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Alluring Seduction (Bayou Stix)

Page 4

by Turner, Skye

  He’s a good kisser, and I go with it, but in my head, I’m kissing Jessie.

  I’m sick. I’m a sick, sick woman.

  I think we kiss for a long time, my hands find his nape, though his hair is short and my fists itch for long strands. He keeps my body pinned to his, Every part of our bodies touch, though he never really takes advantage. And then, as quickly as I was pulled into his body, I’m ripped away from him, and looking into the furious face of one Jessie Adams.

  Oh shit.

  Chapter Six


  I’m watching Liam put his hands on Blue’s shoulders and whisper in her ear and my head is filled with buzzing. What the hell is going on? Why am I so pissed off? She’s not mine, I don’t even like her, and she hates me, so, what… the… fuck?

  Blue looks at him and smiles and he takes her hand and leads her to the dance floor. I watch as he grips her shapely hips and they start to move.

  “Mother fucker!” I grit out as I grab the hand rail so tightly I lose feeling in my fingers.

  “What’s the problem, Jessie? If you want her so bad, why the fuck are you standing up here?” Dade casually remarks from my right side.

  Looking over at him briefly, I spit out, “I don’t want her.”

  “You sure about that? Because from where I’m standing it looks like you want her very much and it also looks like you’re about to jump over the rail to get to her and Liam.” He smirks at me and chuckles. “By the way, I would advise you against that move. Take the stairs.”

  “Fuck you, Dade. I don’t want her. I just don’t want Liam to mess with her.”

  “Uh huh.”

  We watch them dance for a bit and my vision gets blacker and blacker the closer Liam pulls her into his body.

  Suddenly, my eyes bug out and I stand there in a daze as rage descends on my brain. Did that really just happen?! No fucking way. That did not just happen.

  “Good thing you don’t want her, man. Because Liam just staked his claim.”

  “The fuck he did!”

  Turning away from the rail, I race down the stairs.

  I’m going to kill him. I’m going to fuck up his pretty boy face. And what the fuck is Blue doing?! She says she’s not like that, but today she was in my arms in the elevator and now she’s in Liam’s kissing him in the middle of the dance floor. I’m going to fucking kill him. And her. She’s put a spell on me. That has to be what’s going on. I don’t know. All I know is I’m going to kill him!

  Before I know what I’m doing, I’m beside Blue and Liam and I grab her arm and pull her away from him. She gasps and looks up at me.

  I look over her shoulder and Liam is standing there with his trademark, “who gives a shit” look. I want to punch him. He smirks at me and says, “Problem, Jessie?”

  Pulling Blue further away from him and tucking her close to me, I glare at him and respond. “Are you serious? You’re lucky I don’t knock that smirk off of your fucking face.”

  His smile gets wider. “Really? Why is that Jessie? You don’t care, remember?”

  Blue is looking from Liam to me, but with his statement, she jerks her arm away from me shooting me a glare, and turns as if she’s going to walk away. I grab for her again, but she slaps my hand away not noticing the crowd around us, taking in the scene.

  “Don’t fucking touch me, you asshole! What the hell are you doing anyway?” She’s really getting worked up now and is pointing her finger in my face. With every word, her voice is getting louder. “Why did you do that? You hate me. You tell me I’m a distraction after treating me like a whore.” She shoves me. “Why does it matter to you who I kiss? It’s none of your business! I’m none of your business. You make me furious!” Another shove. “I wish I hated you. That would be so much fucking easier. But no, I can’t get you out of my head and I hate it! I hate that I want you! I hate that of all of the men on this fucking planet, you’re the one who gets under my skin!” With that last sentence, her face goes white and her eyes get huge. She throws her hand over her mouth, turns on her heel, and runs.

  Whoa. What the fuck did she just say? She WANTS me? She doesn’t hate me. She wants me.

  Shaking my head, I stand frozen in place and watch her make her way through the crowd.

  “Seriously, man? You’re just going to stand there? You might want to go after her.”

  I look at Liam and see the smile in his eyes as he points in the direction Blue just ran.

  “You did that on purpose? You riled me up on purpose?” I’m exasperated.

  He shrugs. “Something like that. You’re welcome. Dade helped.”

  I look up to the balcony where Dade is standing. He raises his glass to me in a silent toast and winks. Smug fucker.

  Then turning back to Liam, I shake my head. I just got played.

  Liam smirks again and inclines his head towards the exit. “Now stop being a douche and go after her.”

  Giving him one last look and a slight grin with a salute, I turn and take off in the direction Blue just fled.

  Oh boy, this is about to get interesting.


  Oh my God… Oh my God… I just blurted out that I wanted Jessie. To JESSIE. This is not good. Shit. Stupid. Stupid. Stupid, Blue! And damn Liam and his meddling. I knew he was up to something. Fuck… I wonder if I can bow out of the last concert and head home. Sonofabitch!

  Hurried footsteps interrupt my internal dialogue. My back braces, I can feel who it is. He stops a few feet away.


  He clears his throat and I look up. My eyes meet his.


  Seriously?! This is how he wants to start this conversation?

  I sigh. Ok, I guess we’re doing this. “Hey. What do you want, Jessie?”

  “I’m not quite sure how to answer that question, Blue.” He’s rubbing the back of his neck and pulling his lip ring into his mouth.

  Um, ok. What the fuck does that mean?

  “Well, you followed me for a reason, so what is it? Spit it out.” I roll my eyes in annoyance and shake my hand at him to tell him to get on with it. Lord, I need another drink.

  “See, why do you do that? Why do you immediately jump on the defensive with me? You say I hate you, but you act like you hate me too and you just told me that wasn’t true, so why do you do that? You confuse the shit out of me and I’m not used to being confused.” He sounds just as exasperated as I am.

  “I don’t know. I can’t help it. And I confuse you? Are you serious right now?” I sigh and look away from those sky blue eyes. I look at the floor and lean back against the wall. “Why did you follow me, Jessie? What do you want from me?”

  I look back at him through my lashes and wait for his answer.

  He swallows and stares at me before answering. “I don’t know what I want from you. I don’t know.” He runs his hands through his hair and squeezes the back of his neck as he pulls his lip ring into his mouth again, still looking into my eyes.

  My eyes glaze over at his blatant sexuality. But I shake my head to clear it. “Well, this is getting us nowhere and I just can’t do this.” Straightening up, I look over his shoulder, focusing on the path back to the club. “I’m going back to get my purse and I’m leaving tomorrow after the concert.”

  I move around him and go to take a step, but his hand reaches for my arm, stopping me from leaving. “Don’t.” His voice is strained.

  I look from his hand on my arm to his face. He’s looking down at me with desire filled eyes. Butterflies take flight in my stomach and heat instantly pools in my core. I whisper, “Don’t what?”

  His eyes are raking over my face and he turns so I’m back against the wall with him in front of me. But the only part of our bodies that touch is his hand on my arm. He groans and moves in closer to me, boxing me in. His hands are suddenly on the wall near my head and his erection is pressed into the apex of my thighs. I gasp.

  “Don’t walk away. I don’t know what I want from you, but I know I
want you. Don’t…”

  With the last word, his mouth moves down to mine. Jessie is kissing me. Kissing me like he means it.

  His lips brush against mine, whisper light. His lip ring is cool and feels so sexy against my lips. My hands run up his back and tangle in his hair as I angle my mouth to better fit against his. His tongue moves along the seam of my lips coaxing them and I open with a sigh. The first brush of his tongue against mine is slow and sensuous. But the tempo soon picks up and his hands are no longer on the wall. They are holding my face as his mouth melds with and explores mine. I fist his hair with my left hand and slide my right hand down his shirt and then under it to feel the smooth skin of his back. As the kiss heats up, he starts to move his pelvis against me, and I rake my nails down his back.

  Groaning, he moves his hands down my side and brushes the sides of my aching breasts before grabbing my leg and angling it over his thigh so he can rub against me harder.

  I’m sucking on his tongue and lost in sensation as his hands slide up my bare thigh and find the bottom of my ass. His fingers rub circles on it. I’m powerless to the sensations racing through my body and the electricity that ignites everywhere we touch.

  Suddenly, he stops and pulls back. Pressing his forehead to mine, he stares into my dazed eyes. His breathing is as ragged as mine and he can’t seem to catch his breath.

  Did that just happen? How did I end up like this with Jessie… again?

  He groans and puts my leg down before smoothing my skirt back over my ass. “Well, ok then. You’re a witch, Blue.”

  I jerk back. What the fuck?

  “Excuse me?”

  He chuckles and pulls me into him again, before placing a chaste kiss on my nose. “Down, woman! I’m not insulting you.”

  I raise my brow. Who is this man?

  “What does that mean and why are you being sweet, Jessie?” I’m drumming my nails against his hard chest as I try to figure him out.

  He laughs, “I am sweet. People love me. I’m not being anything. And it means you’re under my skin, Blue. Hence the witch.” His eyes are twinkling.

  Holy shit, he’s gorgeous… I am about to jump him. God, I want him.

  “I didn’t do anything to you. I’m not a witch. And I’m not a fan girl or groupie, Jessie.” My hands are now resting on his chest and I am fighting with myself not to slide them up and bury them back in his hair.

  He sighs again, “Trust me, I know that. That makes this… complicated.”

  “Complicated, why? And makes what complicated? What is this?” I’m pointing from me to him.

  “All of it is complicated. Do you realize for years we’ve done nothing but fight and now… twice in one day we’ve been all over each other? You don’t want to want me, I don’t want to want you, but we do. You’re friends with my friends. I think this is the longest conversation we’ve ever had, Blue. It’s just complicated.”

  “It doesn’t have to be complicated, Jessie. We want each other, so what? We don’t have to act on it. We are friends with the same people, but for the most part, we want to kill each other. Day after tomorrow, I’m going home and you’re going to Baton Rouge. We won’t be anywhere near each other. So, no, it doesn’t have to be complicated. AT ALL!” I move away from him again, straightening my dress, and decide it’s time to get my purse and head back to the hotel.

  “You want to just walk away? From this? I never figured you for a chicken, Blue.” His voice is taunting me.

  His words stop me. Turning back to him I make a decision. “Ok. No, I want you. I want you out of my system, so come back with me… to my room… tonight. One night. Let’s get each other out of our systems and then we’ll head our separate ways. Ok?”

  His eyes are huge in his beautiful face and he’s biting his tongue. My eyes are fixated on the pink tip sticking out of his mouth. “One night? You want a one night stand? With me?”

  My heart is hammering in my chest and my hands are so moist, I need to wipe them on my dress. His eyes watch me.

  “Yes. One night. Why not? One night, no strings.” I just wait.

  He stares at me for a long time before he says through gritted teeth as he walks past me, “No.”

  I stand there in shock as I process his words and watch him stomp away.

  What just happened?

  Chapter Seven


  Blue just offered the same thing to me that I take women up on all the time, so why does the fact that SHE did it, piss me off? Damn her. One night… yeah, one night with Blue Delaney will not sate my desire. One night. Fuck that. I shouldn’t have walked away like that, but she shocked me. She’s making me crazy! Argh… one night…

  I make my way back to TAO and everyone is in the booth upstairs. Lexi is in Jude’s lap. Bradi is snuggled against Micah and talking to Dade and Liam. And Cruz is writing in a notebook, only to stop and tap a beat out on the table, and then he writes again. They all look up and go quiet as I stomp towards the table and grab the bottle of Patron. I take three shots back to back.

  Bradi watches me before breaking the silence. “So, what the hell happened? Where’s Blue?”

  I gesture towards the hallway. “Out there somewhere, I’m sure.”

  Lexi sits up on Jude’s lap, all of the guys just stare at me, and Bradi pins me with a glare. “What do you mean ‘out there somewhere’? You left her out there? Did you even find her? Shit… I have her room key and her purse. I’m going find her. Dammit, Jessie!”

  Lexi says, “Dammit, Jessie!” She shoots me the evil eye. “I’m going with you, Bradi!”

  At the same time, Liam shoots me an annoyed look and mutters, “Give it to me. I’ll go look for her! This is my fault.”

  “If all of you are done cussing at me, I’m going to take another shot!” I gesture at all of them. “Then, I’m going find her.” I point at Liam, “You don’t go near her. She’s off limits to you. Keep your damn tongue out of her mouth!”

  Liam smirks at me as he looks over my shoulder and Jude busts out laughing. Both girls grin and Dade mutters under his breath, “Ladies and gentlemen, we are in for a show!” Even Cruz is laughing.

  Oh shit.

  I turn around and standing behind me, clearly pissed… is Blue.

  Marching over to me, she jabs me in the chest with her finger. “You don’t tell people I’m off limits! Don’t tell him to keep his tongue out of my mouth. You. Just. Left. Me. In. The. Fucking. Hall. After. I. Offered. You. What. You. Wanted! You told me ‘NO’!”

  I’m looking at everyone and they are staring raptly at the scene that is an enraged Blue Delaney. Her eyes are sparkling in her fury and her cheeks and chest are flushed with her anger. God, she’s gorgeous.

  I can’t help it. I grin, which makes her even madder. I think the tequila is working.

  She screams at me. “You’re crazy! Where do you get off telling people to stay away from me when you turn me down? What is wrong with you? And why the fuck are you grinning at me, you asshole?”

  I grab her, wrap her in my arms, and kiss her… hard. In front of everyone. Bradi and Lexi gasp and Jude and Dade high five. Micah shakes his head, Liam just smirks and winks, and Cruz just smiles.

  Pulling back, I look at her and as she opens her mouth to speak, I cut her off. “No, stop talking! Don’t scream at me. You’re sexy as hell when you’re mad. Do you know that? But stop talking.”

  She screeches at me again, “Let me go, you jerk!”

  I swat her ass and tell Bradi to give me Blue’s purse, “No, now be quiet. We’re leaving.” Bradi’s eyes light up and I can see her trying not to swoon at my behavior. She hands me Blue’s purse. Blue glares from me to Bradi. Chuckling, Bradi finger waves and blows a kiss.

  “I’m not going anywhere with you. Are you crazy?” She’s standing there enraged, stomping her foot in her frustration.

  “Probably. You make me crazy. But yes, you are. Now stop pretending you don’t want to and walk or I will throw your fine ass over my shoul
der and carry you.” Her mouth drops open as I point to the stairs. “Now, Blue. We don’t have all night.”

  Turning her and tapping her lower back, so she starts walking, I call out to the group, “Night y’all. We’ll see you tomorrow.”

  Once we get outside, she stops walking and stares at me, but before she can talk, I say, “Walk with me.”

  “Walk with you where? Jessie, I have three inch heels on, they’re not really meant to be walked in.” She’s muttering under her breath the whole time that I’m a “crazy, insane, a jerk…”

  I look her up and down and finally notice, she has a very small dress on, too high heels, and no cover-up and it’s freezing outside. “Why do y’all do that? You wear the most impractical shoes ever and then complain because you can’t walk in them? And where’s your coat? It’s freezing out here!”

  “Seriously? We wear them because they look good and make our legs look amazing. And I have no jacket because I was in a club and not thinking I’d be accosted and brought outside into the freezing temperature!” She’s shivering as she’s saying it and shooting me glacial looks. If it wasn’t already freezing outside, her glare would freeze the air.

  “Ok, come here. Change of plans.”

  She just stands there staring at me and shivering, so I grab her and pull her close, taking off my jacket to wrap it around her.

  She folds her arms around herself and buries her face in the leather of my jacket. My heart starts racing at the sight of her in my clothes. I put my arm around her and hail a cab. She burrows into me to avoid as much of the cold air as she can.

  After a few minutes, a cab pulls up and I usher her in. Thankfully, my hair has hidden my face pretty well, because people are starting to stare and point at us. There are also cell phones pointing in our direction. We get in and I hurriedly tell the driver to take us back to the hotel, while I try to shield Blue from the public scrutiny.

  In the cab, Blue scoots away from me on the seat, but I pull her back into my body, so her hip is lined up with mine.


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