Henry's Heart

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Henry's Heart Page 8

by Josie Dennis

  Keeping his movements even and measured, he grabbed up his discarded dressing gown.

  “Julian is right to love you, Poppy,” he said, holding himself still.

  “What of you?” she asked.

  Henry’s stomach twisted. “What?”

  “Shouldn’t Julian love you too?” she elaborated.

  Henry once more attempted to catch Julian’s eye, but the man was dressing as swiftly as he’d disrobed earlier.

  “Henry doesn’t believe love is for him,” he said.

  Poppy’s face was a study of confusion. “But we love him.”

  Julian shook his head. “Henry’s heart isn’t engaged.”

  Poppy’s mouth turned down in a frown. “But you love him, Julian. Just as I love you.”

  Julian’s face brightened. These two could have something real. Something he’d only begun to hope to have for himself someday. But like anything else he’d ever craved since childhood, it wasn’t for him.

  “You two should be together,” he said. “Without me.”

  Julian whirled toward him then, his eyes flashing. “You are a fool, my lord.”

  Henry bristled. “My lord, is it?”

  “You insist on thickening the lines between us,” Julian said. “Surely you don’t want to think about a future with anyone from our class.”

  “Julian,” Poppy said. “Henry isn’t that way.” She grabbed on to the lapels of Henry’s robe. “Tell him, Henry. Tell him you love him.”

  Henry just stared down at her, his heart aching. “I cannot.”

  Julian bit out a curse, then helped Poppy finish her dress. He looked furious and protective, and Henry longed to say something to bring back the complete symmetry they’d experienced in their passion with Poppy.

  “Poppy,” he began, turning to her. He stilled as he saw the fat tears rolling down her smooth cheeks. “Poppy, please.”

  “Is it true, Henry?” She hiccupped. “Were you just dallying with us?”

  “No.” He was sure of one thing, and this was no dalliance. “No, I wasn’t.”

  Julian snorted. “Forgive me if I don’t believe you. You told me yourself. You are who you are. A Hawk.”

  Henry stared at him, completely at a loss.

  “Julian, wait,” Poppy said, dropping her hands to her sides. “Give Henry a chance to make this right.”

  “He won’t,” Julian said. “If I learned one thing tonight, it’s that his heart isn’t ours.”

  With that, Julian gathered Poppy into his arms and ushered her out of Henry’s room. Henry was alone again. As he’d always been.

  Except, tonight, he was certain it was all his fault.

  Chapter 10

  Poppy sniffled as she went through her late day duties, the events of two nights past still swirling through her mind. Julian loved her! That was astounding, as she’d been harboring feelings for him she wasn’t even aware of until he’d made his declaration. She couldn’t simply revel in the knowledge, however. Damn her foolish heart. She loved Henry as well. And Julian did, too, although he wouldn’t admit it to her.

  Last night they’d spoken of everything but that, attempting to work through just what their lives would be once Henry left. And leave he would, as all Hawks did. Most left with their forever loves, but Henry wasn’t like other Hawks. Those glimpses of warmth and affection she’d seen, both between him and Julian and sent in her direction, showed her he did have a heart. He just didn’t trust it.

  She couldn’t make love to Julian, either. Amazing as it should be, she craved Henry’s touch as much as Julian’s. Cuddling and kissing helped soothe her heart, but there was an unspoken wish between them. A wish for Henry.

  “Are you all right, Poppy?” Mrs. Padmont asked her.

  “Hmm?” She focused on the concern etched on the cook’s round face, and then managed a small smile. “Yes, Mrs. Padmont. Why do you ask?”

  “You seem a bit down in the mouth, dear. Even the dessert you made for tonight, not that it wasn’t delicious, lacked your usual inspiration.”

  Poppy wiped her hands on her apron, and then settled them palms down on the work table. “I’m sorry, Mrs. Padmont. I suppose I’m tired.”

  The cook clicked her tongue. “I’m not surprised at that, keeping the hours you have been.”

  Poppy felt a flash of fear, and then guessed the woman meant her hours in the kitchen not her evenings with Julian and Henry. “I suppose.”

  “You should try to keep normal hours a few times a week,” Mrs. Padmont said with a nod. “I don’t believe your ambitions will suffer.”

  Poppy smiled ruefully. Her ambitions had changed as of two nights ago when Julian told her he loved her. Yes, she still wanted to bake for a living. She wanted more now, though. She wanted Julian in her life, and Henry too. That last wasn’t to happen, apparently. And how could she and Julian be together when they both so obviously loved Henry?

  “Thank you,” she said. “I’ll be sure to try that.”

  The cook smiled and let out a lusty yawn. “Well, these bones aren’t made for late hours of any kind. I’ll bid you good night.”

  “Good night, Mrs. Padmont,” Poppy said.

  The kitchen was deathly quiet, but Poppy couldn’t bring herself to leave. This had been her sanctuary for so long, this place where she dared to be something different. She was different now. That was certain. She was a woman in love with two men.

  “Are you going to hide here all night?”

  Julian’s voice reached her and she felt that rush she now knew was love. She lifted her head to look into his eyes.

  “Good evening, Julian,” she said softly.

  Julian settled his elbows on the work table, his face a picture of conflicted emotions. “I was just with Henry.” She must have registered surprise on her face, for he held up one hand. “Not that way. I’m forced to take care of him until he leaves, lest Mr. Carstairs learns of what I’ve done.”

  “What we’ve done,” she gently corrected.

  He nodded. “What we’ve done. I admit I’m at a loss, Poppy.”

  “You love him.”

  He shook his head so vigorously his blond waves tumbled over his forehead. “No.”

  “Yes, you do. Why do you deny it?”

  Pain flashed in his blue eyes as he brushed his hair back from his brow. “Because he doesn’t love me.”

  Poppy blew out a breath. “I don’t believe that. I’ve seen him with you, and not just when you’re both naked.”

  That statement teased a smile from his well-shaped mouth. “You do like to see us both naked.”

  She waved a hand. “Don’t try to distract me.”

  “Ah, Poppy. Distracting you is the most fun, though. Those sounds you make…”

  She flushed as she recalled every little thing he and Henry could do to distract her. “Never mind. What have you decided?”

  Julian stared at her, his intent clear. “I want to be with you.”

  “But what of Henry?”

  He shook his head. “I can’t change his mind, Poppy. I wouldn’t want to.”

  “Why not?”

  “Would you want him to be with us because I convinced him of it?”

  Her throat felt tight. “No,” she managed to answer. “I want him to give his heart a chance.”

  “I’ve told you before. He won’t.”

  Poppy’s eyes filled with tears. “I don’t know what to do,” she whispered.

  Julian wrapped his arms around her. “You have me, Poppy.”

  “I know.” She sniffled again. “I know, and I should be dancing with happiness to have you love me.”

  Julian pulled back to stare down at her. “But you’re not.”

  “I’m sorry. Call me selfish, but I love you both and I want you both.”

  He gave her a sad, beautiful smile. “You’re not selfish. You’re our girl.” He winced. “My girl.”

  She’d heard it, though. Julian might say that he could be happy with her, but she knew he w
anted Henry. It was heartbreaking, but she would have to give him up, too.

  “Julian, I can’t be with you,” she said on a breath.

  “What? Why?”

  “He’ll always be between us. I’m not enough for you.”

  He cupped her face. “Poppy, you’re more than enough. I promise you.”

  She closed her eyes and tears leaked through her lashes. “It won’t last.”

  Julian cursed softly. “I know you’re right. Damn him.”

  Gazing up at him now, she touched his cheek. “I love you, Julian. I’ll always love you.”

  He touched his brow to hers. “I know.”

  When he let her go and took his leave, a chill raced through her. There was such a sense of finality to his words, to their embrace, that she couldn’t stand any longer. Sinking down onto the bench, she buried her face in her apron and cried.

  * * * *

  “I’ll be leaving on the morrow,” Henry told Gabriel.

  He’d sought the earl out in his study this afternoon, for more privacy. Gabriel eyed him for a long moment, before letting out a breath.

  “I won’t try to keep you, but I believe you’re making a mistake.”

  Henry arched a brow. “How?”

  Gabriel folded his hands on the wide desk and leaned forward. “I take it you’re leaving as you came?”

  “What do you mean?”

  “Alone, Henry. You’re leaving alone.”

  Henry’s lips thinned. “I am alone, Gabriel. That hasn’t changed.”

  Gabriel shook his head. “I vowed to never get involved in the lives of the Hawks I’ve invited here, and I’ve managed to keep my promise to myself. Until now.”

  “Until now?”

  “Aside from my brothers, you’re the first Hawk whose heart is so guarded yet…open.”

  Henry shifted in his seat. “I don’t know what you’re talking about.”

  “You had no one growing up, Henry. You came here and loneliness was clear in your every word. Your every expression.”

  “Forgive me, but why is this your concern?”

  “I’m happy.” The lightness in Gabriel’s expression proved that fact. “Is it wrong to wish the same for my relatives?”

  “I don’t think I’m ready for your kind of happiness,” Henry admitted.

  “You know, I never took you for a fool. Perhaps I’ve misjudged you, but Matthew says you’ve fallen in love.”

  “Your brother spoke of me?”

  Gabriel held up a hand. “Not the particulars, no. But I know he told you of his arrangement. As well as my own.”

  Henry’s gaze slid away. Yes, he knew of Matthew’s marriage and arrangement with William. He could guess that Michael Crowley was a part of the earl’s marriage as well.

  “I’m not comfortable with discussing such matters.”

  Tenderness colored the earl’s eyes. “Henry, I know you had no affection given to you as a child, save for your housekeeper. You have the chance to be with the one you love.” He smiled. “Or should I say the two you love?”

  Henry gaped. “Never say you know of my liaison.”

  Gabriel waved a hand. “I suspected, but it’s not my place to judge. Let me just ask you one more thing.”

  Henry braced himself. “Go on.”

  “Ever since falling in with your two lovers, has the beast craved any other?”

  The truth struck Henry square in the chest. “No. Lust and attraction for them, yes. But no compulsion. No blind need.”

  “Then think before you leave them behind. I think you’ll be leaving your heart as well.”

  Henry shot to his feet. “I… Thank you, Gabriel. You’ve given me a lot to consider.”

  Gabriel grinned. “Have at them. And good luck. I will say that no one mucks things up like a Hawk, either. Luckily we’re quite adept at making things right as well.”

  Henry nodded and hurried down to the servants’ hall and through to the kitchens.

  “My lord!” the round, rosy cook exclaimed. “How may we help you?”

  “I need to speak with…” And then he saw her, behind the work table. Her face was pale and her eyes huge. “Poppy.”

  The cook looked perplexed but he set that aside. “Poppy, I need to speak with you about…dessert.”

  She blinked. “All right.”

  He left, hoping she would follow him. She did, if a bit slowly. Turning back to her, he caught her wrist. “Come, love.”

  “Love?” She froze at the base of the stairs. “What are you about?”

  “Righting things, Poppy. Come to my room and I’ll ring for Julian.”

  She blinked rapidly, her rosebud mouth gaping open. “What are you saying?”

  He cupped her face and kissed her, tasting deeply of her sweetness. “I love you.”

  She let out a gasp and pulled back. “And Julian?”

  He gave a slow nod. “I love him, too.”

  Appearing adorably confused, she trailed behind him until they were tucked into his guest chamber. He rang for Julian and the two of them waited for what felt like forever. Julian entered, that cool detachment of the past few days wrapped around him.

  “Yes, my lord?”

  Henry barked out a laugh. “Please, Julian. Don’t ever call me ‘my lord’ again.”

  Julian looked taken aback, and then he spied Poppy. “Poppy?”

  She clasped her hands, her face bright. “Henry loves us, Julian!”

  Julian looked at Henry for confirmation. “Truly?”

  Henry nodded. “I love you both. Please say you love me?”

  A smile broke over Julian’s face. “I do. We do.”

  Henry grabbed Poppy and spun her in a circle before setting her back down on her feet. He grabbed Julian in a hug, holding him close. “I do love you both, and I want to bring you back to Stanton House with me.”

  “Both of us?” Poppy asked.

  “Yes, love,” he said. “Marry me.”

  She looked conflicted.

  “Poppy,” Henry went on. “I know I put that doubt in your eyes, but I love you both. I want you both in my life. In my heart.”

  “Your heart?” Julian asked.

  “Yes. Come with me, Julian. Poppy can bake to her heart’s content in my kitchens and you can be a part of our lives, too.”

  When Poppy nodded, it was Julian’s turn to grab her to him. “Make love with us both, Poppy. We need you and, I think, you need us.”

  She nodded again and began to strip. Before long she was squeezed between them on the bed, Henry beneath her as she straddled his thighs. She was scalding hot, and her pussy was wet as she slid over his skin.

  “Henry.” She sighed, leaning back as he suckled her breasts. “Oh, that’s delightful.”

  Julian caught Henry’s eye and winked, then grabbed her ass with both hands. “I’m going to fuck you, Poppy.”

  She threw him a cheeky grin over her shoulder. “Take me, Julian. But I want you both inside me.”

  Their bodies grew hot. Slick with sweat. He held on to Poppy as Julian eased first one, then two cream-covered fingers into her secret hole. She gasped and stiffened, and then moaned as he stroked her.

  “I’m coming inside you,” Julian said, his voice tight.

  Poppy flinched, but Henry soothed her with kisses and caresses as Julian sank into her. “Oh! Oh, that feels so good.” She sighed.

  Julian made a sound of agreement as he moved slightly in and out of her. She moaned, wriggling as she clutched at Henry.

  Henry’s cock was so hard he thought he’d burst against her soft belly. Julian’s movements became more pronounced as he pulled nearly all the way out of her and shoved himself back inside. Henry took his leave to drive his fingers up into her pussy.

  “You’re soaking wet, love,” he said, pinching and stroking. “You need me inside your pussy.”

  She bit her lip and nodded. “Y-yes.”

  He exchanged a glance with Julian, who withdrew as Henry positioned himself beneath P
oppy’s core. Holding on to her hips, he angled her just right and pulled her down on him.

  “God!” Henry breathed in deeply. She was so tight with Julian inside of her as well. “Julian, I feel you!”

  Julian said something, he wasn’t sure what, and they began to move together. Poppy was strung tight between them, sobbing her growing pleasure as the two of them worked in and out of her primed body. He’d never done this, loved a woman with his heart and body as he loved their man as well. The three of them were as connected in body as they were in heart, and it was nearly too much.

  “Henry, I’m close,” Julian rasped. “Christ, I’m close.”

  Henry leaned forward to catch Julian’s mouth in a kiss over Poppy’s shoulder. She sobbed again, trembling between them.

  “Oh, please…” she cried.

  Henry increased the speed of his thrusts, urging Julian to do likewise. In and out, back and forth, they worked her and each other. He was going to come. He was going to come inside of her and he didn’t care. Not now. She was his. She was theirs, and should a baby come it would be theirs as well.

  She cried out as she began to come, writhing between them as they all began to lose control. Henry’s balls pulled tight and he let go at last, coming hard inside of her as Julian found his release.

  Their climax seemed to last forever, until the three of them collapsed onto the bed. Julian withdrew, but Henry was still inside of her as she sprawled over him.

  “I love you, Poppy,” he said. “I love you, Julian.”

  Julian touched his face, and then kissed Poppy’s cheek. “I suppose that’s it, then. Forever, Henry. Are you ready for it?”

  Henry just nodded and closed his eyes. He couldn’t believe he’d almost lost this. This passion. This love. The earl had been correct on one very important point. Henry’s heart was open, but now it was no longer empty. He had Poppy and Julian and he would know true happiness.

  This Hawk’s heart was finally complete.




  Josie Dennis writes erotic romances for the discerning reader. Her characters find love in the most amazing places, and the Happily Ever After is a guarantee. Readers who like their romances hot and their heroes and heroines open to ideas they’ve only explored in their fantasies will find her erotic romances quite satisfying.


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