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Unexpected Love (Jo's Story)

Page 19

by Nikki Williams

  She laughs, “I bet. If I had to stay fit I might look that good too.”

  “Please don’t judge me, I have fallen for him bad bad Annie!”

  “I know, you have to remember I was with you guys for a couple hours on Saturday. I approve of him. Long term, I'm talking moving in together, getting married, having kids, the whole shebang.” I hear her start laughing again.

  “Little soon for that,” I smile.

  “Ok, maybe, but still, I approve.”

  “Oh, hey, I expect you and Michael to stop by the fire station next Saturday. I think Jake and possibly a couple other guys will be there signing autographs to help them raise some money at the corn roast.”

  “That’s this weekend already?”

  “Yep, which means only a month until Jarrod’s memorial.”

  “Yeah, does Jake know about that yet?”

  “No, we kind of had a rough day yesterday after I got home so I haven’t mentioned that part yet.”

  “What happened?”

  “We had a pretty big fight, which turned out to be actually a good thing because we cleared the air about a few things. Abby said some things to him that he tried to keep from me so that I wouldn’t feel guilty, but I told him that he can’t do that. But like I said it worked out ok.”

  “What did she say?” She asks me. I hear the door close and turn around and see Jake standing there smiling at me.

  “Something about how she knew her daddy wasn’t coming home and she was glad he was there. You know, something that little kids say but don’t completely understand,” I walk over to him and stand right in front of him. He pulls my chin up and looks at me. “Listen Annie, I'm gonna get going we are going to dinner with Mark and Lisa, I will talk to you later.”

  “Sounds good, love you, see you Saturday.”

  “Love you too,” I say never taking my eyes off of Jake’s and hang up my phone. I throw it on the bed and put my arms up around Jake’s neck.

  “Hi,” he smiles down at me. “I love your hair,” he runs his finger through it.

  “Thank you,” I smile at him still not taking my eyes off his.

  “Annie?” He asks about my phone call.

  “Yes, just checking in with her. I feel like so much has happened in the last couple days. Apparently my brother told her that you stayed over Sunday night.”

  He smiles, “oh yeah, what did she have to say about that?”

  “She called me a slut, but that was after I told her you stayed last night too.”

  “A slut huh?’

  “Yeah, until I disappointedly told her nothing happened.”

  “Disappointed? I hate to disappoint you,” he smiles that smile at me.

  I shake my head and pull him down to me so that I can kiss him. He pulls me into him and I feel his damp skin against my tank top. It seems like every kiss we share gets more intimate. I pull back from him. “Not the right time,” I smile.

  “I know that, but doesn’t mean I don’t like it. I don’t need more, I'm ok with this,” he pulls me back into a kiss.

  We are lying on the bed just snuggling when I hear a knock. I get up and walk to open it. “Hey, we were thinking of leaving in about half hour. Does that work?” It’s Mark.

  “Yeah that should be good,” I smile back at him.

  “Perfect. Melissa took the girls down to the pier and said she would start supper as soon as they got back. Hope you don’t mind?”

  “No, I know they are in good hands, and they obviously are having fun.”

  “Yeah, I would agree.” He smiles then goes back downstairs. I walk back to the bed, and look down at Jake. He is just lying there looking up at me.

  “I have to get ready,” I smile and sit next to him. “Are you going to shower?”

  “I had thought about it. I don’t know, I enjoy just lying here with you,” he pulls me back down toward him.

  “I enjoy it too, but I need a little time to get ready,” I smile at him.

  He takes a deep breath. “Jo, you amaze me more every day.”

  “Where did that come from?”

  “I'm just telling you how I feel. Well, not really but I can’t say how I really feel yet.”

  “What do you mean?”

  He just smiles at me and sits up. “I'm going to get in the shower. No peeking,” he kisses my cheek and stands up. I just smile back. I wouldn’t mind peeking that’s for sure, but I get up as soon as I hear the bathroom door shut and the shower turn on. I grab out one of the new dresses that I bought today, it is almost exact to the pink one that Jake likes so much but it is a dark purple. I thought he would like it just as much. I also found a really cute pair of heeled sandals that I am going to wear. I slip the dress on and sit on the bed to put on the sandals. Then I grab my phone and text Annie.

  Do you think it is way too early to say I Love You? I think he was going to say it to me just a little bit ago, but he didn’t. I'm freaking out, because I think I might have those kinds of feelings already!

  Honestly, no I don’t think so. You can’t help how the heart feels can you? I support you And I think that he does love you and that you do love him!

  I don’t even know why I asked her, I should have already known her answer. I sit there on the bed waiting for Jake to get out of the shower. I look at the clock and it is only 4:30. I'm guessing they are anticipating a long wait to sit and eat that we are leaving so early. Although who knows, I am with football stars, it may take us no time at all to get in. I hear the shower turn off and not too long after the door opens. He walks out in nothing but his towel. I just sit there, staring because it is all I can do. He smirks at me. “You like?”

  “You will never know how much,” I smirk back and him and stand up. “Do you?” I twirl.

  “You take my breath away baby!” I blush at the nickname. That is the first time he has called me by a nickname. “Catch you off guard?”

  “A little,” I sit back on the bed. He grabs some clothes out of his bag and goes back into the bathroom. “Jake?”

  “Yeah?” I hear him ask.

  “Why me?” He doesn’t say anything. I'm guessing he is shaking his head at me. He walks out of the bathroom in just his cargo shorts and sits on the bed next to me.

  “Because like I told you, there was just something about you from the minute I saw you.”

  “Yeah, and you said you wanted to figure out what that was. Have you figured it out yet?”

  “Parts of it, yes. First off, you are beautiful, and I keep telling you that. Next, when I kiss you, I never want to stop. I feel like a teenager again, getting my first kiss. Which if I remember correctly is how you described how I made you feel. And today, you amazed me. You met new people and instantly made friends with them. You were uncomfortable coming here, I know you were, but you did it because you knew that I was excited for you to come. The rest, I'm still working on,” he smiles at me.

  “What are you still working on?”

  He looks at me, puzzled by my question. “What do you mean?”

  “Before, you said you were telling me how you felt, but not really because you couldn’t say how you really felt.”

  He puts his hand on my shoulder. “Jo, it’s too soon to try and figure out all these crazy feelings. I like you, a lot. But, I don’t want to rush things, we agreed, remember?”

  I shake my head, “You seem to say that a lot.”

  “Well, it’s true, and I think that it takes the pressure off knowing that we are in agreement that we should take things slow. You know what, let’s just go out tonight, have a great time and be a fun dating couple. How does that sound?”

  “Wonderful,” I have that stupid teenager smile on my face. He shakes his head and gets back up off the bed and goes back to the bathroom. After five more minutes we are walking downstairs to leave. I see Mark standing at the bar drinking a bottle of beer. He smiles when he sees me.

  “You look gorgeous,” he walks behind the bar and pours me a glass of wine. “Lisa is
n’t quite ready yet. She got a little preoccupied,” he smiles at me. I can just imagine what she got preoccupied with. I look back to the steps and I seem to have lost Jake someplace between the bedroom and here. “Where is he?” Mark looks at the same direction I am.

  “Not sure, he was right behind me. Maybe he forgot something in the room.” I look back at Mark; he is just standing there smiling at me. “What?”

  “It’s just amazing to me what he has turned into the last week. By now, he would have had an entire six pack of beer down and probably out looking for a party or starting one. You dear lady, have changed him. Turned him into a better person. And it didn’t even take you a week.”

  I smile, “Well, to be completely honest with you, he has done the same for me. I mean I wasn’t out partying and all that, but I was in a rut and couldn’t get out. Now I feel like I actually have a chance at possibly being in love again.”

  “You think so?”

  “Yeah, I do. It has taken me a long time to get to this point, and I'm glad it was him that I spilled my beer all over at the bar the other night,” I laugh.

  “Ah, yes, the trip. I heard all about that. I didn’t personally see it, but some of the rookies did, and let me tell you, they were pissed because they wanted to buy you a beer.”


  “Oh yeah, there were four guys that were bitching Jake out cause he beat them to you and gave him your number. Of course none of them actually believed that you would text him that night.”

  “I wasn’t sure she was going to text me either,” Jake is coming down off the steps. He walks up behind me and puts his arm around my waist. “Sorry, I forgot my phone. I got an email from Joan she said it is all set up for Saturday. There will be four of us from the team there,” he says to Mark.

  “You’re coming too?” I look at him.

  “Wouldn’t miss it,” he smiles. “I know how much the fire stations need the fundraising so I was more than happy to help out when Joan asked me.”

  I look at Jake and he smiles, “I told you,” he bends and kisses my cheek. “So where’s the wife?”

  “Still getting ready, she should be out soon.”

  We are just at the bar talking when Lisa walks out of the bedroom. She looks amazing and I see in Mark’s eyes that he thinks the same thing. He walks out from behind the bar and walks over to her and without saying anything grabs her and kisses her. I smile and look at Jake. He looks down at me. “That is what I want. A love that never goes away,” he kisses my cheek.

  Chapter Eleven

  “This place is amazing,” I say to Lisa when we go to the bathroom after ordering our dinner.

  “Yeah, this is a favorite with the team. Most of the guys come down once and a while just to come hang out here. I actually wouldn’t be surprised if we see a few guys out tonight. I love that dress by the way,” she smiles at me. “You were right when you said Jake would love it. He hasn’t taken his eyes off you all night.”

  “I think he likes it better than the other one he keeps begging me to wear again,” I laugh. We walk back toward the table and I see that Jake is missing. I scoot in behind Lisa in the booth and look around. I don’t see him anywhere. “Where did Jake go?” I ask Mark.

  “I think he had to take a phone call. Not sure he said he would be back,” he smiles at me. Both Mark and Lisa have been so nice to me. I wonder if it is true what they say about Jake being completely different since he and I started seeing each other. We all sit there and talk for about fifteen minutes and Jake still hasn’t been back. I take my phone out and send him a text.

  Where are you? I feel lonely sitting here by myself.

  Sorry baby, taking care of something with my big brother, be back soon.

  I frown, what could he be taking care of now? I know he said he tried as hard as he could to help his family out, but he sure does spend a lot of time dealing with family issues. Oh well, nothing I can do but sit and wait. Our food arrives and Jake still isn’t back. We decide we can’t wait for him because not only would his food be cold, but so would ours. All of a sudden Mark gets a phone call. He looks at his phone and tells Lisa and me he will be back and he goes down the steps and past the dance floor out the door.

  “What is going on?” I look at her.

  “I'm not sure, but I think it was Jake calling him. What did he say when you text him?”

  “Said he was dealing with something with his brother.”

  “Did he say which one?”

  “No, just said his big brother.”

  She looks at me. “My guess, Lewis is here causing trouble. He is a little over a year older then Jake but always in trouble. He is always trying to pick a fight with Jake about being the favorite son and all this other shit. Basically he is an alcoholic and I'm pretty sure he abuses drugs.” My heart drops. I didn’t know that he had those kinds of issues with his family. From the sounds of what he told me he got along with most of them. Lisa and I both pick at our food while we wait for the guys to come back. I see Mark walk in but still no sign of Jake. Mark sits back down next to Lisa.

  “Jake will be in soon. He had to take care of something quick.” He looks at me, I am sure he can see the worry on my face.

  “I will be back, I have to use the bathroom,” I say and stand up and go down the stairs to the bathroom. I walk into the bathroom and just about run over an older lady walking out and apologize to her. I stand in front of the mirror and look at myself. I am just standing there for what seems like forever. I feel my phone buzz because I have it on silent.

  You ok?

  It’s from Jake. I must have been gone longer than I thought.

  Fine, just needed to freshen up a little. You sitting back at the table?

  Waiting for you

  Be back soon.

  I take a deep breath to steady myself. I have had about three glasses of wine and have hardly eaten any of my dinner so I am feeling the alcohol a little. I think to myself that I should really go back to the table before they get worried about me. I walk to the door and take a step out. Next thing I know someone is grabbing my wrist. I don’t see him right away but next thing I know Jake has me down the hall so we are alone.

  “Are you ok?” He looks down at me.

  “Yeah, why wouldn’t I be?” I look up at him. I notice that his cheek bone is all puffy. “What happened?”

  “Nothing, I'm fine. You were in there a long time.”

  “Yeah, sorry, too much wine not enough food, my head is getting a little fuzzy. Jake, what happened?” I can see a bruise forming.

  “Nothing,” he rubs his thumb across my cheek.

  “Please don’t lie to me,” I beg him.

  He takes a deep breath, “Lisa told you about Lewis?”

  “Yes, she said he is big into alcohol and possibly drugs,” I reach up to his cheek and touch it. He flinches a little.

  “He was here, starting his same old shit. Never fails when I am down here. He always finds out and tries to get into it with me.”

  “Looks like he got a good swing in, you should get some ice on that before it gets worse.”

  “Baby, I'm fine. I’ve had worse trust me.”

  I shake my head at him, “well I still think you should get some ice.”

  “Ok, fine, I will go get some ice to put on it,” he smiles. “Will you come back to the booth now?” I look up at him worried, and I know that he can tell. “Hey, I promise, I'm fine. He was drunk just trying to start a fight. I called the local PD and they have him at the station in detox. No more interruptions, I promise. Just our night out. Now come on, I want to finish dinner so I can get you out on the dance floor and show you off in this amazing dress,” he leans back and looks at me. “Baby, you look so good,” he bends down and kisses me. When he pulls away he grabs my hand and leads me back to the booth. When we sit down he asks the waitress for some ice.

  “You ok?” Mark asks him.

  “Yeah, the asshole got a better swing at me then I thought he wou
ld. I wish I could get him some help. My mom is out of her mind worried about him. He even stopped calling home.”

  “Jake, if you want I can have one of my colleagues put in a request that he gets transferred right to a rehab clinic,” Lisa says. I look at her because I realize that I have no idea what she does. “I work at one of the rehab clinics in Baltimore. My specialty is sexual abuse,” she tells me obviously remembering that we never covered that in our afternoon together.

  “I'm not sure that would help,” he looks at her. “But I guess it would be worth a try.

  “Hey, you know I have been working with the narcotics department down here to try and figure out the link between Baltimore and Virginia Beach to try and stop the drug flow, I could make a call to him and see what kind of information he can give me about your brother. Then we would know what he is into and how deep he is into it. I mean some of these guys are just taking the drugs, but there are some that are so far in that they sell in order to keep themselves a stash,” I look up at Jake.

  He looks at me a little shocked. I don’t think he had considered that his brother could possibly be a dealer. “Yeah, that might not be a bad idea.”

  “I can take a ride over there tomorrow. He owes me anyway.” I take a bite of my dinner. It is really good. I didn’t really appreciate it while I was worried about Jake, but now he is back and I can relax a little. We talk about a few different things to try and get our minds off of everything that happened with his brother. When the waitress comes back to clear our table Jake orders another round of drinks.

  “Well, I am going to take my wife down to the dance floor,” Mark says after the waitress sets their drinks in front of them. “Will we be seeing you down there?” He looks at Jake.

  “Eventually,” he smiles. I can tell he just wants to be alone with me. Mark nods and grabs Lisa’s hand. She smiles at me before they are out of sight. “Sorry, this is not how I pictured this night going,” Jake grabs my hand and kisses it. “I was really hoping to stay under his radar this time.”


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