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Jordan's Quest: Bad Boy Mafia Dark Romance book (The Generals' Sons 1)

Page 8

by Veronica Cane

  Even so, it was definitely a world crowded with vile men, people willing to do anything to get their share of power and money, and Jordan Martinez was probably one of them. And she had to learn to accept that, as well as to accept that they had no future and convince herself she didn’t want one.

  She got up out of bed and took a quick shower, letting her curls loose, she wanted to dry them in the warm sun of the morning. She put on a bikini and a beach dress and bare foot she went looking for Joanne. She was starving.

  She was crossing the hall in direction to where she assumed was the kitchen when a slimy voice stopped her.

  "Well, well, what do we have here?"

  Startled, she turned around to look at the voice's owner and a shudder of repulsion ran through her body as her eyes laid on Nicholas Marquez, a short, fat, disgusting man, that made her feel the creeps. What the hell was that ball of slime doing here?

  "Good morning." She greeted and turned to make her way to the kitchen, but before she could take one single step, his sweaty hand grabbed her by her arm.

  "Where do you think you're going?"

  "Please, let me go, sir." She asked, trying to control her anger and the nausea.

  "Why should I? You're quite a doll, and I need some amusement." He said, with a disgusting smile.

  "I'm afraid I'm not here to amuse you, so, I'll ask you once more, to let go of me." She said, in a threatening tone.

  "Or what?"

  Positioning her feet on the floor, she raised one of her legs and hit him directly in his crotch, making him release her immediately as he fell to the floor on his knees, grabbing his balls, whimpering with the pain.

  She was about to get out of there, when Jordan came out of his office with Wilson and another man she didn’t know.

  "What the hell is happening here?" the stranger asked, with a deep frown.

  "The bitch hit me in the balls…" Nicholas grunted, obviously still in pain.

  The man immediately drew out his gun and pointed it at her. She was sure he would have shot her there and then if Jordan hadn’t stepped in front of me.

  "If she did, I'm sure she had a good reason." He said in a cold voice. "I'm occupying this house, right now, so you two are just guests." It was a warning not too disguised.

  He waited until the other man put his gun back in its holster, before turning to look at Ashley. "What happened here?" he asked in a very cold tone.

  She was scared. She had no idea how he would react, but she was sure of something, she would kill herself before letting the slime ball touch her again. "I was on my way to the kitchen when he stopped me and grabbed me. I asked him twice to let go of me, and he refused, so I made him release me." She answered, as calmed as she could.

  He turned to watch the man that was slowly getting up. "Is that true?" his tone was even colder.

  "I… I was just… looking for some fun." The other man answered, obviously scared. "I didn’t mean any harm."

  "He didn’t do anything wrong, you should punish esa puta de mierda." The other man ranted.

  "This woman, Jonathan, is mine, so yes, what he did was wrong, since I don’t share and I don’t like other men touching what's mine." Jordan explained, still in a cold tone, but his eyes seemed to be burning with fury.

  "Man, I had no idea, ok? You should make your women use a sign." Nicholas tried to make a joke, but the tension was thick between all present.

  "Ashley, go to our room and wait there for me." Jordan ordered her, without even looking at her.

  She considered the idea of protesting, but she quickly realized that would be a very bad idea, so she just turned around and disappeared through the corridor.

  Jordan watched Ashley disappearing down the hall and turned to look at the men. "I believe there is nothing else to be said. Let's hope the bad luck ends with this lost shipment." He said, changing the subject.

  Jonathan gave him a faint smile. "Yes, I'm sure it will. It can happen to anybody."

  "Yes, that's right. And like I said, there was no need for you to come over here just to explain that to me." Jordan added, trying to control his tone and not reveal the scorn he was feeling. Damn men.

  "We were on our way to Honduras to check on our last cargo, so it wasn’t a big detour." Jonathan explained, with a false smile.

  "Well, I'm glad things are clear now." Jordan said, and in a way they were. Now he was sure these two were ripping off the cartel for their personal profit.

  "Aren't you going to invite us to stay for breakfast?" Nicholas asked, rubbing his hands together.

  "Yes, of course. I'm sure my cooker has it all ready for us." Jordan answered, wishing the next couple of hours went by very quickly.

  "And maybe I'll have the opportunity to apologize to your woman." Nicholas said, the lustful shine in his eyes was almost enough to break Jordan's self control.

  "Of course. Wilson, please, go and ask Ashley to join us." He ordered. "Meanwhile, let's head to the terrace. On a day like this one, it's a crime to stay indoors." Jordan said, playing his role of host, guiding his unexpected guests to the terrace.

  Ashley was sitting on the bed when the door was opened violently and Wilson walked in.

  "Nice play, cunt. You almost ruined everything." He scolded her, with hate in his eyes.

  "Can I help you in any way, Wilson?" she asked, tired of fearing this man.

  "The boss wants you at the table for breakfast, so you better behave."

  "Oh, really? Do I have to eat with that scum?" she asked, hating the idea.

  "Yes, and you'll behave like a lady." He barked at her.

  "And you'll be the faithful dog?" she asked with scorn.

  He looked at her and for a moment she thought he was going to laugh, but of course it was only an illusion. "Don’t push me."

  "I wouldn’t dare, sir." She said, putting on a pair of sandals and leaving the room in front of him.

  When they arrived to the terrace all the others were already sitting at the table. Jordan had saved her a place next to him, with Wilson on the other side.

  "Ah, señorita Ashley, right? I would like to apologize for the misunderstanding." Nicholas said, with a greasy smile, that rummaged her stomach.

  "Apology accepted, sir." She answered, but not apologizing for hitting him. She wouldn’t doubt doing it again.

  Joanne arrived with the food and the conversation was led to more convenient topics, although she participated as little as possible. She just kept praying for the meeting to end as soon as possible. Throughout the brunch she could feel Nicholas' eyes over her the whole time, and when she inadvertently raised hers he would smile at her, making her shudder.

  And centuries after, or at least it felt like it, the guests got up to leave. Ashley tried to stay out of the way, and as far from Nicholas as possible, but somehow, he managed to be alone with her for a few seconds. He grabbed her arm again, and pulling her roughly towards him, he whispered: "This doesn’t end here. I'll make sure Jordan throws you my way when he's done with you."

  She removed her arm. "I would rather die." And she got away from him.

  Wilson and Garcia walked them to the airport and for the first time after the incident she was left alone with Jordan.

  He turned to look at her. "Are you alright?" Despite the question, his tone was distant, even cold.

  "Yes, a bit disgusted, but nothing more." She answered. "Why were they here?"

  "I believe they suspect something and wanted to scan the field and find out how much I know." He explained.

  "Did you manage to distract them from your real intentions?" she asked, concerned."

  "I believe so. But your move wasn’t very helpful. Normally, my women are more… appeasing."

  "Well, I'm afraid I would never be that appeasing. If that displeases you, I can stay out of your way, when you have visitors." She said, in a cold tone, crossing her arms over her chest. She wasn’t going to become his whore, that was for sure.

  "I believe I've been too ben
evolent with you so far." He replied, standing in front of her.

  "You think? What else do you think you need to do to me? You've made me lose my job, took me away from my mother, and forced me to be your lover, threatening my mother's life to get my full cooperation. So tell me how the hell you have been benevolent with me?" she ranted, not in a good mood, Nicholas' last words still sounding in her ears.

  He grabbed her chin and pulled her closer to him. "Don't push me. You know I own you, and if I decide to share you with my friends or enemies you'll accept it with a smile and do your best." He informed in a dark tone, his eyes darkened.

  "If you mean that, then just kill me right now, because I'll never accept that." She said, furious.

  "Not even if it's your mother's life is the one at stake?" He asked, with an evil grin, tightening his grip.

  "You bastard." She freed herself from his grip and ran away from him, towards the beach, tears running down her cheeks, feeling desperation getting hold of her heart.

  She fell on her knees crying, and stayed there for a while, her mind swirling with so many dreadful ideas, imagining so many terrible possibilities, and not finding a way out of it. Then her common sense kicked in, and she calmed down. There was no use imagining the worst scenarios. If he did what he was threatening, she would find a way to solve the situation. He wasn’t going to prostitute her, that's for sure.

  Exhausted, she wiped the tears from her face, and stared at the sea. All of a sudden, she got up, took off her dress and her shoes and walked straight into the water. She needed to feel clean again.

  Jordan watched her run to the beach and felt the urge to follow her. He didn’t know why he said all those things. He had never shared his women and he sure as hell wasn’t going to share her. But seeing Nicholas near her, had swirled so many feelings inside him that he just had to fight it, and regain control over himself.

  He kept looking at her, watching her body shudder. When he saw her take off her dress and her shoes and start walking towards the water, a shudder ran down his spine and he had a bad feeling.

  Without even noticing it, he started walking towards her, and soon he was running as fear gripped his heart. What the hell was she doing? "Ashley!" he yelled at her. But she didn’t seem to hear him. She just kept walking towards deep waters.

  He hastened his pace, his heart thundering in his chest, as he closed the distance between them. "Ashley, stop!" he shouted again. But she didn’t. He took off his shirt and his pants and entered the ocean. The water slowed his pace, and when her head disappeared under the water, his heart skipped a beat.

  He dove after her and after a few strokes he reached her, and pulled her up. Startled, she struggled to free herself from his grip, but he managed to grab her firmly.

  "Stop fighting me. What the fuck do you think you're doing?" he ranted.

  When she heard his voice, she calmed down and let him grab her. "Swimming. What? Do I need to get your permission to swim?" she answered, in a cold tone.

  Slowly, he released her. "Swimming?"

  "Yes, you know, the act of swim… what did you think I was doing?" she asked, puzzled.

  "Nothing. You mustn’t swim alone, there are a lot of hidden currents in this sea." He said, with a frown.

  "You thought I was going to kill myself." She realized, astonished. "I won't give you that pleasure. You won't defeat me that easily, no matter what you decide to do to me, do you hear me?" she yelled at him, turning around to swim back to the beach.

  He swam after her and grabbed her when she was about to leave the water, making her turn to look at him. "I hear you. Just remember you're mine, Ashley. Mine. Don’t you ever forget about that." He yelled at her.

  "Believe me, that's something I will never forget. As well as I'll never forget the day I fell into your clutches." She yelled back at him.

  He grabbed her face and claimed her mouth in a forceful kiss, taking possession of her body and trying with all his strength to take hold of her soul. His mouth devoured hers, his tongue vanquishing hers, forcing her to surrender to his passion.

  They fell to their knees, lost in their passion, and soon she was underneath him, trembling under his touch.

  He pulled aside her panties and taking his cock out of his underwear, he shoved himself deep inside her, pounding hard and fast, guiding her through the sea of wild sensations he always awakened in her. He buried his face in her neck and soon they were preys of a huge orgasm.

  They stayed there for a moment, trying to recover their breaths. "You drive me insane." He muttered.

  "That's easily fixed: let me go." She said, turning her face, furious with herself for surrendering again.

  "Yes, I should give you to Nicholas." She turned to see him immediately, her eyes throwing pure fire. "Ah, that got your attention."

  "If you ever do that, I'll kill him, and then I'll come back and kill you." She said through gritted teeth, punctuating each word with a punch in his chest.

  "That's my Ashley." He said laughing, grabbing her hands and pinning them to the sand, at the sides of her head.

  "Damn you, I hate you." She raged.

  "I know you do, and I love it." He said before kissing her so hard, he stole her breath away. "Just keep in mind, that you're mine, to do whatever I want to."

  She snorted and said nothing.

  He got up and pulled her up with him. "We need a shower. Let's go."

  They returned to the house in silence.

  Wilson was waiting for them at the terrace. "Boss…" he said, looking at Ashley.

  "Did you escort our guests off of the island?" Jordan asked, shaking some sand from his feet.

  "Yes, boss, we waited until the jet took off."

  "Good. Jonathan is suspicious. My father probably let out some of my doubts to General Marquez."

  "Boss…" Wilson said, frowning and looking at Ashley.

  "Don’t worry, she knows it all. It's not like she's going to run and tell what she knows." Jordan said with a grimace.

  "It's your call, boss." The other man said, sending a warning look at Ashley. She showed him her tongue, when he wasn’t looking, holding back a chuckle.

  "Yes. Anyway, what are the chances of planting a mole in their organization?" Jordan asked, oblivious of the tension between the other two.

  "I believe they are pretty good, boss. Nicholas’s body guard is a good friend of Garcia. I'm sure we can convince him to give us more information about their moves." Wilson informed.

  "Yes, that could be a good idea."

  "I'm sorry to interrupt, but if you ask my opinion…" Ashley started.

  "We're not." Wilson interrupted her.

  She looked directly to Jordan. "Like I was saying, if you ask my opinion, that's a waste of time. I'm sure the only reason Jonathan Marquez keeps Nicholas around is to please their uncle, but he wouldn’t let him in on much of the details of his secret operations. I mean, would you trust any secrets to that slimeball?"

  Jordan looked at her and smiled. "She has a point. It's more than obvious that Jonathan is the brains behind all of this. So we need someone close to him, and not to Nicholas."

  Ashley couldn’t help showing a victorious smile on her face, as she looked at Wilson. She could tell he was furious.

  "Why don’t you look for a member of his house staff? Maids and cooks often know much more about their bosses than they would like. They are everywhere and they can hear a lot of things." Ashley suggested. "I'm sure that Wilson would be more than able to seduce one of Jonathan's maids." She added with a fake innocent smile.

  "It's a good idea, Wilson, don’t you think?" Jordan convened. Wilson looked at Ashley enraged, but he swallowed his rage and admitted through gritted teeth: "Yes, boss I believe it is."

  "But not you, everybody knows that you're my right hand and it would be too suspicious. Look for someone that can go unnoticed and put him to work." Jordan added.

  "Yes, boss, you're right."

  "Then get to it. Take advantage of th
e fact they will be in Honduras and place the mole."

  "Yes, boss. I'll leave for Caracas immediately." Wilson said leaving them alone in the terrace.

  Jordan looked at her for a moment in silence.

  "What?" she asked, puzzled with his intense look.

  "Why are you helping us?" he asked, in a serious tone.

  "Let's say I like to solve mysteries, and leave it at that." She said. She didn’t know the answer herself. She had never considered the possibility of helping a drug dealer, but she couldn’t stay idle in face of something she thought was wrong.

  He chuckled, but he didn’t insist. "Let's get that shower." He suggested.

  "Yes, I'll use the guests' bathroom. I'm starting to feel sore after so much… passion." She said with a grimace.

  He laughed but let her go. He knew she was telling the truth. They seemed unable to be alone in one room without fucking each other's brains out.

  When she was done showering, she went looking for him. He was in the study, checking some papers. "Hey." She greeted, from the doorway.

  He raised his eyes from the papers and smiled. "Hey."

  "Can I ask you something?"

  "Sure, what's up?"

  "I would like to call my mother. May I?" she asked.

  "Sure, here, have my phone." He handed her his cell phone.

  "Thank you." She took a seat on a couch near a window and dialed her mother's number. "Hey, mom."

  "Ashley, hijita. How are you?"

  "I'm fine, mom. How are you? Is everything ok with you?" she asked, trying to hide her concern.

  "I'm great, sweetie. And I have great news." Her mother told her, sounding very happy.

  "Yes? Tell me all about it." She encouraged her.

  "A friend of my boss offered me a great job. She is leaving the country and needs someone to take care of her house. She has a mansion in the Lagunita Country Club. It has a small house just for me, and all I have to do is take care of the house, have things working and cared for." Her mother explained.


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