expected to be where he tells you to be and do what he tells you to do. Handsome and I will be the only ones following the limousine and the goods. The rest of you will be scattered and watching. I want a call, immediately, if you see anything that looks like a cop or a Sinner, understand?” Nods and affirmations all around the table and then Dax said, “With the four new patches I have twenty men. Normally on a job like this, I’d like to have twice that. But we’ve got Beezy down with his injuries, and Franklin and Scar are still locked up. So, we have less manpower than usual.” He looked in the eyes of each and every one of the twenty men in the room then, one at a time before he said, “But I have nothing but faith in my club, in all of you.”


  Dax patched Jace and the other three prospects in on Thursday evening, and then pronounced the party started. The brothers, their old ladies, and the club girls as well as some of the men and women that worked for their porn studio were packed into the great room and the bar area. People were dancing, smoking weed, and slamming shots, and every time Jace took a shot, someone would congratulate him and hand him another. He had to slip out and go upstairs for a while to recover. He showered and opened the window in his room to get some cool air, and when he felt like he wasn’t going to puke in front of everyone, he went back downstairs to look for some leftover food. Tank and the girls had prepared one hell of a feast and Jace had been too busy getting patched, and drunk, to eat any of it.

  As soon as his feet hit the landing,
Jace saw Bobby, one of Dax’s enforcers, with a woman pushed up against the wall in one corner behind the pool tables. He was pretty sure they were having sex although from behind, Bobby still appeared fully clothed…thank God. Jace didn’t think Bobby was an attractive man in his jeans and vest. He had no desires to get a shot of his naked ass. He also saw Tank’s young daughter––, he couldn’t remember her name––and Jimmie, a kid that had gotten patched about six months before. They were standing by the pool tables, and Jace couldn’t help but notice that their conversation looked intense. The girl had tears in her eyes and he heard her say something about someone named Cody. Not wanting to eavesdrop on their conversation, he moved on toward the kitchen. He scanned the crowded room on his way, hoping to catch a glimpse of Gail. He was honestly hoping she might be interested in picking up where they’d left off the other morning.

  He didn’t see Gail, but when his eyes landed on Dax, sitting up at the bar, his interest was piqued and he chastised himself for becoming almost as nosy as the rest of the crowd on the ranch. He told himself to keep moving, but the sight out of the corner of his eye of Angel coming through the front door kept him rooted to his spot. Dax was sitting on one of the stools up at the bar, and it looked like he was looking across the room at Angel, but the girl standing next to him only had eyes for Dax. Jace had seen the girl around just on this trip, but he didn’t know her name. She was really skinny, and almost looked like a hardcore drug addict to Jace. Tonight she was wearing a skirt that showed her butt cheeks in the back and what looked like black lingerie for a blouse. It hardly contained her small breasts, and what was naked and pushed up over the top was pressed up against Dax’s arm. She was saying something to him, close to his ear, and her hand was resting on his thigh. Jace couldn’t hear anything of course, but he didn’t need audio to watch the rest of the drama unfold.

  Angel marched toward them and Dax smiled at her, but the girl never saw her coming. She shrieked when Angel grabbed her by her skinny arm and tossed her backwards like she was nothing more than a piece of trash in her way. The girl flew backwards and landed on her skinny ass in the middle of the floor. The other partiers just stepped back out of the way, around or over her, and then the entire room went silent, and all activity ceased. Angel didn’t seem to care, and Dax looked almost…amused. Glaring down at the girl, Angel pointed at the patch on her denim vest that indicated she was Dax’s old lady and said:

  “Do you see this?”

  The skinny girl was looking at it, or at least in that direction, but it was a long time before she finally said, “Yes.” She sounded like she had already had way too much to drink. It was obvious that Angel didn’t care about that either. She was making a point and she didn’t care if the bitch in the center of it all was coherent or not.

  “I’m going to assume that since you’re new here, you haven’t seen it before. That means you can get up off your ass and find another cock to suck. This one,” she said, pointing at Dax, “is mine. If I see you anywhere near it again, you won’t have any teeth left in front to get in the way when you give a blowjob. Understand?”

  The skinny brunette nodded and Angel looked at the prospect behind the bar and said, “Help her up and get her out of here. I don’t want to look at her again tonight.” The prospect, a guy named Monte, looked at Dax before he did anything. Dax nodded at him and then he sprang into action. The room stayed silent long enough to watch Monte half drag/half carry the girl out…and then just like that, the party was back on. Jace saw Angel step up to Dax and grab his crotch, and that was the part where he turned away and looked for something else to do. The next time he looked at them, Angel was straddling Dax’s lap and it looked like they were swallowing each other’s tongues…so he supposed they’d worked it out.

  “You’re new here.” Jace looked toward the soft, purring voice and into the dark green eyes of a short, slightly chubby blonde.

  “Yeah, sort of,” he said. “I’ve never seen you around, either.”

  “I’m Callie’s sister, Brenda. I don’t live on the ranch. Callie just invited me for the party.”

  “Oh.” Jace thought Callie was the one that Handsome was dating, but there were quite a few girls and he hadn’t gotten all of their names straight just yet. “I’m Jace.”

  “You’re a nomad,” she said.

  Jace frowned. “Yeah, how did you know?”

  “I saw the patch on your vest.” Jace had almost forgotten he was wearing the new vest. He looked down at it now. It was black leather, no longer denim, and it had his name stitched on the front. On the back was the same patch that all the Skulls wore, but across the bottom his rocker read “Nomad.”

  “Oh, yeah. I just got patched in today.”

  She smiled. She was cute. Not pretty, just cute. “That’s cool,” she said. “Congratulations.”

  “Thanks. Well, I’m going to get something to eat. It was nice meeting you.”

  “Jace Bell, right?” He turned back toward her, checked the front of his vest again, and said:

  “How do you know my last name?”

  “You’re Rosie’s brother. You don’t recognize me, do you?”

  Jace shook his head, racking his brain trying to figure out how this girl knew him, and Rosie. “How do you know my sister?” Dax was the only one on the ranch, unless the prez had told anyone else, who knew about Rosie.

  Brenda smiled again and said, “I work in the kitchen at Precious Hearts.” Precious Hearts was the care home that Rosie lived in. Jace thought he knew everyone associated with Rosie’s care. He made it his business to know…but he would swear he’d never seen this girl in his life.

  “Are you new there?”

  “No. I’ve been there for a while.”

  Jace frowned. “Have we actually met?”

  “No. Not really. I’ve served you and Rosie meals, though, when you come in for dinner with her on Sundays.” Now Jace knew there was something fishy. He did occasionally eat dinner with Rosie on Sundays, but never the meals prepared in the house. He always went by Rosie’s favorite restaurant, the Jamaican place that was owned by the kind people who gave him his first job. It turned out that Rosie loved their curry chicken and rice dish, and Jace took that to her every time he went to have dinner with her.

  “Oh,” he said, playing along for the moment. “I’m sorry. There are just so many faces there I guess I can’t keep all the names straight. Have you eaten?”

  Her smile grew brighter and she said, “Not recently. I could definitely eat.”

  “Come on, we’ll go get some leftovers and we can talk.” She took his arm and Jace led her through the crowd of people and into the kitchen, where they found Tank and his girl in deep conversation. “I’m sorry,” Jace said to Tank. His daughter looked up and she had trails of tears and mascara down her pretty little face. Macy? Jace thought that was her name. She wiped at the tears and Jace told her, “I’m sorry to interrupt. We’ll go…”

  “No,” the girl said. “We’re finished, you stay.” She bent down and kissed the big, grizzled old biker on the cheek and said, “Love you, Dad.” Jace felt a piece of his heart melt when the big man looked up at her. His eyes were filled with love and pride. Had Jace never seen the old, overweight, grumpy, disheveled biker with his daughter, he would probably have never witnessed the softer side of Tank. The old biker mumbled that he loved her too, probably embarrassed with the audience and Macy left the kitchen. Jace looked at Tank again and said:

  “I’m really sorry to interrupt. We were just looking for something to eat.”

  “Sit down,” Tank said, getting to his feet. The hands he pressed to the table in front of him to push himself up had bent, arthritic fingers that prevented the older man from riding any longer. He claimed to like cooking better anyway and for his sake, Jace hoped it was true.

  “It’s okay, Tank, we can get it.”

  “I said sit!” the old biker growled. Brenda looked at Jace and raised her eyebrows. Jace smiled and nodded toward the
table. They sat and as Tank pulled food out of the refrigerator and began to heat it up, he looked at Brenda and said, “Tell me something.”


  “Why is it that young girls who have everything going for them want to go and fall in love with losers?” It was pretty obvious to Jace that Tank was talking about his daughter. He wondered if the “loser” in question was Jimmie. Jace didn’t know him well, but so far he seemed like a pretty good kid. He had grown up in the club, his father rode with Doc, and Dax had known the kid since he was born.

  “Well sir, I’m not sure. I guess we like to fix things, and maybe sometimes we think we can fix him…you know?”

  “She ain’t gonna fix this one. Hell, she hasn’t seen him in years for one thing, and when he gets out, she just doesn’t understand that he’s not going to be the same sixteen-year-old kid he was when he went in. That’d be a good thing, trust me, if he’d been away at military school.” Jace shuddered at that reference and then refocused on what Tank was ranting about. “This kid came from trash. Dax had a good hand in raising him up and he did his best…but when you just come from pure trash, it’s hard to escape that, you know? I mean, she’s got this other boy who thinks she walks on water, and she keeps pushing him away, waiting for this other one to come riding up out of the sunset. She’s living in a fairy tale. Cody Miller probably won’t ever come back here, even when he does get out. She needs to move on with her life. I’d like some grandkids someday.”


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