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Down & Dirty: Books 4-6: Dirty Angels MC Box Set 2

Page 21

by St. James, Jeanne

  It was someone in a uniform but not who they expected.

  “Fuck,” Diesel said under his breath, but loud enough for Jewel to hear.

  Bella frowned in the new arrival’s direction. “What’re you doin’ here?”

  Axel stepped into the room, then firmly closed the door behind him. He pinned his gaze on Bella. “You supposed to be in here?”

  “Are you hospital security now?” she asked smartly. “Get a demotion?”

  Axel’s lips flattened and he stepped closer.

  “Whataya want, pig?” D barked.

  “Jesus, Diesel,” Axel grumbled. “Can’t you ever be civil?”

  “Not to you.”

  Jewel could see Axel take a deep breath. Probably so he wouldn’t shoot Diesel in the other side of his chest.

  “Axel, he doesn’t want you here,” Bella stated.

  “Well, he doesn’t have a fucking choice. I’m here to question him.”

  “On what?” Jewel asked her cousin.

  “All GSW’s have to be investigated.”

  She frowned. “GSW’s?”

  “Gunshot wounds,” Axel clarified.

  “Slipped, fell, shot myself. Fucked up,” D grumbled. “Now get gone.”

  “We’ve got the bullet, D. We can do ballistics and see if it matches any of your weapons.”

  “SVPD isn’t doing ballistics,” Bella said, swatting a dismissing hand toward Axel.

  “Someone was shot, Bella.”

  “Yeah, an’ it was an accident an’ I’m just peachy,” D said, frowning. “Now get gone.”

  Axel shook his head. “You can tell me that a thousand times, but I’m not leaving until I get the info I came for.”

  “Ain’t sayin’ shit.”

  Axel looked at Jewel, who gave him a shrug. “I wasn’t there.”

  Axel stepped closer to her, seeing the injury to her head. “What happened to you?” His eyes slid to D. “He hit you?”

  “No!” Jewel exclaimed. “Holy shit, Axel. Don’t even say stuff like that. I clocked my head on one of the shop’s lifts.”

  Axel gave her an I-don’t-believe-you face. “Just making sure he isn’t taking out his miserable temper on you.” Before he could question her further, D got his attention. Luckily.

  “Fuckin’, pig. Steppin’ on thin ice. Can still get outta this bed,” D warned.

  “Smart, threatening a cop,” Axel proclaimed.

  “D would never hurt Jewel,” Bella stated.

  Axel’s gaze slid to her. “You know what happened?”

  Bella shut her mouth and averted her eyes.

  Did she know what happened? All Jewel was told was that after D got shot, Black Jack got away.

  Now she wondered if something else went down.

  “I don’t know shit. Just what D told you.”

  “Bullshit,” Axel growled. He stepped closer to Bella and grabbed her arm. “If you know the truth, you need to tell me.”

  Bella yanked at her arm. “Don’t know shit, Axel.”

  “Get your hand off ‘er,” D growled, sitting up.

  Jewel put a hand on him. “Don’t get out of this bed, D.”

  “Woman,” D growled.

  “It’s not going to do you any good to get out of bed. You just had surgery,” she insisted.

  “Gonna kick your ass, pig, as soon as I’m outta this bed an’ you ain’t in uniform.”

  “Again, with the threats.” Axel shook his head. “I’ll take that as you aren’t going to cooperate.”

  “Fuck no.”

  “There’s still going to be an open investigation,” Axel warned. “We’re going to question a bunch of people. Including your crew. Someone will slip.” His gaze slid back to Bella. “One way or another, someone’s going to say something.”

  Bella locked her gaze with him and shrugged. “It’s not gonna be me.”

  “I could arrest you for obstruction of justice.”

  Bella pinned her wrists together and held them out to him. “Go ahead. Kiki will have me out in under an hour. You can’t prove I know anything.”

  “Bella,” he said, his voice low.

  “Axel, get gone,” Bella said softly.

  “We’ll talk later.”

  “Doubt it,” she answered.

  His lips flattened out as he stared at her. “Don’t be so sure.”

  “Don’t be threatenin’ my cousin.”

  His gaze turned to D before landing on Jewel. “And make sure you don’t hurt mine.”

  “Since when do you care about family?” Bella asked softly.

  “Jesus, Bella,” Axel said just as softly, something passed through his eyes that Jewel swore was pain. Or hurt. Or maybe even regret.

  “Axel, get gone,” Bella repeated, her face mournful, her eyes reflecting the same emotions as Axel.

  With a frown, he nodded. “You know how to get a hold of me if any of you want to make a statement,” he said to the room in general, then he gave Bella one last look. “Or whatever.” With that, he spun on his heel and left.

  Chapter Eighteen

  Diesel eyeballed his brother first, then Jag as their executive committee meeting broke up.

  Shit was done. At least one important thing was. But there was more business to take care of. Just not in this room.

  “Congrats, son.” Ace whacked D on the back making him wince.

  “Pop, he just got fuckin’ shot a week ago!” Hawk barked.

  “He’s a tough fucker. Or at least I thought so. Now he got an ol’ lady maybe he’s softenin’ up.” His father laughed.

  “Right,” D grunted.

  D, Jag, Ace, Dex, and Hawk held back and let Pierce leave the meeting room first with them following closely behind.

  As the man stepped out into the common area, he stopped short. “What the fuck is this?”

  D pushed past him to see all the brothers and prospects gathered like they had planned. It was time for a surprise church meeting.

  Hawk shoved the writ of impeachment into Pierce’s chest, which had been signed by three of them: D, Hawk and Jag. “Know you’re supposed to have time to read this, but ain’t givin’ it to you. Read it now.”

  Pierce glanced down at the paper he had taken reluctantly. After a moment, he glanced up, his face showing a mixture of shock and anger. “What the fuck? You impeachin’ me as prez?”

  “Yeah,” Hawk answered, squaring off.

  Diesel did, too. Though he doubted Pierce would get into a brawl right there in front of the whole club.


  Hawk shrugged. “Need this club to remain progressive, you ain’t on board with that, but that’s not the major issue. Shit you pulled with Ivy—”

  “Ivy!” Pierce spat out. “That bitch came to me; I didn’t go to her.”

  Jag bumped into Diesel as he tried to push past. D grabbed Jag’s arm, stopping him from taking Pierce out right there in front of everyone. Jag shot him an annoyed look, but D ignored him.

  “Don’t matter, sent her into Dirty Dick’s without us knowin’. Shit coulda went sideways.”

  “It didn’t,” Pierce stated.

  “Right. ‘Cause Jag stepped in,” Hawk answered. “Got her ass outta there, where it didn’t belong.”

  Pierce shook his head, then his eyes widened and his face paled. “You strippin’ my colors?”

  Hawk hesitated, his nostrils flaring. Diesel could see the internal battle his brother fought. Hawk wanted to tell him to hand over his cut and get the fuck out, but they all had decided Pierce’s actions weren’t bad enough to kick him totally out of the club, just out of the head spot. Besides, the man was good at running the club’s gun shop and range. No matter all his other problems, he had a good head on his shoulders for business.

  And though D didn’t tell anyone but Jewel, the fact remained that Pierce was Kelsea’s father. If they turned his back on him, he didn’t want that causing issues down the road if either of them found out the truth. This club was still about family
and loyalty, no matter how much of an ass Pierce acted like sometimes.

  But D was going to let the women know that they needed to come to him ASAP if Pierce made any unwanted moves on them. That shit was going to stop. No fucking doubt about it.

  “No. But be on notice, this vote goes through an’ you’re impeached, keep your shit clean, stay loyal, an’ you’ll be able to stay. If not...” Hawk let the last hang out there.

  “This is bullshit,” Pierce growled.

  “Want out?” Diesel asked him. “Got no problem turnin’ my back on your ass.”

  Pierce shot him a look then glanced out over the common area. Everyone’s eyes were turned their way.

  “For fuck’s sake,” Pierce muttered. “Don’t gotta have a vote, can see you guys planned this shit. I’ll step down.” Then he added, “For now.” He crumpled up the writ and threw it on the floor.

  “Be for the best,” Hawk murmured.

  “Ain’t givin’ up my fuckin’ colors willingly, though,” Pierce muttered as he strode away from them, his body tight, his head shaking.

  Hawk stepped behind the bar, grabbed a crate, then set it up in front of the bar before climbing on it.

  “Yo! Listen up,” he shouted. The room got quiet. “Called you all here for a special meetin’. Pierce decided bein’ president ain’t for him, so he’s steppin’ down.”

  A grumble moved through the large room.

  “Anyone interested in bein’ prez needs to step forward. Hafta be patched in least a year to be eligible. Gonna have a vote. Majority rules. Gonna just be temporary ‘til the vote in December. Got me?”

  “Yeahs” and “Got yous” were shouted out.

  Hawk surveyed the room. “Anybody?”

  “Know who it should be,” came from Dex.

  “Right. Still gotta ask,” Ace said from beside D.

  Zak stepped up to the bar.

  D’s gaze met Hawk’s. Both were relieved since they wanted Z back at the head of the table. But they also knew that Z had mixed feelings about it. It was not only a lot of responsibility, but he had a kid on the way. And Z had been a target before for the Warriors, being club president again might make that target a little bigger.

  That problem with the remaining nomads needed handled, too. And would be, if D had anything to do with it. The only way the ongoing beef between the two clubs would ever come to an end was if one of the clubs came to an end.

  And he needed to make sure it wasn’t the Dirty Angels.

  Their club motto was Down & Dirty ‘til Dead. But it wasn’t up to the Shadow Warriors to determine DAMC’s time of death.

  “Well, it looks like Z’s the only taker. We need a vote?”

  “Fuck no,” came from Grizz, who sat on his regular stool at the end of the bar.

  “How ‘bout this...” Hawk started. “Anybody got a problem with it? Speak now or forever hold your fuckin’ peace. Or at least ‘til December’s elections.”

  “Nobody got a problem with it,” came from the group.

  “’Kay then.” Hawk glanced down at Zak, who stood to the side. “Guess you’re it, brother.”

  A chorus of hoots and hollers, along with boot stomping rose up.

  “Meetin’ adjourned. Down an’ dirty...” Hawk yelled.

  “’Til dead,” came the answering roar.

  As Hawk climbed off the crate, D stepped up to Zak. “Glad to have you back as prez,” D murmured.

  “Doin’ it ‘til December an’ then see.”

  “Understood. Got that you’re gonna be raisin’ a family. Just know we’ve always got your back. Forever family, brother.”

  “Brother,” Z said, his voice gruff. They clasped hands, bumped shoulders, and D smacked him on the back. “Gotta keep this club on the up an’ up, D. ‘Specially since my kids are gonna be the next generation. Gotta set a solid foundation. Gonna need your crew to do what they do best.”

  “Know it. It’s covered. Findin’ Black Jack was personal for them, too. But I’ll get ‘em on huntin’ the rest down. Might take a while since the nomads tend to scatter when shit gets hot, but my guys are good.”

  “Yeah, they are. Witnessed that shit out at that cabin.”

  “Right. Don’t like that Rig was out there. Brother gotta keep his mouth shut.”

  “Already had a long talk with him on the ride back.”

  “Think he’s gonna keep it quiet?” D asked.

  “Yeah,” Z said quietly. “He better.”

  That didn’t mean he would. D didn’t like any of the brothers seeing what his crew could do. He tried to keep the brothers’ hands clean as much as possible. It was important to Z and almost everyone else to keep the club legit. Pierce had been their biggest obstacle when it came to that. He had always preferred the old ways of murder and mayhem, but then he was old school DAMC.

  D glanced around but couldn’t spot Pierce anywhere. Probably went off to lick his fucking wounds. Not that D blamed him. The former president had an oversized ego and what they did to him would be a serious blow to it.

  He’d get over it. Eventually.

  Or eventually be outside looking in with a few tattoos removed.

  “Gonna give Jewelee the good news?”

  “Should make her sweat it out,” D grumbled.

  Z laughed. “Fuckin’ woman’s a trip as it is. Gonna drive her fuckin’ bat shit crazy.”

  “Ain’t as bad as Diamond, thank fuck.”

  “That’s fuckin’ true. Not sure if Slade’s tryin’ to tackle that mess or if she’s tryin’ to do the tacklin’.”

  “Think it’s her, brother. Don’t think he’d have any problem gettin’ pussy anytime he wants it.”

  “Yeah. Hear ya,” Zak murmured, then he laughed. “Maybe he’ll take your place in the bathroom fuckin’ random snatch against the wall.”

  “Jesus. I gotta give that up now?” D asked.

  Z’s head jerked back as he stared at Diesel. “You wanna keep your fuckin’ balls?”

  D cupped his crotch. “Yeah, kinda like ‘em. They’re useful.”

  “Right, word of advice then...”

  D cut him off with a snort. “Just fuckin’ with you, brother. Don’t want to get shanked while I’m sleepin’.”

  Z grinned. “Could see Jewelee doin’ that, too. You givin’ up your room here?”

  D’s chest tightened. “Didn’t give it thought.”

  “Her apartment’s better.”

  Right. No doubt about that.

  “Take one of the smaller rooms like I keep for backup. For when your ass in the fuckin’ dog house.”

  “Ain’t gonna be whipped like you,” D told him.

  “Whatever you say, brother.” Z grinned. “Gonna go home an’ get a piece of ass.” He headed toward the back door flicking two fingers above his shoulder.


  Now that he’d claimed Jewelee at the table earlier, he needed to make some decisions for him and his ol’ lady.

  His ol’ lady.

  Jesus. He fell down that fucking slippery slope. The same one Z, Jag and Hawk tumbled down.

  He was fucking fucked.

  Then it hit him. No, he wasn’t. He was a lucky fucker instead.

  He got a good woman who loved giving him head and was good at it, one who came all over his dick, and best of all...

  She loved him.

  She. Fucking. Loved. Him.

  That punched him right in the gut. And it wasn’t a bad feeling. Nope. He had someone who belonged to him. Someone he needed to take care of, protect. Someone to come home to. A warm, soft, sexy woman to climb into bed with at the end of the night. One who wanted to be with him because of who he was, what he stood for, where his loyalties lie. Not for only what hung between his legs. Or for his status in the club.

  And for once he was interested in a woman for what wasn’t between hers, either. Jewel was much more than a hole to bust a nut into. She’d willingly stand by him, or ride behind him on his sled. She’d take care of him, too.

/>   The best part was, she understood how he lived, what made him tick. And she accepted it all. She accepted him as he was. Like him, she was DAMC through and through.

  She was not the kind of woman to try to change him.

  She loved him, loved what she called his beast. She took everything he gave her and asked for more.

  Jesus fuckin’ Christ. He loved his ol’ lady.

  He loved Jewel.

  He realized his pop had been standing there watching him for who knew how long.

  Ace wore a knowing smirk on his face. “Just hit you, didn’t it, son?”

  He blinked at his father.

  “Gonna have grandbabies. Lots an’ lots of fuckin’ grandbabies between you an’ Hawk. Your ma’s gonna be happy.”

  Before D could unhinge his jaw to set his father straight, Ace laughed and walked away.

  His gaze bounced over the brothers and prospects who remained behind to hang out after the church meeting. It landed on Crash and Rig, who were playing pool with Moose and Dawg.

  His feet started moving and then he was there, catching the rolling cue ball to stop the play.

  “Hey!” Crash yelled.

  “Need you to pay attention,” D told him.

  Crash leaned on his cue stick. “What?”

  D looked over at Rig. “You payin’ attention?”

  “Yeah,” Rig answered.

  “Jewelee’s quittin’.”

  Both of their mouths dropped open and their eyebrows rose. “What?

  “Quittin’. She’s done.”

  “Why?” Rig asked.

  “But she’s good at running the fuckin’ shop,” Crash whined.

  “Know it. Woman got mad skills when it comes to runnin’ a business. That’s why she’s comin’ to work for me.”

  “Who’s gonna run the office?”

  “Get Di or Kelsea. Jewelee can train ‘em.”

  “But—” Crash started.

  D raised a palm. “Brother, ain’t havin’ a discussion. Decision’s been made.”

  “She know?” Rig asked.

  “Nope. Gonna go tell her now.”

  Rig laughed. “Good luck with that, brother.”

  He didn’t need luck. He had Jewel. She was all he needed.


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