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Page 13

by Drew Herdman



  Robin felt as though he was running through deep soft sand. His feet were sinking deeper and deeper with each step. The beach was starting to slope upwards, and he was moving slower and slower. He could feel the sweat running down his face, and his legs were aching. Thump. Thump went his beating heart, faster and faster. He knew that he must not stop, because he was sure that behind him came Rex. He dared not look over his shoulder. If he did, and saw Rex's blazing eyes, he knew he would be lost. He could see a wire fence in front of him, and felt if he could just climb over it to the road beyond, he would be quite safe. He could hear the rasping breath behind him. Just another step to reach the wire. His hand went forward and gripped the wire. He pulled himself up, but the wire seemed to stretch towards him. He was stopped. He could not move. Rex was almost on him. He heaved on the wire, and as he did, a bell rattled loudly all around.

  He awoke with a tremendous jump. His legs were wrapped up in the duvet. The top had covered his head, and he could barely move. He was sweating with fright. He managed to free one arm, reach out, and switch the alarm off.

  Lying back in bed, he waited for his racing heart to slow down to normal.

  After a moment he sat up, swung his legs over the side of the bed, and walked over to the window. As he pulled the curtains back, he felt the warm sun on his face.

  He looked out and saw a bright blue day; just a few errant clouds chased each other majestically across the sky.

  All the adventures of the past few days seemed unreal now. Rex and the gang were safely locked up, waiting to taken to prison on the Mainland. They were safe. Charlie was OK, and Rhes. What about Rhes?.

  An idea flashed into his mind. Why not say that Rhes was a visitor to the Island who had been there on a walking holiday, and had been able to help with the capture of the gang. He would then be able to stay with them.Visible.

  His mind raced on with ideas. Perhaps Perhaps.

  Not wasting a second, he dashed across the landing, pyjamas flapping, and into Robina's room. She was fast asleep.

  "Wake up". he said. Not exactly shouting, but loud enough to make her open her eyes. She looked at him sleepily, the murmured.

  "Go away. I want to go back to sleep".

  She closed her eyes, but Robin shook her shoulder until she was properly awake.

  "OK. OK. I'm awake now. What on earth is so important that you have to wake me this early?"

  Robin explained his plan for getting Rhes accepted, and after a while she was convinced that the plan would work.

  As they were getting dressed, they both had the same idea. What a lovely day for a sail. The wind was right the tide was out, but would soon be coming in.

  They both arrived at the top of the stairs together, and both shouted


  "Breakfast." came the call from below. "Come and get it".

  Mother and Amy agreed that a sail would do the twins a power of good. They felt that it would take the twins minds off the last few days.

  Sandwiches were made and packed as the twins swallowed a hasty meal, then off they went. Rhes, who had been listening with the robot fly, was waiting by the garden gate. On the way to the harbour, they told him of the plan to get him accepted as a friend.

  Inside he felt a tugging of real emotions, as one side of him was sad about not being able to go back to his planet, but on the other, bursting with happiness about being accepted out in the open. He laughed as he thought about all the new friends he would make. Also there was just the faintest of chances that a rescue mission might be sent from his own planet. Maybe. Maybe.

  Down past the Railway Station, where a queue of people were buying their tickets. The train was ready to go, the engine hissing steam, and a feather of smoke from the black funnel drifting away in the breeze.

  On they walked past the shops. As it was 9 o'clock, the shopkeepers were opening up, and several called a good morning.

  Down the hill to the beach, then across the warm sand, soft and dusty that reminded Robin of his recent nightmare, and on to the damp firm sand that had been washed by the last high tide. When they reached the SANNOX, the water was a few meters off. They untied the mooring ropes from either end, tied them together as they had been shown, and dropped it on the sand. After they had done this, they heard hands clapping, and, on looking up, they saw the Harbour Master himself, with a big smile on his face.

  "Well done", he remarked. "You'll have a lovely day for a sail". He leaned on the rail, and watched them as they got ready for sea. The ropes felt gritty on their hands, and they were left with a light dusting of sand on their palms, which they washed off in a nearby pool. As they rigged the boat, they explained all the parts to Rhes. He had never seen a boat like this on his frozen world. The twins found it ever so funny having to tell him that the front or sharp end of the boat was called the Bow, and the blunt end was the Stern. They had known that ever since they could remember, and it was difficult for them to believe that Rhes knew nothing about boats.

  The mast was set up, and all the ropes and wires attached. The sails were clipped on, but left loose in the boat. The rudder was hung on its brackets, and Robin showed Rhes how the Centreboard, a length of plywood, fitted into a slot in the bottom of the boat, to act as a keel to stop being blown sideways down wind.

  The wind was blowing directly onto the beach, and Robin said,

  "We'll have to tack out."

  Robina nodded her agreement, but Rhes looked rather blank.

  "What do you mean. Tack?" he asked.

  Robin explained, by drawing on the sand with a stick, how a boat could not sail directly into the wind, but had to sail in a zig-zag way, with the wind first on one side, then the other. After all this talking, they saw that the water had reached the stern of the boat. To save time, Robin and Rhes dragged the boat round until it faced out of the harbour.

  Robina said. "Whose going to be Captain of this fine ship?" Robin, seeing the glint in her eyes, replied.

  "I'll be Captain on the way out, but you'll be Captain on the way back. OK?"

  Robina agreed, with a smile at Rhes, then remarked.

  "We can't have him in charge all the time. Can we?".

  They climbed into the boat, Robina up in front, to handle the small jib sail, Rhes in the middle for balance, and Robin at the stern, to do the steering, and to handle the big mainsail.

  "Check all the gear. Mr Mate." said Robin, and Robina opened a small locker, and passed out lifejackets, which they put on. She saw that the flares were there. The bailer was in position, as were the oars and rowlocks. Finally the anchor, with its rope was ready for use.

  Soon the tide was past the boat, and they could feel her trying to move away.

  "Not long now." said Robin, and a moment later they were afloat.

  "Hoist the jib, Mr Mate." ordered Robin, and Robina pulled the small sail up its wire stay. Robin pulled it in almost flat, and the SANNOX glided down the harbour. Near the end, Robin asked Rhes to lower the centreboard, while he raised the mainsail.

  Quite a few people were watching, and the Harbour Master, who had limped to the end of the pier shouted.

  "Well done. It's nice to see some proper sailing".

  Robin almost blushed, but his suntan hid it, so he just waved back. As they passed the end of the pier, the wind was stronger and the SANNOX heeled over, and sailed much faster. The gentle lap of the water round the bow changed to a chatter, and a fleck of spray came over the bow.

  "Hey, Captain" shouted Robina. "Ease off a bit, its wet up here".

  Out they sailed across the bay towards the white rocks set into the cliffs opposite. Robin had eased off the mainsail, spilling some wind out of it. The SANNOX now sailed a little more upright, and Rhes began to smile. He had been rather worried that the boat would fall over.

  As they neared the rocks Robin explained that they woul
d have to tack.

  "Ready about." he called, warning Robina, then, "Lee oh." He pushed the tiller over, and the SANNOX spun round. As she passed through the wind, the sails flapped. Rhes just managed to duck down out of the way as the mainsail came over. The sails were tightened in again, and off they went.

  "Sorry about that." said Robin, "I should have warned you about that"

  "Never mind", replied Rhes, "I'll remember next time."

  By now Robin and Robina were really enjoying themselves.

  "Lets see how fast she can go". said Robina. "I don't mind getting wet now".

  Robin pulled the sails in tight, and the SANNOX lay further over. The crew leaning out to windward to keep her as nearly upright as possible. The speed built up, and soon feathers of spray were flying. Rhes could see lovely rainbows being made and dying away as the spray rose and fell with each wave. With each tack, they made their way further down the bay towards the breakwater. They passed the marker buoy heading towards the Calf of Man, so decided to keep running that way.

  A glorious sail later, they were sailing along the steep rocky shore. Rhes suddenly cupped a hand to his ear, and said

  "I heard a shout".

  "What." echoed the twins together. "Out here!"

  "Quiet, please". He asked, and strained to hear, with his super hearing, the faint cry that had alerted him.`Robin eased the sail right out until the SANNOX was barely moving through the water, and little wavelets slapped the hull. Rhes sat quite still and really listened. There it was again, a faint cry for help, but where did it come from? He turned his head from side to side , trying to pick up the direction.

  "That rock, over there", he said at last. "I'm sure that's where its coming from."

  "I can't hear anything." said Robin and Robina together.

  "Go nearer." said Rhes , and soon the SANNOX was creeping towards the rock. As they neared, Rhes could make out the cries more clearly, and when he heard the word Rex, his skin went cold.

  "It's Charlie." He said. " Charlie's in trouble with Rex. He must have escaped, and captured him. Land on this side. We'll be hidden there".

  Robin saw a narrow cleft in the rock and went for it. They dropped the sails, and slid towards the gap. As they came in, Robin and Robina hung onto the rocks, and Rhes jumped out onto the rock, like a cat. When he reached the top he saw, to his horror, that Charlie was up to his chest in the water, with Rex sitting opposite, watching him, and laughing.

  The tide had come in so far, that there was a strip of water between them and Charlie. Rhes ducked down and whispered what he had seen. "We'll have to try and rescue him or he'll drown". He added, and the twins nodded agreement, even though the thought of tangling with Rex gave them the shudders. Rhes pulled a slim pencil shaped object from a sleeve pocket, and pressed a clip on the side of it. A blue white flame licked out of the end.

  "He must be tied the rock. This cutter will free him. You must try to keep Rex off , while I'm doing it."

  The three of them took a deep breath, then charged over the rock. Rhes with his cutter flaring, the twins with an oar each grasped like a spear. Rex saw them, and leaped up, his face red with anger and amazement. Charlie gave a shout of relief.

  "Look out. Rex is here."

  "We see him." replied Rhes as he jumped into the water. He ducked under, and felt his way down to the chain that held Charlie. As his hands touched the chain, he thought 'This is going to take longer than I thought. I hope the twins can hold Rex off'.

  Rex started towards Charlie, but the water slowed him, giving the twins chance to push at him with the ends of the oars. Sometimes they even managed to push him under, and he would surface blowing wildly, and thrashing about. Rhes had found a link in the chain, and held the flame of the cutter to it. The water almost boiled and bubbled, but Rhes held on. He was almost out of breath when the link parted,

  "You're free". He shouted, and they all turned to run back to the SANNOX. Getting away from Rex was the only thought in their minds.

  They all piled into the boat, just as Rex heaved himself onto the top of the rock and looked down at them. He bent and picked up a large stone, which he held above his head, ready to drop on them. It would go straight through the bottom of the boat if he managed to throw it.

  Without thinking, Rhes grabbed the nearest thing to hand. He had to throw something. It was the anchor. Standing up, he hurled it full force at Rex. It hit him in the stomach. The wind was knocked right out of him, and he dropped the stone. Right onto his head.

  The anchor caught in his shirt, and Rhes heaved. Rexs' knees gave way, and he plunged off the face of the rock, into the water. He surfaced face down, and obviously knocked out. Quickly Charlie and Rhes pulled him in, like catching a fish. When he was alongside, they rolled him round and round in the anchor rope, until he was tied solidly from head to foot. Then they tied him to the side of the boat, outside, in the water, as he was far too big and dangerous to bring in.

  "Now let's get back to the harbour." said Rhes.

  They pushed off from the rocks, set sail, and slowly made their way back. Rex came to, and after a brief struggle, gave up, and lay they’re, glaring at them all. When they were about half way back, a helicopter buzzed past, and they saw the word POLICE painted on the side.

  "Quick, a flare." Robin shouted. "They must be looking for Rex."

  Robina pulled the locker door open, grabbed a flare, ripped the top off, and held it out at arm's length. The flare fired, and a second later, with a bang and a flash, a bright smoking light appeared hanging under a parachute, It slowly drifted down. The helicopter spun around, and flew low over the water, until it hovered beside them. Someone was sitting in the doorway, with his feet on the landing skid, peering at them through binoculars. Robin waved and pointed at Rex trailing in the water.

  The man looked closely at them, then said something to the pilot, through his intercom. As they flew away, the man waved and pointed towards the beach.

  As they watched, they saw the helicopter land on the beach not far from the harbour.

  "I wish we could go as fast as that". murmured Charlie, "I don't like being this close to Rex."

  It took a while to reach the harbour, with Rex dragging in the water, slowing them down, but eventually they made. Several other boats had come out to escort them, and a crowd of people had gathered on the pier, to watch. Rex's feet touched the sand first, and as the SANNOX nosed onto the beach, he was lying alongside like a great sausage. The police arrived and took over. They soon had Rex securely handcuffed, and locked in the back of a van. Charlie told them about Rex's attempt to drown him, and gave them a statement to that effect. The twins backed him up, and said that it had been chance that had led them to the rescue.

  Mother and Amy came down to the beach, and fussed over them. Eventually the crowd melted away, and the police left with Rex. All that was left to do was moor the SANNOX in her proper place, put everything neatly away, and walk back to the house

  He looked out and saw a bright blue day; just a few errant clouds chased each other majestically across the sky. All the adventures of the past few days seemed unreal now. Rex and the gang were safely locked up, waiting to be taken to prison on the Mainland. They were safe. Charlie was OK, and Rhes. What about Rhes?.

  An idea flashed into his mind. Why not say that Rhes was a visitor to the Island who had been there on a walking holiday, and had been able to help with the capture of the gang. He would then be able to stay with them. Visible.

  His mind raced on with ideas. Perhaps Perhaps.


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