Cam Boy

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Cam Boy Page 8

by Quinn Anderson

  “You’re thinking again. Let me fix that.” Mike had insinuated one of his legs between Josh’s, and now he rolled their hips together.

  Josh whimpered. The motion gave his cock just enough stimulation to make his pulse jump but not enough to give him any real satisfaction. “Warmer.”

  “Me too.” One of Mike’s hands was propping him up, but the other had been stroking Josh’s side. Now, it moved to his chest, trailing up until it found one of Josh’s nipples. He thumbed it.

  “Colder,” Josh said. He’d never been a nipple guy.

  Mike’s hand slipped down again, this time skimming along Josh’s stomach to the waistband of his underwear. All Mike did was finger it, threatening to slip his hand underneath, and need crackled through Josh’s veins.

  “Oh, warmer. Much warmer.” Mike hadn’t even touched him yet, and Josh was getting hard again. He could feel Mike’s answering erection against his thigh. Mike had been unflaggingly hard this whole time, and it was a huge turn-on. Emphasis on huge, from what Josh could feel.

  Josh canted his hips up, trying to encourage Mike to keep going. Mike took the hint and slid his fingers under the waistband . . . only to stop just shy of Josh’s dick. Josh was taut beneath him, trembling with the effort of not thrusting up into the touch.

  “Want these off?” Mike’s tone was teasing as he toyed with Josh’s underwear.

  “Burn them, for all I care.” Josh sucked in a breath. “Please— Will you—”

  Mike mouthed his neck again. “You’re sexy when you beg. I think you deserve a reward.”

  Mike suddenly kissed him, hard and deliberate. Fuck, but Mike could kiss. He was passionate without being overbearing. He teased Josh with nips and flashes of tongue, keeping him wanting more until Josh was so hungry for it, he was the one who deepened the kiss.

  While he was distracted, Mike wrapped his hand around Josh’s cock, and the mixture of pleasure and relief that washed through Josh was too profound for words. He tore his mouth away and threw his head back, giving a long, luxurious moan.

  “Not bad,” Colette commented. Josh’s head snapped up. She’d resumed her post by the main camera and was watching them with renewed interest. “That was convincing, for once. Nice acting, Dick.”

  Finally did something right, did I?

  “It wasn’t acting,” he muttered under his breath.

  Mike nipped at his jaw, drawing his attention back to him. He had a smug look on his face. “Liked that, huh?”

  Josh was hit by a sudden wave of shyness. He was achingly aware of Mike’s loose hold on his cock, and not only because it felt incredible. His enjoyment of it was matched only by his awareness of all the people around them. Embarrassed, he bit back the little moans that wanted to come pouring out of him with every stroke.

  “Don’t hold back. Let it all out.” At first, Mike spoke at a normal volume, probably for the benefit of the mics, but then he lowered his voice again so only Josh could hear. “Forget about them, okay? Focus on me.”

  “Okay.” Josh relaxed, and to his surprise, it was easier this time. Maybe it was because he had some real stimulation to distract him, but soon he was back to full hardness in Mike’s grip. Pre-come had started to slick Mike’s hand, which made the whole thing feel a thousand times more intense.

  “Feel good?” Mike asked needlessly.

  Josh nodded, eyes closed and hips bucking up into his fist. “Incredible.”

  “I love the noises you make. Every time I get to the head of your cock, you whimper, and it’s so hot. So much hotter than all the loud moaning you normally hear. Though I didn’t mind that moan you let out before. You sounded like you couldn’t get enough of me.” He kissed Josh again, gentler but with no less heat. “I could listen to you falling apart all day.”

  Fuck. Josh realized with a jolt that he was right on the edge. He couldn’t come before they got to the main event. He jerked away. “Shit. Stop. Stop touching me.”

  “What?” Mike sounded startled but immediately yanked his hand out of Josh’s underwear.

  Josh gasped and tensed up. “I’m gonna—” He shuddered, eyes clenched shut, but managed to fight off his body’s desire for orgasm. His instincts were all snarling at him to grab Mike’s hand and put it back where it was, but after some deep breaths, they slunk off to lick their wounds.

  When Josh opened his eyes, Mike was staring at him. “Were you about to . . .?”

  Heat rose up in Josh’s face like magma. Too embarrassed for words, he nodded.

  Mike eyes blazed. “Holy fuck, that’s hot.”

  “For once, I’m in agreement.” Colette had a thoughtful hand tucked under her chin. “Nice job, Dick. I owe you an apology; I was going about this all wrong. I should have let you do your thing from the start. Though keep in mind, if you come, we have to keep going. There’s no waiting around for refractory periods in these parts.”

  Josh nodded again, caught between her apology and her admonishment.

  Colette clapped her hands. “All right, gentlemen, let’s get this show on the road before Dick erupts. Underwear off, and take your positions. Sean, I want you on your knees between Dick’s legs. Dick, I hope your flexibility is up to snuff, because you’re gonna need it.” She waved at one of the crew. “Get the supplies.”

  Mike wriggled out of his underwear and kneeled naked before Josh like it was the most natural thing in the world. Someone came over and handed him lube and a condom, which he took with a wink. There wasn’t a single crack in his confidence.

  Josh knew he was supposed to be getting naked too, but he was too busy staring at Mike’s dick. It was big. Like . . . well, porn-star big. Josh wasn’t sure why this surprised him so much—he’d thought it felt larger than average when Mike had thrust it against him—but that still hadn’t prepared him for this. He spent a moment wrapping his brain around it.

  In truth, he was being dramatic. While it was the biggest one he’d ever seen in person, it wasn’t like Tommy Lee huge or anything. It probably seemed way bigger than it was because of where it was going to end up. Yikes.

  Mike caught him staring and grinned. “See something you like?”

  “You’re, um, bigger than I’m used to.” He swallowed. “But then, I’m used to topping.”

  “Don’t worry. I know how to use it.” He reached for Josh’s underwear. “Let me help you with these.”

  Josh lifted his hips. Thank fuck for Mike’s initiative. He might not have been able to strip in front of all these people, but Mike pulling the fabric down, staring at every new inch of exposed skin like he wanted to devour Josh, made it sexy.

  When his cock was freed, he tried not to think about how he sized up, no pun intended. He wasn’t small, and he’d never been self-conscious about his size before, but then he’d never had it out for the world to see. And next to a bigger dick. The comparison didn’t work in his favor.

  Mike seemed pleased, however. “It’s exactly as I thought. You’re the perfect size. I thought as much when I was touching you before.”

  “You want to bottom, then?” Josh was only half-joking. He’d resigned himself to the fact that he’d have to bottom, but that was before he’d seen the tree trunk Mike was sporting.

  Mike laughed. “No way. I’ve been thinking about your ass for days.” He hooked one hand under each of Josh’s knees and eased them up to his chest. Josh fought the instinct to cover himself as he was exposed.

  Mike was shameless about looking him over. “Yup. Every bit as good as I thought it’d be.” With one hand, he rubbed Josh’s thigh. With the other, he swiped a thumb over his hole. His eyebrows shot up. “You didn’t prepare yourself ahead of time?”

  Josh was having trouble focusing on Mike’s question with his fingers on Josh’s ass. “Was I supposed to? I’d think that’d be something they’d want to film.”

  “They do, and they will, but the on-screen preparation is for show. Most bottoms do it to their own specifications before filming. Now you know for next time.�

  Next time in general, or next time we fuck?

  Josh didn’t have long to think about it, because Mike held up the lube bottle. “May I?”

  Oh, yes. “Of course.”

  Mike looked to Colette. “Are we still rolling?”

  She’d moved over to the monitors and was watching the feed. “Yes, and that bit of back and forth was great. With some editing, it could make the final cut.”

  “Do I have time to prepare him?”

  “Yeah, but we’ve shot enough foreplay already. Don’t do anything fancy.”

  Josh almost rolled his eyes. That’s what every man wants to hear.

  Mike snapped the lid of the lube bottle open, poured some onto his hand, and smiled. “You said you’re usually a top, right?”


  “Ever had a guy fuck you open with his fingers?”

  Josh’s cock twitched, and Mike’s smile grew. “No. But I’ve done it to myself before, once or twice.”

  “Tell me about it. What did you do?” As Mike spoke, he slipped his hand between Josh’s legs, brushing his inner thigh.

  Josh made a soft sound. “I started slow.”

  “Like this?” Mike sunk one finger into him. Josh didn’t know how far in he went, but the amount of sensation that came from that single touch was incredible. When Mike repeated the motion, Josh’s toes curled of their own accord.

  “Yeah, like that.” Josh shuddered. “I was just trying it out. I thought it felt sort of weird.”

  “Well, let’s see if I can make it feel good.” Mike added more lube and another finger. He was careful, but quick.

  Josh was caught between uncomfortable stretching and a myriad of new feelings he couldn’t begin to categorize. “I dunno if it’s my thing. I’ve never— Oh.”

  Mike curled his fingers and found Josh’s prostate with stunning accuracy. “Feel good?”

  “Y-yeah.” Josh huffed a breath. “Do that again.”

  Mike complied, and Josh’s vision blurred. Maybe he could get used to this after all.

  “Would you mind hurrying it up, Sean?” Colette called. “This is all very hot, and of course I want Dick to be comfortable, but we need to get going.”

  Mike swore under his breath and gave Josh an apologetic smile. “I would do this right if we had time. I’d spread you out and fuck you open until you were begging for my cock.”

  Josh groaned. “Keep talking like that, and I might anyway.”

  “Need another minute, or can we get to it?” Mike said.

  Josh didn’t feel in any way prepared to take a dick, let alone Mike’s literal porn-star dick, but he was plenty eager to get to the sex part at long last. “Yeah, I’ll be fine.”

  Mike pulled his fingers out. “Excellent.”

  Josh looked to Colette for direction, but with the lube-free hand, Mike turned his face back. “Keep your focus on me. I’m the one who’s about to fuck you.”

  “Yes, sir.” Josh had meant it as a joke, but Mike got a wicked gleam in his eye.

  It took him all of five seconds to roll the condom on, get into position, and press the head of his dick against Josh’s hole. “You ready to take my cock?” The dialogue seemed in part for the cameras and in part to give Josh one final chance to protest.

  Josh played along. “Oh, yeah. I want it. Fuck me with your big cock.”

  Mike eased in to him, and Josh grabbed his shoulders for dear life. As big as Mike looked, it didn’t compare to how he felt. Josh had already never been so stretched, and Mike wasn’t close to being done.

  About halfway in, Mike paused, panting, and leaned down to kiss Josh. “Okay so far?”

  Josh made a strained sound. When Mike had bent over, his cock had moved with him, and even that was almost too much sensation. “I dunno. It doesn’t hurt, but it’s kinda uncomfortable.”

  “It’ll get better, I promise.” Mike kissed him again, soothing him with his lips. “If it’s any consolation, you feel incredible. Let me know when you’re ready for more.”

  Josh forced himself to breathe. If he didn’t relax into this, he was going to make it harder on himself. He wriggled beneath Sean as best he could, trying to get comfortable. Easier said than done when there was a big solid rod bisecting your body.

  After some adjusting, he found an angle that didn’t make his ass burn. The discomfort started to fade. He gave an experimental half thrust and found that while the somewhat unsettling fullness was still there, he wasn’t in pain. Mike took the cues Josh’s body was giving him and thrust in another inch. Josh breathed out in time with the movement, and Mike sunk in easily.

  Mike nuzzled his cheek. “You’re doing so good. So good. You’re gorgeous like this, all sweaty and flushed.”

  Josh whimpered as his cock twitched between them. He wasn’t sure what it was, but the shift in Mike’s dirty talk had a strange effect on him. It’d been hot before, but now it stroked something deep inside of him.

  A few more breaths, and Mike sunk the rest of the way in. He switched his position so he wasn’t kneeling anymore but was instead lying on top of Josh, chest to chest. Somehow, with their bodies pressed together, the fullness felt . . . right.

  Mike brushed his mouth against the shell of Josh’s ear. “Still doing okay?”

  “Yeah. I think it’s starting to feel good.”

  Mike shuddered, and Josh felt it inside him. “Perfect, because holding back has never been this hard. I want to fuck you so badly.”

  Arousal thrummed through Josh. This was the first time this experience had resembled actual sex to him. He hoped it would stay like this.

  “I’m going to take it slow,” Mike murmured. “Stay relaxed.”

  True to his word, Mike’s rhythm was gentle. He pulled out almost all the way only to slide back in at a measured pace. Josh breathed with his thrusts, and before long, he felt comfortable enough to move with him. Not quickly or well, but enough to wring some moans from Mike that shot straight between his legs.

  When Josh tilted his hips up and rolled his body to meet Mike’s next thrust, Mike cursed under his breath. “Jesus. Now I’m trying not to come.”

  “You can if you want to,” Colette called to him. “I think we have enough to edit together a decent debut for Dick. It’s gonna look like Frankenstein’s creature, but it should work.”

  “Got it.” Mike increased his pace enough to send shockwaves through Josh. It was still a stone’s throw away from pleasure, but it was getting there. With a little more experimenting, he was sure they’d find what worked for both of them. Though there was no way he was going to come without some extra help.

  As if reading his mind, Mike reached between them and grasped Josh’s cock. He pumped it expertly in time with his thrusts. Didn’t miss a beat. The dual sensations had Josh’s head spinning. He doubted it would take him more than a minute to come if this kept up, and Mike showed no sign of stopping.

  Damn, fucking a porn star has major benefits.

  But then, Mike’s thrusts grew erratic. A dozen or so pumps later, he moaned and tensed up. He slammed into Josh—which gave Josh all sorts of sensations, neither pleasant nor unpleasant—and cried out. Josh didn’t need a handbook to recognize what that meant.

  A few seconds later, Mike collapsed on top of him, breathing hard. “Fuck.”

  Josh was about to make a joke about it being his turn now, but he never got the chance.

  “Cut! At last.” Colette turned to the crew. “All right, people, that took way longer than it was supposed to. We need to hustle. Get the set broken down, and let’s wrap this bad boy.”

  The crew members scuttled to obey before she’d even finished speaking.

  Josh was flummoxed. “But wait. I didn’t . . .” He looked to Mike for an explanation.

  Mike didn’t meet his gaze. Still panting, he wiped sweat from his brow. “I’m sorry. The bottom doesn’t always get to come. Especially if time runs over.”

  Josh’s mouth fell open. “What? Why?”
r />   In lieu of an answer, Mike held the base of his dick and pulled out of him, taking the condom with him. Josh winced with every inch, and there were many, many inches.

  “I have to take care of this.” Mike indicated the condom. “Get dressed. You’re gonna feel cold in a minute.” Without another word, he stood up and made his way to the nearest trash can. Had this been anywhere in the vicinity of funny, Josh would have laughed to see a naked man strolling past buzzing crew members like it was nothing.

  Right on cue, Josh shivered. He hadn’t realized how sweaty he was until the air-conditioning hit him full force. Without Mike’s body heat and the warmth from their sex, the room seemed freezing.

  He scrambled to his feet and collected his clothes, pulling them on in record time. His legs wobbled with every step. He was going to have a hell of a time sitting on the bus later. All in all, however, the discomfort from his erection as he stuffed it into his jeans bothered him the most. Disappointment suffused him like an airborne contaminant.

  What were you expecting? Fireworks and simultaneous orgasms? Mike told you a dozen times what this industry is like. You have no right to feel disappointed.

  But he did. He might have expected treatment like this from Colette the ruthless business executive, but from Mike? He hadn’t expected Mike to leave him hanging like that. Why else had he spent all that time talking dirty to him, preparing him, asking him if he was okay?

  Then again, what could Mike do about it? They were off the clock. If he got Josh off now, it’d be because he wanted to, not because someone was paying him.


  Josh was playing with fire, but there was something he had to know. Mike kept saying this was a job, but his words and actions didn’t always line up. One second, he told Josh not to get attached. But the next, he took time they didn’t have to prepare him, to tell him he was gorgeous. Was it all an act, or did Mike feel something for him?

  When he’d finished dressing, Colette approached. She went over some details with him—how and when he’d be paid, when his video would be up on the website, and his deadline for reading the handbook—before dismissing him for the day. He would have loved some words of encouragement, but he supposed that was asking for too much.


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