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Cyn (Moon Hunter's Inc. Book 2)

Page 5

by Catty Diva

  Alex wasn’t familiar with Argisites. There were only a handful of races that he dealt with and none of them were compatible breeders with humans. He had heard there were a couple races that were, but they seemed to shun Earth. If someone was making a habit of capturing and keeping them, that would explain why.

  Much of the reading was dry observations including amounts of food and water, vitamins and other injections, and behavior, good or bad. His parents had formed a mating bond and the scientists were disappointed that neither would breed with any other selected partners. Eventually they gave up, but they kept breeding them with each other and according to the journal, he had several siblings.

  Now, he had something he had to do. His family was out there somewhere and whether they were alive or dead, he had to know. Alex closed the file and put it away. He would hire a professional and his mind thought of Cash and the Moon hunters. He searched on the internet and put in the call. Because he was wealthy, he had the latest boosters and his call went through with only a few moment’s delay.

  “This is Cash. Who am I speaking to?” The male was large and leaning back in a relaxed fashion. His eyes were alert, so Alex wasn’t fooled.

  “This is Alex Trundell, but I think you know that.”

  “She gave you the file, didn’t she?”

  “Who are you talking about?”

  “If I were in your position, I’d safeguard my source too. I’m no dummy, I know what is going on there.”

  “What would that be?”

  “One of my most trusted employees has torn loyalties. She gave you something that wasn’t hers to give. Now I have to decide what to do about that.”

  “I’m not sure what you believe, but everything on this station belongs to me. While I appreciate what your people have done, you weren’t legally approved to do it. You have no legal claim to any of the information. Let’s not get in a pissing contest. However I got the information I have, it could mean a job for you. I want my parents and siblings found.”

  “I guess I can overlook one mistake if it gets us some business. We’ll need copies of your file. We’ll also use blood testing to try to identify some of the victims that were rescued. It’s possible some of your family might be among them. There are also clues to two more labs, but that is only between us.”

  “I won’t tell a soul. How long are your people staying?”

  “Some are leaving tonight, Cyn is among them.”

  “Thank you. Keep me updated.” The call ended and Alex had a decision to make. Several decisions, but one he needed to make quickly.

  He took a hot shower. The relaxing water calmed his mind and often made it easier to make hard decisions. Was this really such a difficult decision to make if he considered everything? Did he love her? That was a claim he wasn’t ready to make but he needed her. There was an attachment he felt to her, he’d never before felt for anyone and he’d be a fool to give that up so easily.

  She might not have behaved exactly as he wanted, but she had given him information that showed a loyalty to him her boss didn’t like. He had to admit she had helped him without expecting anything in return. Alex also couldn’t deny the sex had been amazing, a man considered those kinds of things too. A feeling told him he would never find another woman like Cyn.

  He finished cleaning up then dried and dressed. Was there really ever any doubt about the decision he would make? Maybe he had just wanted to punish Cyn to salve his wounded pride. It was time to search her out and make her an offer she couldn’t resist.

  Alex walked down the hallway with people jumping out of his way to let him by. He was on the right floor and he was almost to her door. Bear waved as he passed him. Good. She would be there alone so they could talk. His finger pressed the buzzer and he heard it go off. Tapping his foot lightly, he waited impatiently, but there was no answer.

  Maybe she was in the bathroom. He pressed the buzzer again holding it in longer this time. “You can hold it down as long as you want, but no one is in there.”

  Alex turned to see Bear was standing behind him. “Where is she?”

  “I don’t know. She had everything packed and taken to the ship first thing this morning. Cyn left just before lunch and I haven’t seen her since.”

  “She can’t have left the station yet. Right?”

  “As far as I know, the first ship leaves at six. If she left earlier it was by private transport.”

  “Thanks, Bear.” Alex felt a little crazy now. She was hiding somewhere on the station or she had snuck away and left him behind.

  He got out his com. “Security.”

  “Yes, sir. Did you need something?”

  “Yes, I need you to find guest Cyn with Moon Hunter’s.”

  “Yes, sir. It will take a few minutes since we’ll have to scan for her.”

  “I’ll be waiting.”

  “I’ll let you know as soon as we do.”

  Alex stalked out the hallway not knowing what to do and feeling tension throughout his body. How had he ever imagined he could let her go? Now she may have gotten away and he might never get her back. What would he do then?

  His com buzzed. “Hello.”

  “We found her in the tail area of the space station. Do you want us to apprehend her?”

  “No, I’ll go check on her. Thank you.”

  “You’re welcome, sir. Do you need anything else?”

  “No, that will be all. Return to your usual duties.”

  “Yes, sir.”

  The com went dead and he turned to walk in the direction of the tail section. He wondered what she was doing there. There were many possibilities, but he thought they had already removed everything of value. When he entered the main area where the cages were, he was surprised to see her sitting in a cage staring out through the bars.

  He wasn’t sure if she was aware of his presence until she looked right at him. “How did they survive under these circumstances?”

  “I don’t know. It couldn’t have been easy and not all of them did.”

  “My parents were alive not very long ago and might still be. That means they survived this for a long time.”

  “Yeah, mine survived at least long enough to have half a dozen kids. The will to live must have been strong.”

  “What are you doing here?” She asked as if she suddenly remembered there was no reason for him to be anywhere she was.

  “I was looking for you. My mind has been going over things and I’m not willing to let you go. It was a bad situation you were in and you made the best decision you could based on what you knew. I don’t want you to leave. I’m asking you to stay with me. Let’s see where this relationship goes.”

  “Cash won’t be pleased. If I stay and it doesn’t work out, I won’t have a regular job anymore.”

  “Is that all that’s stopping you?”

  “I thought we had a strong bond for just having met. You made me doubt myself. Now, I suppose I’ll question everything. Some people don’t place much faith in love and I think you’re one of those people.”

  “You’re right. I have always been one of those people and I’m not saying this is love, but whatever it is, I’ll admit it strong. It’s never been my way to put faith in something I’ve never seen or felt. My faith has always been in logic. That’s something that seems to have failed me now. There’s no way I can explain my feelings for you.”

  Cyn smiled. “Welcome to the club. I wasn’t expecting this, either. You’ve brought out emotions I’ve never felt before.”

  “Let’s explore them together.” He walked into the cage and held out his hand to her. It surprised him when she took it without further discussion. His hand tingled where it touched hers.

  Pulling her up and into his arms, he embraced her. He breathed deeply pulling in her sweet scent and he wondered, not for the first time, what it all meant. A shiver ran over him, it was excitement of the sexual kind. It was no surprise after their one night together that his body longed for more.

He took hold of her hand and led her out of the tail section to the elevators. Pressing the button for the top floor, he glanced at her expecting a protest. Maybe everything that had happened lately had exhausted her. The emotional turmoil he’d been subjected to had certainly tired him.

  They got to the top floor and the elevator stopped and opened. He pulled her out and led her to the couch where he pulled her down on his lap. Right now, more than anything else, he just wanted to hold her. Feeling her against him and smelling her scent soothed him. It was just one more thing he couldn’t explain.

  “I want to help you find your family.” Cyn offered.

  “I talked to Cash and he’s already on it.”

  “That probably made him feel better.”

  “He said it helped him feel better about the file you gave me.”

  “Did you tell him about it?”

  “No, but he knew.”

  “How the hell does he find out about those kinds of things? No one else saw the file before I took it.”

  “Maybe he guessed?”

  “That’s one heck of a guess.”

  “So it is. It’s just one more mystery.”

  Chapter 7

  Making a Claim

  It was awkward between them for a few moments. Cyn didn’t understand this thing between them any better than he did. Were they soul mates from their human heritage or something more from the other parts of themselves? There was no way to know anything more than they were pulled together by an invisible force.

  She understood Alex was trying to show her that sex wasn’t all he wanted from her, but sex was a part of the relationship they were forging. Cyn ached to have him inside her and waiting wasn’t an option. She moved from beside him to where she could sit on his lap.

  “Sweetheart, you don’t want to do that. I can only hold back so much.”

  Cyn whispered in his ear. “Maybe I don’t want you to hold back?”

  Alex groaned, his desire obvious to her. Was it naughty that she not only liked it but planned to use that desire to get exactly what she wanted?

  “You don’t understand. This is about more than just sex.”

  “I do understand, but sex is still a part of what’s between us. My body burns for you. It aches and longs for your touch. Don’t make me wait, I’ll burn up.”

  “Gods, woman. Now you’ve released the beast inside me that wants nothing more than to ravish you.”

  “Let him do as he wishes.”

  Alex’s mouth came down hard on hers branding her. His tongue speared her and his teeth nibbled at her. The sounds of enjoyment that burst forth from him fueled her own pleasure as her sounds must be fueling his. Her channel was dripping wet with anticipation and she could feel the hardness of his cock as it readied to take her.

  His hands stroked her and her heat rose higher. Unbuttoning her shirt, he slid it off her and let it float to the ground. Her bra went next and his hands greedily palmed her as his mouth moved from her mouth to taste the pink berries at the end of her breasts one at a time. More moisture pooled at her thighs in preparation of the claiming to come.

  The ache only grew. “Please, Alex.” She moaned and he knew exactly what she needed. He grabbed the back of his shirt pulling it over his head and threw it to the floor.

  Her skirt slid up and her panties were shredded and tossed to the floor to join the other items. Cyn could see his need was visceral, just like hers. She unbuttoned and unzipped his jeans before reaching in to free his one-eyed monster. How could something so hard feel so silky and smooth?

  Her hands stroked him and he grew larger as his cock wept with need. “Gods, Cyn. I need to be inside you so badly.”

  “Then do it.” She demanded. Her body wanted it as much as he did.

  Alex lifted her up and settled her on the head of his cock. They moaned together as she slid down slowly, her slickness easing the way. He filled her to nearly bursting and stretched her fully. When he was finally fully seated, they were a perfect fit.

  There was no doubt in her mind that they were made to be together. Just for a moment, they sat there like that enjoying the feeling of being joined. Alex put his hands on her hips and helped her lift almost completely off his cock before dropping her back down on it. Cyn squealed in surprise and pleasure.

  “You feel so good.”

  “You’re so hot and slick.”

  “Only because you make me that way.” She admitted as her channel clenched around him.

  “Yesss. You are amazing!” Alex screamed. He was pulling her down on top of his hard cock faster and faster. Cyn knew nothing had ever felt so amazing. Her channel clenched and clutched at him trying to hold on to his thick, juicy staff.

  “I’m so close.”

  “I am, too. Cum with me, Sweetie.”

  The words were all it took. She felt a big wave of pleasure that pulled from her toes and rolled all over her. His name burst from her lips in a loud yell that hurt her throat as it broke free. Her body convulsed as her channel gripped and squeezed his cock pulling him into a release he couldn’t resist.

  Alex screamed too, unable to hold back as the pleasure swept them both away into a sea of bliss. This was no ordinary climax, it was all consuming and they rode it out, exhausted and not able to think clearly when it finally ended.

  “What was that?” Alex questioned, once he finally found his voice.

  “I’ve never experienced anything like it before.” Cyn admitted.

  “It’s always special and spectacular when we get together.” Alex observed.

  Cyn agreed wholeheartedly. There was a chemistry between them, but it was more than that. They’d talked and found common ground and she actually liked him, even after all she’d heard and read about him. She had discovered a man that was completely different from that on the inside.

  Alex pulled her close and held her. Strength seemed to flow from his into her. Yeah, it sounded weird, but that was the feeling she got. Instead of being exhausted from the monster orgasm he’d just gifted her with, her body was gearing up for more. Amazing!

  Cyn began to nibble on his neck and the need to mark him was great, but she held back. She was no high school kid wanting to hand out hickeys. Instead, she bit his shoulder lightly and he groaned. Alex nibbled on her neck, but apparently hickeys were his thing. She could feel one forming as he sucked harder and harder. Its placement was where it would be hard to hide. Whatever! It was too enjoyable to complain.

  Her pleasure built, but she wanted to hold off her completion. Alex’s body was so hot, she knew he wasn’t far from his release. Cyn wanted to be part of that, a shared experience. They would go for all or nothing. “Yes, so close, Lover.”

  “I feel your pussy, so wet and ready.”

  “I feel your cock, so hard and smooth.”

  “Just for you, Baby. My seed is ready only for you.”

  Cyn screamed unable to hold back a second longer. “Alex!” She screamed her climax as it took her. Her pussy squeezed and clutched at him pulling his hot cum free and it shot deep inside her.

  “Fuck, Baby. Oh, gods yes!” This man would be hers forever.

  Two more pumps of his hard cock and she could feel the heat as his cum filled her and dripped down to coat the inside of her thighs. Cyn was now completely exhausted and sank against her man. Her head nestled just under his chin as her nose drank in the masculine, spicy, and comforting scent that was his alone.

  His warmth sank into her and she felt like she had finally found her way home. That was an important conclusion for a woman that had felt restless all her life as she had searched for a place she could truly belong. Yes, Cash and the gang had made her feel accepted because they had much in common, but there had still been something missing.

  She understood what had drawn the Moon Hunters together better now that she had discovered their shared origins. It made even more sense now that she knew many of them were related by blood, too. As she relaxed against Alex, she thought about the plans she ha
d to expose some of those relationships. Cash probably suspected, but had no proof until now.

  Cyn woke with a start. It seemed she and Alex had fallen into a worn out stupor and slept for a couple of hours on the couch in the odd position they had stayed in. It hadn’t been too uncomfortable for her, but it must have been difficult for him to relax. Yet, he’d managed to sleep too. His eyes opened and he stared at her. She felt the warmth of affection and the strength of his need in that look.

  “Do you feel okay?” He asked.

  “Yes, just a bit cramped. You must feel worse.”

  “Not really. I feel comforted by your presence. Did you find out anything more when you returned to the tail section?”

  “No, but I read through your whole file before I gave it to you. I know where one of your brothers is. The odd thing is, he’s my brother too.”

  “What?” Alex said, turning pale.

  “We aren’t blood related. You and he share a mother. I’m sorry to have to tell you she’s passed. He and I share a father. He may be alive, he was until recently. He’s been mated to my mother for a long time. Your mother was also still alive not long ago. There is hope that we might find some of them among those freed here.”

  “Where did they send them?”

  “They went to Oison where they are prepared to absorb them into their citizenry and give them all the support they need. The Mazlans, at least the ones there, are kind and helpful people.”

  “You know them?”

  “I know some of them. Many of the ones I know will be dealing with our survivors. They are in leadership roles and support positions. You would like them, will like them because I’m sure you’ll want to meet them.”

  “Do you live on Oison?”

  “I’ve had that choice, but no, I live on the moon near our headquarters. You will get a chance to see that too and I’m sure you’ll appreciate the beauty and the cultures that exist there.”

  “It sounds wonderful. Hopefully we can go sooner rather than later.”


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