Henry's Heart

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Henry's Heart Page 7

by Josie Dennis

  She knew that if she encountered either one of them with attentive eyes around the table, everyone would know what she’d done with them. And just what she longed to do again.

  Long after dinner, she still sat at the table in the servants’ hall. The staff had raved about her chocolate spiced cake, and she’d accepted the praise with a faint smile. Julian hadn’t been there very long, though. He’d shared the meal and then gone abovestairs to help Henry with something. It was silly that she felt left out, but she did. What were they doing without her? Were they loving each other?

  A flush of heat struck her, and she swallowed.

  “Poppy, you’re still here?” Mrs. Padmont asked her sometime later.

  “Yes.” She straightened. “Wool-gathering, I suppose.”

  “Well, you’ve worked long enough tonight. I say you find your bed.”

  Poppy came to her feet. “Thank you, Mrs. Padmont. I believe I will.”

  “Will you be using the kitchens later?” the cook asked.

  Poppy wasn’t entirely sure what she would be doing in the wee hours, so she shrugged. “I might.”

  “Well, you always leave the place spotless, so I won’t worry about that,” Mrs. Padmont said with a smile.

  She thought about the comment Violet had made, something about Poppy leaving Hawksfell. She would miss the kind cook. The friendly staff. She’d miss Julian, too.

  “Good night,” she said to Mrs. Padmont.

  “Good night, dear.”

  Poppy climbed the stairs, first to the family floors and then on to the attics. As she came to her door, she heard her name whispered. She recognized that voice. Julian. She turned to see him peering out of his room.

  “Come here, sweetheart,” he said softly.

  She looked around to see if anyone was about, and then hurried to his door. “What is it?”

  He smiled at her, drawing her into the room. “Henry is waiting for us.”

  Her eyes pricked with hot tears. “You weren’t doing things without me?”

  Julian’s eyes went round. “We want you with us, Poppy.”

  She grinned. She didn’t know for how long this would continue, but she would take advantage of loving two such remarkable men. If her heart was engaged, that was just her own misfortune. Besides, surely it was too soon to think such romantic thoughts.

  “And I want to be with both of you,” she said.

  They were soon in Henry’s room, and he greeted them in a gorgeous dressing gown of deep blue. The garment accentuated his broad shoulders and narrow waist, and Poppy could well imagine the strong, fit body beneath the quilted fabric.

  “It’s about time you two got here,” he said.

  Julian smiled and began to strip. She marveled at the speed, but then again he dressed and undressed Henry as his valet. Her heart raced as she imagined the two of them together. Seeing them kiss the last time had set her on fire. If she were to see them love each other, whatever that might entail, she would surely combust.

  “Will you love me tonight, Henry?” she asked.

  Something crossed his handsome face, a shadow of worry that was gone in an instant. “I would like nothing more than taking you, Poppy.” He crossed to her, wrapping her in his arms. “Fucking you. Making you come around me.”

  “Christ, I can’t wait to see that,” Julian said.

  Julian undressed her with as much speed as he had himself, and she was soon stretched between them on the bed. Tonight there was none of the relaxation and satisfaction of last night. No. Tonight she felt like her nerves were strung tight, and only her two men could ease her.

  “Lick me, Julian,” she breathed.

  Julian bent his head and suckled one of her breasts, kneading the other as he plucked at the stiff nipple. Sharp want settled in her core, making her pussy wet and tingling. She was aware of Henry’s lips against her belly, and opened her legs to him.

  “Eager are you, Poppy?” he asked, dropping a kiss on her belly.

  “Yes,” she answered, squirming. “Please.”

  Henry’s fingers began to tease her, moving slowly in and out as she grew slick. Her nub of desire throbbed as his thumb circled it. Julian’s mouth was frantic on her breasts now and heat flashed over her body. Suddenly he leaned back, coming to sit on his heels.

  “I’m so damn hard,” he growled.

  She opened her eyes to see him holding his shaft. It was really quite pretty, as the rest of him. Remembering how much Henry had liked their mouths on him, she turned to lick Julian’s cock. Henry groaned softly, then eased off of her.

  “Suck him, Poppy,” Henry said.

  She eyed him and saw he was in the same state as Julian. After a brief moment of indecision, she closed her mouth over the head of Julian’s cock. His taste was fresh and hot, and she moaned as she engulfed him. Henry grabbed her hips, and before she knew it she was on her hands and knees, her head bent to Julian’s waist as Henry began to caress her again.

  “Your ass is gorgeous,” he said, his hands cupping her buttocks. “I want to fuck your ass, but your pussy needs me more right now.”

  She couldn’t make sense of his words, but she knew she needed something. Julian was moaning, arching upward with every move of her mouth on him. His throat worked and his arms strained and he looked beautiful. Henry placed his rock-hard shaft up against her aching pussy, and she trembled. She hadn’t imagined he could take her this way, but she needed it now.

  “Please, Henry,” she said, taking her mouth from Julian for a moment. “Take me.”

  He shifted, grabbing her hips once more, and sank inside of her. He was so big, even bigger than Julian, but she felt more than full. She wanted him to move. To claim her. To make her come as he’d promised.

  “Poppy,” he growled as he finally began to move. “So damn tight.”

  Poppy held on to the linens as she opened her mouth to let out a moan. It was incredible, Henry’s big body moving behind her as Julian held himself for her to suck. She returned to her task, taking him deep into her mouth as Henry’s thrusts became stronger.

  Beads of sweat broke out on her body as she neared her climax. Julian twitched, his cock swelling in her mouth.

  “I’m going to come,” he bit out, arching again.

  Poppy didn’t release her hold on him even as her own climax threatened. Her legs quaked, and her arms shook as she sucked harder. Julian broke first, coming in hot spurts as she took all of him as she had Henry before.

  Lifting her head at last, she arched wildly against Henry. Her bottom was flush against his hard belly, and he began to drive harder still. She came then, moaning and shouting as waves of pleasure spread through her body.

  “Oh!” She gripped the linens in her fists. “Oh, my!”

  Henry said something, his voice guttural, and pulled out of her to spill on her bottom.

  “That was a close thing,” he said, his voice rough.

  Poppy merely nodded. She hadn’t given a thought to his withdrawal, which Julian had also done last night. It was important, she knew. Taken with all the talk of the new Hawk baby this afternoon.

  “It’s a good thing you two thought to keep me safe,” she said, collapsing on the bed.

  Julian brushed her damp hair back from her cheek and kissed her tenderly. “We wouldn’t want to put you in an awkward position.”

  She giggled. Oh, she must be tired. “Awkward position? Is that what a baby is now?”

  Henry looked alarmed, but he settled beside her. “You’re safe, Poppy.” He kissed her, too. “I promise you.”

  She closed her eyes, leaving thoughts of babies and promises as she floated in semi-slumber between her two lovers.

  Chapter 9

  “That was a dicey conversation we avoided,” Henry said the next evening as Julian readied him for dinner.

  “The baby talk, you mean?” Julian nodded. “Poppy is in no position to take on such a responsibility. She has only herself.”

  “No family?”

sp; “None.” Julian thought for a moment of his own lack of familial connections. “We have that in common, she and I.”

  “And myself,” Henry said.

  Julian straightened Henry’s jacket and stepped back. “Hardly, Henry. You have all the Hawks at your side now.”

  A pensive expression crossed Henry’s face. “I suppose that’s true. I suspect it will be some time before I feel it in my heart.”

  Julian’s own heart thumped at his words. “Your heart, Henry?”

  Henry’s eyes grew shuttered. “I’m not very comfortable with emotions, Julian. My mother discouraged any sort of attachment, and I suppose I carry that with me.”

  “We never spoke of emotion,” Julian said, keeping his tone light.

  “But what of Poppy? Will she expect something more than what we share?”

  Julian thought for a moment. “Poppy is a woman, after all. Sensual and giving. Perhaps she will expect more.”

  Henry shook his head. “I’m not the person to give it to her. You are, Julian. She must be attached to you.”

  “She must?” The concept spread warmth through Julian’s chest. “How to do you fathom that?”

  “You’ve known her for far longer. You’re…like her.”

  “In service, you mean?”

  “No! I meant that you’re both affectionate.”

  Julian smiled at Henry’s stiffness, sensing more beneath that exterior. “I feel affection for her, Henry. And for you.”

  Henry’s face reddened. “This isn’t the time for such talk.”

  Julian pulled back. “As you wish it.”

  “Now, don’t think me cold.”

  Julian shook his head. “Oh, you’re not cold. Not in the least.”

  Henry held his gaze for a breathless moment, and then shrugged. “I am who I am.”

  Julian straightened his own jacket and dipped his head. “I trust we’ll be together tonight?”

  “I’m counting on it.”

  Julian took those words at their face value, knowing just how much pleasure Henry got from their encounters. He had to speak with Poppy, though. Henry might not want to talk about emotions, but the discussion must take place. Julian had to know if Poppy’s heart was engaged.

  Julian knew his own, however. He was falling for both Henry and Poppy, and couldn’t bear the thought of being alone again once Henry left. He was certain he wasn’t enough for Poppy. He’d never been enough for anyone else.

  That evening, after indulging in another of Poppy’s incredible desserts, he hung around the servants’ hall again until they were the only two left.

  “Vanilla, Poppy.” He made a show of scraping the thick, glossy icing off his plate one last time. “How is it so delicious?”

  She preened a little bit, which made him smile. “I added some lavender.”

  “Lavender? Like soap?”

  She giggled, that same light sound he’d never heard from her until last night in Henry’s bed. “No.” She indicated the bunches of herbs and such strung from a rack above one of the tables. “Dried and crushed.”

  Julian nodded absently. “It’s delectable. Like you.”

  Her cheeks flushed pink. “Julian,” she said in warning.

  “Poppy,” he began. When she looked at him, her face so open, he couldn’t ask her. He couldn’t put such a heavy topic on the wide table between them, not when he wanted nothing more than to get her up to Henry’s guest room. “Never mind. Are you ready for tonight?”

  Now heat flared in her pretty amber eyes. “Yes,” came her soft reply.

  And in that instant, Julian made the decision to set his heart aside and just feel. His emotions would be his own burden to carry.

  “Then let us head to the bachelor wing,” he said, taking her hand.

  In moments they were tucked into Henry’s room, stripping each other in an effort to get as close to each other as they could manage.

  “I want to love you, Julian,” Poppy said. “I want to make you smile.”

  “Julian always smiles,” Henry said, a puzzled expression on his face.

  “Not earlier tonight,” Poppy said.

  “Really?” Henry cupped Julian’s cheek. “What’s wrong?”

  Julian pasted a grin on his face, hoping to convince them that he was simply in the moment. “How could anything be wrong, Henry? I’ve got you two naked and ready.”

  “I am that,” Henry said, holding himself.

  Poppy’s eyes widened as she stared at Henry’s magnificent cock. “Ooh, I still don’t know how you fit inside me.”

  “Perfectly,” Henry rasped.

  Julian reached out and held Henry’s shaft. “As you fit inside me.”

  “Inside you?” Poppy ran her eyes over Julian’s body. “But, how?”

  Henry smiled and tucked a long strand of her strawberry hair behind her ear. “Do you remember I told you I wanted to fuck your pretty ass?”

  Poppy’s mouth dropped open, then spread in an excited smile. “You’ll take Julian?”

  Henry hugged Julian from behind, his cock fitting snugly against his ass. “Yes.”

  Julian closed his eyes as Henry began to nuzzle the side of his neck. When Poppy leaned closer to kiss him, Julian sucked her tongue into his mouth. His every nerve was stretched taut, and he trembled between them. Henry was the most experienced of his lovers, to be certain, but Julian took a sense of pride as the man gave a shudder against him.

  “Julian, I’m on fire,” he breathed.

  Julian nodded, sucking in a breath as Poppy circled one of his nipples with her little tongue. “Christ, Poppy.”

  She giggled, and the sweet scent he knew he would always associate with her enveloped him. She was aroused. That was certain. And for the least experienced of the three of them, she was a quick study. Her hands were nimble on his flesh, tracing over his belly as she sought the part of him aching for her touch.

  “You’re so hot, Julian,” she said, stroking him so slowly he wanted to scream. “You’re long and hard.”

  “His ass is tight, Poppy,” Henry said, dipping a cream-covered finger deep inside of him. “I can’t wait to fuck him.”

  Henry’s blunt words, said with such passion, nearly made Julian come right then. Bracing his feet apart, he held himself still as Henry entered him. They both gasped as they were completely connected, and Julian let his head fall back on one of Henry’s broad shoulders. When he began to move, pulling in and out of him, Julian began to moan.

  Poppy’s finger dipped into the slit in the head of Julian’s cock, and he felt himself cream for her. He forced himself to open his eyes, watching her study him as she tenderly fondled him.

  “You like this,” she said, spreading the moisture over the aching head. “Tell me what you want, Julian.”

  “Suck me,” he bit out. “Suck me, Poppy.”

  Poppy didn’t hesitate. She sank to her knees and swallowed him down. Julian nearly lost his footing. Henry growled his approval as his thrusts became more forceful, a counterpoint to Poppy’s vigorous suction on Julian’s cock.

  His body flushed hot and sweat popped out all over him. Henry was slick as well, sliding deliciously against him as they moved together. Poppy’s hot, wet mouth was the perfect accompaniment.

  Julian closed his eyes again, his heart pounding in rhythm to Henry’s thrusts. He felt his orgasm start, clamping down hard on his balls as he moved in Poppy’s mouth. He fought to hold on, eager for Henry to come as well. He didn’t have to wait long. Henry gripped Julian’s hips and pumped in and out as Julian started to lose control.

  “Oh my God,” Julian sighed, letting go as he pumped his own climax onto Poppy’s eager tongue.

  Henry roared his own release, bucking against Julian as he came just as hard. He held Julian tightly around his chest now, dropping kisses on his neck as the air started to cool around them.

  Poppy was the first to gather her wits about her, but Julian guessed that was because she hadn’t come yet. Her pupils were dila
ted as she stared up into his face.

  “You both came,” she said, her face beaming.

  “And now it’s your turn,” Henry said.

  * * * *

  Henry gave Julian another embrace, reluctant to withdraw even as his mouth watered for a taste of Poppy’s sweet pussy. After giving Julian another tender kiss on the heated nape of his neck, he finally withdrew and stepped from behind to grab on to Poppy’s supple form. He tumbled her to the floor and buried his face in her pink cunt.

  “Henry!” She closed her eyes, already flushed as she rose to meet his tongue.

  Henry licked and sucked, lapping up the juices that no doubt were the result of her sharing in his and Julian’s love play. Holding her round little ass in his hands, he lifted her and drove his tongue into her tight folds again and again.

  “That’s it,” Julian said, leaning down to lick her tight rosy nipples one after the other. “Take your pleasure, sweetheart.”

  Henry caught his eye as he suckled Poppy’s clit, and the tenderness in the other man’s blue eyes made something shift in his chest. Poppy cradled Julian’s head against her breast, rapture clear on her face. Her fingers tangled in Henry’s hair now, too, helping her ride his tongue to her climax.

  She shivered, her skin as slick as his and Julian’s had been. In the next instant she came, crying as she held on to both of them.

  “Oh!” She sniffled, her body going limp at last. “Oh, I loved that!”

  “I love you,” Julian whispered.

  Henry sat back, his heart racing. “You love her?”

  Julian’s gaze skittered away from his as he nodded. “Yes.”

  Poppy leaned up on her elbows, her eyes wide. “You love me, Julian?”

  Julian stood, running his fingers through his damp blond waves. “I’m sorry. I shouldn’t have said anything.”

  She came to her knees, hope clear on her face. “You love me,” she said, a statement this time.

  Julian gave a shaky nod, still not looking at Henry. For his part, it was like a coldness settled over him. Gone was the shared passion and heat that the three of them had experienced. Julian loved Poppy, and he was once more the odd man out.


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