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The CEO's Redemption

Page 7

by Stella Marie Alden

  My wife runs over, sits next to him, and throws her arms around him in a hug. “Oh my God. I had no idea. I am so sorry.”

  I can’t believe the guy who has guarded me for years has taken this opportunity to open up.

  Tears brim in her sweet eyes as she kisses him on the cheek. “Well, you’re part of our family now.”

  “Yes ma’am. And you can stop hugging me.”

  Just like that, it’s done. Grinning, I change into a bathing suit and find some sunglasses. On the way out, I open the fridge, pleased to find a bottle of champagne and some orange juice. In the cupboard, there’s a couple of wine glasses, which I grab as well.

  “Ready?” I hold my prizes up for her to see.

  “Let’s go.” On the beach, her eyes sparkle like the sun on the ocean, in the exact same shade of teal.

  The water is warm, the day lazy, and we sleep for a while on the blanket on the sand, just touching one another. I can’t remember ever being so relaxed. For now, even the urgency to make love is gone. Having reaffirmed our connection, we know more will follow.

  Around noon, Slate brings the baby to the beach to nurse, then heads back to the guest house. Izzy drops her bathing top off, sits cross legged, and puts Skye to her breast.

  Damn. Every time I see her nurse, my heart does this thing. Today, my eyes water. I fucking love these two so much. I think about what Slate went through and wonder if I could go on living if I ever lost them.

  Before I can pursue the morbid line of thought, Izzy hands over Skye. “Burp please.”

  My baby grabs my nose and I nibble the tip of hers which makes her laugh. Then, I stand, put her over my shoulder, and pat until the gas is gone.

  Skye’s ready for more which she displays by kicking her feet and thrusting her arms for her mom. Once feeding-time is done, we sit for a while with Skye between us. She makes us laugh as she brings sand to her mouth and spits it out with the funniest of faces.

  Later, after we play in the water, Skye takes a nap and we cover her with a blanket to protect her from the sun. My gaze meets Isabella’s, full of a kind of love so intense, it scares the shit out of me.

  Maybe, she senses what a coward I am. Fuck if I know. I’m no psychiatrist.

  “Penny for your thoughts.” She sits cross-legged, slides under my arm, and holds my hand.

  “I don’t want to lose you, babe.”

  Her blond brows lift. “I’m not going anywhere.”

  “Weren’t you, though?”

  “I thought you were done with me. I know the nanny thing was a setup, as was the blond straddling your cock. Even so, you’re gone a whole lot of nights… At some point, I got to wonder why you don’t come home anymore.”

  I tamp down the anger that brews. “I’m working. It’s only been you, since the first day we met.”

  Her jaw ticks. “Well, how would I know?”

  “I show you, don’t I?”

  “Correction. You used to show me.”

  “You can’t blame me for that, the baby—”

  “Is not the only issue, Gray. Sometimes you can show someone you love them without sex.” She puts a palm to my cheek and kisses my lips to soften her words.

  I shake my head and realize I have no idea what she’s talking about. “What, exactly, do you want from me?”

  I bought her an expensive house, gave her a credit card with an unlimited budget, a driver, any damn thing she wants. I can’t understand what more I can give. Blood?

  She pokes at my bare chest with her index finger. “Ever since Skye, you’ve been different. Don’t you love her? Love us?”

  “How can you say such a thing. She’s my fucking life. So are you.”

  “Then what’s going on? Night after night away from us?” Tears run down her face as she stares out into the ocean and refuses to look at me.

  With my palms to her cheeks. I turn her gaze to mine. “It’s not women, if that’s what you’re asking. It’s what I said. Work. I need to be there.”

  “I know there’s more. Just tell me.” Her lower lip quivers, her blue eyes like a laser into my soul.

  Do I dare let her know there may be a monster lurking inside me? So much is at stake but she deserves to know.

  Breaking eye contact, I clear my throat and stare at the tiny shell pieces in the sand. “You knew my dad…”

  “Yeah… He was a… a stern man.”

  I snort out a laugh. “From the little I remember, he was a bastard. My mother says it was a blessing he forgot my birthdays, broke endless promises, and except for a few occasions, was an absentee father.”

  “I’m sorry, Gray, but what has that to do with us?”

  She’s so sweet, she’s not getting what I’m laying down.

  “I’m his son. I got his genes. I’m turning out just like him. What if some day, in anger, I hit my baby girl?”

  It’s like an eternity before she speaks. Is this it? Is she disgusted?

  A huge tear lets go and drips down her cheek. “You’re a good man, a good father.”

  “No, I’m not.” Fuck it all, my eyes water, too, and my voice cracks as I use my thumbs to wipe her pain away.

  “Like him, I put my job above my family. It’s just there are so many other people depending on me… I can only divide myself in so many ways.” I hold her soft hands in mine and caress them. How we will ever get through this?

  “How about if we get a home closer to your office.” Her wet lashes lift and her eyes meet mine.

  That’s such bullshit.

  “You hate Manhattan. You said you wanted fresh, clean air.”

  “I hate being away from you more. If me and Skye were closer, we could be a real family, even if only for a quick lunch, or a short walk between your meetings.”

  She gets onto her knees, straddles my lap, and kisses my lids, chasing away the ache in my gut. “I love you, honey. I want to be close to you. I fucking miss you so bad, all the time and I hate the mausoleum.”

  “The what?”

  “That huge house in New Jersey. I hate it. I’m sorry, Gray, but I feel like I shouldn’t even touch anything. It’s just not me… and the neighbors?” She rolls her eyes and I have to smile.

  “What about them?”

  “Let’s just say a woman from the Midwest doesn’t fit in. And Gerry down the street? Tell him you don’t swap.”

  “Are you fucking kidding me? Why didn’t you say anything?”

  “When? You come home exhausted, then I am, and then I don’t know… I’m telling you now.”

  “Ah, hell. Am I fucking up that badly?” My fist tightens around the beach towel.

  “Not you, us. But we’re going to fix it. We can do this, right?” She bites her lower lip as she loosens my fingers and intertwines hers with mine.

  I lean over and kiss her warm lips. “I’ll call Cherry first thing tomorrow and have her find us an apartment within walking distance of the office. I’ll also make sure there’s a room wired for late night conferences, okay?

  “I’d like that. A lot.” My wife is a fucking miracle the way she just forgives me when I’m a thoughtless asshole.

  I lay her down in the sand, with the ocean in the background, and kiss her soundly. Just as I think we might have another moment alone, the baby wakes with a gurgle and a coo.

  “Hold that thought?”

  Isabella smiles. “You bet.”

  Later, that night, we jump into bed naked like it used to be when we first met. Whatever barrier was between us, falls away, especially between the sheets.

  She lit a candle so we can see each other. This too, is new and a great sign she’s beginning to accept her body as it is. Damn, I love this curvy woman but if she loses the weight she wants, I love that body too.

  Hell, to me, it just doesn’t matter. It’s her I love, no matter the form.

  Right now, though, I want to enjoy my new favorite playground. We kiss until our heat grows and we’re certain both of us want sex. Right after the baby was born, I had to
back off because she was tired a lot and I had to learn the signs.

  Now, I’m a fucking expert and know she wants it, and wants it bad.

  We kiss for the longest time while our hands explore our warm and sun-kissed bodies. The sheets are cool and the silky drapes blow in the small breeze.

  In the distance, tinny party music and bawdy laughter make me glad we’re here, alone on this island. My cock thickens, our kisses gets more intense, and she moans.

  “Shush or I will gag you.”

  Her eyes widen. “Really?”

  I was kidding but now that I see her reaction, I’m all in. Reaching over the edge of the bed, I find my t-shirt, and tear off a length of fabric.

  “Want it?”

  My wife has never been into sex games so when she nods. I’m thrilled, and not a little surprised.

  Gently, I tie it around her mouth. “You good?”

  “Uh huh.” She nods, eyes wide.


  She nods again.

  Holy Fuck. I rip another strip of fabric and hold it to her face. “What now?”

  She put her hands in front of my face.

  This is such a fucking turn on. Hard as stone, my cock jumps to attention and reaches for its favorite place.

  Down boy.

  As gentle as I can, I tie her wrists to the headboard. “Good?”

  “Ah, huh. uck me, ayson.”

  “Huh?” I tease, loving this new Isabella. “I can’t understand you with that gag but I think you want me to fuck you, right?”

  Her legs open wider and she nods.

  No other invitation needed, I drop to my knees between her legs where juices cover her thick clit and inhale her sweet nectar.

  The tip of my tongue at her nub, I swirl and taste her while she moans. With her thighs open wide, I lave the length of her crack, my eyes on hers. She’s trapped in my gaze as I place one finger inside her, followed by a second. I curl them inside her and press on the spot she likes best.

  “Ah, ah…” Her muscles tense right on the brink of release.

  I take her as far as I can without giving what she wants. When she moans and squirms, I replace my fingers with my cock. In and out, I play at her opening while she pants and moans.

  Then, I plunge in, core to core, my balls tight to her. Then, I even nudge in a little more. The angle is fucking perfect as I swirl my hips and create new angles for her to enjoy.

  Suddenly, she takes off, bucks, and I’m all in. Wild, mindless, hot fucking sex. In a matter of minutes, the sheets are drenched in our sweat and yet we still want more.

  She already came once but I’ll take her higher because damn, I need this. We both need this. When her ankles lock onto my lower back, I moan and lift under her butt cheeks. Arching my back, I drive hard to find just the right spot.

  Oh. My. God. One final thrust and my seed fucking explodes out of me in an out-of-this-world rush.

  I drop onto my elbows and collapse, pulling off the gag while kissing her.

  “You are one fucking hot momma.” I release her hands, rub her wrists and kiss them.

  She gives me this sweet smile and we kiss. Then, tangled up in each other, we fall asleep.

  Chapter 8


  I can’t believe the change in Grayson since coming to the island. I’ve never seen him so playful and carefree. His face is tanned and the tiny worry lines by his eyes are completely gone.

  I sit with him on a huge beach towel and stare up at the sky. The baby’s in a jumpy seat, toes dug into the warm sand. Overhead, fluffy clouds form a cat chasing a mouse. Another could be a one-winged dragon.

  “We need to talk.” Absent-mindedly, I start the conversation I’ve been meaning to have and turn my head to meet my husband’s warm gaze.

  His forehead crinkles and dark brows raise. “Did you know those four words were voted the most feared in the English language by Playboy Magazine?


  “No, I just made that up.” He chuckles.

  “Ha, ha, ha. I’ve been thinking, would you mind occasionally giving Skye a nighttime bottle?”

  His handsome face is even more so with the smile he shares with me. “I’d love it! But I thought you didn’t want her on formula.”

  “Well, she’s already started on solid food and is doing so well, why not? Also, I talked to Cherry. When we get back, she has a couple apartments for us to look at in Manhattan.”

  He sits up, totally enthused. “I did some searching, too. There’s a small town just two over from where we live. It’s got a movie theater, a downtown, and small schools with big playgrounds. Eventually, we can live there fulltime but how about starting with weekends?”

  He kisses me so sweetly that I almost don’t hear the motorboat down at the dock.

  Nick waves. “Sorry to bother you nice folks. I got da food you asked for.” He jumps out as we make our way over the sand to the end of the dock.

  As we unload he asks, “Would either of you like to try da parasailin’?”

  He hands me a pamphlet which I immediately give to Grayson. The thought of flying a few stories above the ocean makes my stomach churn but my husband’s eyes light up like it’s Christmas and the Fourth of July, all rolled into one.

  “Hell, yeah!”

  When he sees my expression, his drops so I add, “I’ll watch from the boat, okay?”

  “When? When can we go?”

  Nick chuckles, “Whenever you want Mr. Smith. I’ll have someone waitin’ for you.”

  “Wait right here. Let me see if Slate will watch Skye.”

  When Gray dashes off with the baby, I grin, happy as him and realize this is what we’ve been missing. What with the whirlwind courtship, the troubles with Xavier, and having a baby, we never had a honeymoon.

  All of a sudden, our future seems bright and for the first time since saying I do, I see us growing old together.

  I gather up the blanket and suntan lotion. Nick will have snacks and water. We’re his gold mine for the season. A minute later, Grayson bounds down the hill, across the sand, and huffs at the water’s edge. His beautiful tanned body glistens with sweat and his scent drifts under my nostrils.

  Suddenly, I wish we had a completely different exercise in mind for this afternoon but knowing Grayson, we’ll find time for that, as well.

  In the boat, my hair blows, my husband grabs it in a fist, and drags my face to his. Warm lips meet mine, his eyes bright with excitement.

  What a big kid.

  Soon, we’re on the main island of Nassau, not far from where we arrived. I’m worried about the waves but Nick and my husband seem fine as the bow of the boat turns up thirty degrees and splashes down hard. I can’t help but grin as warm water washes over us and drenches us completely.

  With one hand high on my thigh, Grayson takes my cheek and kisses me. Meanwhile, Nick maneuvers the small boat across the bay and into a cove where an elite group of tourists has assembled. We pay for a ticket, wait in line, and grab a couple fruity cocktails along with conch sandwiches.

  By the time it’s our turn, I’m really glad I’m not the one high in the air, tethered by a rope, feet dangling miles about the earth.

  Gray, however, hops up and down with excitement as we climb into the boat and get settled.

  Our handsome captain, Lucas, is a blond Australian with a body and accent to die for. “G’day luv, aren’t you going up, too?”

  I smile at his appreciative gaze and can’t remember the last time someone, other than my husband, has looked at me with so much desire. “No thanks. I’ll watch from down here.”

  The driver expertly attaches Grayson into the harness and then we’re off. When he releases a lever and lets out the line, Grayson laughs as he goes higher and higher, the wind in his chute. I grab binoculars and I wave as he hits his final height.

  The captain hands me a beer. “Here ya go, pretty sheila.”

  “Isabella.” I smile and clink my bottle with his.

  He laughs heartily, puts his arm around my shoulder, and watches Grayson catch the wind. A bit uncomfortable at his close proximity, I peel him off and step back. Right about now, I wish I’d stayed on land.

  However, when Lucas turns the boat, I give Grayson a thumbs-up and he waves back, an indication he wants to stay in the air longer.

  Lucas glances down at my empty left hand, then catches my eye. I stopped wearing my ring when I gained weight and simply refused to have it adjusted. I refuse to admit I’ll never be back to my pre-baby size.

  Lucas must see the missing jewelry as an open invitation. “Why not ditch him? I’ll show you a side of the island you won’t get elsewhere, luv.”

  It’s been so long since someone hit on me, I’m speechless, and to tell the truth, flattered as the heat of my blush rises into my cheeks.

  Suddenly, he leans over and kisses me square on the lips.

  What the hell?

  Shocked, I jump back, hit my butt against the rail, and topple head over heels into the water. I just miss the boat’s propellers and must black out because I wake bobbing on top of the ocean, thankful for the life vest.

  I know the boat can’t stop on a dime, not with Grayson in the air, so I tread water as my husband is pulled back down. I’m not sure if he can see me but wave anyway. He must be worried.

  I wonder if he saw what happened? If he did, I would so not want to be Lucas when Grayson gets down. What a stupid move for the Aussie to make. I could’ve been sucked under the boat and torn into tiny pieces by metal rotating at a b’zillion rpm’s.

  I’m pretty sure I hit my head and there’s a few missing seconds before I came up for air. However, it takes both hands to stay afloat and it’s impossible to feel for a lump.

  A white ring floats close by on the choppy seas. Lucas must’ve thrown it when he saw me go overboard. It probably won’t help as much as the life vest that digs into my chin but I swim over and grab it, anyhow. Suddenly, a fish bumps my thigh, my heart beats like mad and I force myself to stop. Surely, Lucas wouldn’t parasail over shark-infested waters?


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