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Page 7

by Drew Herdman



  Just as teatime was over and everyone was leaving the table, the clock on the wall struck six. Lofty asked Auntie Amy if he could switch on the television, as he would like to see the news.

  "Of course". replied Amy. "We all like to keep up with what's going on in the world."

  So saying, she switched the television on, just in time to hear the announcer say.

  "Here is the news".

  Just then another man appeared on the screen, and put a paper on the announcer's desk. He picked it up, glanced at it, then said

  "This is a special news flash. A small cargo boat has gone missing. It was sailing from London to Barrow in Furness. It has not arrived at its destination and no trace if it has been found. It did not send any distress messages. The ship is called 'WHIRLWIND'. It was carrying spare parts for nuclear submarines. Wait a moment."

  As he spoke, another piece of paper was put in front of him. He read it through, and then, looking very grave, said.

  "This message has been given to us, and it says that the ship has been hijacked, and we have a demand for

  ten million pounds for its safe return. The terrorists, whoever they are also say that they have a weapon that controls minds within a 20 miles range, so nobody can approach them. They say it will be switched on if any action is taken against them. The ransom must be paid within two days. Details of how it is to be paid will follow. Please do not panic, we will keep you informed with any further developments as they come in"

  As his voice droned on, Robin nudged Robina, and then went out. Robina followed, and when they were alone in the garden Robin said.

  "I bet that the ship we saw hidden in the cove is the one that has been hijacked".

  "How can we be sure?" asked Robina, worried that they could make a terrible mistake, and cause the device to be switched on.

  "We'll go tonight when it's dark, and its bound to have a name painted on it. If it is the ship, we can call Rhes on the medallion, and he can save the people." replied Robin.

  Just as they returned to the house, they heard Lofty tell Amy that they were going out, and would be late back. After they had gone, the twins watched television until it was dark.

  With a yawn and a stretch, Robin pretended that he was tired, and told Mother that he was going to bed. Robina waited a few moments, then followed. As she went up stairs the telephone rang, she heard the murmur of voices, and as she heard the phone being put down. Mother called up to say that she and Amy were just going down the road to see a friend who needed help with some curtains she was making, and they would be back later.

  No sooner had the door shut, than the twins were on the landing.

  "What a wonderful opportunity" said Robin, "We can go to the cove, check on the ship's name, and be back before Mother and Amy come home."

  They grabbed torches, jumped onto their bikes and tore off to the cliffs over the cove. When they reached the path down to the ship, they could show no lights, because there might be a look out, so they picked their way very carefully down the steep path, stopping when a cloud covered the moon, knowing that a slip would send them over the edge to a certain death on the rocks far beneath their feet.

  After a time that seemed an age, but was only a few moments, the twins reached the bottom of the path, and stood safely on the rocks, and in front of them loomed the black shape of the ship. The netting hung from the masts, looking large in the moonlight. Robin whispered that he would look for the name on one end, while Robina looked on the other. That way they would save precious time. Robina nodded, and then suggested that they meet again in five minutes, at the same place.

  Robina walked slowly along with just a flash of her torch now and then, between her fingers, to show her the way. She found the end of the netting, and lifted it up. Inside the net she saw the ship's side, and as she shone her torch up. The name was not quite in view. She was just about to step back to where she could read it, when a hard hand came from behind her and grabbed the torch. Another hand fastened across her mouth. She tried to scream, but couldn't make a sound.

  "What have we here?" asked a harsh voice from behind her.

  Without being given a chance to say anything, she was dragged along the rocks to the gangway that led up to the deck. How she struggled. She kicked and tried to get loose, but it was no use. At last she managed to bite the hand that was over her mouth, and as it was jerked aside, she screamed as loud as she could. The man holding her let out a curse, and hit her hard on the side of the head.

  "That will teach you not to bite". he said angrily as he dragged her to the foot af the gangway.

  Robin had heard her scream, and appeared out of the darkness like a wild thing. He took the man by surprise and had almost got Robina away, when the man grabbed him by the hair. The noise had alarmed the other villains on the ship, and it only took a few seconds for them to come and help.

  The twins were bundled up the gangway and onto the ship, through a door, and into a brightly lit cabin. Once they were in the room, the door was slammed shut behind them, and they saw that there was no escape. As they stood there, panting, they saw, sitting in a chair, smoking his pipe, the older man who had shouted at Charlie at the field where the hang gliders were.

  For a moment the twins stared at the villain seated in front of them. Charlie, the young pilot, moved as if to step forward, but as he did so, footsteps clattered on the deck outside, and the door crashed open. Charlie stood still, and the twins spun round, alarmed to see Lofty and Shorty step into the cabin. They were both smiling, and Lofty said.

  "Well done, lads, the boss will be pleased".

  His voice trailed off as he saw the twins,

  "What are these two doing here?" he demanded.

  "Do you know them?" asked the older man.

  "Yes." replied Lofty, " We are staying at their house".

  "So you could be recognised later". mused the older man. "Well", he continued, nodding to two of the others, "Take them away and lock them up near the rest of the captured crew, but separate from them. I'll have to talk to REX, our boss. He'll have to decide what to do".

  Charlie stepped forward as if to help take the twins away, but the older man snarled.

  "Not you. Charlie. You were too friendly back at the practice field, and I don't trust you".

  Charlie stepped back without a word, and turned away as the twins were dragged out of the cabin. They were marched along a corridor, and pushed into a small storeroom.

  The door slammed shut, and the twins heard the key turn in the lock. They then heard footsteps going back along the corridor, and soon all was quiet.

  "Call Rhes now". sniffed Robina, with tears trickling down her cheeks.

  "It's done". replied Robin, as the bell chimed, and the medallion glowed. "I'm sure Rhes will come as fast as he can. He'll be here soon and rescue us".

  He tried to speak confidently, to cheer Robina up, but deep down inside, he was terrible afraid. He now knew that they were up against six villains, Lofty and Shorty, and the leader REX, whoever he might be, who was somewhere on the Island. That made nine of them against Rhes.

  What chance would he have


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