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Pure Blood (Time Spirit Trilogy, #3)

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by Melissa Pearl


  Time Spirit Trilogy

  Book Three


  Melissa Pearl


  Smashwords Edition

  Copyright 2012 Melissa Pearl

  All rights reserved. This book or any portion thereof may not be reproduced or used in any manner whatsoever without the express written permission of the author.


  This is a work of fiction. Names, places, businesses, characters and incidents are either the product of the author's imagination or are used in a fictitious manner. Any resemblance to actual persons, living or dead, actual events or locales is purely coincidental.


  Cover art (copyright) by Amanda Crane. All rights reserved.

  Smashwords Edition, License Notes

  This ebook is licensed for your personal enjoyment only. This ebook may not be re-sold or given away to other people. If you would like to share this book with another person, please purchase an additional copy for each recipient. If you're reading this book and did not purchase it, or it was not purchased for your use only, then please return to and purchase your own copy.

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  Praise for Golden Blood

  "I read this book so fast my head was spinning. Such an easy and engaging read! The characters come to life off the page and burrow down inside your heart right off the bat. I handed the kindle to my daughter after finishing it and she read it in one afternoon; informing me that we MUST purchase the second book immediately!

  Fabulous job, Melissa. I look forward to reading more of your works in the future and gladly recommend them to anyone interested in the paranormal genre.

  Author, S.J. Byrne

  Praise for Black Blood

  "Rarely does a sequel live up to the first book in a series. But Ms. Pearl has done an amazing thing--given us a sequel that's even better than the first book. The characters are engaging, and the plot tight and satisfying. The only disappointment I had was reading the last page and knowing I had to wait until spring to find out what happens to Harrison and Gemma next. I highly recommend this new addition to the Time Spirit trilogy."

  Author, C. M. Keller

  Table of Contents

  Dedication & Prologue

  Chapter 1

  Chapter 2

  Chapter 3

  Chapter 4

  Chapter 5

  Chapter 6

  Chapter 7

  Chapter 8

  Chapter 9

  Chapter 10

  Chapter 11

  Chapter 12

  Chapter 13

  Chapter 14

  Chapter 15

  Chapter 16

  Chapter 17

  Chapter 18

  Chapter 19

  Chapter 20

  Chapter 21

  Chapter 22

  Chapter 23

  Chapter 24

  Chapter 25

  Chapter 26

  Chapter 27

  Chapter 28

  Chapter 29

  Chapter 30

  Chapter 31

  Chapter 32

  Chapter 33

  Chapter 34

  Chapter 35

  Chapter 36

  Chapter 37

  Chapter 38

  Chapter 39

  Chapter 40


  About Melissa Pearl

  Connect with Melissa Pearl

  Other Books by Melissa Pearl

  Excerpt from Forbidden Territory

  For H.F.

  Your sacrifice has shown me the greatest love I’ve ever known.

  Hope now springs eternal.

  Sacrificing your happiness for the happiness of the one you love is by far, the truest type of love.


  The necklaces were the key. Decimus gave his life to ensure they were spread far and wide. If all seven were found and used together it would unleash a powerful magic that should not be tampered with. Decimus knew the consequences of his decision, but he ignored them for the sake of his children. His sacrifice would save his people… until future generations took matters into their own hands.

  Chapter One

  Rome, Italy – 2006AD

  Gemma Hart’s senses were on full alert as she swiveled her body through the throng of tourists. She couldn’t believe she was here. She couldn’t believe her father… well Alistair, was actually stupid enough to think they could pull this off without getting slaughtered.

  She stopped at the threshold of the large cathedral, Basilica di San Giovanni in Laterano. It was one of the oldest cathedrals in the city and the official ecclesiastical seat of the Bishop of Rome. You know, the Pope!! Gemma steeled herself against the urge to turn and run. She knew exactly what they were here for and she would have done anything to stop it. But how could she, without throwing everything away?

  If she fought her family now they would only make her restricted life even more unbearable. If she decided to use her freshly learned ability to travel on her own they would discover the truth about Gabe and, no doubt, Harrison. She couldn’t put their lives in danger. Besides, until she learned how to fully resist Alistair’s pull on her it was too risky attempting to break free. She wasn’t willing to accept Gabe’s theory that the mark on her ankle was some sort of tattoo that bonded her family together. What if he was wrong? The idea of having a chunk of flesh gouged from her ankle was not appealing. She couldn’t even see how it would work anyway. So instead she suffered in silence, trying to glean what she could from her parents’ illicit travels through time in order to one day be free. She figured as long as Harrison was around, she could survive it.

  Her family was still unaware of her boyfriend’s return and had put her cheerful behavior down to time healing all wounds. She was happy to keep it that way for now. She couldn’t even contemplate the wrath she would encounter if they knew what she had done.

  “Gemma!” Ruby’s voice was sharp in her ear. “Stop standing there gawking at those pillars and get on with it.”

  She blushed as she followed her sister’s tight frame into the interior of the grandiose structure. Ruby and Dom had left for college nearly a month ago and she was missing them desperately. Life at home was so quiet and dull without them. The only good thing about traveling was getting to see them again. She’d managed a micro catch up while they were shoving on their clothes, but she wanted more. Resolving to call her that night, Gemma returned to the task at hand.

  “Okay, he wants us to what?”

  Gemma would have laughed at Ruby’s incredulous expression if she hadn’t been so shocked herself. Gazing up at the gold pillars she took in the ornate structure above the altar then let her eyes travel over the angelic artwork gracing the upper walls. Her eyes soon dropped back to the barrier she would have to cross in order to achieve her task.

  I can’t believe I am giving up part of my Sunday to do this! I should be meeting Harrison right now, but no! I have to risk my butt retrieving something that might one day annihilate my butt. I think it’s safe to say my life sucks!! Well, except for Harrison.

  Her cheeks grew warm as she pictured her lean boyfriend hopping into his sexy Corvette and heading north to their spot. He would drum his long fingers over the steering wheel as he waited at the lights then run his hand through his blond hair as he accelerated towards her. She knew him well enough to know he’d be pushing the limits to g
et to her. She was just as excited to be seeing him somewhere other than school… this was their first private rendezvous since his mother had slammed the door in her face.

  Gemma had sped down to Anastasia National Park so fast she had arrived twenty minutes early. She hadn’t minded though. The water had been glistening in the sunlight and a squadron of diving pelican was entertaining her when she had been summoned to cross the line.

  A black disdain for her parents leaked into her mind like liquid poison. But what choice did she have? Holding the sharp expletives behind her lips, she glanced up at Ruby’s whispered words.

  “How are we supposed to do this with all these people around? And what if it’s not even in there?”

  “We’ll just have to be quick,” Gemma kept her voice even in an attempt to calm Ruby’s frantic jabbering.

  “Well, everyone knows you’re the fastest so I’ll just try and distract.”

  “Okay.” Gemma lifted the barrier and ducked beneath it. “Here goes.”

  Staying in a crouched position, she edged towards the altar and ducked behind the marble railing. Peeking up from her hiding spot, she turned back to assess the crowd and noticed Ruby chatting to a bystander. No one seemed aware of her jaunt into forbidden territory.

  She crept back until she hit the bottom of the gold structure. Seeing the piece up close made her realize just how intricate the carvings were. It was stunning to look at and even more amazing to touch. Running her hands over the carved edges, she admired the mastery of the work before biting the inside of her cheek and loathing herself.

  With firm fingers, she followed her father’s instructions and ran her hand around the back of the furniture until she felt a small crack. It took a few attempts, but she managed to pry the edge away and catch the piece before it hit the marble floor. She held her breath for a moment. The fear of being caught pulsed through her veins. She listened to the normal hum of milling people and released her breath. She had to trust that Ruby was keeping quizzical glances at bay.

  With scampering fingers she felt inside the small compartment for the leather pouch her father had described. After a few minutes of desperate searching she nearly gave up, until the tops of her fingers brushed something on the way out. Turning her hand over, she felt the material, wrapped her fingers around it and yanked it free.

  “Hey! Stop! Che cosa sta facendo?”

  Gemma’s head whipped around. An angry guard was stepping over the railing and walking towards her. With nimble fingers, she shoved the pouch in her pocket, jumped to her feet and ran.

  Chapter Two

  St Augustine, Florida – 2011AD

  Harrison Granger pocketed his keys and grabbed his wallet. Scurrying down the stairs, he headed through the kitchen and grabbed a banana from the fruit bowl. He threw his peel in the trash and was about to head out the door when his mother stopped him.

  “Where are you off to?”

  He took a bite of his banana, buying himself a moment before yet another eruption.

  “I’m going to see Gemma.”

  His mother grabbed a dishcloth and began furiously wiping the counter.

  “I don’t want you wasting your weekends with that girl.”

  Harrison felt his blood begin to simmer. “That girl? Mom, a few months ago you were treating her like a daughter.”

  “Well things change!”

  “Not between me and Gem, they don’t.”

  “Well they need to!” Helen threw the cloth into the sink. “I have a bad feeling about her. I’m just trying to protect you.”

  “From what?!” Harrison couldn’t stop his sharp tone. It was becoming harder and harder to keep his cool during these conversations.

  “From getting hurt again. From… no good can come from your relationship with her.”

  “Mom, I love her.”

  “Damn it, Harrison, you have no idea! Can’t you just trust my judgment?”

  “Can’t you just trust mine?!”

  The room went silent after the explosions, the only sound being the frustrated breathing of two irate contenders. Harrison watched his mother blink at her tears and felt a small lump of guilt in his belly. He didn’t want to be the cause of her pain, but he wasn’t giving up Gemma. He wished she would just tell him why she’d had such a change of heart, but she remained a locked box.

  “Look,” Harrison sighed, “this argument is pointless. I’m respecting your wishes by not bringing her here, but you can’t stop me from seeing her.”

  He wanted to whip around the counter and give her a hug of assurance, but he couldn’t make his body do it. Instead he stepped out the door and quietly closed it behind him.

  The trip to the beach was quick. He always drove too fast when he knew he was about to see his girlfriend. Her bike came into view as he rounded the corner. Pulling up beside it, he scanned the sand and was disappointed. Her perfect body was not waiting for him.

  Slamming the door, he wandered down to the sand and headed along the edge of the trees only to stumble across a pile of clothing. He frowned. Picking up her shirt, he held it to his nose and breathed in her scent before nestling down to wait.

  As he sat scanning the ocean his mind wandered over the last month. He remembered returning from the store expecting to see Gemma for Sunday lunch, only to find his mother carrying on about how she didn’t want that Hart girl in her home anymore. Harrison had tried to find the cause of the irrational outburst, but he was still clueless.

  The family had been in a bit of an uproar ever since, with different members taking different sides depending on the argument. Harrison hated being the cause of so much unrest, but he had been fighting for Gemma since the day they met and he wasn’t about to stop now. She was worth every second of turmoil.

  Thank goodness school has started again.

  He shook his head, smiling at the idea that he was actually grateful for the end of summer vacation, but it had been a saving grace. The few hours they managed to snatch together at school weren’t really enough which was why they were meeting on the beach today. They had both decided, as they stood in the parking lot saying an elongated goodbye, that weekends weren’t allowed to suck anymore. Gemma was lying and saying she was off with Courtney, but Harrison had gone for the truth. At least his parents wouldn’t kill him if they knew where he was. Who knew what Gemma’s parents might do?

  The air around him grew still and Gemma materialized. She slumped to the ground, out of breath and pale.

  “Gem!” He shot to his feet and knelt down beside her curled up form.

  “I’m fine,” she murmured. “Just tired. Just… been… running.”

  He brushed the hair back from her face and saw her eyes flutter closed. He ran a hand over her naked shoulder and she didn’t even flinch. Usually she was more than aware of her nakedness when she returned, but travel was taking a much stronger toll on her body and lately she had needed instant rest the moment she came back. Unable to resist, Harrison let his eyes glide over her sleek form before finding his self-control and covering her with his jacket. Leaning against a nearby tree, he placed her head in his lap and played with the ends of her hair.

  He sat brewing in a stew of malcontent as he watched this beautiful girl suffer at the hands of her parents. He didn’t know why she didn’t just move in with Gabe. He was her real father after all and the only adult in this world who seemed to be on her side.

  He shook his head. They had talked about it at length. There was no point living with Gabe. Alistair was still strong enough to pull her anywhere and if he wanted to he could whisk her to God knows where and keep her there. Until they could figure out what bonded Gemma to the Harts they were stuck in this predicament. He knew Gemma still kept a small ember of hope burning that Alistair and Penelope would one day come to their senses and be the parents they were supposed to be. Harrison didn’t have the heart to tell her it was a pipe dream.

  It took twenty minutes for her to recover. Not quite as long as normal, but still too
long for his liking. She sat up with a bright smile then gasped, grabbing his jacket to cover herself.

  He grinned.

  “Stop it.” She tried to keep her voice stern, but Harrison could sense a smile brewing.

  He turned his head away as she finished getting dressed then turned back just in time to see her buttoning her shorts. She crouched down to his level and handed back his jacket.

  “Thank you.” Her kiss was soft and delicious.

  Running a hand over her cheek, he tucked a stray strand of hair behind her ear and smiled. “Want to go for a walk?”

  “Yeah.” She jumped up and stretched out her hand.

  Threading his fingers through hers, he steered her north and they began a slow amble up the beach.

  “So, where’d you go this time?”

  Gemma groaned and glanced at him sideways.

  “What?” Harrison smiled at her expression. “Not a good trip?”

  “Not unless you call being chased by the Italian police through over populated streets good.”

  “Why were they chasing you?”

  Gemma’s face dropped. “They made me steal another artifact.”

  Harrison felt his blood drop a couple of degrees. It was icy stream water running through his veins. He felt it curling up his arms and heading straight for his heart.

  “A necklace?”

  She nodded. “Shaped like an arrow head.”

  They both walked in silence for a moment, feeling the weight of it.


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