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MIDNIGHT DIVINE (The Helio Trilogy Book 1)

Page 31

by Valerie Roeseler

  “Hey, what are you so embarrassed about?” he touches my shoulders and bends down to peer through my fingers. “It was bound to happen anyways. I see the way he looks at you. Cass notices too. It’s like he’s been waiting for you his entire life.”

  I let my hands fall and start rambling, “Do you think Evelyn knows? I don’t want to upset her, but I love him. I know how bad this looks. She probably hates me right now.”

  “Ivy. Stop,” Beck demands as he tries to shake some sense into me. I take in his serious expression as I expect words of comfort. “I’m sure she knows, but she can’t expect you to not live your life."

  I'm mortified. “She must think I'm a traitor—tossing Jack aside for a Fallen.”

  Beck tips my chin up, “You have too much love inside of you to ever be a traitor. And if you ever do, I'll hunt you down with Cass and drag you back home, kicking and screaming if I have to.” His gamine grin provokes a bashful twist in my tight lips. He brushes my chin playfully with his fist, “Chin up. You’re a bad ass.” I nod and Beck adds with softness in his tone, “You love him?”

  I meet his prying gaze. Did I say that? Do I love him? I think about how much Solas has affected me. From the moment I saw him at The Keep when he transformed from a raven into his Fallen angelic form, I felt a connection I couldn’t place before, and that connection grew. I do. I love him, I declare to myself. A smile graces my face as I admit it out loud, “Yeah. I guess I do.”

  “Awe!” Beckett teases in a sing song voice.

  I roll my eyes and punch his arm with mirth. “Alright, Beck. I’ll see you later.”

  His eyes catch a sorority girl walking in the distance as she drops her books, and he mumbles with a cunning grin, “Uh-huh. Later.” He pats my shoulder as he jogs to help the damsel in distress. I shake my head, pushing the doors open to the building and go to class.

  Our topic in Music History becomes awkward to say the least. The previous subject matters covered the Birth of the Blues—Evelyn's favorite. Today, the professor's lecturing on the myths surrounding one of the most influential blues artists, Robert Johnson. Legend has it, Johnson took his guitar to a crossroads where he met the Devil and sold his soul to him. In exchange, the Devil took Robert Johnson’s guitar, tuned it, and handed it back to him. It's said after that encounter, Johnson went on to record 29 hits, making him the historical legend he is today.

  I leave Music History and cross the hall to my Piano class. As I try to lose myself in the classical piece we're playing, I can’t shake the residual feeling Music History left me with. I want to take it as a sign meant to guide me through my pending battle with Lucian. In the words of Dave Grohl, "Music is my religion, the record store is my church, rock stars are my saints, and their songs are my hymns." I've always felt music could either fix my current problems or point me in the right direction, and a higher being was guiding me with music.

  After class, I’m surprised to find Solas waiting for me instead of Cass. Yet, seeing him realigns my day back on track. “Hey,” I breathe with a smile as I relax in his presence.

  “Hey,” he echoes as he wraps his enormous arms around me and kisses my hairline.

  Solas takes my backpack, throws it over his shoulder, and holds me close with an arm across my shoulders. We slink down the hill to the parking lot, and I wonder, “Where’s Cass?”

  “They left early for The Keep. They should be back in two days.”

  On the drive home, I start contemplating about the bands upcoming gig. “I need to go shopping with Alice for a Halloween costume to wear for the Masquerade Ball.”

  “When do you want to go?”

  “I have to finish up a few more assignments tomorrow, so I was thinking Saturday morning before we go to practice.”

  “Do you want me to come with you?”

  “We really haven't had a chance to talk lately. I think we could use some girl time.” I read the disappointment across his face and add, “But I have a very important question for you.”

  "Important, huh?"

  I smile with giddiness as I bat my lashes, “Will you be my date to the Ball?”

  The corners of his mouth grow into what's clearly a winning smile. He entwines his fingers with mine and brushes his soft full lips over my knuckles. His husky voice rumbles in his chest, “It would be my pleasure, princess.”

  Eric greets us as we enter the manor, “Would you guys be up for some training?”

  I grumble hunching over, “Seriously? I’m so tired of fighting.”

  He crosses his arms over his chest. “Come on, Ivy. Don’t be such a girl.” Eric knows just how to persuade me.

  I straighten my spine. “Screw you!” I chide. His crooked laugh reflects his crooked grin, knowing I won’t back down from a challenge. “I’ll meet you downstairs in ten minutes. Be ready to get your ass handed to you,” I laugh despite my attempt to intimidate him as I bolt upstairs with angelic speed to change, and their laughter explodes in my wake.

  When I enter the training room in the basement, an unexpected protectiveness overwhelms me as I watch Alice attack Solas while Eric idly stands aside. They’re wings are spread wide and intimidating. Alice spins in the air with the grace of a figure skater executing an axle jump with a thin Rapier sword hugged close to her body. Her four-foot-long auburn braid rotates like a helicopter blade above her head. Solas rolls underneath her, and she comes down faster than expected, pinning his right wing down with her Rapier and kneeling on his chest. The savagery marring her beautiful features is nothing short of ferocious. My field of vision converges on her, darkening my surroundings. With no other weapon than my body, I find myself plowing into her side and restraining her to the ground by her throat. A growl escapes me with a brutal scowl.

  Her eyes widen in surprise as she grips my forearm and rasps, “Ivy! I wasn’t going to hurt him! I swear!” Her terror seeps into my bones and creates an urge to rip her throat out. It's an intense animalistic fury I've never experienced before. I become aware of my heart blackening by the second.

  Solas pops to his feet next to us as Eric barks out, “Ivy!”

  I can’t seem to pry my fingers from her crushing larynx. Solas steps closer with slow vigilance and grasps my shoulder. Pride, passion, concern. “Ivy. I’m fine. I wasn’t going to let her hurt me. We were only training,” he confesses in a tranquil tone.

  My vision comes back as his calm feelings and Alice’s fear bleeds into my consciousness. My face falls in shock of my reaction. I was going to kill her. What is wrong with me? I jerk my hand away from her throat and crawl backwards to let her up. “I’m sorry. I… I don’t know what happened,” I stutter in disbelief.

  Alice pounces on me with a loving firm embrace. She holds me tight around the neck, and I wrap my hands around her waist, placing my hands in the middle of her back beneath her soft, violet, iridescent feathers. We don’t speak as her emotions of sorrow and love fill me, and I push my feelings of apology and love into her. She pulls back, and we kiss each other's cheeks before we release our hold and help each other stand.

  “Are we all good now?” Eric asks with a sarcastic arc of his eyebrow, and I notice the tension leave his taut muscles.

  I shake my head, “Yeah. I’m sorry.”

  He coaches, “You can’t let your emotions take over when you're fighting. You'll end up getting yourself captured or killed. You were so focused on Alice, I could've attacked you from behind and taken you out.”

  “Your right,” I acknowledge in defeat.

  He continues, “I know you feel like we have the upper hand now due to your visions, but you can’t let your guard down. We still don’t know when they'll attack. You’re complacent in the fact we believe we can defeat Lucian. If you let your guard down now, it could cost you. You'll be caught unprepared. Don’t let it happen.”

  I bite the edge of my smile, a vain attempt to keep my creeping grin at bay as I stand a little straighter, “I understand, coach.”

  He shakes his head and scr
atches the back of his scalp as he forces a smile back. He drops his hand with a huff, addressing Solas, “Alright, Chief. I’ll take Alice’s place and we can hash it out. Ivy, you pair up with Alice, and she’ll teach you a few evasion techniques if you ever catch yourself in a bind.” His mouth twitches upwards, dimpling his cheek, and a cunning mischief glints behind his eyes.

  “Kick ass, princess,” Solas says before he kisses my temple and jogs to the opposite end of the training room with Eric.

  “Are you ready?” Alice chirps with a little more pep in her step.

  “Whatcha got?”

  “A little E and E.”

  “E and E?” I repeat for clarification.

  “Escape and Evasion, Ivy. We’ve got to get you up on your military terms,” she teases.

  “Ok. Evasion isn't really happening. I don’t want to evade Lucian. I want to confront him like a battle ax to the face,” I admit with a little more malice than I'd intended.

  “I know, and we already know you'll be captured. This is where escape techniques will come in handy. I want you to keep a razor tucked into your wings. Since they'll be restrained behind you, you can pull the razor from between your feathers and use it to cut the ropes binding you,” she explains.

  “Won’t it fall out?”

  “No. Here, try this.” She pulls a razor from her back pocket and gestures for me to turn around. “Spread your wings and try to push them out as far as you can so the feathers spread further apart.” I release my wings to their full extent which reaches about three feet out to each side of my shoulders. Their tips look deathly sharp, like serrated blades. “Now, I’m going to place the razor twelve feathers up from the tip of your left wing and straight up the middle of it. I’m just laying the feathers on top of it to hold it in place.” I feel her caress my feathers as she lifts them and hear them flick across her fingertips. Thwick, thwick, thwick, thwick. “Ok, relax.” I pull my downy extremities behind my back tight.

  “I can’t feel it.”

  She nods her head and folds her arms over her chest, “It’s there, and it won’t fall out if you have to fly. Give it a try.”

  I flap my wings gently at first to elevate me, then take off around the room in looping patterns, trying my best to make the razor fall out. It never does. I land back down next to Alice. “Wicked,” I smirk.

  “Turn around and put your hands behind your back,” she demands in her most cop-like tone.

  I giggle and obey. Rough, splintering material is swiftly tied to my wrists, pinning my wings behind me. “What are you doing?” I growl in a facetious manner.


  “Uh-huh. Is this your way of getting back at me for earlier?”

  She creeps into my line of sight and lifts her shoulder in a half shrug, “Maybe.” I quirk an eyebrow. “On your knees. We’re recreating your vision. I want you to find the razor.” I roll my eyes and get on my knees, sitting back on my calves. I begin to reach my fingers back at an awkward angle to reach the razor. “Stop moving,” she barks.

  “You said to find the razor. I’m finding the razor!” I fidget in frustration.

  “If Lucian sees you twitching, he’ll know what you’re up to. You can’t move your body around. Not even an inch.”

  Really, Alice? This is fucking bullshit.

  I spend the next ten minutes trying to locate the razor without really moving, which is almost impossible. After several attempts, I succeed in reaching the razor. Alice moves in to untie me, removing the razor from my grasp, "That's good. I'm sure you can cut the rope without problems."

  “Wait,” Eric interrupts, coming over to us with Solas.

  “What?” I marvel.

  Solas flashes Eric a knowing look, and Eric’s mouth splits into a huge shit-eating grin as he replies to Solas' telepathic message, “I think your right. Alice?” I narrow my eyes as they ignore me and rise to my feet with my hands still retrained. “You hungry, babe?”

  “I can eat. How about some pizza?” she cheers.

  “How about you go order that. Chief and I will be right up.” Eric stands before me with his arms crossed over his puffed out chest. The grin on his face falls to a serious scowl. Solas doesn’t seem fazed by it.

  I chuckle incredulously like a newly sprung leak—timid at first, stopping and starting. I shake my head in disbelief, “For all that is holy, you bastards better untie me.”

  “But that wouldn't be fun,” Eric sneers, and fear creeps through me. “Tell me. What are you going to do if you can’t get to a weapon to free yourself?”

  I growl through my gritted teeth, “I'll make you pay.”

  Eric gives Solas a meaningful glance. Solas’ face falls, clearly not happy with Eric's thoughts. Eric directs a sinister smirk at him as Solas tries to take a step back. Eric follows with his fists clinched at his sides and crouches low for an attack.

  “Hey!” I yell to get Eric’s attention. “What the fuck's going on!”

  Eric lunges and barley misses as Solas rolls away. My vision narrows again, and all I see is Eric. He's an immediate threat. I charge his side as Solas grabs a sword from the wall. Eric sees me coming and takes to the ceiling. He glares at me from above, and I know I have to find a way to get to him. He changes direction and dives at Solas. I chase after him as he slams Solas into the wall. Plaster explodes in chunks around Solas' unconscious form. I run up the side of the wall and use it to spring board. Flipping backwards, I cartwheel with my legs, kicking Eric across the face. He's back on his feet before I land. He rushes to me as I storm towards him, and brief surprise cross his face. He thought I would cower in place. I'm not a coward. I cartwheel again with my hands still tied behind my back, then change direction to flip backwards over the top of him. He grabs my legs as I'm jumping over, and the pull brings us tumbling to the ground. As our momentum slows, I realize he'll land on top. On my back, I kick my legs strait up until my feet meet his ribs and throw him over my head. Eric grunts as his back meets the floor.

  I rush to Solas against the shattered wall, sword still in his hand. I crouch in front of him protectively as Eric stalks towards us. I rub the rope binding my hands on the blade. When they start to split one by one, I run out of time. I roll away from Eric’s progression and pull my arms away from each other with as much angelic force I can muster. Eric pounces on me as I hear the bindings rip. My body's crushed into the wall as the rope falls away, and I smirk in arrogant triumph. Placing both hands on the wall at my back, I slam my head into Eric’s nose—signature Ivy move when I'm in a bind. I hear the bone crack and blood gushes from his face. He stumbles backwards. At once, I spring on him pinning him to the ground with my legs. Just as I bring my fist back to punch him in the face, both of my arms are restrained, and I'm pulled off of him.

  Solas' broad arms wrap around me tight. Pride, passion, power. He whispers gruffly into my ear while I struggle to escape, “You got him, princess. Easy. Easy. We were just testing you. We knew you wouldn’t attack if it didn’t look real.”

  “What?” I scream, jerking to view him over my shoulder.

  Eric coughs on the floor and raises to one knee, pinching his nose. “Damn, Ivy. You broke my nose,” he whines in a joking tone as he wipes his face with his arm.

  I lurch from Solas and storm into Eric’s face, pointing my finger at him as I sneer, “You fucking deserve it. I thought you turned on us. I thought you were going to kill him!”

  “That was the point,” he says, giving a dismissive shrug.

  I spin on Solas and glare. And you! Letting me think you were out cold! I know Eric's strength rivals with your own. What the—

  “—I’m sorry. It was the only way to see how you could manage in that kind of situation.” I cross my arms over my chest and cock my hip out. “We only needed you to think you were in danger.”

  My tension and anger deflates, “So, you’re ok?”

  Solas holds the sides of my face, “I’m perfectly fine.” He kisses me in hungry passion. I wrap m
y arms around his hard body and melt into his powerful embrace.

  Eric clears his throat, but we ignore him. He passes us to ascend the stairs as he asks over his shoulder, “You guys coming? I’m starving.”

  “Don’t ever fucking do that to me again,” I growl for them both to hear.

  “You got it,” Eric mumbles at the top of the steps. Solas kisses my temple, and we follow Eric upstairs.

  I get cleaned up while we wait for Alice to return with the pizza. As I'm towel drying my hair, there's a light knock on my bedroom door. I open it to find Evelyn standing on the other side. Her hands clasp together in front of her as she stands resolute. “Evelyn?”

  “Can I speak with you, dear?” The tone in her request makes me nervous. I know what’s coming.

  “Sure. Please, come in,” I open the door wider to let her pass, and close the door quietly behind her. I take a deep breath as she crosses the room with her back to me. Tension builds inside of me. “Is everything alright?”

  Her shoulders sag, and she turns to me with her hands still clasped in front of her. “It’s Solas,” she states sadly.

  I knew this was coming. I don’t want to hurt her. I don’t want to feel more treacherous than I already do. I love Solas, and our bond deepened during my capture. I don’t know how to explain to her how I feel. I take a tentative step towards her and stop. “I don’t know what to say, Evelyn.”

  “You don’t have to say anything. Just listen.” Her eyes begin to gloss over, “I know you have a strong connection to him. I was shocked at first, but I understand your need to be comforted by him. He's been there for you through the roughest of times.”


  She cuts me off with the wave of her hand. “—Just listen.” She takes a deep breath. “He's very protective of you. I may be reclusive around the manor, but I’m not naive. I know things have escalated between you two.” My heart begins to pound in my chest. I know this is where she'll admit being disappointed in me. She takes a step towards me and reaches out to hold my hands between us. I feel her nervousness, sadness, hope, and love. What I don’t feel is anger or discontent. I’m confused to what she's trying to say. I don’t say anything and wait for her to tell me what she feels. “Jack loves you, Ivy.” A tear betrays me, and she wipes it away with her thumb. “I know he wants you to be happy. I know he wants you to be protected. I'm not angry or disappointed with you. I noticed the connection between you and Solas the first day you arrived with him.” She pauses, and I see hesitation cross her face. She seems afraid to say more.


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