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Cam Boy

Page 17

by Quinn Anderson

  Josh grabbed Mike’s shoulders and squeezed as Mike traced the outline of his dick through the fabric with a single finger. Fuck, he should have specified how he wanted to be touched. He’d bet money that Mike would be content to do this for hours. Under normal circumstances, Josh would love that, but he was tired of being patient. He’d had enough of foreplay. He wanted to get fucked.

  And he knew exactly how to get Mike to hurry up.

  Josh took a breath and scraped together his ability to form sentences. “Remember when we first met, and I told you I was a top?”

  Mike’s mouth found his neck again, and, fuck, did he have talented lips. “I remember.”

  “I’ve changed my mind.” Mike stiffened against him, and Josh plunged ahead. “Ever since I met you, all I’ve wanted to do is take your cock. I want you to fuck me, Mike. Please.”

  Josh felt rather than heard Mike’s reaction. A deep, rumbling growl rose from somewhere in his chest, more vibration than actual noise. He didn’t ask Josh to turn around. He grabbed him again and flipped him over, shoving him against the sink. Josh braced one hand on the wall with such force, the mirror rattled. Mike draped himself over his back, and his reflection appeared next to Josh’s.

  Lips brushing against his ear, Mike looked him in the eye. “Forget everything you think you know about sex. I’m going to show you how it’s done.”

  Josh whimpered. “Please.”

  Mike slid his hand down the small of Josh’s back, between their bodies. For a second, Josh thought Mike was going for his ass, but then he heard the sharp, metallic click of Mike’s belt buckle coming undone. Shit. He hadn’t known that sound could be so erotic.

  There was something he needed to ask, because any second now, he was going to be too far gone to think.

  “Do you have a condom?” Josh was almost breathing too hard to speak, but he got it out. He usually brought condoms with him, but he didn’t have pockets. His wallet and phone were in Monica’s bag. I am so never wearing these pants again.

  Mike blinked at him for a moment, and then the arousal haze cleared from his eyes. “Condoms.”

  “Yeah. I don’t have one on me.”

  Mike stepped back. The loss of his warmth was tragic. “Shit.”

  “What’s wrong?”

  “We can’t have sex.” Even as Mike said that, he moved closer again like he couldn’t handle the distance between them.

  “What? Why not?” Josh whirled around. A pang of rejection resonated through him from head to toe before settling in his stomach. “We’ve already had sex, remember?”

  Mike shook his head. “I know, but that’s not the point.”

  “Whatever I did, please tell me.” To his chagrin, his voice cracked.

  Mike had him in his arms so fast, Josh didn’t realize what had happened until he was pressed up against a warm, hard chest. “It’s nothing you did, baby. Don’t think for a second I don’t want to be with you. This is all my fault.”

  Something about that pinged in the back of Josh’s mind. His heart fluttered in his chest, but he couldn’t identify why. He’d have to think about it later. “What’s your fault?”

  “We can’t have sex until after we get tested. Our two weeks aren’t up yet.”

  Josh sucked in a breath, understanding washing over him, cold and stark. “Since we don’t know if either of us is positive . . .”

  Mike’s mouth twitched. “Let’s be real, we don’t know if I’m positive. You were negative before we filmed together, right?”

  “Well, yeah. I’d gotten tested right before, and it had been a while since I’d had sex with anyone.”

  “Then if I’m negative, you’re negative. But if I’m positive, and you didn’t get it from me the first time, then having sex now would be another shot at me infecting you. You’d have to wait three more weeks to get tested and start the whole mess over again.”

  “Oh.” Josh frowned. “Wow, yeah, I didn’t think of that.”

  “Trust me, I’m as disappointed as you are. I wish I’d remembered sooner, but I guess I got caught up in the moment.”

  “So, we can’t do anything?”

  “I’m afraid not. Any exchange of fluids would be a risk.” Mike cupped Josh’s face, brushing a thumb along his jawline. “We should go back to the club. Find your friends. Assuming you’re still in the mood to hang out. If not, I can take you home.”

  “No way, I want to finish our date. I do, uh, have a bit of a problem, though.”

  “What’s that?”

  Josh’s eyes dipped down to Mike’s groin. “See, you made the decision to wear jeans. A wise decision. Your erection isn’t that visible. In the dark, no one will notice, and you can just wait for it to subside. But in my case . . .” He gestured at his pants. The tight fabric might as well be transparent, his cock was so obvious. “I know this is a gay bar and all, but I don’t think anyone out there will appreciate me walking around like this.”

  Mike’s eyes latched on to Josh’s dick and stayed there. It was hard to tell, since his irises were so dark, but Josh thought he saw his pupils dilate. “You raise an excellent point.” Mike palmed Josh through his tight pants.

  Josh cried out and grabbed his shoulders, fighting the urge to rock up into his palm. “Mike, that’s not going to help me get soft anytime soon.”

  “I know. I have a better idea.” Mike’s wicked smile was back, and Josh’s dick pulsed at the sight. “It occurred to me, we shouldn’t do anything together. No swapping fluids, just in case. But that doesn’t mean we can’t still get off.”

  Josh was struggling to think while Mike’s hand was on him. “It doesn’t?”

  “Stay against the sink.” Mike stepped back, taking his wonderful, talented hand with him, and Josh almost whined. “Keep some space between us, and take your dick out.” Mike reached for his belt buckle again.

  What was about to happen finally clicked in Josh’s head. “Oh, I am so down for this.” He wriggled his tight pants down to his thighs—no underwear—and had his cock in hand in seconds. “But what if we get something on the floor or whatever? It’s safe?”

  “Yeah, someone would have to be barefoot with an open wound. But try not to make a mess anyway. It’s bad form.” Mike shuffled backward until his shoulders hit the tiled wall. He was only about two feet away, but to Josh, it felt like miles. Mike seemed to read his face. “I know it’s not ideal, but—” he unzipped his jeans and pulled his cock out “—I’m right here. With you. And for the record, this isn’t the first time I’ve touched myself while thinking about you. But I bet this time’s gonna be so much better.”

  Josh shivered and gave himself a squeeze. “Oh God. Tell me more.”

  Mike licked his palm and then stroked himself from head to base. “You got under my skin somehow. It was like an itch. After we filmed together, all I could think about was you. I tried to pass it off, pretend it was because I wasn’t allowed to have sex, and you were the last guy I fucked. I was wrong, though. The more I fantasized about you, the more I realized it was because I wanted you.”

  Josh’s breath hitched in his throat as he started stroking himself to the same rhythm as Mike. “What did you fantasize about?”

  “Fucking you, in every position you can think of, all over my apartment. I had you in the shower, in my kitchen, splayed over my dining room table while I pulled your hair and pounded into you.” Mike’s head fell back as a shiver worked through him. His hand started moving faster.

  An answering ripple of arousal swept through Josh. He sped up his movements, keeping time with Mike. He didn’t need to spit on his hand or anything. His cock was leaking pre-come freely. “That’s so fucking hot, I’m dripping.”

  Mike cracked an eye open and zeroed in on his cock. Josh pumped himself shamelessly. The expression on Mike’s face—like he wanted to devour him—made everything feel that much more intense. “Good, Josh. Just like that. Keep going.”

  Josh moaned. “Feels so good. I’m not gonna last.”

  “Me neither. I never could last all those times I fucked my own fist thinking about you. My favorite times were when I was in bed, and I pictured you there with me, on top of me, naked and sweaty. I thought about kissing bruises into your neck while you rode me, your thigh muscles flexing, your hole clenching around my cock because you still weren’t used to how big it is.”

  “Oh fuck, fuck.” Josh was suddenly right on the edge. He’d never been a size queen, but then, he used to only top. The image of riding Mike’s cock, taking it at his own pace, letting it fill him, was too much. “Mike, ah, I’m—I’m—”

  “You’re close?”

  Josh nodded, too far gone for words.

  “Me too.” Mike swallowed loud enough for Josh to hear it, breaths coming in pants. Mike’s hand was moving faster now, and with the last of his cognizance, Josh matched the rhythm. In a way, it was like Mike was fucking him by proxy, dictating how he was touched. “I’m right there too. I wanna see you come. You’re so sexy. I wish you could see yourself right now. With your lip caught between your teeth like that, light eyelashes over your beautiful eyes. They look black right now, you’re so turned on. I wanna turn you around and make you watch yourself come in the mirror.”

  Josh moaned, loud and needy, and hoped his message was clear. Don’t stop talking. Shit, please don’t stop.

  Mike must have understood somehow. “You’re so gorgeous, baby. So hot. Let me see you fall apart. When you do, I’m gonna come too. Seeing you come is going to wreck me.”

  Josh orgasmed so hard, his knees buckled. It was a good thing he’d braced himself against the sink, because that was the only thing holding him up as his climax swept through him, stealing the air from his lungs.

  He wasn’t sure what he shouted—some garbled mixture of vowels and Mike’s name—but a second later he heard an answering shout from Mike. He didn’t open his eyes, as much as he wanted to watch Mike come. He didn’t think he could open them. For what felt like a week, his muscles locked up with the vestiges of his orgasm. Only after the last shockwave had crested and fallen away was he able to move. His head hit the cool mirror behind him, and he went boneless.

  In all his years, he’d never had an orgasm like that, and he’d had a lot of orgasms. He had no idea how he was still on his feet. Magic, or something, because his muscles sure as hell weren’t working.

  “Holy shit,” he muttered, still in a daze. It felt like his heart was never going to stop pounding.

  “I agree.” Mike’s voice was nothing but a rough rasp, like morning stubble.

  Josh lifted his head—a Herculean effort—and looked blearily at Mike. One of his hands was flat against the tile wall like he’d been blown back. The other was still in the vicinity of his flagging erection. It seemed as though he’d caught his ejaculate in his hand. Josh inspected his own sticky fingers. To his surprise, he’d gotten most of his as well.

  When he could move again, he flopped over and washed his hands in the sink. Then he pulled up his pants, splashed some water on his face, and dried off with paper towels. He glanced in the mirror to see if he was in the vicinity of decency and caught Mike watching him.

  “Sorry for staring.” He smiled. “I’ve never heard you be so quiet.”

  “I think I used up my quota of being loud for the day.” Josh stepped aside and gestured at the sink. “You want a turn?”

  Mike nodded and came over. Josh moved enough to give him room but otherwise stayed close. When Mike had finished cleaning up, he tossed the used paper towels in the trash, turned to Josh, and kissed him.

  The kiss was magnetic, even without any heat behind it. Slow. Deep. Nothing but lips moving together. Josh couldn’t stop the small, wanting sigh that poured from him.

  Mike kissed him once more and pulled away. “I gotta go.”

  Josh’s head popped up. “What? No, you don’t.”

  “I really do, baby.”

  Josh nuzzled his neck. “No.”

  “I’m serious. I’m exhausted now. Besides, if I stay near you, we’re gonna be in here all night. Especially now that I have the fantasy of what we just did to replay over and over again. It’s a miracle no one’s knocked on the door yet.”

  “Let ’em.”

  Mike held Josh at arm’s length. “You wanna get kicked out of your favorite club?”

  Josh pressed his lips together into a thin line. “No.”

  “Exactly. Go find your friends and enjoy the rest of your night.”

  “Can I come over to your place tonight?”

  Mike echoed Josh’s earlier words. “Look me in the eye and tell me you could come to my house, where my bedroom is, and not have sex. Because we couldn’t control ourselves in public.”

  Josh frowned. “I guess you’re right.”

  “I don’t like it any more than you do, trust me. Now, I’m gonna go home and pine for you.” Mike placed a gentle, almost chaste kiss on his lips before moving over to his ear. “Three more days. Then you’re mine.”

  With that, he unlocked the door and slipped out into the dark club with only the brief crescendo of the music to mark his passage.

  Three more days, Josh repeated in his head. In three days, our two weeks will be up. We can get tested. We can be together. Whatever that means.

  What did it mean? When Mike had said, “Then you’re mine,” did he mean physically, or did he want something more?

  Josh felt reasonably confident that Mike was into more than just his body, but that didn’t mean he wanted to be boyfriends. But then, did Josh want to be boyfriends? He hadn’t known Mike that long. After what had gone down between them, there was a part of Josh that thought he could handle being fuck buddies if it meant he got to have sex that good. But his chest tightened at the thought of never getting to be more with Mike.

  He shook his head. They’d only hung out in person three times, and each time had been sexual in some way or another. If Josh was going to let himself develop feelings for Mike—real feelings that had nothing to do with his dick—he needed to spend some legitimate time with him.

  Not that the sex wasn’t legitimate. Because holy shit.

  Someone pounded on the door, and Josh almost jumped onto the ceiling like a cat. “Are you fucking done in there yet? You’ve been in there forever!”

  Shit. Josh spun around. One look in the mirror told him he was going to look like sex no matter what he did. Might as well face the music.

  He opened the door and walked out with a sheepish grin on his face. There was a line six people long, and all of them were glaring at him.

  “Sorry,” he called as he scooted past them. “Don’t eat the cocktail cherries they have up at the bar!”

  He found the table his friends had been at before, but only Monica and Darius were there. “Hey, guys.”

  “Don’t you ‘Hey, guys’ me,” Monica said. “Where were you this whole time? We were looking for you.”

  “Oh, you know, I was off with Mike. Talking.” He schooled his expression into a look of neutrality.

  One of Monica’s thick eyebrows arched up. “‘Talking,’ huh? Translation: you were getting it on with the hot ginger.”

  “You think he’s hot?” Josh asked. “You never think the guys I like are hot.”

  “Wow, you didn’t even try to deny it. Where is he anyway?”

  Josh sighed. “He had to go. Where’s everyone else?”

  Darius rolled a shoulder. “Ashley’s outside having a smoke. Chris is getting us some ill-advised shots. A.J. went trolling for chicks half an hour ago and somehow ended up in an all-male conga line. He’s now shirtless and dancing on that platform.” Darius pointed to one of the stands where the club’s dancers gyrated for tips.

  Josh’s jaw dropped when he spotted A.J. booty-dancing in his underwear with two other dudes. And looking happy to do it too. “Are we . . . sure he’s straight?”

  “Don’t you stereotype him. Straight men can be comfortable with their sexuality too.”

  “Fair eno
ugh.” Josh’s beer was still on the table where he’d left it, but he didn’t reach for it. In fact, he discovered he wasn’t interested in drinking at all. He kinda wanted to go home.

  “Don’t even think about it.”

  He blinked at Monica. “What?”

  “You had your ‘I wanna go home’ face on. No way. Not until you dish.”


  She looked heavenward and sighed. “About your new man, babe.”

  “I second that,” Darius said. “If he’s gonna join our little family, you should tell us more about him.”

  “I dunno if he’s going to do anything yet. We’ve only hung out a few times. We haven’t talked about what either of us wants yet. For all I know, he just wants something physical.”

  Monica gave him a pointed look. “Honey, nothing about tonight said ‘just physical.’ He made an effort to introduce himself to us even when you kept dragging him away, he made us laugh, and I saw you two dancing together. You were so absorbed in each other, it’s like the other people in the room ceased to exist.”

  Josh’s face heated up. “You mean it?”

  “Big time. You two might not be anything right now, but I bet it won’t stay that way for long. Mark my words.” She nudged Darius. “Back me up here.”

  “She’s right. I was dancing near you at one point, and you didn’t so much as glance my way.” Darius grinned. “The moony look on your face was adorable. And Mike had his eyes on you the entire time he was here. I dunno if you noticed, but more than one guy tried to get his attention, totally in vain.”

  Josh hesitated. “That’s sweet. Really, it is.”

  “But?” Monica prompted.

  But as much as I like Mike, I don’t know how I feel about his job. Our job. If they started dating, there was no expectation whatsoever that Mike would quit porn and be monogamous with him. Josh wouldn’t ask him to either. Porn was his job. Josh wouldn’t ask anyone else to quit their job for him. He was going to have to do some soul-searching to decide how he felt about Mike sleeping with other people and the very real possibility that this might not be their last STI scare. Until he answered that, he couldn’t date Mike. It wouldn’t be fair to either of them.


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