Magic Touch

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Magic Touch Page 16

by Treasure Hernandez

Simmy’s head jerked like he had slapped her across her face. “What?”

  “You don’t come like you used to anyways. I guess it’s all that partying you been doing with that dude Alex,” Kyan shot.

  Simmy’s body grew hot, and she sat up straight in the chair. Her heart throttled up. She let a dumb, nervous smile curl on her lips. “What? What are you talking about?” she played it off.

  “Oh, now it’s funny?” Kyan grumbled. “You right. It’s funny that I’m locked up in here, and all I asked from you was loyalty, trust, and respect. That’s real funny.”

  “Kyan, please stop. You have no idea what you’re—”

  Kyan slammed his fist on the table, garnering a stern look from the correction officers and stares from other visit room guests. “Shut the fuck up. I know you be lying, Simone. You don’t think I got people out there? You don’t think the fucking streets is talking about how Alex got this bad, young bitch he bragging he turned out? And, then my man sees that the bad, young bitch Alex bragging on is you, my fucking girl. You,” Kyan said through clenched teeth.

  Simmy had never seen him this angry. She immediately started to cry and shake her head no. She opened her mouth, but he wouldn’t let her speak.

  “Save whatever you have to say for that nigga,” Kyan cut her off. He let out a long windstorm of breath. He looked over at the correction officers who were staring at him and Simmy.

  Suddenly Kyan changed his tone to eerily calm. “You know what? I’m cool with you moving on, Simone,” he said, throwing his hands up in surrender. “But, I know you. You’re a naïve girl who don’t know shit about them streets. You’ll get chewed up and spit back out if you keep your head in the clouds. You better be careful with that nigga Alex. There’s a whole lot more to ol’ boy than you could ever know. You think he just dealing in clothes and shit, but living like he lives? Nah. You may look down on me as a hustler, but at least I’m real. That nigga is faker than a three dollar bill. And, he trappin’ and pimpin’ more than he’s doing anything else. Don’t think I’m hating, either. I just know what it is. Do you, but you better be careful of the company you keeping,” Kyan warned.

  Simmy swiped angrily at her tears. “I did it all for you, Kyan. Everything I fucking did was all for you. So that’s how it is? You didn’t even say happy fucking birthday to me and my birthday was weeks ago. But I still come. I still make sure you’re taken care of. It’s all good, Ky. You can turn me away to the next man but, just remember, if you were out there with me, if my parents were out there with me, if Jayla were out there with me, I wouldn’t be, as you say, getting turned out by the next fucking man. Fuck you. Fuck all of you,” Simmy cried. With that, she stood up and stormed away without giving Kyan another look or a chance to say another hurtful word.

  * * *

  “I’m hurt,” Alex said, twirling a skinny wooden toothpick sticking out the side of his mouth. He hovered over Simmy as he spoke.

  Simmy kept her head down and stared at her hands like a child in trouble with her father. She didn’t even have to look at him to picture the disappointment on his face.

  “That’s the thanks I get for helping you? No calls. Ignoring my calls. You not even going out there and working?” Alex asked, laying the guilt on thick. He started pacing in front of her.

  His movements unnerved her. It was the first time she’d seem him upset. “I had a lot on my mind. I’m sorry,” Simmy said softly, still looking down at her hands. After Kyan’s dismissal at their last visit, Simmy had decided sticking to making her own money with Alex was the only thing she had left. She reached back out to Alex that same day.

  “I thought I had eased all your problems when I invited you into my family,” Alex said, offended. “I guess we ain’t good enough, then.”

  “No. No.” Simmy jerked her head up. She finally looked at him. He wore a hurt puppy dog, sad-eyed expression. “Don’t take it like that. I am truly grateful for everything, Alex. Real talk, nobody has really ever looked out for me like you have. I love being in the family. I’m just stressed. My boyfriend, he broke up with me,” Simmy came clean. “It was so unexpected. I didn’t want to come around all sad and depressed.”

  A sly grin spread across Alex’s mouth. “Is that what got your mind so gone?” Alex asked, waving his hand. “Any nigga who break up with your fine ass don’t deserve you in the first place.” He pulled Simmy up from his couch and pulled her into him.

  “Don’t you leave me like that again. You hear me?” Alex said, embracing her while his hands trailed slowly down her back to her ass.

  “I’m sorry,” Simmy whispered. She didn’t stop him. She didn’t protest. She didn’t think about Kyan or Veronica or even Jayla. Simmy had her own survival on her mind. At that moment, in that space, she felt like Alex was the only person she had, the only one who cared about her.

  Alex grasped her face and crushed his mouth over hers. “You’re so fucking sexy,” Alex moaned the words into her mouth. “I fucking want you so bad. I’ve wanted you from the first time I laid eyes on you.” His hands moved over her body now.

  “Me too,” she breathed heavily, her words hot on his lips. “I want you too.” Simmy thought about Kyan as she said the words and a stabbing pain shot through her heart.

  “I missed you,” Alex panted.

  The room spun around Simmy as she tried to lose herself. She closed her eyes as Alex worked the buttons on her shirt. She forced the images of Kyan out of her head. She shook away thoughts of Veronica’s potential wrath. She was glad to be back in Alex’s good graces. Not all alone and sad.

  “I missed you too,” she groaned, throwing her head back as his tongue trailed down the ladder of her throat. Simmy inhaled his scent. Now that Kyan had turned his back on her, she didn’t have to lie to herself anymore. Everything about Alex was intoxicating: his swagger, his money, his power. She didn’t have to fight against her own feelings anymore. Simmy reached up and touched his face, feeling the fine sheen of sweat as it dampened her fingers. Alex continued kissing and licking until he got to her breasts. Simmy hissed when he lowered his hot mouth over the rigid skin of her erect nipples.

  “Oh,” Simmy cried out.

  Alex chuckled. “You like that, young’un?” Alex asked in between sucks on her. Simmy shook her head up and down motioning yes to him. She loved it. Alex walked her backward a few steps, and she fell back onto his couch.

  “Talk to me,” Alex commanded.

  “I don’t want you to stop,” she said, her breath catching in her throat.

  “Shit, I ain’t stopping, baby girl. I been wanting this since the night of your celebration when I tasted that sweet young pussy,” Alex said, dropping down in front of her. He tugged her pants off and took a few minutes to look at her. “Gotdamn, you’re sexy as shit,” he grunted. Then he pulled her panties off. He held them up to his nose and inhaled deeply. “Mmm. That pussy smells fresh and young,” he said.

  Simmy’s thighs trembled. She was looking forward to having sex with Alex and being awake to experience it this time. Up until today, she’d only known what sex was with Kyan and he never really got too freaky with her. It was more romantic, clean lovemaking.

  Alex moved between her legs and starting kissing her stomach. Simmy could barely breathe when he began licking her inner thighs. She let out a long song of moans as he took his time and licked the insides of each thigh gently.

  “Open up for me,” Alex whispered. “Open all the way up for you new daddy,” he said.

  Simmy moved her thighs apart wider, giving him full access. Alex wasted no time. He took his long tongue and drove it right between her soft petals.

  “Ahh,” Simmy belted out, arching her back. She had never experienced this feeling. She had never had this done to her before.

  Alex lifted his head so he could see her reaction.

  “Don’t stop. Please,” Simmy begged, her hips writhing.

  Alex put his mouth back down there, but this time he just blew on her gently.

  “Oh, my God,” Simmy screamed out, her voice thick with wanting. Sparks that felt like electricity rippled through her entire body. Her heart was racing, and her thighs quaked. Simmy could barely keep enough air in her lungs to breathe as her body became engulfed in the heat of desire. This must’ve been what it meant to have someone take your breath away.

  As Alex lapped up her juices, he reached up and pinched her erect nipples, sending an even stronger electric sensation flooding all over her body.

  “Fuck,” she whispered, swirling her hips against his mouth. Alex continued to thrust his long, wet tongue deeper into her warm, gushy center.

  “You ready to feel me?” Alex asked, wiping his soaking wet face and chin with his hands.

  “Yes, daddy, I want to feel you,” Simmy whispered. Even she didn’t recognize the sex kitten voice that was suddenly coming out of her mouth.

  Alex stood up and took off his clothes. He lowered himself down in between her legs.

  “Ow. Ow.” Simmy winced as Alex used his rock-hard member to fill her up. The pressure and his girth hurt so good. Tiny sharp pains shot through her loins. Simmy dug her nails into his back, which spurred him on. Her body was on fire. She lifted her pelvis in response to his forceful, grinding thrusts. Their bodies moved in sync.

  “Fuck!” Alex grunted as he plowed into her harder.

  Simmy’s inner thighs vibrated from the explosion of pleasure filling her body. She could feel the pressure building up. She thought only Kyan could do that to her. Finally, she screamed out in ecstasy. Her screams seemed to turn Alex on more and more. He ground into her pelvis with longer, deeper strokes. Her super-slippery walls responded immediately, pulsating and squeezing him tight. Alex grunted like an animal.

  “This pussy mine?” he huffed in Simmy’s ear.

  “Yes. Yes,” she cried out.

  “You better mean it,” he growled. “Ah!” he screamed out as he came hard. He collapsed on top of Simmy.

  She reached down and stroked his head gently. She closed her eyes and this time Kyan didn’t appear. Maybe Alex had turned her out.

  “You got some good-ass pussy, young’un. Don’t you ever take it away from me again, or next time, I won’t be so nice,” Alex said before turning over and falling asleep.

  Chapter 16

  This Here Lifestyle

  For the next two months, Simmy stayed at Alex’s place almost every night. She had heard from Kyan’s lawyer, Mr. Levitz, and found out that Kyan took a plea deal and was sentenced to two to four years. Simmy didn’t even have time to be sad, between being wooed by Alex’s constant gifts—so far, a pair of diamond-encrusted signature Cartier bracelets, two exclusive waitlisted Chanel purses, and numerous pairs of high-end designer shoes, sneakers, and boots—and his little impromptu vacation getaways to Hawaii and Puerto Rico. Simmy didn’t think much about Kyan at all anymore. She didn’t have time. As far as she was concerned Kyan deaded her for working with someone so she could pay for his freedom. He was the one who was fucked up, not her. All she had tried to do was be a good girlfriend and do what she had to do to pay for his lawyer and take care of him.

  Veronica was a whole other story. She seemed to be buzzing around and all up in Simmy’s face even when they weren’t working. It seemed like Simmy couldn’t shake her. Simmy may have been younger, but she could tell that Veronica was suspicious that something was going on between her and Alex. Veronica never let up. She was constantly harassing Simmy with a million questions about her whereabouts at different times, about where Simmy got certain pieces of clothing or jewelry from, and she was always trying to listen to who Simmy was speaking to on the phone. Veronica was like a sore pimple on Simmy’s ass that just wouldn’t go away. Whenever Simmy had to work with Veronica, Simmy would sneak back to Jayla’s place and let Veronica pick her up from there. The more Simmy stayed with Alex, the deeper she fell for him.

  “Ay, young’un.” Alex shook Simmy’s shoulder.

  Simmy pulled his Egyptian cotton duvet up over her head and groaned. “It’s not my day to work,” Simmy grumbled, hiding her head.

  “But is it your day to go to Jamaica?” Alex asked. He yanked the cover off of Simmy’s naked body.

  She popped up in the bed like she suddenly had a spring underneath her. “Jamaica? What?”

  Alex laughed. “I knew that would get your sexy ass up,” he said. He threw down a booklet with JAMAICA printed on the front. “Plane tickets will be printed. Resort information inside. Need to get that passport. Let a real nigga show you how to live.”

  Simmy bounded out of the bed and jumped on him, her legs straddling him and her arms around his neck. “Thank you, daddy! Thank you!”

  Alex laughed and wrapped Simmy up in his arms. “Did a lot to live this here lifestyle,” he sang, mimicking the popular rap song by Rich Gang.

  Simmy giggled. “You’re so silly. But for real, I’m loving this here lifestyle.” Simmy sang it out too.

  Alex cracked up. “Oh, yeah. How much you loving this here lifestyle? How you gonna repay ya daddy for introducing you to this here lifestyle?”

  “I’ve never been out of the country. That’s so big for me. And, to Jamaica where my grandmother and my father were born,” Simmy said, excited. “You are the best!” Simmy had a quick thought about her grandmother but brushed it off quickly. Her mom crept into her head too. She hadn’t been back to visit her since that very first time about a month back.

  “Let me be your first for everything,” Alex said, as he laid her back down on the bed.

  “You already are,” Simmy whispered, spreading her legs wide.

  * * *

  Simmy felt all grown up driving Alex’s Range Rover. He’d taught her how to drive over the weeks she’d been spending all of her time with him. She had two missions that day: use the fake cards to get the stuff Alex wanted to sell and, most importantly, buy everything she needed for herself for their trip to Jamaica.

  Simmy bopped her head to “Hotline Bling,” her favorite Drake song, as she pulled into the mall parking lot. Life was good, and she had not one complaint. She grabbed her new denim Chanel bag and dug through it. She separated the credit cards by name and put the identification she had with each name with the right cards. She was all set.

  Simmy exited the car and headed toward Nordstrom. She was singing in her head.


  Simmy whirled around, her face folded into a confused frown. “What the fuck are they doing here?” Simmy mumbled under her breath. She thought Veronica was going overboard with the stalking behavior now. Simmy plastered on a fake smile. “Veronica. Dina. Shelby. Sheridan. What a coincidence,” Simmy sang, unable to hide that the glee in her voice was phony.

  Within seconds all four women were in front of her and invading her personal space in an uncomfortable way. Simmy quickly figured out that this was no chance meeting.

  “What’s going on? Everything all right?” Simmy asked, the cheeriness completely gone from her voice.

  “You driving Alex’s car now?” Veronica asked, stepping closer to Simmy.

  Simmy’s heartbeat sped up. “No, um, not really. He said . . . I mean, he just let me. It’s just for this one quick trip.” She finally got the words out, a nervous smile spreading on her mouth. “You know he wouldn’t let me drive it if I wasn’t working.” Simmy cleaned it up.

  “So you just going to stand in my face and lie now?” Veronica spat. The other three girls moved around Simmy until they practically had her encircled. Simmy looked from Veronica to Dina, to Sheridan, to Shelby.

  “What’s really going on?” Simmy asked. “Y’all following me now?”

  “You tell me what’s really going on. You turning into a lying bitch now?” Veronica mocked.

  Simmy sucked her teeth. “Look, I don’t have to lie. I don’t know what your problem is, Veronica. Alex told me he doesn’t want you anyway. What y’all had was in the past and, really, you need to get over it. You shouldn’t let a man have you out here look
ing crazy following people and stuff. You’re kind of old for this stalking shit, don’t you think? I’m the one in high school last time I checked,” Simmy said sassily.

  “Uh-uh. Hell fucking no. Slap that bitch with her smart-ass mouth,” Sheridan spat.

  Simmy’s eyebrows shot up into arches. She had always been scared of her. Sheridan wasn’t like the other girls, all dainty and wearing pumps; instead, Sheridan rocked men’s construction Timberland boots, cornbraids all going back, and the best high-end men’s jeans and T-shirts she could buy with her counterfeit credit cards.

  Simmy clutched her bag and tried to get the clasp open as all of the girls moved closer to her. “So we in high school now?” Simmy asked, her voice crackling with fear. She emitted a nervous laugh as her trembling hands caused her to struggle to get into her bag. She was trying to get to her pepper spray. She knew good and well there was no way she could take on all four of the ladies at the same time.

  “You’re a fucking liar. You told me you had a man. You weren’t interested in Alex. All that shit you talked just to get me to teach you the business was all a fucking lie. You don’t think I figured your hoe ass out a long time ago? You been fucking my man for a minute now, haven’t you, bitch?” Veronica gritted her teeth.

  “We don’t fuck with snake bitches in the family. I never liked you,” Dina said. “From the gate I could tell you were up to no good. A fucking user.”

  “Yeah, and you’re so fucking stupid anyway. You didn’t even remember me being there when your cousin got locked up and when you got locked up. Dumb bitch, I was the one who helped you get those Gucci T-shirts that day. You thought all of that was coincidence? You don’t think Alex set all of that shit up? You’re dumber than you look,” Shelby said, looking at Simmy with disgust.

  Simmy’s head pounded and the vein at her right temple pulsed fiercely against her skin. She didn’t know whether to run, scream, or just stand there. She was frozen with fear. Her heart was pounding painfully against her sternum and sweat burned her armpits until they itched.


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