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Leah's Lens Trilogy

Page 8

by Bridy McAvoy

  The kiss deepened, our tongues intertwining and wrestling with each other as our joint passion mounted. Slowly I changed my movements, adding a slight forward and backward movement to the up and down one, and I could feel him begin to thrust his hips up to meet my downward thrusts. After a long couple of minutes I broke the kiss and rested my forehead on his, still maintaining a steady rhythm, although by now it was also faster.

  His breathing was becoming ragged too, although whether that was panting from the kiss or simply a clear indication of his rising ardour I couldn’t quite be certain. Owen’s hands hadn’t been idle while this had been going on, my breasts were pushed tight against his shirt front but they were at work on my ass. Thankfully he’d stopped the spanking but he was fondling them, spreading them apart on each up stroke and helping to guide me down on the return. I realised he was also setting the pace by his actions and I continued to ride up and down on him, content to let him keep control of the speed. Suddenly he began to speed up erratically, moving much faster for a couple of strokes then slowing it down again. I knew he was close to cumming and I wasn’t, although I was enjoying it.

  After a minute of this he moved his hands to my hips and on the next downward stroke pulled me down onto him as hard as possible. I felt his entire penis slide ever further into me and I could feel his pubic hair tickle at my labia as he began to erupt. Spurt after spurt of white hot jism sprayed out of his swollen end, high up inside my pussy and I gasped at the sensation. Even though it was the third time he’d come in a relatively short space of time, the amount it felt like he was depositing was copious.

  He held me in place while his orgasm subsided and finally let go of my hips, allowing me to relax. I realised my legs were splayed uncomfortably wide over him and for a moment I wondered how I was going to get down from this position. Owen had thought ahead.

  “Keep still for a minute. He’ll sort himself out down there and then you’ll be able to slide clear. In the meantime . . .”

  I cocked an eyebrow at him in query, still panting from the exertion.

  “Your juices still coat my face. Why don’t you lick them off?”

  I gasped at his command. I had from time to time tasted myself on Leo’s cock, sucking him to hardness after a session, but nothing like this. The involuntary shudder shook us both and he gave an evil chuckle once more.

  “I’m waiting . . .”

  There was no getting away from his demand so I reluctantly leaned close and licked his cheek. It wasn’t too bad, and I understood why he said it was kind of sweet, certainly it didn’t turn my stomach as much as I’d anticipated it would. Ignoring the grossness of the situation and the discomfort from my spread legs, I proceeded to do as I was told and licked my own juices off his face. I hadn’t realised I’d actually cum that hard but I’d literally bathed him in it.

  A couple of minutes later he placed his hands under my ass and lifted me a couple of inches. It was enough for his now flaccid penis to slide clear and he was able to support me as he moved me off his lap into a standing position.


  Owen had scooted the bar stool back a foot or so, and I was standing in between him and the bar, leaning back on it waiting for his next instructions. Although he was looking at me his eyes were fixed more on my chest than anywhere else, there again with him sitting they were at his eye level. I felt my nipples crinkle and harden a little under his gaze, an automatic reaction but one that brought a small smile to play on his lips. The blush was just as automatic but there was little point in trying to cover myself.

  “Different tack this afternoon, Leah. I want you to put on one of those mini plaid kilts, a white blouse—” He stopped as he saw me shaking my head, “—What?”

  “Sorry, Owen, no can do.”


  “I don’t own a mini kilt of any description, let alone a plaid one. Don’t normally dress up as a schoolgirl.”

  As the disappointment flashed across his face I realised that had been his precise intention. Kinky sod! That had been exactly the look he’d wanted, the blonde schoolgirl!

  “Oh, well that’s a fault in your wardrobe that will have to be rectified. Do you have any kind of mini-skirt that looks the part?”

  I thought for a moment, then my eyes widened as I remember his earlier promise, to dress me as a schoolgirl and put me across his lap and spank me! This was not going where I wanted it to, that was for sure.

  “Well . . . I do have a plain black pleated mini that buttons all the way down the front.”

  “How short?”

  “Depends on how high I pull it at the waist I suppose, I usually wear it hipster-style so it comes down to here.”

  My hand dropped to indicate a line about mid thigh, short but not scandalously so.

  “Good. That’ll have to do, but pull it higher at the waist. White blouse, thinner than the one you wore the other day, I want to see the outline of the bra through it. Plain white cotton bra and knickers. Nothing particularly sexy or high cut. White knee highs?”

  I nodded. Those I did have.

  “Black low heels?”

  I nodded again, what woman didn’t have a pair of those in her shoe rack?

  “Good, I’ll just pack my equipment away while you get ready.”

  He swung down from the stool and moved over to his cameras, dismounting them from the tripods before turning back to find I hadn’t moved.


  “Why are you packing your gear away?”

  He laughed, holding the camera in one hand, the video camera in the other. I could see the little red light on the video, which was still pointing at me. He was still filming.

  “To take with us of course?”

  “What do you mean, take with us?”

  “On location. The next shoot is going to be somewhere else.”



  I said it very emphatically, not particularly loud but with iron in my voice. I crossed my arms below my breasts and leaned back against the bar, my lips compressed into a firm line, staring at him with a savage intensity.

  “No? . . . What do you mean no?”

  “What it says.”

  “You do remember you are totally in my power here, one flash of one of those photographs to your husband and your life is over. You will do as I say, and there will be no further argument.”

  “Actually, Owen, no I won’t. We are not leaving this house to pursue your idea of fun and games anywhere else, not today, not tomorrow—not ever.”

  “You know what I can do to you? I suggest you drop this act of defiance.”

  “Two things, Owen. First, this is not an act, I’m deadly serious. Second, you haven’t thought it through – you can destroy my life by revealing those pictures, but you can only do it once. As soon as you have done so, you have no hold over me. The goose that laid the golden egg dies at that point. I think you’ve enjoyed yourself too much this morning to kill the fun so soon.”

  “So have you. You’ve enjoyed it too.”

  I shrugged.

  “Not relevant. Either we can continue as we have been doing, or you can pack your kit, walk out the door and ruin me. Your choice.”

  “So why can’t we do the same somewhere else? I don’t understand that bit.”

  Of course you don’t understand that, you silly man. I’m not going to let you do these kinds of things out of range of our cameras.

  “Because we might be seen, by someone one of us knows and they could let the cat out of the bag. We might be caught and arrested for lewd behaviour. There are all sorts of risks outside the house that don’t exist inside of it.”

  I brought my folded arms up tighter under my chest, pushing my breasts out at him, feeling the tightening of the skin around my nipples as they hardened some more. Those books were right – power was an aphrodisiac and at the moment I felt very powerful, very much in control.

  He stared back at me, holding my gaze, almost daring me to
look away first. I wasn’t going to back down, not on this.

  “So, Leah . . . Let me get this straight. You are refusing to leave the house with me?”

  I nodded.

  “And you think you can get away with that refusal?”


  “Don’t you think you’re taking a risk that I might call your bluff and tell Leo everything?”

  “I don’t think you will. Actually, I’m calling your bluff.”

  “My bluff?”

  “As I said, once you tell Leo, you have no hold over me. None whatsoever. As a result, if you want me to go and put on the outfit you specified you have to accept your fun stays in this house. Don’t tell me you haven’t been enjoying it. I know you have. I have the evidence right here.”

  I brazenly opened my legs, using the movement to draw his eyes down to the tiny trails of slime on my thighs where our combined juices were draining from my pussy. The hint was unmistakable and although I could see him weighing up his options, I had the feeling I’d won this one. His shoulders relaxed and he broke into a smile.

  “Okay. For now, Leah! You win.”


  “Please go and dress as indicated, although make sure you don’t wear anything you might want to wear again. I might decide I want some pictures of you having your clothes ripped off your body this time.”

  He stepped forward, closing the small space between us, put the camera down on the seat of the stool and, forming his fingers into a hook shape, darted his hand down to spear into my slit. The contact was rough, not entirely painful but definitely rough, and designed to demonstrate control. Owen pulled up, bringing me to tiptoe.

  “I am still the one in control and you will do as I say, even within your limits.”


  I nodded and he slowly lowered his hand, allowing me to stand naturally once again. Owen smiled that evil grin of his, his mind obviously already working out how to get his revenge for my challenge. Images of him carrying out his spanking threat passed through my mind once more, but having won a small victory I couldn’t force the issue in any way.

  “Now, scoot. You’ve got fifteen minutes, and put your hair in a pony tail while you’re at it.”


  As I entered my bedroom, mentally cataloguing the various tasks I needed to perform in the scant fifteen minutes he’d given me, I replayed the conversation in my head. Obviously he would be looking to reassert his control and the threat of ripping my clothes off was no idle one. Undoubtedly I could expect to be restrained somehow and he then just as obviously intended to simulate raping me. This had never been a fantasy of mine, but then nor had most of what had happened today. Remembering his earlier instructions, I made sure I cleaned myself thoroughly down below as I quickly showered, making sure I kept my hair dry.

  One thing from this morning was evident though. When it came to staying power Leo had it in spades over Owen. Despite it being the third time he’d come in less than three hours, he had still ejaculated very quickly, much quicker than Leo did on the first time. I smiled to myself, filing the information away. Knowledge is power.

  Finding the specified clothing didn’t take too long although the plain bra and panties were a bit more of a challenge. Not normally what you buy at Victoria’s Secret after all. Pulling the thin blouse on over the top of the underwear and buttoning it up came close to giving the effect he very clearly wanted but somehow it wasn’t quite enough. Inspiration hit as I tugged the black skirt into place and I rummaged through Leo’s tie rack to find the thin black tie he kept for funerals. Deftly I knotted it into place over the blouse, converting the look into the schoolgirl impression almost perfectly.

  “Come on. Time’s up.”

  Owen’s impatient shout echoed up the stairs.

  “I need another couple of minutes to put my hair the way you wanted, I’ll be as quick as I can.”

  He didn’t answer, so I had to assume my excuse was good enough to buy me the extra time I needed. Quickly I pulled my blonde hair up into a scrunchie, tight on the back of my head, and followed his with a couple of elastic bands half way and at the end. It wasn’t entirely the perfect pony tail but it was all I had time for. Scrabbling around in the little draw I kept my hair clips etcetera in, I dragged out two small daisy clips which I used to pin my fringe back, then checked myself in the mirror. Not the most professional job, but given the time limit not a lot I more I could do.

  Taking a deep breath, I moved to the top of the stairs and walked down them slowly. As expected, Owen was waiting at the bottom, camera in hand. He waved me to stop on the half landing.

  Part IV

  “Very nice, I’ll maybe forgive you for overrunning. Maybe, maybe not. That tie is a really nice touch. Very good, Leah. And the clips. Now just undo the bottom two buttons on the skirt please, let’s flash a little thigh as you come down the next step. Very good. Not quite right though, undo the next two as well, let’s look like the slutty schoolgirl you are. Perfect. Another tread. Good. Thrust your hips to the side more as you come down. Excellent. Another tread, another. Perfect. That blouse is just right.”

  He was straight back into his patter and despite having heard it several times already today it still had the same effect on me. I smiled at my tormentor and put everything into making each pose as perfect as possible. Finally I sashayed off the bottom step as he retreated away from me and I followed him into the lounge, making my walk as sexy as possible. Finally he came to a stop.

  “Very good, Leah. Now please go and stand in front of the window, as if you’re watching for your boyfriend to come round for a bit of fun. Look a little agitated and fidgety as if anticipating an afternoon of fun and making out before your parents get home. That’s an excellent impression, Leah. You look perfect in the role. You should have been an actress, a porn actress.”

  Again there was an evil chuckle at his own joke. My lips were suddenly dry as I heard him moving around behind me, but I could still here the click, click of the camera shutter so assumed he was simply taking more shots from different angles. With the sun still in my face through the window there weren’t any reflections to clue me in on his plans.

  “Lean forward, press your face against the window as if you were peering up the street to your left. Excellent. Shuffle a little closer to the window and let your chest press against the window too. Perfect. Lift one hand to your mouth and slip the tip of your finger under your top lip as if you were thinking. Place the other hand flat on the window beside your head. Good. Now drop that hand back down behind you. Drop the other hand too and clasp your hands together as if in an agony of suspense. Wring your hands together. Spot on. You’re a natural actress, honey, absolutely natural.”

  I didn’t notice the camera was no longer clicking until it was too late. He closed the distance between us in very short order and I felt him grasp my wrists in one large powerful hand. I didn’t have a chance to move before I felt something on my wrists and two loud metallic clicks before he released me and stepped back. I tried to pull my hands apart and immediately they came to a halt. He’d handcuffed me when I wasn’t expecting it. Now I really was helpless. I spun round to face him, anger radiating from every pore.

  Owen just looked at me and smiled as he picked the camera up again. Tentatively I pulled at my bonds but they were tight. I pulled both arms to one side and twisted to look down at them, especially as the cuffs felt soft. The quick glimpse I managed showed me why, they were black leather, and obviously padded on the insides so they wouldn’t leave marks or bruises. Reluctantly I turned back to him, the defiance dying in the face of my helplessness and his earlier threats. In spite of myself I could feel my sensitive nipples trying to extend themselves into the soft fabric of my bra. The anticipation of the humiliation to come was having an effect on me.

  “Stand still for a moment, sweetheart, while I set up for you. After all you will have to do as you’re told or I’ll leave you like that for Leo to find when he comes home fr
om work.”

  I shuddered at the image, and he laughed at my reaction, not realising every moment of the byplay was being recorded for Leo’s pleasure in the first place. I leant back on the windowsill and watched him as he set up all three tripods and then mounted two still cameras on the outer two and the video on the middle one, all trained and focussed on one of the arm chairs, obviously where the action was going to take place. Eventually he beckoned me over, took my arm and led me to a position standing next to the arm of the chair facing it. He sat down and grinned up at me.

  “You have been a very naughty girl, Leah. Very naughty indeed. What do you think your father should do as punishment?”

  Instantly I realised he was talking for the benefit of the camera. I licked my lips, trying to think of what he wanted me to say.

  “Answer me Leah! I will not have my daughter flaunting herself round the neighbourhood like that. Answer me. Tell me what punishment you should be given for dressing like that?”

  “Um . . . You could ground me . . . for the weekend.”

  He laughed.

  “The offense is much worse than that.”

  “For the week. Ground me for the week.”

  He shook his head.

  “Come here.”

  He reached across, grabbed my arm and pulled. With my hands cuffed behind me there was no way to stop my body pitching forward and landing face down across his lap and the arms of the chair.


  “Well, what have you got to say for yourself?”

  Quickly thinking, I realised what he wanted me to say.

  “Daddy. I’m sorry.”


  His hand came down sharply on my clothed ass. The skirt and knickers muffled some of the force but not a lot.

  “Ow! Daddy. Please no, I won’t do it again!”

  “Correct. You won’t.”


  His hand descended hard again, hitting the other cheek and lingering for a moment to rub it in a circular fashion. The pain wasn’t too bad and there was nothing I could do. Although I tried to press my hands back and apart to cover my ass, it was simple for him to grasp them and move them back out of the way. All the while the two stills cameras were clicking away and the unwavering lens of the video camera captured every little nuance. I could feel the tears beginning to form behind my eyes and knew it wouldn’t take much to make them start. One of the cameras would capture that in close up and that was almost certainly why it was there. At least he was doing this over my clothing, although I shuddered again when I realised there was nothing to stop him changing that at will.


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