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Fearsome Foursome

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by Pierce, Nicolette

  Fearsome Foursome

  By Nicolette Pierce

  Published by Nicolette Pierce at Smashwords.

  Fearsome Foursome is a work of fiction. Names, characters, places, and incidents are the products of the author’s imagination or are used fictitiously. Any resemblance to actual events, locales, or persons living or dead is entirely coincidental.

  Copyright © 2016 by Nicolette Pierce

  All rights reserved.

  Smashwords Edition, License Notes.

  This ebook is licensed for your personal enjoyment only. This ebook may not be resold or given away to other people. If you would like to share this book with another person, please purchase an additional copy for each recipient. If you’re reading this book and did not purchase it, or it was not purchased for your use only, please return to and purchase your own copy. Thank you for respecting the hard work of this author.


  To Valerie Gaston, who knew exactly when Fearsome Foursome was supposed to be released and didn’t let me forget. You are awesome! Thank you for coming along on the Mars Cannon journey with me.


  Congratulations to Aly Darby who won the Be a Character contest. Her name is now featured as one of the characters. Thank you for playing, and I hope you enjoy your cameo.

  Thank you to all the readers who have supported me over the years. You have been so kind with your reviews. I love when I see your comments on Facebook or by email. Thank you for reaching out to me. I appreciate YOU!

  Amber Barry, thank you for your edits and your valuable insight as you comb through the manuscript and help to polish it. Also, for squeezing me into your hectic schedule. I would be lost without you!

  And to my mom, who always gives the book an initial critique and tells me where I’ve gone terribly wrong, thank you. Between your right brain and my left brain, we balance each other.

  Books by Nicolette Pierce

  Mars Cannon Novels

  Deadly Dancing

  Predator Patrol

  Security Squad

  Biker Brigade

  Fearsome Foursome

  Nadia Wolf Novels

  The Big Blind

  High Stakes

  Cashing Out

  Squeeze Play

  Nadia Wolf Character Novels

  The Last Tailored Suit

  My Traitor

  Pocketful of Diamonds

  Metal Girls Trilogy

  Melting Point

  Please visit Nicolette on her website at:

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  Chapter 1

  Chapter 2

  Chapter 3

  Chapter 4

  Chapter 5

  Chapter 6

  Chapter 7

  Chapter 8

  Chapter 9

  Chapter 10

  Chapter 11

  Chapter 12

  Chapter 13

  Chapter 14

  Chapter 15

  Chapter 16

  Chapter 17

  Chapter 18

  Chapter 19

  Chapter 20

  Chapter 21

  Chapter 22

  Chapter 23

  Chapter 24

  Chapter 25

  Chapter 26

  Chapter 1

  “Ladies!” T hollered. The vein in his neck rapidly twitched, making the tarantula tattoo dance.

  I watched in part amusement, part horror as Mrs. Janowski and her crew took over Brett and T’s gym. It was located in the back of the recently established B & T Security. Personally, I was just thankful the ladies weren’t downstairs in the firing range. The gym was much safer.

  “How do you work this thing?” Mrs. Janowski asked as she poked at the elliptical control panel. “Can’t these foot pedals stay still until I’m ready?”

  “No,” T barked. “Get off before you hurt yourself.”

  “Mr. T, I can’t seem to lift this,” Edna said.

  “It’s just T, and you can’t lift it!” The vein jumped, and I was sure a ride in an ambulance might be in his near future.

  The one person he didn’t have to worry about was Ida. She sat on the bench curling a flask, not bothering with any equipment. She seemed a little melancholy, but maybe she’d nipped a little too much whiskey. I would have said Sylvia wasn’t causing problems, but for T, she was probably the worst. As he stalked the room, she followed. If he dared to stop, her hands did not.

  “Mars,” he pleaded. “Make them go home.”

  “But how are we going to get swell?” Mrs. Janowski asked.

  He groaned. “It’s swoll, and you can do it at the senior center gym.”

  “Swoll?” Edna asked. “That doesn’t sound like proper English.”

  Sylvia ran her fingers down T’s arm. “Nothing about T is proper.”

  He jumped away.

  I still wasn’t sure why I’d been summoned. Mrs. Janowski had said it was important I be present for the first Fearsome Foursome meeting. It was the newest creation of Mrs. Janowski’s, and it gave me chest pains whenever I thought of it

  “Mrs. J,” I said, trying to catch her attention as she fought with the elliptical. Back and forth the pedals swung, her body jerking as she tried to hold on.

  Brett walked into the gym, followed by Emily. Always followed by Emily. She had turned into his permanent shadow since following us home from our trip to Italy. Emily had been there as well. So many times I’d fought the urge to push her in the canal or into one of the many fountains. But instead, I curbed my irritation. Then she showed up at my door in Madison, Wisconsin, pink floral suitcase rolling behind her. Once again, I kept my growing hostility in check as she took over my house. And now she was taking over Brett and T’s workplace, trying to usurp sweet-tempered Emmy, T’s fiancé and office assistant.

  Brett greeted me with a soft kiss on my temple. “I heard the girls were here. What are they up to now?”

  “I have no idea, but they called a meeting. I have to leave soon. Rand is expecting me at the Hog.”

  Brett nodded sharply, holding back what I knew were words for an argument.

  Brett and Rand had never played nicely together. The fact that Rand had bought the Hog and was now my boss infuriated Brett.

  “When will you be home?” he asked.

  “I shouldn’t be too late. Rand wants my opinion on something.”


  “What do you mean, why?”

  “Rand doesn’t care about anyone’s opinion.”

  “He asked for mine.”

  Brett frowned, a crease wrinkling his forehead.

  “Don’t worry about it.” I reached up to smooth away the wrinkle. “He’s just making sure he didn’t miss anything. This is the first bar and grill he’s ever designed.”

  Brett nodded slowly. “Bar, kitchen, bathroom. Yes, I can see where he might run into problems.”

  I usually tried my best to avoid rolling my eyes, but not this time. Brett and Rand’s feud spilled into my life with Brett, and that irritated me. I wasn’t sure how to make the situation better.

  Bouncing up on my tiptoes, I kissed him. “I love you.” Those three words were becoming my only defense. It instantly deflated the tension as he hugged me into him, repeating the sentiment as a soft murmur into my hair.

  “Ignore me,” he said, releasing his hold.

  “You make it impossible to ignore you.” I leaned in to whisper, “Especially at night. You kno
w, it’s been awhile. Your new company is hogging up all your time. I’m becoming jealous.”

  He chuckled and was just about to reply when Emily inserted herself between us.

  “Spend as much time as you want over at Rand’s,” Emily said to me. “Brett and I have plans to work late. Don’t wait up.”

  I conveyed my disapproval to Brett with one arched brow. Brett had promised her presence would only be temporary. It wouldn’t be so bad if he’d be firm with her. But it was as if he was afraid to be. As if she was a fragile doll. She was a monster. A blonde-hair, blue-eyed monster.

  “Can I speak to you in private?” I clipped, pulling Brett toward the corner.

  “I know what you’re going to say.” He held his hands out in a calming manner, which only irritated me further. “Emily and Rand will patch things up, and then she’ll be out of our hair. Just give it a little more time.”

  “She needs to stay at a hotel.”

  “She doesn’t have money right now. And I don’t have the money either.”

  I already knew that. I had drained his two-million-dollar account trying to save our lives. Not only was he helping me with my bills, but he had his own responsibilities back in Texas.

  “She can get a job,” I stated. “You don’t have to take care of her.”

  He didn’t have to take care of me either, yet he did. His help came at a time when I truly needed it, but now I’m employed. Rand had already given me a small starting bonus to keep me afloat.

  “If she stays, I’m sure she’ll get one. She’s been helping here and doing a good job. I was meaning to talk to T about hiring her,” Brett said. “Right now, I have to talk to T about another matter. I’ll see you at home.” He kissed me, then whispered, “I believe you had said you were going to put the electric blanket on tonight.”

  “Yes, it’s getting cold outside.”

  “Don’t bother. I plan to make you plenty warm.” He grinned then turned to walk across the gym where T was alternating between scolding and pleading with the ladies.

  My eyes were trained on Brett’s backside when Emmy interrupted my wayward thoughts.

  “I’m going to strangle her.”

  Emmy stood next to me with her arms crossed and a scowl on her face.


  “Who do you think? Emily, of course. I can’t get anything done with her here. She’s always talking about Brett this and Brett that and how I should do more to make him comfortable.” She snorted. “Bring him coffee!”

  For Emmy to be mad at anyone was unusual. Her good-natured temperament had only broken once, maybe twice, since I’ve known her. And that was only because she’d thought T and I were sleeping together. Other than that, I’ve never seen her truly outraged.

  “Do you know what they’ve started calling Emily and me?” she asked.


  “T and Brett.”

  “No, I have no idea.”

  “Em and Em.” She huffed again. “They think it’s cute.”

  “Did you tell them to stop?”

  “Yes, but now it’s a habit. They don’t even realize they’re saying it.”

  “I can talk to Brett if you want.”

  “Don’t bother.”

  Since I wasn’t sure how to help Emmy, I scanned the room to find Mrs. Janowski. She was currently tangled in the ab cruncher. “Mrs. J,” I called. “I need to talk to you.”

  “You’ll have to come over here. I seem to be stuck.”

  I walked over to her with Emmy following behind. “How did you manage this?” I watched as she floundered.

  “I thought I could rev this up a bit.” She tugged at her leg, which was flipped up over the bar. However, the rest of her was underneath. “I may have overextended.”

  After helping unhook her leg, I asked, “Why did you need me for the Fearsome Foursome meeting?”

  “I thought you’d want to get in on the training. A place called Waterloo opened a new paintball facility a month ago. I’ve been meaning to check it out, but the girls are too afraid. I thought we could go as a team.” She massaged her leg.

  I wasn’t too sure about going to a paintball range, but Emmy looked as though she could stand to burn off pent-up anger. And, I hadn’t much to do with my spare time. Waterloo might be an interesting diversion.

  Ida stood and meandered over to a window to stare out of it.

  “Is Ida okay?” I asked Mrs. Janowski.

  Mrs. Janowski glanced over at Ida before nodding. “I think she’s okay. Maybe a little blue now that the Hog has been marked for teardown.”

  Poor Ida. I didn’t think she cared all that much about the place, but maybe there were cherished memories in those old walls.

  * * *

  Arriving at the Hog later that day, I parked alongside the road. Dump trucks were being loaded with the remains of the old bar. I knew the plan was to tear it down and rebuild, but I wasn’t expecting it to happen today. Rand must have bumped up the schedule.

  I walked over to the small congregation of onlookers. Jack handed me a beer from a lone cooler stationed in the middle of the group.

  “You’re just in time,” he said.

  Hank, Bob, and Mac stood with somber expressions and a beer in their hands. When the last truck drove away, they raised their bottles in salute.

  “We’ll miss her,” Mac said, a tear caught in the corner of his eyes.

  Bob nodded. “Won’t be the same without her.”

  Everyone nodded their agreement. I mirrored them, hoping to be supportive, but I wouldn’t miss the smelly bar with sticky floors and long list of health code violations.

  “Where’s Rand?” I asked.

  “He took off a few minutes ago,” Jack said. “Said he wouldn’t be back until later.”

  “Did he say how much later? We were supposed to meet.”

  “No, he didn’t say.”

  I pulled my jacket tight around me as a sharp wind whipped across the vacant dirt lot. Summer was long gone and fall was now in residence, warning everyone of winter’s quick approach.

  Hank looked out over the remaining debris, scraps of building and asphalt. A peculiar look cast upon his face. He scanned the lot as if looking for something.

  “What is it?” I asked.

  “There’s a time capsule somewhere out there.”

  “You buried one?” Jack asked.

  Hank nodded. “The parking lot used to be all gravel. It was just before you were born that we had it paved. We filled the capsule and buried it. I never thought I’d ever get a chance to see it again.”

  “Where is it?” Bob asked.

  “I can’t quite remember. Ida and Wade had argued over the spot.”

  “Who’s Wade?” I asked.

  Hank’s gaze dropped. “He was a partner with Ida and me. But right after we buried the time capsule, he disappeared. I thought he was just mad at Ida, but he never came back. Never heard from him again. Damn shame.”

  “Did he owe you money?” Mac asked.

  “Two hundred. But I actually liked the guy.” Hank looked out over the lot. “I wonder where it is.”

  “I can call Grandma,” Jack said. “I bet she’d want to find it.”

  A jet-black truck with chrome detail and tinted windows pulled onto the lot, heading in our direction. Rand slowed to a stop next to us and rolled down his window, letting out a plume of smoke from the cigarette between his lips.

  “You just missed the contractors,” I said. “They pulled out a few minutes ago.”

  Rand drew on his cigarette. “Get in.”

  Not a please or would you mind. Just “get in.” I frowned. “I thought we were supposed to meet here.”

  “I want to look at floor samples. Thought you might want to ride along. We can talk on the way.”

  “I guess that’d be okay.” I looked to Hank. “Don’t unbury it without me.”

  “How could I? I don’t even know where it is.”

  “Unbury what?” Rand asked.
  “Hank and Ida buried a time capsule somewhere on this lot.”

  Rand flicked a studied gaze over to Hank. “I wouldn’t have pegged you for a time-capsule type.”

  “It was all the rage back then, and Ida insisted.” He stooped over to grab another beer.

  “What did you put in there?” Jack asked.

  “Don’t quite know.”

  With a slight motion of his head, Rand told me it was time to go.

  Walking around the giant truck, I hoisted myself up inside the cabin still swirling with smoke. I batted away the fumes invading my lungs.

  Rand sighed impatiently and rolled down the passenger window.

  “Thanks,” I said through a cough.

  Rand pulled out of the lot and onto the street, heading into town.

  “Where are we going?” I asked.

  “To look at samples.”

  “I know that. But where?”

  “My place.” The frown he had been wearing only moments ago turned just slightly, making it very clear he knew exactly what hornets’ nest he was kicking.

  “He’ll know.” I watched as Rand’s mouth curled ever so slightly more.

  “It’s not my fault. I don’t have a place to work. Until the Hog is rebuilt, I have to use my apartment.”

  “Or, we could go to my house. At least I have furniture.”

  “Including a bed.” Rand winked.

  Pressing my lips together to silence a retort, I turned to look out the window.

  After a few minutes, Rand said, “It won’t work. Emily tried the silent treatment on me for an entire month.” He smiled. “It was the most peaceful month of my life.”


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