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Jordan's Quest: Bad Boy Mafia Dark Romance book (The Generals' Sons 1)

Page 10

by Veronica Cane

  "Yes, of course. I'll see you later." She went to the room and after taking off her clothes she went straight to the shower. She wanted to wash that slime ball's touch from her skin. When she was done, she put on a tiny nightgown and a thong.

  She laid on the bed, staring at the ceiling, lit by the moonlight, trying to keep her mind empty and not think of all the things that had happened in her life, in the past few days.

  At some point she must have fallen asleep, because she didn’t see him come to bed. When the sun replaced the moon in the sky she opened up her eyes to see him beside her, but not sleeping, watching her, with a somber expression on his face.

  Jordan watched her disappear up the stairway before heading to his office, followed by Wilson and Garcia. "I want this to be perfect. We have to get the proof beyond a shadow of a doubt." He said to his men, punching his one palm.

  "We will boss. The Colombians are willing to help us. They understand the need to take the thieves down, even if they don’t suspect who they are. We can count on their full support on this." Wilson replied.

  "Good. It's getting harder for me to put up with them. And Nicholas’s obvious obsession over Ashley isn’t helping." Jordan admitted standing in front of the small bar he had in his office as he poured a scotch for himself and drunk it in one gulp.

  "Maybe you should use that to our advantage boss." Wilson dared to suggest.

  Jordan turned to look at Wilson with a deep frown. "That's out of the question." He barked, barely containing his annoyance.

  "I really don’t see why boss. If you handed her over to Nicholas, I'm sure she would be able to get us better info than the one we have." Wilson insisted, even knowing he might be stepping out of line here.

  "What part of 'out of the question' didn’t you get, Wilson?" Jordan asked, in a cold, threatening tone, as he closed the distance between him and his man.

  "I'm sorry, boss, but you have to admit it's a good idea."

  "No, I don’t."

  "You're getting too attached to that woman, boss, otherwise you would agree with me." Wilson claimed.

  "That's none of your business and I don’t want to hear about it again." Jordan closed the discussion before he let out his urges to punch Wilson's face. "Let's stick to what is planned, and we'll get what we want." He added, ending the conversation and leaving the room.

  He didn’t go up to his room though. He was too restless for that. So he went out to the front yard and wondered for a while, trying to clear his head. When he got to the room, she was already sleeping, and didn’t even move when he lay down next to her and stayed there, just watching her sleep.

  The sun was already up, when she finally opened her eyes.

  "Hey, what's up?" she asked, with a faint smile.

  "Nothing important." He had been looking at her for a couple of hours. In his mind, he kept playing Wilson's words: 'You're getting too attached to that woman.' But, so far he wasn’t able to even admit that possibility. He had never been too attached to any of his women. They all wanted something from him, and so far none had wanted him, the man behind all the money and the luxury that he represented. And he was sure Ashley wasn’t the exception. Maybe she knew a bit more about him than the others, but he was certain she would leave him immediately if he let her.

  When she opened her eyes, his body fell under her spell once more, and all he could think of was making her his once more.

  "Are you sure?" she insisted.

  "Yes, I'm sure." He leaned over her and kissed her deeply banishing all coherent thought from her mind, until they were both breathless. Then, he trailed over her cheeks, down her neck until his mouth took possession of her breasts, discarding her nightgown, and leaving no inch on the way without being explored, as he laid beside her. She could feel his hard cock pressing against her thigh, as a clear statement of his desire for her.

  He pushed her thong down her legs, leaving her naked, and at his will. His underwear soon joined hers and he got naked, lying between her thighs. His hands crawled up her body; taking her arms over her head and keeping them there, with one hand, leaving the other free to keep exploring her at will.

  Ashley was completely absorbed in what he was doing to her, so aroused she felt she would explode any moment now. Then she felt his fingers opening her lips, stretching her for him, and without further preliminaries, he sank his cock deep into her in one thrust.

  She cried out, and her whole body convulsed in pleasure, trembling and clenching hard over him. But, he gave her no respite, he started pounding deep in her, in and out, every thrust a shout of possessiveness, a predator marking his new territory, making her his, and only his.

  He released her hands, and held her by her knees, pushing them towards her, spreading her to him, allowing him to go deeper in her. And in no time, she was coming, hard, panting and moaning wildly. Her body, flying over the edge, pushed by his.

  He flipped her round, her big, round ass up, for him to caress, knead roughly, squeeze and pinch as he kept plunging into her, pinning her to the mattress.

  He could hear her moans, her whimpers, and her small cries of pleasure as he kept making her his.

  And once more she was coming, but this time, he came with her. His body convulsed, buried deep inside her, as he erupted and emptied himself inside her, through harsh gasps and loud grunts.

  He collapsed next to her in bed, and sighed. "You drive me insane, girl."

  "It's… mutual… believe me." She answered, panting.

  He let out a dry laugh and jumped out of bed and heading to the shower. "I'll be out all day, so please, entertain yourself as you please, here in the house."

  "Can I go visit my mother?" she asked, immediately.

  "No, not today. I'll take you as soon as I can." He rejected the idea in a tone that warned her not to discuss.

  "And call her?" she tried.

  "Yes, you can call her, but be careful with what you say." He admonished.

  "I always am."

  He finished getting dressed and left the room.

  Wilson and Garcia were already waiting for him in the hall, and in just a few minutes, they were leaving the house.

  "Is everything ready?" Jordan asked.

  "Yes, boss. We talked to the Colombian cartel and they have offered the Marquez the next shipment. The packages will be marked as we agreed, in a very discreet way. They have accepted it and the cargo will arrive on a private plane to Caracas in a couple of days. There won't be many guards receiving it, so they will be able to lose a few kilos, with almost no witnesses." Wilson explained.

  "Good. Do we have our own men at La Guaira?"

  "Yes, boss, that's all set." Garcia intervened.

  "I'm not sure I trust Sergeant Hernandez, so keep him out of this one."

  "Yes, sir."

  "Now, all we have to do is wait and see." Jordan said.

  They arrived to the offices of Storm Security and all conversations ended.

  Ashley spent the day exploring the house and swimming in the pool. She had called her mother, and was happy to find out she was more than happy with her new job and her new life. The neighborhood where she was living was simply great and she already had made a few friends.

  But, by the end of the day, she was ready to freak out. She wasn’t used to being without something to do for that much time.

  When he finally got to the house she was feeling a bit edgy. She was in the living room, sitting on the couch, waiting for him to return, trying to read a book, but reading had never been her thing, so she had spent at least half an hour on the same page. She just couldn’t concentrate.

  "Hey, nena, how was your day?" he asked in a cheerful tone, walking towards her, and pulling her up.

  "Terrible. I'm not used to doing nothing." She ranted, in a bad mood.

  "Read, sleep, watch TV…" he suggested with an amused smile.

  "I did all that… and still had too much free time. I have always worked, so it's not easy for me to suddenly have this amo
unt of free time." She said, with a sigh.

  "Well, I'll keep you so busy during the night that you'll be so tired you'll sleep the whole day." He suggested with a smile, pulling her close to him by her wrists and stealing a kiss from her mouth.

  "Oh, you would love that, wouldn’t you?" she said with a grin.

  "Yes, I sure would. I'll take a shower and change so that we can have dinner." He said stealing another kiss before heading upstairs to their room.

  She sighed and walked to the window. The sight of the city was amazing. From a distance, it looked so beautiful, peaceful. Nothing close to the reality lived on the streets.

  "Done." His voice startled her when he returned.

  "Good, I'm starting to feel hungry." She said with a grimace.

  Maria brought dinner and for once they had a meal alone. Wilson and Garcia weren’t around and she was happy.

  "Have you decided the strategy to use on the Marquez cousins?" she asked curious.

  "Yes, we set the bait on the trap and now all we have to do is wait."

  "Do you think they'll bite?" she asked, a bit concerned.

  "They will. It's too alluring for them to resist." He said confident.

  "So you're planning on exposing them."

  "Yes, the Cartel has given them all they have, and they pay them back by stealing? Of course I'll expose them."

  "Yes, I understand your point. You'll need solid evidence."

  "Yes, and we will have it." He assured. "Did you call your mother?" he changed the subject.

  "I did, and she is very happy, she loves the house, the job and the people she has met. She's in paradise." She answered with a frown.

  "Then what's the problem?" he said, puzzled.

  "That it's too good to be true and it won't last." She answered, worried.

  "The job is legit. All I did was to put in a good word for your mother." He explained. "So it will last as long as it has to last."

  "Well, yes, I guess… it just worries me a bit, that's all." She said, a bit surprised with his words.

  "You shouldn’t. Your mother is alright and cared for."

  They finished dinner and watched a movie, just like every regular couple. When they went to bed, he made love to her with the usual passion, draining her completely.

  The following day, she asked him to let her get out of the house. "I'm going insane here." She added. "I just want to go to a mall, see store windows and other people."

  He looked at her for a while, before he accepted. "I thought you hated shopping."

  "And I do. But I won't go shopping, I just want to see people, go for a stroll."

  "Very well, you'll go with Juan, one of my men, and when you're done you'll meet me at the company and we'll come home together."

  "That's a magnificent plan, thank you." She smiled and kissed his cheek.

  "Here, use this card if you need to buy anything." He added, handing her a credit card.

  "No, thank you. I don’t need anything else, I just want to get out of the house." She replied, not even taking the card.

  He looked at her for a while, and then put the card away. "Very well, as you like. I'll wait for you at my office around five."

  "I'll be there."

  He took a cell phone from a drawer on his desk, marked something on it and handed it to her. "Here, take it back. I want you to call me if you need me. I already saved my number on it."

  It was her own cell phone, and she took it, thankful.

  He left for work and the idea of leaving the house in the afternoon made the morning go by easily. She used the pool, saw some TV and even read some. After lunch, she got dressed and Juan, her new shadow, drove her to the biggest mall in town.

  She walked around, loving to see people walking around the place. She bought herself and Juan an ice cream, loving the look on the man's face when she handed him a cone.

  When she was about to head to Jordan's office, she had a dreadful surprise. Nicholas Marquez and Sergeant Hernandez came across her.

  "Well, well, well, Miss Perez, what a pleasure seeing you." Sergeant Hernandez said, with his greasy smile.


  "You know the lady, Hernandez?" Nicholas asked, surprised.

  "Yes, señor Marquez, she used to work for the national airline."

  "Ah, this is really a small world, don’t you think, Miss Perez?" Nicholas said, with the usual lustful smile.

  "I'm starting to think that. Now, if you'll excuse me, I'm expected somewhere else." She said, turning to look at Juan and silently calling him closer.

  "Oh, what a pity. Are you sure you can't stay just a little while?" Hernandez asked grabbing her arm. "After all you owe me a date."

  She pulled her arm from his hand, violently. "I don’t owe you a thing." She said, turning to leave.

  "Ah, well, I'm sure we'll meet again, soon." Nicholas said, with a creepy smile.

  "Not if I can help it." She mumbled walking away as fast as she could.

  God, Nicholas alone was bad, but with Sergeant Hernandez, that was more than she could take.

  She arrived at Jordan's office at Storm security, still feeling a bit shaky.

  "Hey, nena, how did it go?" he greeted her when she entered his office.

  "All had been just fine then I had an unpleasant meeting." She said.

  "What happened?" she told him about the meeting.

  "That confirms my suspicions. Hernandez is working for the Marquez." Jordan said, pursing his lips.

  "Those two disgusting men together are more than I can take." She said with a shudder of revulsion.

  "You won't have to see them again."

  "I truly hope so." She sighed. "Are you ready to go home?"

  "I'm afraid not. I have a last minute business meeting I can't call off. Why don’t you go home with Juan and I'll meet you there in a couple of hours. We could go out for dinner if you want." He suggested.

  "No, I rather stay home, if you don’t mind." She didn’t want to run into any of the Marquez again.

  "Alright then, I'll see you at home." He kissed her sweetly on her lips and watched her leave with Juan following after her.

  Jordan turned to look at Garcia. "How did this guy managed to contact you?" El Mapure, a local mobster that had managed to put together a huge gang band, in just a couple of years, had asked to meet up with him. Jordan had thought of refusing it, because the cartel didn’t do business with local dealers, but he had been poked by curiosity, and he wanted to know what he was after.

  "Through the National Guard captain deployed in his area. Are you sure this is a good idea, boss? This guy is bad news." Garcia explained.

  "I know exactly who he is. What I would like to know is how the hell does he know who I am, and how did he get that information." Jordan wondered, puzzled. "And that's why I'm meeting him."

  "He sure has balls coming all the way to Caracas, with half of the police force after him." Garcia said.

  Jordan snorted. "Believe me, no one is after him. Those are just tales the government is telling the people. You know it's convenient to keep the people scared, and El Mapure, does a good job at it."

  "I guess you're right boss." Garcia admitted.

  "We should be going, boss, if we want to make it on time." Wilson warned, looking at his watch.

  "He can wait for me." Jordan assured, with a cynical smile. They were meeting the other man at a restaurant downtown.

  And when they got to the restaurant, El Mapure was already there, accompanied by two men. Jordan was sure there were a few others around the place, just like he had some of his own men scattered around.

  He got up to greet Jordan. "Mr. Martinez, it's a great pleasure to finally meet you. I've heard so much about you." The man said in a fake greasy tone, that Jordan despised deeply.

  "Is that so? I really can't think who could have told you that much about me." Jordan said in a cold tone. He didn’t need this man. The only reason he was there was to satisfy his curiosity, nothing more.
br />   "Oh, we have mutual friends. But please, sit down. What are you going to have? Champagne?" El Mapure offered, taking a seat again.

  Jordan grabbed a seat and sat down, Wilson and Garcia did the same, next to him. "Some mineral water is more than enough, thank you."

  The man wasn’t able to hide his smirk of disdain, but his opinion meant nothing to Jordan.

  "Of course, whatever you like."

  "So, what was so important that you wanted to talk to me?" Jordan went straight to the point, opening the bottle of water the waiter had brought him. He didn’t want to waste much time with this guy.

  "You see, our mutual friend provided my group with some fine merchandise. Quite high quality, but he has been having trouble getting me some more. But he mentioned you were the one handling the whole thing, so I thought to myself: why waste time with the small fishes in the pond if I could make business with the big shark? You know what I mean?" He explained.

  "I see. And didn’t this friend of yours explain to you that the big shark doesn’t do business with local small fishes?" Jordan asked, using the other man's metaphor to put him down.

  "Yes, he might have mentioned some of that, but, you have to consider that we might be local, but we sure as hell aren’t small." El Mapure clarified.

  "Maybe not small by your standards, but I assure you, for the big shark you are very small. Another detail to take into consideration is that the big shark only deals with greens." Jordan explained, referring to US dollars.

  "We can get that." The other man insisted.

  "I'm sure you can, but even so, there is no way the big shark will change his mind." Jordan stated. "Why don’t you tell me, who is our mutual friend? Maybe I could get the big shark to help him help you." Jordan asked, with an alluring smile.

  El Mapure looked at Jordan speculating how sincere was him. Obviously not convinced of it, he shook his head. "There's no need for that. But you should try to make the big shark change his mind. I always get what I want, one way or the other." That was a clear threat.

  Jordan slowly got up, with Wilson and Garcia doing the same. "You better be careful with your ways. You're way over your head here."


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